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  • Oh really? well good thing I didn't trade it yet. But why not? I'm never going to use lopunny, why not give the non-redis poke to someone that might actually want to use it. I guess I'll have to release it then.
    GG. Unfortunately the sun weakened my first surf. Got to love a late game focus sash too.
    Why did you accept another battle? I got on wifi as quickly as I could and tried connecting to you multiple times, and you're too impatient to wait?
    Just confirming that I got the Lopunny from Ideath. Thanks for the giveaway and happy birthday ^^
    I am too late for the give away but stil want to gratulate you so congratulations
    I'm trying to fix my Wifi so i can get my lopunny, thanks :D that lopunny is very nice!
    No now "Frogrunner-This message has been deleted by Ryoku" is covering it
    Read the article then fill out the section on the last page for your bug, its fairly straightfoward. And you can delete vms you know :P
    Its the bug one, the endangered animal thing is due next week sometime
    Luck, and reading+underlining that one stream study sheet and filling in the info for the animal you were assigned in the stream study packet we got
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