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  • Whoo, my wi-fi is weird =w=
    But I'm done =D I'm available to trade when you are.
    I got a couple of trades to do really quick, but I'll let you know when I'm fully available =D
    Of course, don't mention it~! =D
    Thanks for participating in the raffle ^^
    If I can, may I PM you my FC when you are available to claim your Staryu?
    I'd love some LC EVing. =) Have you read through my EV-ing rules in my thread and agreed to them? ^^ In which case you can get started straight away by choosing how many you'd like to train and what for!
    Yea, I got it from him thanks, but I'm still a bit of ways before I make a trade thread. I'll have him in mind when I do open one though, as I told him on a pm.
    Yes ^^
    I actually made a typo, and put you under five instead of six.
    However, I wont go back on it now since I announced it, so you may still have the Staryu if you want? ^^
    yeah...that's the idea. ;) and in a pinch he can try a NP sweep with excellent Water/Normal coverage. ;) i KNEW i should have Leaf Storm'd to be sure of the kill on Mesprit...oh well. live and learn.
    I know they kinda suck =/ thats why I'm not too excited for the new generation. The legendaries are already starting to look like digimon/megaman or whatever and not like animals you'd find in the wild >.>
    no that kind of project xD
    you do have one of the male flawless smeargles that goes around dont you?
    Can you teach him swithceroo,encore, sky uppercut & fake out?
    if you can you can get 1 more poke from my thread;)
    wait i cant trade now XD
    can you trade tomorrow about this time?
    also would you be interested into a "Project" for another poke from my thread?
    i will take this as loppuny=female:P
    Excellent. Check my thread please :D
    actually i am only interested in lopunny i already have a nice ivd chimchar i can use for parent.. XD
    i am interested in both
    CMT please:)
    (Btw is Lopunny a boy or a girl?)
    Sorry it is useable but I just don't like 4th gen pokes. (the only 4 gen pkmn on my team is lucario but I'm soon switching it to my new gengar =D)
    nothing specific. i just want them to have at least 4 31's or 30's (Hidden Powers)
    and i would appreciate it if they have egg moves:)
    what do you have?
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