Eternal Spirit
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  • Hi, we're paired for RBY Cup. I'm GMT -4, best availability Weds and Thurs.
    Eternal Spirit
    Eternal Spirit
    Hi, thursday works around 11pm my time
    You're GMT -3 right? So that would be midnight my time? That should work.
    Wait actually I think I got that backwards. Can you do either an hour earlier or two hours later?
    adv cup, +2 can play weekdays 5pm-11pm or sunday evening this week.
    Bygone Days
    Bygone Days
    gsc cup I mean, sorry xD. Anyway my schedule should be pretty much the same.
    Olá querido, precisamos jogar pela RUGL. Podemos deixar nosso jogo pro Domingo em torno das 14-15 horas? No momento estou viajando, mas voltarei já na sexta feira.
    Eternal Spirit
    Eternal Spirit
    Olá, acho que domingo é ok, mas não nesse horário. Teria que ser de manhã ou no final da noite. Acho que entre 10 e 11 da manhã seriam os melhores horários.
    Ok! Mantemos nesse horário então. Pode ser as 10:30?
    yo, when wcop, I can play after thursday, after 6pm +2 in weekdays and any time on the week-end, tell me what's better for ya
    sry i dmed u on disc bc i saw no responses to other schedule attempts here, but ill write here, im -7 and p busy, lmk what works for you but weekends might be p hard, i’m honestly unsure abt my availability next week so just lmk and ill see if i can make it work, if not ill lyk what ive got
    Hi, when can we play for wcop? I should be available saturday from 5:00 PM and sunday almost all day GMT-4, if you can't there I should also be available the week after on same days
    hi we play for SS GC, i'm -4 and would like to play sometime wednesday thursday or sunday if u have any availabilities these days let me know
    Hi Gamma when do u wanna play for SM RU? -7, can not do Wednesday all day or Friday night outright. Other days depends
    Heyy, we're up in SS RU Cup. I'm GMT+00 and I'll have time Friday afternoon/evening, Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon. Does any of that work for you?
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