Recent content by Eternal Spirit

  1. Eternal Spirit

    RU RU Homefield Advantage - Round 1

    In as sub, ss
  2. Eternal Spirit

    Smogon Premier League XVI - Week 8

    Won gg
  3. Eternal Spirit

    Hello, can we play in 20 min?

    Hello, can we play in 20 min?
  4. Eternal Spirit

    Smogon Premier League XVI - Week 7 I won gg
  5. Eternal Spirit

    Hello, sure

    Hello, sure
  6. Eternal Spirit

    That time should work on sunday

    That time should work on sunday
  7. Eternal Spirit

    Hello, friday wont work, what times on sunday usually fit your schedule?

    Hello, friday wont work, what times on sunday usually fit your schedule?
  8. Eternal Spirit

    I work during weekend, thats kinda the earliest i can do

    I work during weekend, thats kinda the earliest i can do
  9. Eternal Spirit

    Hello! Sunday 7pm gmt-3?

    Hello! Sunday 7pm gmt-3?
  10. Eternal Spirit


  11. Eternal Spirit

    Hello, its my day off today, we could play later if you want. Tomorrow should be a bit hard :(

    Hello, its my day off today, we could play later if you want. Tomorrow should be a bit hard :(
  12. Eternal Spirit

    Smogon Premier League XVI - Week 4 I won gg, season saved
  13. Eternal Spirit


  14. Eternal Spirit

    Official Smogon Tournament XXI - Round 2-B (REPLAYS REQUIRED)

    memedose46 and I would like to have an extension to monday, 10am gmt-3
  15. Eternal Spirit

    Can we start please?

    Can we start please?