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  • Thanks for sending me Thundurus! A little late but finally I have some freetime to get connection. :3

    I'm working on a VGC team with it but my version has Tornadus, not Thundy!xP
    You're welcome! And that's pretty fitting, because in my next update, Tornadus will be added if you still need it! :)
    Hi, do you happen to need a Zygarde code?
    Hey! Thanks for offering, I could use one for sure if you have a spare!
    Hi, I'm having trouble getting your egg RNG program to work. It keeps coming up with an error and won't show any eggs. Do you know what's wrong? I'm using the windows version.
    Hi! I assume you mean 3DS RNG Tool, which is not my program (I simply wrote the article), but I could try helping you. I will need more information about the error you're getting, though... what's the error you're getting, and when exactly does it appear?
    Hey! Sorry to bug you. I wanted to thank you outside of your giveaway thread for the Ditto. You saved me the trouble of tracking one down throughout all my dum 3DS game collection. So thanks!
    Hey! Thanks for taking the time to write this, I'm glad I could help! :D
    Hi Eisenherz,

    I have a quick question to ask you. I was able to breed the desired IVs on one of Pokemon and I want to clone that Pokemon and have a few for later gameplay. Do you offer any cloning services? If not, do you know someone here on Smogon that does offer cloning services?
    I don't really offer cloning services in general, but I don't mind helping you out! When would you be available to do that? I'll be here for a couple of hours if you can do it now!
    Hi Eisenherz,

    I see your trade thread. I know it is a trade thread, please forgive me if it bothers you, but is it possible to request a Dragonite(or Dratini, Dragonair) with hidden abilities for breeding? I can return it back to you after I'm done. It's so hard to get one in UM.... I'm new to the game so maybe I do not have a great collection, but please tell me if I can offer something for it...
    i just wanted to ask if you are already Discharging the tree away ^^
    Well, I was in the middle of a long-ish streak when you wrote that, but I lost today, so I'll definitely consider giving this another go in one of my upcoming attempts!
    Thats nice to hear ( but dont feel pressured to do so :)
    While pondering more about that, i stuck with the idea of giving up HP Ice for Thunderbolt. Aside from Electric Immunities there are only very few instances where the HP outdamages Thunderbolt considerably (Exeggutor-A, Sceptile-M, Ampharos-M, Rotom-Mow). Golem, Rhyperior, Gliscor and Steelix have wanted their Sash/Sturdy removed and Torterra, Garchomp, Flygon,
    Gliscor and Landorus really enjoyed HP Ice, and aside from Chip damage on other Grounds thats it. On them you probably switch out anyways. So keeping Discharge and the vast number of double KOs seems like the stronger choice.
    Hey did my Naganadel come You did not post anything

    I am also ready to trade right now but it must be quick leaving for dinner soon
    I am EST and I should be ready at 5-6
    And also I received it thank you so much
    Sounds good, I'll be here around that time, you can PM me when you deposit something and this way I should see it very quickly.
    Hello Eisenherz. I am in need of 5iv dittos from different countries. FrenchGaudi recommended that I come to you. I am in need of a jolly, timid, bold, impish, modest adamant etc. I am going to do a lot of shiny swap breeding and I need good IV dittos. Thank you very much.
    Hi, I accidentally requested and got Tapu Lele twice, my bad, how can I return it?
    Hey, thanks for letting me know! I've deposited a lv 11 female Cutiefly on the GTS for it, if you could send it back this way it would be great!
    Tapu Koko Loko
    Tapu Koko Loko
    Sent! Sorry again for the incovenience.
    Saw that pic you did for facebook about usage stats, nice initiative! The smaller sprites at the bottom got a bit blurry though when they're enlarged like that, whenever I need a larger pic of a sprite I usually just zoom in on them, takes a screenshot, and then removes the larger sprite from that screenshot since the program will without fail make the sprite blurry if it tries to resize it by itself.
    That's a great idea, I'll do that in the future, thanks for the tip!
    Hey I did not want to post in the thread because I wanted to ask you personally

    would you accept more than 1 breedable for a legendary
    Hi! Sorry, but I'm very adamant about doing all of my breedables myself from scratch, so I wouldn't be interested in trading for any :/
    OK cause all my legend are RNG'd from someone else
    After doing the 8 egg method, would soft-resetting mess up the egg seed/status at all or do you need to save after you're done?
    Is it possible you're putting 1's as placeholders for IVs you don't know? Since the hidden power is determined by the IVs, you may get a different hidden power than that it says if 3DS RNG Tool thinks some of the IVs are 1's but are actually different.
    Mega Metal
    Mega Metal
    Ohh, I see. I'll try to check what the IVs really are then. Thank you for the help!
    No problem! The only part of the IVs that matters is whether they're odd or even. If you only have a couple of unknown IVs, you can try using some 2's instead and see if you can come up with the right hidden powers. But if you final goal is HP Fire, I wouldn't worry about what hidden power your parent has, only that it has as many IVs from the 31/0/31/30/31/30 spread (or more generally odd/even/odd/even/odd/even).
    Do you keep the sets of your VGC Giveaway thread somewhere? I accidentally lost the info on some of the mons you gave me that I had stored on in the Bank. Thank you.
    Tapu Koko Loko
    Tapu Koko Loko
    Thanks, but it was the items I have trouble pinning down (Z-crystals vs Life Orb, 50% berries vs sitrus)
    Ahhh, I see! Salamence had Assault Vest, Gastrodon had Maranga Berry, Braviary had Fightinium Z (or Adrenaline Orb), Krookodile had a Sitrus Berry and Magnezone had the Electrium Z (or Air Balloon).
    Tapu Koko Loko
    Tapu Koko Loko
    Any tips for retaining sanity while doing the 127 magikarp? Me and a friend have been alternating at 10 egg intervals.I've been going since yesterday and I've messed up at 1,3,19,27, and 65 so far. The mental games are way harder than the physical aspect of it. How long does it usually take? My guess would be about 3 1/2-4 hours of focused work.
    Like would I have to redo breeding the 8 eggs after I get the shiny charm(assuming I’d bred the 8 eggs before getting shiny charm)?
    Wow, you were taking pictures of each of them?? That sounds extra tedious (but smart haha)!
    It shouldn't matter if you don't have the shiny charm and obtain it later, the only thing you need to ensure is that the "Shiny Charm" box is checked or unchecked accordingly.
    Yea it really only adds about 5-10 secs to each egg, but I feel it’s worth it because you can markup the pics to tell yourself you think you messed up here. I’ll probably keep sun for just breeding egg moves and stuff on the go, and get shinies and stuff on um. But that may take a while as I got the game on release day and I’ve just reached the Pokémon center on route 2 lol
    Hi Eisenherz. First of all, I wanted to thank you again for the incredible work you do for the community. I was taking a look at your Eisen's Battle-Ready Frenzy thread and I am interested in the HA 6iv dratini. Would it be possible? I have done my first round ever of competitive breeding last month with Dratinis and I was able to get 3 6ivs and even one shiny 5ivs, but sadly they have a different ability...
    Hi again, I just left a female Cutiefly level 15 asking for a Dratini level 1-10. Don't worry about the Drampa, you have already done too much for me :-) Thank you so so much
    The Dratini is sent, enjoy! :)
    Perfect!!! Thanks again!
    Haven't been on for a while. How you been?
    Welcome back! I've been pretty good, how about you?
    can't complain. I won't be on to often but if you every need anything feel free to ask and I'll see what I can do.
    Awesome, thanks a lot! :)
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