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  • By calendar month on your giveaways, do you mean if I post a trade on Mar.17.2017, I have to wait until April.17.2017 or can I request another trade on April.1.2017?
    It's reset at the start of every month, so in your example, another could be requested on April 1st! :)
    Thank you for the clarification :)
    Hi, I have a question for you about the Beldum that you want, I traded for one in a heavy ball on the GTS, and as it turns out, as of Gen7, Pokeballs breed down from Genderless Pokemon, so I have bred some now and I am wondering if you want one of the ones I have bred? or only wild caught? They have a Jolly nature too!
    Hey! I wouldn't mind a bred one, but only if I can know for certain that the original parent wasn't hacked. Since it came from the GTS, I have to assume it was probably hacked, so I wouldn't be interested in these. Thanks for offering though!
    Okay, good to know, I'll probably keep trying for a wild caught one, however that make take me a while...
    Best of luck if you do decide to go for it!
    Hey there. I accidentally had one of your mons from your GA cloned, and I remembered after what you said. I have released the clone and the cloner who cloned it deleted the copy of it, but I just wanted to let you know and apilogize for breaking that clause
    Hey, thanks for telling me and deleting the clone. This is upsetting, because the cloner had to be the one noticing my OT and knowing my redistribution policy to know you were breaking it, otherwise it would have gone unnoticed. It is 100% your responsibility to know what you are allowed to clone, you should have verified before doing any sort of deal, let alone ask for the cloning. I hope you understand that it's hard to tell how accidental it really was.
    Make sure you are aware of all of your Pokémon's redistribution policies in the future before making any deal, because if any other such accidents happen, you will be added to blacklist of this forum.
    Yeah, sorry about that. It won't happen again
    Yo, just encountered a random Shiny Beldum. I'm only gonna risk one Heavy Ball on it then I'm spamming other balls. Don't wanna lose all the heavy balls since I don't wanna SR out of this.
    Thanks. Sorry to have bothered you again BTW. Just needed to check the sources that say its possible. I think there's enough proof to support it now. Gonna get a Beastball one first though. You want one?
    No worries, you haven't bothered me! Not interested in a beast ball one though, thanks!
    K and k. Peace
    Hey Eisen Any chance you can clone something for me later (a shiny Silvally I got on the GTS, has been Hyper Trained)? If so you can keep a few copies too (hence the specifying Hyper Training).
    As soon as I put up a pokemon asking for a Mimikyu it gets traded right away. I dont think it's going to work.
    Do we have each other's FCs added already?
    Hey! I was wondering if it's possible to ask for more than one ditto if you've already given me one. And anyway, thanks for the giveaway thread!
    I have a Alolan Raichu in a cherish ball which I got from an event in Japan. I was just wondering what it's worth and if you are interested in it.
    Well I think I found out what happened. The moves changed are going in order of level up and then I noticed, they randomly leveled up in the spa and PC. So that's a thing.
    The question is why did the move change in battle, especially if it was the spa. And the Lele is stumping me but it's an easy fix.
    Yeah, I truly have no idea, it may be a glitch.
    Probably. Just thought you may wanna know that I figured it out. Be careful using the spa island. Seems a bit broken ATM.
    Hey dude i have that togekiss you are after with appropriate proof
    I really like gale of darkness^^ its the guy that wants to trade you for that elekid, I'm just like ahahahaahahahaha no
    Hahaha, yeah. Well then, let me know when you have the info about the one with better IVs (is it Timid as well?). I have to go for now, so we can figure this out tomorrow, or whenever you are around next!
    It will probably be tomorrow when i get both the info and the opportunity to trade. It is timid too btw^^
    Hey! Just thought I'd respond here to coordinate the trade so I don't end up spamming vzxt lol. I'll be online in ~10 min (maybe just a bit less).
    Haha sounds good, I'll go on IRC so we can communicate easier :P
    I figured out the problem. I don't have X or Y so I'll have to wait for pokebank to open first before I ask for anything.
    Oh! I didn't realize you had written Battle Tree and not Maison! Yes, sadly I can't send it over before Pokébank comes out. This should happen within a week or so, though, so if you still want it then, I already have your Durant ready and nicknamed.
    Hey I've put back up the pikipek, I think it was gts glitched . its nicknamed JPNYCE lvl 7 male just fyi
    Buckert's Ditto GA is closed once again, I need a hug ;A;
    Hahaha, yes, it probably would have gotten sniped pretty quickly if I hadn't hurried! :P
    Since you are able to RNG Dittos on cartrage, mind giving me some pointers? There are a bunch a mons I really want to RNG but I just can't seem to get it right ;~;
    It really depends what part you are struggling with? I can definitely try helping you, but trying to explain entirely how to RNG would need a few pages of text from me :P The best place to start is the articles on here: http://www.smogon.com/ingame/rng/. These articles should help to guide you through the process, but I warn you that you will need a lot of patience! If I can help with something particular, let me know, I'll do my best.
    Alright, projects completed!
    I am able to make a trade whenever I'm awake this weekend. :P

    You can PM me or respond here whenever you're ready.
    oops, get*
    That would be fantastic! Thank you!
    I really appreciate that and the bottle caps. :)
    And all of the stuff you gave to me in the past.
    You helped me out with those Dittos so when Pokebank is out I will have an easier time with this.
    Ok, I'll just edit this to keep the posts down.
    Anyways, I completed Oricoro just now before I head out. I will probably finish the rest around noon PST and I will be able to trade it around 6-8pm PST or any time after that.
    This went by much faster than expected.
    Oh yeah, so I really wasn't looking to get a Male Clefairy by capture/breeding so I checked GTS until one popped up. They wanted a Type Null.

    So I traded my Toucannon I got from a wondertrade for a Cosmog for a Type Null. Which I then used for that Clerairy.

    Totally worth it. Saved me hours. Lmao.
    Male Clefairy? Was that for the Moonblast egg move? I thought you would want to use Whimsicott for that since it's easier to find, but maybe it's for something different that's escaping me now :P It's pretty crazy that someone wanted a Toucannon for his Cosmog lol, the GTS is a wild place. Glad it worked out!
    I think Whimscott is Sun exclusive, but I forget. Either way, I needed a male Clefairy for other stuff.

    I am done with everything except Jangmo-o. I am rarely getting Bulletproof and when I do it's a male. Lol.
    Let me know if you ever have any other projects.
    I think I am getting motivated to take a request thread.
    Ok cool I just got home.
    After I eat dinner and get situated I will give that list a better analysis.

    I should be able to do at least two of those things. I don't see why not all of them with enough elbow grease.
    In theory I should have access to this all, so let's see how it will play out in practice.
    Sounds good, just let me know which you will make, and what you would like in return! If you prefer, I could also give you some kind of credit for Pokémon I will add in the future.
    Oops meant to type that last part down here. Anyways, I can get started on Jangmo-o and Porygon tonight.
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