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  • Uhhh if you could get it cloned first then we can trade later today. ^_^ I actually have a final in piano lulz Find me later today and we can finish this up =)
    Nope that's fine. I RNGed that Heatran a couple months ago... lulz. Did you want to trade now? If you can't, I won't be able to for another two hours (got to leave for a college final in a couple minutes).
    Yeah, I thought you might whirlwing expecting the rapid spin so I just went for surf. And yeah haha, I was sure it would 2hko as well, like absolutely positive. Good ol' max-min damage comin' up clutch lol.
    It'll be quick! Can't promise I will be able to trade again for a few days when I get started with the remaining pokemon I have to RNG breed! =P
    Hiya- ^^ Shame about yesterday, I will try! I'm not home at the moment either but I'll see if you're around when I get back.=)
    i don't know what happened. I have had 4 other battles with no d/c today so i don't think it was my wifi
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