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  • I have Killerwhale's Yanmega that is Ev'd, I have Rayquasa the kips groudon and mewtwo?
    no i cant sorry and i would like a copy back of the zubat and hippowdon when we trade. Thanks a bunch!
    Ill try to get a cloner so check back tommarow. =)

    Could you put a pending on your thread just so i dont forget?
    Sorry for the wait but i have (♀) Miria's Zubat Lvl. 1 UT
    Ability: Inner Focus
    Nature: Jolly
    IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
    Moves: Quick Attack, Brave Bird, Leech Life, Whirlwind
    -Semi Redis-
    Redistributable Impish Dusknoir (or whatever form it is) and HP ice, timid Lucario. Btw, is the Lucario semi-redis or anything? If not, it's ok.
    Ok so which two do you want from my thread? :)
    I'm also going to clone each of these that you just EV'd.

    So bring four spare Pokemon into the wifi room :)
    Oh I'm back! :o
    Sorry I logged off a while ago...

    Ok I can pick them up now and yea, I can clone so I'll clone a copy of each one you EV'd and give it back to you! :-D

    Can we trade now?
    Um im intrested in the UT TRU Adamant Arceus if its legit and Newts latios
    Do these interest you im interested in some pokemons in your thread:

    ~~~Dragonite~~~ (Shiny)
    Nickname: None
    Effort Values: 6 Hit Points, 252 Attack, 252 Speed
    IVs: 30/31/30/8/16/31
    Nature: Adamant
    OT: Sparks
    Redis: Yes


    Impish Hippowdon
    Egg Move(s): Slack Off
    Moves: Earthquake|Ice Fang|Slack Off|Stealth Rock
    252 HP / 168 Def / 88 SpD
    OT: Lucas (Pokefreak12)
    Fully redistributable

    Thanks in advance. =)
    Oh they're done already? :D

    Ok well give them back to me and if they're EV'd properly you get two Pokemon from my thread! :-3

    (And sorry for the connectivity problems yesterday on wifi!)
    No one will ever dare to ev train a pokemon with AR especially in Smogon lol. So no ar was used.

    And your welcome, it is more convenience for you and other trade this way. Thank you for trade btw :)
    We could trade right now, and Nah I can breed my mamo since I have to breed a swinub for my LC team anyway. Just needed a good iv one.
    Ill guess we could do that. The ray and zap for the houndoom. IF so add my pearl and when can we trade? I have to go soon. I have classes for pharmacy
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