NOC Vote n' Veto NOC Mafia - Game Thread [Game Over - Town Win!]

Votecount 3.1: Apparently Today is a Legal Holiday for the USA

Votes (+)

Blazade (4): Psypsypsypsypsythe, Ehmcee, HydrogenHydregion
pulsar512b (2): Blazade
Psypsypsypsypsythe (1): pulsar512b

Vetoes (-)
Ehmcee (1): Ehmcee
Psypsypsypsypsythe (.5): Psypsypsypsypsythe
Blazade (.5): Blazade
pulsar512b (.5): pulsar512b
HydrogenHydregion (.5): HydrogenHydregion

Blazade: 3.5
pulsar512b: 1.5
Psypsypsypsypsythe: .5
Ok, I'm somehow not surprised to come back and see minimal activity since I've been gone. You know when you wake up in the morning and realize you should ask out this girl you know but you fret over it for like 3 hours before sending the text and it's been a half hour and still no response so you know you're just waiting an indefinite amount of time? Yeah, that's me right now. I also wanted to take advantage of the day off to get some DnD prepwork done so beyond this I'm happy to respond to people but if people aren't really gonna change their minds and treat it as de facto hammer I'm gonna respect my own time here.

On !order and why it should technically be pulsar first: without skip in the game there's no chance of super funny business at LYLO, and the nightkill matters a decent amount for tinfoil theories. But tbh I understand the desire to rush and get the scary vote out of the way because, given that there isn't any funny business it's difficult to get info off the nightkill since it's likely Hydro here and if it isn't that's a WIFOM play by scum, and anyone would want to cut 3 days of dead air if they could.

On tinfoiling about pulsar not being scum:

If it's Psy/Hydro I think I'm just willing to accept the L on that one, they've both been far from where my head is at and don't have interactions that make sense and they would have survived off of one of the most comical town performances I've ever seen.

Thinking back I actually should probably revise my list from earlier, Psy/Emcee is maybe more likely than Hydro/Emcee. Psy has suspected but never been willing to vote out Emcee, they've been split on wagons frequently, and are clearly good enough to coordinate. If this is it, they've been lucky that Celever and I have largely been wrong and aggressive about being wrong except in the case of Emcee which never gained traction. Hydro/Emcee is an interesting pair that again would have largely been coasting for the lack of substantive pressure those slots have received, but has less signs of active coordination. It's a hard shot to call, and one I would consider seriously if and only if Emcee was voted today and Hydro made it to LYLO.

In the imo likelier case that pulsar is scum:

"Neighbor chat is scum chat" Hydro/pulsar- Seems hard to fabricate stories about who is going to die tonight and be wrong about that and have that come across as believably as it does in the thread. The impression I'm getting is that neither of these players are good enough actors to pull that off. This is another revision of my earlier list that benefits from a night of sleep and a fresh perspective.

Emcee/pulsar-This is the straightforward reading of the thread from my perspective. Emcee was generally exhibiting a lot of scumtells in how his limited activity was being used, has consistently parked his vote on confirmed townslots, and defended pulsar to the point where voting skip wouldn't have been possibile without him. What's more, I think he's about the only person who could have orchestrated this push on me indirectly by coaching pulsar to inexplicably treat me as her buddy. It's a self centered read, but it's what I have to work with.

Psy/pulsar- This is a slight tinfoil based on a slight bit of evidence. Psy failed to veto skip, just as I failed to veto pulsar. If he really wanted her dead there she would be. He was first on her after catching her looking at the thread, and that would be a HELL of a ballsy move to orchestrate intentionally into what's probably a game winning bus. Especially if today we're pivoting into order concerns and blaming anyone who went off her wagon for where we are today. I haven't seen a psy scumgame but I do think this would be in his range, even if it's fucking insane. This would be the main advantage to a pulsar vote imo.

Vote Emcee if we're going to play it like this, then I think this is the best shot when taking overlap and expectation into account. I'll move back onto pulsar if others change, too.

- Psy:
Still generally spammy, but not overly so for now at least, I'm sad we couldn't have our interaction early on ;-;, pretty in line with most of their gameplan - going off with all caps

- Zippy:
They've been posting a lot, which I respect, still have a generally displeasant attitude imo, but it's on par with their previous town gameplay

- Skipperz

I think Skip is an interesting slot, because i think they don't have a lot of scumbud equity with both pulsar and AG, they tried pushing for a me/pulsar scumteam while AG pushed the idea that voting them out due to his role would be the best theoretical town play. tbh i find it somewhat unlikely he's scum currently, but if the other scum turns out not being either I'd see this as a possibility.

- Blazade:

Pretty in depth posts, liking how they're display themself, most towny neutral imo

- Celever:
Mostly good posts, including some discussion about self-vetoing not being super allignment indicative. I do kind of not like #138, saying they're 90% sure of a psy/zippy open wolf scheme is probably just false, and a weird thing to mention if they don't believe it. Keeping as Neutral for now, but maybe a bit more on the scummy side.

- Hydro:
A lot of their posts haven't really seemed to contribute much, very filler-like, somewhat threw shade on AG for not posting much of substance either, which is somewhat interesting. Seems like it could possibly be scum Hydro trying to not be super committal off rip.

- pulsar:
Not a ton to go off of, she disrespected my pfp tho...

Iffy on / Scumlean:

- Aura Guardian:

Voting me on #60 for the clear jokey morally neutral vote felt somewhat confrontational off the bat, I think he correctly identified that a Mylo scenario would probably be happening after 2 myslynches, and that in theory voting off the self-defense voter would be the best for town, but this also reads like a possible maf trying to get town on board to remove a townie. Being scum AGAIN would also be funny

Vote Aura Guardian

can see myself moving off tho
not a great readlist given mc ends up on zippy by eod, has pulsar in the easy null section, and was super wrong about aura
Ok here's how I'm feeling.


Psy is a gut town read who at points I feel has asked the right questions and is looking to get useful reads from people

Celever is essentially unreadable day 1 because he's good enough at writing and arguing either way (I still have ptsd from that last game where the rest of town dropped off the face of the earth and you 1v1ed me for kicks, this being why I sat out the last few games) but as town he's productive and as scum he plays with intention and a plan for multiple cycles from now.

Zippy I'm higher on based on recent dialogue. For instance, I think it's fair to point out that I didn't have opinions about everyone when I posted (I'm not exactly going to make up opinions I don't have though), and not a scummy way to bring that up, interrogating others about their own contradictions rather than try to push for a mislynch.

AG I generally expect better from, and this is moving from null to null-scum off of essentially gut, thinking town AG would be a bit more proactive.


I still think skip's behavior is the most scummy of the inactives, just flagrantly self defensive but if Celever says it's NAI it gives me a bit of pause.

pulsar really hasn't contributed much since that first post and is next most likely scum on the list imo but she's living that grad school life which as mentioned I relate to.

Emcee's recent scumgame (idr which) was not something I called while I was reading it so I'm wary but haven't found red flags yet.

Hydro I just got nothing. A bit of dialogue I'd have to read back again to remember.

Tentatively I'll +vote skipper here
sigh another readlist idk
The zippy switch is prob the worst thing i did this game outside of activity, kind of compromised the vote I believed in for a vote competant players were pushing
have only got the chance now to reply to this

AG does seem to be playing like he did when he was maf last time, but idk it might just be AG's general vibe too

Celever is just too good of a player for me to really read.

ehmcee is playing exactly how he did before when he was town

i would probably bet on ehmcee being town but other than that im really not sure, my guess for mafia is maybe skip and ag. i will note that last game skip acted similarly as town and got voted
okay yeah pulsars first reads post is her tring mc which in my mind confirms that her justification for tring him she gave today is something she pulled out of a hat and its either like a really open buddying play, pocketing, or simply just tmi. blazade not being in this post is worth nothing
Lmao Celever how could you not realize Zippy was talking about "Discord Mafia" the specific server he plays on instead of like, the entire population of discord mafia games as a whole, IDIOT?

Pulsar, what about Emcee's game is pinging town for you, he's not easy to read for me? What changed about AG's play since your first vote to move you from agreeing with him to feeling less good? How do you feel about Zippy now?
alert! alert! a blazade/pulsar interaction! im ngl it definitely feels stilted to me
as far as AG, just more info and more stuff happened i think? also i just generally feel more suspicious of him as hes kept talking. as far as emcee i don't think anything specific just the way he's contributing (not like Super Super strongly but not just sitting there doing nothing) was the same as in JOAT10. i think zippy is hard to read but i would guess towards him being mafia if skip isn't?
and pulsars response where she fleshes out her mc read
Vote Skipperz

somewhat saving my own ass, but if they turn out to be maf I think it might solve a few scumbud possibilities. I listed them as town earlier mainly because i thought AG was scum, but I'm not entirely sure if that's still the case. Obviously role-wise it kinda saves us later on too if they are maf.

I should be around at EoD
this isn't the vote that saves your ass rn, zippy is
idt zippy's maf tho
oh wait is the power wolfing zippy theory actually believable
k someone convince me on zippy
tbh, the game might be a bit more enjoyable

Vote Zippy
i dont really like this progression
alert! alert! a blazade/pulsar interaction! im ngl it definitely feels stilted to me

After the opening votes on her for what I felt was nothing of consequence, she didn't post at all in the thread for most of the day and I had thought she was scared off. To actually get answers to my questions about the possible contradictions/developments in her readslist I took a less confrontational tone here.

If I had wanted to coach her on how to develop those earlier reads to make a post of her own volition as scum, I would have done it in scum chat.
I think the zippy progression was kind of ass, initially definitely thought the way they were blazingly being annoying / talking shit was very in line with their town game (which it was), and I hadn't seen them have a scum game at all before. Celever somewhat convinced me away, saying they'd prob just do the same thing as scum, which I kind of ended up caving into.

Generally think i prob shouldve sticked to my gut (which ended up wrong ig)
Official Votecount Day 1 Finale

The final valid vote before deadline was #837.

Votes (+):
ZippyDoo200 (6): Psypsypsypsypsythe, Blazade, Ehmcee, Aura Guardian
Ehmcee (2): ZippyDoo200, Celever
Aura Guardian (2): skippergamez, HydrogenHydregion

Vetoes (-):
Aura Guardian (1.5): Psypsypsypsypsythe, Aura Guardian, Celever
Blazade (.5): Blazade
Ehmcee (1): Ehmcee
ZippyDoo200 (1): ZippyDoo200
skippergamez (.5): skippergamez
pulsar512b (.5): pulsar512b
HydrogenHydregion (.5): HydrogenHydregion

ZippyDoo200: 5
Ehmcee: 1
Aura Guardian: .5

With that, ZippyDoo200, Veto Mayor Uma Smith, has been removed from the company and removed from the game.


The next day cycle begins in about 24 hours:

Neighbors may begin to communicate. Those with night actions may send those in.
eod1 wagons totals. mc your eod is weird talk to me about it. blazade your eod is weird in a more subtle way
I do think Ehmcee had a legitimately terrible EoD but also I think Ehmcee is more wrong as town than maf (I genuinely think as maf he engages his brain more and have a feeling he’d agree lol)

this is one of those games where 2 scum on Zippy, or one scum on Zippy and one rogue, or 2 rogue, are the options. And I’m partial to either of the first two.

+VOTE Ehmcee is my current thought and feeling. I will say that AG kill could be mafia being hyper cautious, or it could be (likelier) that mafia legitimately didn’t feel like they had a safe killer. If we play that logic to its end it’s pure WIFOM though. Does AG take the optimal route and reduce PoE, or does he try to hero? AG’s playstyle is more inclined to target within PoE, which would mean this play makes sense if multiple players in the PoE are teaming together, but if they were afraid of heroing I think it particularly brings Blazade into the mix. He’s like, the perfect spot on the venn diagram for “safe killer” and “high prio target for hero tracker”
why is this post so in tune with the current dilemma