AG National Dex AG

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Pokemon server team,solved the problem of gu gai joint attack last time,and Because the server ditto mega rayquaza can dynamax , it is replaced by y。y can carry Choice Specs or Assault Vest。The former can break through and The latter can prevent ditto。
ok so basically all yveltal sets just are gone cause dynamax is basically gone from gen 9 ndag. choice band sets still exist, but rip special lorb yvel
ok so basically all yveltal sets just are gone cause dynamax is basically gone from gen 9 ndag. choice band sets still exist, but rip special lorb yvel
bulky yvel's still decent, and special offensive sets are also workable even if they hate dmax being gone, working like lo yvel in older gens
bulky yvel's still decent, and special offensive sets are also workable even if they hate dmax being gone, working like lo yvel in older gens

ye i just missing having a 192 base power max darkness and also there a bunch of things that miss Dynamax including scarf ogre which cant oneshot zac c anymore and shadowrex having a harder time dealing with marshadow, houndstone and other things that either have massively powerful priority or are just naturally faster (which are far flung between but also hi quark drive and protosynthesis) ShadowRex is also no longer able to effectively kill certain things that require Dynamax to exist. One more thing that is forced to run defensive sets or use its terrible other form is Necrozma Dusk Mane. It can't get up Dragon Dance, get a Weakness Policy boost, and stack SpD and Def boosts through Max Quake and Steelspike. sorry if this sounds like a rant cause it is
So nobody's talking about Tera Electric Balloon Shedinja? Once you get rid of hazards and the hazard setter, it's practically unbeatable unless you have an entire team dedicate to countering it.
ye i just missing having a 192 base power max darkness and also there a bunch of things that miss Dynamax including scarf ogre which cant oneshot zac c anymore and shadowrex having a harder time dealing with marshadow, houndstone and other things that either have massively powerful priority or are just naturally faster (which are far flung between but also hi quark drive and protosynthesis) ShadowRex is also no longer able to effectively kill certain things that require Dynamax to exist. One more thing that is forced to run defensive sets or use its terrible other form is Necrozma Dusk Mane. It can't get up Dragon Dance, get a Weakness Policy boost, and stack SpD and Def boosts through Max Quake and Steelspike. sorry if this sounds like a rant cause it is
i'd say caly's still going strong, between tera normal to tank sneak and ko marsh, to tera fairy to bop darks, it has some neat tools. as for scarf ogre vs. ndm, it can ko if healthy (a roll is rocks aren't up. yvel does hate dmax being gone though

So nobody's talking about Tera Electric Balloon Shedinja? Once you get rid of hazards and the hazard setter, it's practically unbeatable unless you have an entire team dedicate to countering it.
elec balloon shed is bad, not only is screwed by hazards but also by ndm and zygarde (stupidly common mons that are also pretty hard to kill) and zekrom, a very solid offensive mon. boots shed can be usable with some tera types though, as forcing a mon in while not caring about hazards can be really exploitable
i'd say caly's still going strong, between tera normal to tank sneak and ko marsh, to tera fairy to bop darks, it has some neat tools. as for scarf ogre vs. ndm, it can ko if healthy (a roll is rocks aren't up. yvel does hate dmax being gone though

elec balloon shed is bad, not only is screwed by hazards but also by ndm and zygarde (stupidly common mons that are also pretty hard to kill) and zekrom, a very solid offensive mon. boots shed can be usable with some tera types though, as forcing a mon in while not caring about hazards can be really exploitable

I get ndm and zekrom cuz of ability ignoring traits but how would Zygarde beat it? Doesn't Core Enforcer have to deal damage first?
I am new to smogon and can someone help me make a team on pokemon showdown
You don't wanna start on NDAG my friend. Lower tiers will be better for you. I would also recommend playing Random Battles to get more experience with sets before building your own team. Or, pick your favorite mon(s) and find their teir, and go to the forum area for that teir and get help there. Those people would help best.
You don't wanna start on NDAG my friend. Lower tiers will be better for you. I would also recommend playing Random Battles to get more experience with sets before building your own team. Or, pick your favorite mon(s) and find their teir, and go to the forum area for that teir and get help there. Those people would help best.
Not the answer to the question...
I am new to smogon and can someone help me make a team on pokemon showdown
You’d like to check this room on ps:
Also, I’d advise u to try to build alone and get more used with the Meta n stuff. Experience accumulated by one’s self is more valuable than what u will get with others help, imo. The room should be helpful tho.
It says that I have insuficient privileges there so I cannot write anything there :(

But all I am saying is that if the tier is called anything goes and is national dex then ALL mechanics including dynamax should be there

I was rly hyped to fight dynamax against tera and viceversa :(
Wait I tHought they said they'd implement dyna at some point?
reminder that there's an ndag thread for this gen and this one's for gen 8 ndag, idk why are people posting sv ndag things here
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