AG National Dex AG

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Is it me or mega rayquaza sucks. Maybe doesn't suck but much worse than it was last gen. The fact that it can't dynamax and gets blown out of the water by pretty much any other opponent that decides to dynamax, coupled with ditto being everywhere....
Mray is still a very scary wallbreaker. Also this is the galar vr but whatever.

Against ditto, ditto either has to risk going for dascent/vcreate or whatever you predict the switch to be and risk getting espeed at -1 def, or get locked into espeed against a ghost type or a physical wall. If the opponent dynamaxes against mray you force a dynamax which is beneficial most of the time and you can predict the dynamax if that's their only play. While it is certainly weaker than it was in say usum, not by that much as reflected in it's -s rank in the vr.

But this is coming from a guy who plays things like goth webs so take what you will.
Hello, this is my first time posting a VR nom, and I would like to nominate Volbeat and Mega Diancie.
UR → C
UR → C

Volbeat is, in my opinion, a decent Pokémon. At first you may look at its stats (65/73/55/47/75/85) and say that it’s garbage, but its saving grace is the ability Prankster. Using Prankster, Volbeat turns into a decent Baton Pass abuser with Tail Glow.

The fist of two Volbeat sets that I think are usable is the lead set:

Volbeat @ Focus sash
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Atk
Bold Nature
Ability: Prankster
- Tail Glow
- Double Team / Thunder Wave
- Substitute
- Baton Pass

The second set is only usable when pairing it with another Volbeat on the same team. If you are to do this, you want to use one with the lead set but with Thunder Wave over Tail Glow. The second Volbeat would then use this set:

Volbeat @ Heavy Duty Boots
252 HP / 152 Def / 104 SpD
IVs: 0 Atk
Bold Nature
Ability: Prankster
- Tail Glow
- Double Team
- Substitute
- Baton Pass

I gave this Volbeat 104 special defense EVs in order to live 1 Eternatus Flamethrower or Dynaxam Cannon from full health.

252 SpA Life Orb Eternatus Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 104 SpD Volbeat: 281-333 (84.1 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

The reasoning for having two Volbeats one one team is that the first one can paralyze the opponent and maybe pass some evasion boosts and a substitute. Then the second one can much more easily come in and set up 3x evasion, a sub, and 4x special attack, and then pass it to something such as scarf Calyrex-S or Mega Diancie. Speaking of Mega Diancie . . .

Mega Diancie is a much more specific Pokémon than Volbeat. The only real use that I can see it having is as a sweeping set in a baton pass team (hey it works well with Volbeat!).

Anyways, I used it on a team with Volbeat and M-Diance and had a lot of success with it. Before Diancie mega evolves it is bulkier, and is immune to sticky webs. Once it has Mega Evolved, it loses a most of its bulk and clear body, but gains lots of speed and special attack as well as Magic Bounce (so now its immune to Whirlwind and Roar).

Here is the set I think is best for M-Diancie:

Diancie-Mega @ Diancite
Ability: Magic Bounce
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Earth Power
- Stored Power
- Baton Pass

If M-Diancie has max boosts in special attack and evasion its Stored Power has 260 base power. Moonblast is great for KOing dark types and Earth Power is for steel types. You can always baton pass to something else with M-Diancie, so you don't have to commit to sweeping with it.

Here is the team I used for most of my time using Volbeat and Mega Diancie:
Do note that for the lead I used Illumise instead of Volbeat, but that doesn't change anything (Illumise is still just Volbeat but without Tail Glow).

Here are some replays (also note that for some of them I had Power Gem on M-Diancie, not realizing that there was little to no point of having it): (I got very lucky with para and baton passed early so I got lucky and played poorly but it is still a decent showcase) (I also got very lucky here but it shows how evasion is op and having it passed onto a sweeper is amazing)

All in all, while Volbeat and Mega Diance are not as good as many things on the vr, they are still both worth your consideration on a team and should not be underestimated.

EDIT (adding a replay that shows just how good Volbeat can be):
EDIT (fixed focus sash and HDB linking to people's pages)
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yo whats up ainz here. Time to team dump all my old teams for good :D



And that is it, these are the teams i would consider to be worth it to post and those i build/build with so i hope u guys find this somewhat usefull kek. and these teams might be outdated idk but i promised a team dump all the way back at the end of agpl so here it is :D
The Chaney set in your stall team has healer rather then natural cure, and healer only works in doubles
Hello everyone that follows me just to see what weird set I'll post next.

Today I've got for you something special. It's a Groudon, that effortlessly beats Zygarde and Mega Rayquaza. Yes, you heard that right, effortlessly.

+0 252 Atk Groudon Max Hailstorm (130 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Zygarde: 400-472 (95.2 - 112.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 Atk Groudon Max Hailstorm (130 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Rayquaza-Mega in Strong Winds: 316-372 (90 - 105.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
If you decide to opt for an adamant nature, these are guaranteed OHKOs regardless of Stealth Rock!

Does it require Life Orb? No! Why have your sweep ended by Life Orb recoil kill when you can just do this:
Groudon @ Pomeg Berry
Ability: Drought
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Precipice Blades
- Swords Dance
- Natural Gift
- Aerial Ace

You can even use it once after you dynamax! What's not to like?

Does it get the same KOes Life Orb does?
+2 252 Atk Groudon Max Hailstorm vs. 252 HP / 240+ Def Arceus-Ground: 404-476 (90.9 - 107.2%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 Atk Groudon Max Hailstorm vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Dynamax Yveltal: 656-774 (83.4 - 98.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 Atk Groudon Max Hailstorm vs. 248 HP / 208+ Def Ho-Oh: 127-150 (30.6 - 36.1%) -- 53.5% chance to 3HKO let's just ignore this!

Give it a try!!!!
What would groudon even use for an ice move cause it clearly says attack on this post yet groudon gets for an ice move is hp ice with runs off its special attack and is not even available in future games or formats other then national dex and old gens which may I remind you d-max doesn’t even exist in. (Expect for national dex which is off course the thread name)
Hello Smogon people, I’m pretty new to the AG scene and I wanted to see if I could get any tips. I’ve been using several teams that I’ve listed below in chronological order:
This team used lead deoxys speed with trick+scarf to punish and hazard setter leads+setup sweepers that go for the win Immediately. Deoxys would then set up its own hazards in return.
Xern is Z geomancy. I know that power herb is usually better but I really like the power that Z geo gives, plus it’s funny.
Power herb Nihilego with speed beast boost. This is so that after a meteor beam I could max ooze once or twice and become a fast dangerous menace.
DD primal Grou was just sort of there
Mega kang was there because I could flinch Calyrex in base then go for sucker punch in mega and take a kill, plus I quite liked using it.
Standard focus sash nasty plot calyrex shadow, traded substitute for more coverage, but got eaten alive by a marshadow if sash wasn’t in play.

I used this one around the 1000s, and I had a lot of fun using it. It’s absolutely horrible, just a bunch of good Pokémon cobbled together with a bunch of bad ones, but that’s most of my teams, which is why I’m making this.

This lead was much more dynamic, with no specific mon that would always go out first. I tended to lead blaziken to try and go for the win right away, using protect+SD+speed boost to become a menace very quickly. Sash ensured that I would always live 2 hits(protect) and blaze kick+CC is dual stab and hits most things quite well especially after an SD. Lando walls it pretty hard but I just wouldn’t lead with it if I saw lando.
Everything else is quite self explanatory. 4a zacian for more coverage, bulky killer lunala, another sash setup in volcorona, yeah yeah you get it. This is probably even worse than my first to be honest.

3. and

I don’t know why I made these, I think I wanted to make a UU team that I’d use in AG for the funny but gave up halfway through. It has specs boomburst noivern. I chose it over swellow because I valued its coverage.
Gale wings itemless talonflame because I thought the idea of constant +1 priority flying moves was nice. Brave bird was cool but was only +1 once. This guy was my maxer. I’d max this thing and airstream for speed to lure zacian, then flare to kill it. For some reason this actually worked.
Bright powder tornadus. Pure utility. That’s it. prankster defog and tailwind was cool and allowed me to play the speed game using my breloom, u turn for pivot and knock off because it’s knock off.
Breloom, aka bitch. This thing is a standard sub seed breloom, but with speed investment so it outspeeds things under tailwind. If I ever wanted to play stall for a bit I’d do this and sleep several mons, but overall wasn’t that good outside of tailwind because it’s slow as hell.
Calyrex shadow is here in some vain attempt to make this team actually good.
Dragapult counters both calyrex shadow and marshadow with sucker punch. If my opponent brings in Rex I sucker because most I faced didn’t run sub for some reason. They either die or go down to sash. Either way great I sucker again.
Zacian is on the second team because I finally realised Noivern bad. Took me several games, I don’t know how it took me that long.

Now we get into 2 teams which I don’t consider complete and utter rubbish, though I’m sure you’ll all disagree.

4. and

Koko and eleki were a duo. Koko sets terrain and volts to Eleki, who would then delete any non ground type with STAB specs transitioner terrain boosted rising voltage. speed is there because Eleki outspeeds everything at base, and I figured that most of the time I don’t actually need 252 speed or anything even close. I ended up dumping these two because I realised that one singular lando T on any opposing team was super annoying, so I replaced them. Calyrex is Zrp200’s set which I just yoinked. It was super cool and I liked it a lot so I just kind of grabbed it and said ”I’m using this”

Marshadow has pursuit for calyrex shadow, deletes it if it tries to switch, and even sash versions can’t come in again because they fear it. Expert belt helps bluff band.

Mega ray is Zrp200’s set(again) same story with calyrex set.
Pdon is Anizchad’s set. Same story.

Pherm is just there as a supporting character. Any dragon that tries to switch in just gets fucking deleted by axel, and it beats zacian 1v1 if sash is in play. Usually beats calyrex shadow if the same cons are there, but there’s a chance to fail.
Arceus water is a standard smogon set, but I switched calm mind for defog. Never found myself clicking calm mind so I just changed it.

I‘ve been considering A:changing bulk up to CC on marshadow and B:Changing arceus water to arceus steel. Can someone tell me what they think of these changes and just give me some general critique on my teams? I very much need it. Thanks in advance! <3
What would groudon even use for an ice move cause it clearly says attack on this post yet groudon gets for an ice move is hp ice with runs off its special attack and is not even available in future games or formats other then national dex and old gens which may I remind you d-max doesn’t even exist in. (Expect for national dex which is off course the thread name)
a bit late but it's bolded on the post, the move is natural gift
Sample Update!

We have heard your requests and the samples are finally being updated after a long while. Unfortunately, ever since Sword and Shield AG replaced National Dex AG as the current generation, a bulk of time, effort, attention, and tournament play has been diverted from this tier — our apologies for the delay on this revision. There is also a VR update looming on the horizon, so keep your eyes out for that!

Deo-S Lead Hyper Offense by Kate and WSun1
Double CM Balance by lotiasite
Ditto + LO Yveltal + Perish Arc Balance by Kate
Zacian-C + TSpikes Etern Balance by WSun1
Shuca TSpikes Etern + CM Steel Balance by Kate
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Sample Update!

We have heard your requests and the samples are finally being updated after a long while. Unfortunately, ever since Sword and Shield AG replaced National Dex AG as the current generation, a bulk of time, effort, attention, and tournament play has been diverted from this tier — our apologies for the delay on this revision. There is also a VR update looming on the horizon, so keep your eyes out for that!

Deo-S Lead Hyper Offense by Kate and WSun1
Double CM Balance by lotiasite
Ditto + LO Yveltal + Perish Arc Balance by Kate
Zacian-C + TSpikes Etern Balance by WSun1
Shuca TSpikes Etern + CM Steel Balance by Kate
Sample Update!

We have heard your requests and the samples are finally being updated after a long while. Unfortunately, ever since Sword and Shield AG replaced National Dex AG as the current generation, a bulk of time, effort, attention, and tournament play has been diverted from this tier — our apologies for the delay on this revision. There is also a VR update looming on the horizon, so keep your eyes out for that!

Deo-S Lead Hyper Offense by Kate and WSun1
Double CM Balance by lotiasite
Ditto + LO Yveltal + Perish Arc Balance by Kate
Zacian-C + TSpikes Etern Balance by WSun1
Shuca TSpikes Etern + CM Steel Balance by Kate
Is attack Deoxys better at using stealth rock and taunt than it is at using offensive moves? If yes, why?
Either set is outclassed by better choices. But you could say that the former is less terrible than the latter. Deoxys-A is heavily outclassed by Deoxys-S for using Stealth Rock and Taunt, as it's faster and the extra speed and bulk helps in more situations than the firepower suicide Deo-A offers. It also can fit Spikes and getting a faster Taunt to prevent hazards makes it better as a suicide lead.

Offensive Deoxys-S *might* be even worse as there are more hard walls and presence of similar breakers which aren't a one time nuke and aren't entirely glass cannon. Firstly, it needs Life Orb to be able to 2HKO SpD Yveltal and cause any serious damage. It's bulk is horrible and it's extremely weak to priority which are not uncommon. Compared to this Calyrex-Shadow has the same speed, nearly same firepower but it also has a spammable STAB move and immunity to Extreme Speed. Not to mention the other utilities it has in Choice Scarf and many other gimmicks, Calyrex-S honestly makes offensive Deoxys-A pale in comparison.

tl;dr you could say that both are bad and outclassed but hazard setter is slightly better.
I think this is best team for ndag
Life orb:Holder's attacks do 1.3x damage, and it loses 1/10 its max HP after the attack.
Yveltal is best choice to start. It's super special offensive attacks make team best.
Oblivion WingFlyingSpecialPower
16User recovers 75% of the damage dealt.
32Target can't use status moves its next 3 turns.
Dark PulseDarkSpecialPower
2420% chance to make the target flinch.
Sucker PunchDarkPhysicalPower
8Usually goes first. Fails if target is not attacking.
Oblivion wing used to restore hp,Dark pulse is common and power is increased to 108 and sucker punch is used to defeat pokemons,when hp was less.starting pokemons will use stealth rocks and any other, to stop it has taunt.

Rusted Sword:If held by a Zacian, this item changes its forme to Crowned Sword.It's physical offensive attacks make team best.
Behemoth BladeSteelPhysicalPower
8Damage doubles if the target is Dynamaxed
Wild ChargeElectricPhysicalPower
24Has 1/4 recoil.
Play RoughFairyPhysicalPower
1610% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1.
Close CombatFightingPhysicalPower
8Lowers the user's Defense and Sp. Def by 1.
Behemoth blade is strong,common,power will increases when pokemons are D-max.
Wild is used to kill Ditto(Ho-oh),target Ho-oh and Ditto(Yveltal),target Yveltal.
Play rough is common.
Close combat is common,strong and used to kill chansey etc.

Example battle:

Heavy-Duty Boots:When switching in, the holder is unaffected by hazards on its side of the field.It's super special defense makes team best.
Sacred FireFirePhysicalPower
850% chance to burn the target. Thaws user.
16Badly poisons the target. Poison types can't miss
16Heals 50% HP. Flying-type removed 'til turn ends.
24-1 evasion; clears terrain and hazards on both sides.
Scared fire is common,stong,used to burn and thaws out from frozen.
Toxic and Roost are combination moves used to kill and restores hp.
Defog is used to clear terrain and hazards on both sides and target to -1 evasion

Rocky Helmet:If holder is hit by a contact move, the attacker loses 1/6 of its max HP.
It's super defense makes team best.
Morning SunNormalStatusAccuracy
8Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount.
Stealth RockRockStatusAccuracy
32Hurts foes on switch-in. Factors Rock weakness.
Thunder WaveElectricStatusAccuracy
32Paralyzes the target.
Sunsteel StrikeSteelPhysicalPower
8Ignores the Abilities of other Pokemon.
Morning sun is used to restore hp when hp was less.stealth rock to stop switching and turn target's switch there loss hp.Thunder wave is used to paralyzes the target which gives advantage.The signature move 'Sunsteel Strike' is common,strong,ignores abilities.
Red Orb:If held by a Groudon, this item triggers its Primal Reversion in battle.This is helper to team.
Precipice BladesGroundPhysicalPower
16No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes.
Stone EdgeRockPhysicalPower
8High critical hit ratio.
Rock PolishRockStatusAccuracy
32Raises the user's Speed by 2.
16User sleeps 2 turns and restores HP and status.
Precipice Blades is very strong,Signature move.Stone edge is used to defeat pokemons like Ho-oh and stone edege has a higher critical hit ratio.Rock polish
is used to increase speed.Rest is used to increase hp to full and also to eliminate toxic or poison.

Splash plate:increases power to judgement
This pokemon is helps by making target badl or burns.
16Type varies based on the held Plate.
16Badly poisons the target. Poison types can't miss.
24Burns the target.
16Heals the user by 50% of its max HP
Judgement is increased to 120.Will-O-Wisp or Toxic and Recover are combination moves to kill by toxic or burn and restores hp by recover

This is team only win if you makes strategy by changing.Note:Everyone's team are winning by certain strategies like protecting or storing pokemons which can kill pokemons later.
I think this team may help you!

Thank you
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Calyrex-Ice @ Groundium Z
Ability: As One (Glastrier)
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Swords Dance
- Glacial Lance
- High Horsepower

hella underrated threat tbh, this thing eats so many defensive cores it's not even funny. sd+groundium lets it ohko ndm, which is pm many teams' only defensive check to this, and then it gets other 2-3 kills easily while tr is still active. insane bulk also lets it tank sunsteels like nothing. it's great at removing stuff like ndm to make way for zac and company to sweep without their biggest threat. try it out on ho, it won't disappoint you.

Calyrex-Ice @ Groundium Z
Ability: As One (Glastrier)
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Swords Dance
- Glacial Lance
- High Horsepower

hella underrated threat tbh, this thing eats so many defensive cores it's not even funny. sd+groundium lets it ohko ndm, which is pm many teams' only defensive check to this, and then it gets other 2-3 kills easily while tr is still active. insane bulk also lets it tank sunsteels like nothing. it's great at removing stuff like ndm to make way for zac and company to sweep without their biggest threat. try it out on ho, it won't disappoint you.

I like the concept that you've put forward, however I'm a bit confused as to how strong this actually is. The problem is that this requires 2 turns to set up, meaning that you only have 3? turns of trick room to do your thing, before it just kind of crumbles. And it likely will, as while this set KOs any marshadow aside from sash in one hit, it's more than possible for an endeavor sash marshadow to come in after a KO, endeavor when hit by lance, then shadow sneak the next turn. Then the little ghost can either stay in and endeavor/sneak whatever comes in next or switch out to a counter in order to come back later and endeavor another mon. Another drawback of this is that it's impossible to run both calyrex forms on the same team. Calyrex is(in my opinion) the best pokemon in NDAG. To paraphrase ZRP 200, Caly shadow is broken as hell due to it's sheer power and versatility. Without that you're losing a lot of power for a 3 room trick room that doesn't synergies well with the rest of the tier as in NDAG everything is fast as hell. With this set, not only do you lose your Calyrex slot, but also your Z-Move slot. Also, as an aside, If your set is predicted(to be honest it probably will be) then your opponent can switch to a ground resist/immunity and effectively waste your Z-move.

Also unfortunately this set does not tank sunsteels like nothing,

0 Atk Necrozma-Dusk-Mane Sunsteel Strike vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Calyrex-Ice: 224-266 (55.4 - 65.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

As a guaranteed 2HKO, if NDM switches in on the TR and sunsteels on the SD(because groundium won't KO otherwise) it'll be a quick kill under: Nec takes Z move, dies, marsh come in, Shadow sneaks, takes KO. The other option is Nec swaps out to Yveltal on groundium, wasting Z move. Yveltal sucker punches(you can't switch unless you're running a full TR team, but that's another issue in itself) you die.

0 Atk Dark Aura Yveltal Sucker Punch vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Calyrex-Ice: 180-212 (44.5 - 52.4%) -- 20.7% chance to 2HKO
Note:This is defensive without atk investment
Note:This would take place after a NDM sunsteel, so assuming that there aren't two min rolls in a row (a 0.00390625% chance by the way) so even with two min rolls it's still a KO.

Note:I tested Ho-Oh on this but caly ice kills it anyway at +2 so it doesn't matter

TLDR:Cool as hell, but wastes Calyrex and Z move slot, requires too long to set up and is easily killed.
I like the concept that you've put forward, however I'm a bit confused as to how strong this actually is. The problem is that this requires 2 turns to set up, meaning that you only have 3? turns of trick room to do your thing, before it just kind of crumbles. And it likely will, as while this set KOs any marshadow aside from sash in one hit, it's more than possible for an endeavor sash marshadow to come in after a KO, endeavor when hit by lance, then shadow sneak the next turn. Then the little ghost can either stay in and endeavor/sneak whatever comes in next or switch out to a counter in order to come back later and endeavor another mon. Another drawback of this is that it's impossible to run both calyrex forms on the same team. Calyrex is(in my opinion) the best pokemon in NDAG. To paraphrase ZRP 200, Caly shadow is broken as hell due to it's sheer power and versatility. Without that you're losing a lot of power for a 3 room trick room that doesn't synergies well with the rest of the tier as in NDAG everything is fast as hell. With this set, not only do you lose your Calyrex slot, but also your Z-Move slot. Also, as an aside, If your set is predicted(to be honest it probably will be) then your opponent can switch to a ground resist/immunity and effectively waste your Z-move.

Also unfortunately this set does not tank sunsteels like nothing,

0 Atk Necrozma-Dusk-Mane Sunsteel Strike vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Calyrex-Ice: 224-266 (55.4 - 65.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

As a guaranteed 2HKO, if NDM switches in on the TR and sunsteels on the SD(because groundium won't KO otherwise) it'll be a quick kill under: Nec takes Z move, dies, marsh come in, Shadow sneaks, takes KO. The other option is Nec swaps out to Yveltal on groundium, wasting Z move. Yveltal sucker punches(you can't switch unless you're running a full TR team, but that's another issue in itself) you die.

0 Atk Dark Aura Yveltal Sucker Punch vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Calyrex-Ice: 180-212 (44.5 - 52.4%) -- 20.7% chance to 2HKO
Note:This is defensive without atk investment
Note:This would take place after a NDM sunsteel, so assuming that there aren't two min rolls in a row (a 0.00390625% chance by the way) so even with two min rolls it's still a KO.

Note:I tested Ho-Oh on this but caly ice kills it anyway at +2 so it doesn't matter

TLDR:Cool as hell, but wastes Calyrex and Z move slot, requires too long to set up and is easily killed.
forst of all i gotta say i kinda overblew it when i said it was "a hella underrated threat", it's usable but not some undiscovered broken mon or anything. still better than mewtwo, get that garbage out of the vr lmao

anyway calyI isn't the most splashable mon for teams and i'd say only fits on some HO that don't really need calyS, which is alr rather specific, but there it's probs worth considering. since this is HO, sash stuff don't work consistently as you can just pressure the opponent to not get their defogger in for free. this means sash marsh sets have to rely on sneak koing instead of clicking endeavor.

going yvel to dodge the tectonic rage is a very risky play obv, and calyI is a very unused mon so the opponent might just check the calc, see +2 horsepower doesn't ohko and try to stay in. even if you get revenged you just got rid of necrozma, for zacian's rejoicing. alternatively ndm dmaxes, in which case no dmax for them+necrozma gets chip anyway.

it's not the best set or anything but it's a fun set that can get you alright results on some HO teams. also if the opponent doesn't have sneak marsh/sucker yvel be ready to lose multiple mons to it
forst of all i gotta say i kinda overblew it when i said it was "a hella underrated threat", it's usable but not some undiscovered broken mon or anything. still better than mewtwo, get that garbage out of the vr lmao

anyway calyI isn't the most splashable mon for teams and i'd say only fits on some HO that don't really need calyS, which is alr rather specific, but there it's probs worth considering. since this is HO, sash stuff don't work consistently as you can just pressure the opponent to not get their defogger in for free. this means sash marsh sets have to rely on sneak koing instead of clicking endeavor.

going yvel to dodge the tectonic rage is a very risky play obv, and calyI is a very unused mon so the opponent might just check the calc, see +2 horsepower doesn't ohko and try to stay in. even if you get revenged you just got rid of necrozma, for zacian's rejoicing. alternatively ndm dmaxes, in which case no dmax for them+necrozma gets chip anyway.

it's not the best set or anything but it's a fun set that can get you alright results on some HO teams. also if the opponent doesn't have sneak marsh/sucker yvel be ready to lose multiple mons to it

That's fair, I didn't account for rocks, which was my mistake. In that case marshadow isn't ever a counter as even banded boi only does about 60ish, which is simply not enough. I do agree that Yveltal switching in is a very risky play, however I do think that it is a play that can be made because caly ice is already very uncommon to begin with, so IMO it's possible to make that predict. It's absolutely super strong though and I do agree that if you don't have the appropriate counters then this thing can absolutely break a team.
alright time for some sets nobody asked for!


Yveltal @ Black Glasses
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Foul Play
- Sucker Punch
- Roost
- U-turn / Defog / Toxic

by giving black glasses to bulky foul play yvel you trade the ability to check some calyS as easily with rocks up for dealing with maby other threats easily. notably glasses foul play OHKOes +2 standard ekiller while no glasses variants fail to do so. you also get to chunk zacian quite hard, with foul play+sucker having a chance to outright ko zac from full with rocks up. you also get the guaranteed ohko on dd ndm sets while having a chance to ohko unec with sucker from full. sucker lets you threaten caly variants that 2HKO you/can ko you with a NP boost, sash aside. as for the last slot, it's kind of a wildcard slot depending on what your team has. oh yeah and the biggest reason to use this: edgy dark reaper bird with shades looks really fucking badass


Kyurem-Black @ Life Orb / Leftovers
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Icicle Spear
- Fusion Bolt
- Roost / Substitute

remove ndm, find a way to set up and gg. the first step can be done with something like assurance zac provided ndm isn't boots. the second one is trickier as ice is a crap defensive typing. generally baiting in bulky mons kyu forces out like zygod/support groundceus and doubling to kyurem should work. it's also an excellent anti-lead/anti-cheese as spear can ko smeargle/vivillon and even deos/drill depending on your roll through sash/sub (deos does get to set up rocks but you can just dd up and put the opponent in trouble). p good dmax abuser too with its perfect strong boltbeam coverage. haven't really tested out lefties/sub variants so i dunno whether it's better than lo/roost though.


Kyurem-White @ Leppa Berry
Ability: Turboblaze
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sheer Cold
- Roost
- Freeze-Dry
- Fusion Flare

as for the other kyurem forme, this thing started off as a meme on stall but it ended up being actually useful. sheer cold lets you have some offensive presence against bulky teams, exploiting passive walls like ho-oh/some support arcs/etc. to fire off sheer colds. the momentum miss that comes from sc misses doesn't matter because stall's always playing at 0 momentum anyway, while leppa berry lets you use more sheer colds per battle. kinda bad against offense but that's what its teammates are for.
hey i got a team that needs help if u guys can give tips it can help a lot!!! (i kinda new to the game)
or u can fix it and use it yourself :)
Ditto @ Leftovers
Ability: Imposter
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
IVs: 30 Atk
- Transform

Serperior @ Leftovers
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leaf Storm
- Aromatherapy
- Synthesis
- Dragon Pulse

Uxie @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Baton Pass
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Yawn

Gengar @ Gengarite
Ability: Cursed Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Destiny Bond
- Explosion
- Knock Off
- Pain Split

Magnezone @ Custap Berry
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Discharge
- Light Screen
- Thunder Wave
- Rest

Aegislash @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Destiny Bond
- King's Shield
- Air Slash
- Flash Cannon
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