SPOILERS! Legends: Arceus Playthrough Discussion

Im in the middle of the classic legendary hunt of every modern pokemon game and must say the hardest mon to find and catch in this game and maybe the whole series is
Cherubi, i have been hitting every single tree in the game because is a honey encounter in modern sinnoh like Burmy so it should be there and have found 0 so far, but somehow found two Cherrim, and i failed to catch both and not only that but it kicked my ass while trying to catch it, and one of the first requests in the game is to complete its dex entry
I found both cherubi and cherrim on my playthroughs;idk how rare it is but ive only seen 1 of each.
Stray thoughts about character ancestors

This is the climax, so watch out!

So Beni's definitely the Aaron ancestor (with...strangely no bug. How does he not have Scizor, at least? Mega Scizor is even a Ninja!) but...with the (somewhat inexplicable) ninja motif, his devotion to his master and the way his hair falls & grays, I wonder if he's meant to be an ancestor to the Shadow Triad as well?

Meanwhile, Kamado's battle uniform is...black Wikstrom. I don't mean "both wear armor, which will happen to be similar" I mean if you compare them side by side it is literally the same in every single detail except color. I wonder what you're supposed to read into THAT? Especially since Kamado from name to mannerisms to aesthetics to the fact he employs a ninja would point to...NOT...use a western knight's armor.
I think Beni is actually supposed to be related to

Wally. He has pretty much the exact same hairstyle (with hints of green) as ORAS Wally, and uses Gardevoir and Gallade.
ohhh that would make sense. I should get a better screenshot of him sometime

more climax stuff
Dialga's battle was fun. I had to restart because the "gotcha" attack at hte start just set me on a bad path, but a nice little battle all the same.
Origin Dialga looks WAYYYYYYYYY better in game and not just a static render lol. That may in fact be the WORST possible angle for it??? Like it always looked like it had this weird awkward lump in its throat but when you see it from the front its more like a frill. I mean it still on the throat but it balances it way better, and seeing it actually move its weird legs looks a lot more natural in the game.

They both read way more properly as "weird otherworldly/heavenly beings" and not "monstrosities that shouldn't be" lol. Fun fun fun, that journey will go down as quite the memory

Also, in general, I really liked the animation on both Palkia & Dialga in the cutscenes. They had really natural movements and mannerisms; it's a far cry from Zacian/Zamazenta rotating the model on an axis.

I was warned by a friend that the real ending of the game was the post game, and there were still lingering questions, but it's really funny just how many of those things are not answered at the climax.
I mean it's fine, just funny how that worked out.
I got the game a bit ago, and i’m still getting a hold of it, but its pretty fun.

gotta ask though, how do people change their burmy form? i’ve tried going in buildings for trash cloak but nothing happens.
This may be my favourite game now, the 'postgame' has been awesome
Dont open if you dont want spoilers
I really like writing in the finals arcs, everything after the final noble was pretty cool, some good plot twists, good and complete characters and some really good fights, Palkia/Dialga wasnt that hard, i got fucked a few times vs Dialga-Abomition as i took the initial blink attack and later didnt read the floor attack correctly, but my Samurott didnt had problems battling them.

Searching for the remaining plates was fun, but no idea why Vespiquen had the rock one when they could easly switch her plate with Kleavor's
Then comes the Volo battle, maybe the hardest battle in any Pokemon game to date, didnt use items
Samurott took down Spiritomp and somehow Lucario couldnt ohko it with cc, but still switched out losing too much health would be dangerous. Zoroark took dawn Lucario in one hit but then his Arcanine defeated him with Strong Style Crunch, from there Samurott took everyone down until Togekiss who got to act first, then Electrode got two turns in a row and won easly.
Then comes the reveal he has 7 mons, and without Samurott the lead becomes Wyrdeer who couldnt deal much damage but tanked a lot, Electrode Paralyzed Giratina before fainting and Arcanine took it down with Play Rough, and now the happy ending but oh shit this is an actual videogame and the final boss has another form. And it has Earth Power because fuck me, Arcanine gets 2hko without dealing anything back because Giratina gets an evasion boots from its signature move now. Goodra completes its character arc defeating Volo and Giratina, no one can call it the weakest dragon anymore.
giratina extermination team.jpg

Gotta complete the dex now and face Arceus.
I'm not really sure where the best place to post this as it's not research per se, but I've noticed while playing that Fairy Wind and Air Slash will sometimes influence turn order, despite nothing about these move's descriptions indicating as such. Looking at the move data, I believe this is because of the TargetActionSpeedMod, which sounds like how much the target of the move's turn will be delayed by. Most moves don't have any value here, but among those that do are Bulldoze (whose ingame description says as much), the aforementioned Fairy Wind and Air Slash, and more generally, moves that previously flinched or lowered speed (and uh...Fairy Wind, Crush Grip, and Triple Arrows?). Not sure why the game almost always fails to mention this?
Not the first time the games have failed to mention important aspects of their mechanics (Water Bubble).

There's definitely a lot to unpack about the game's battle mechanics (including stuff the game doesn't tell you). Kinda fun but frustrating, IMO.
You both think that it looks significantly better than SwSh? (and you're not alone, it appears)

I played a little bit yesterday and I still have to admit that it still feels off to me. Maybe it's just my eyes or my sight not adapted well to the improvements. I'll see if it is just a "getting used to it" prejudice.

Happier to be wrong than right on this one then, I guess. If it is objectively better, it is better for everyone and a step forward (despite how many, many behind they were on this front).
I played a little bit yesterday and I still have to admit that it still feels off to me. Maybe it's just my eyes or my sight not adapted well to the improvements. I'll see if it is just a "getting used to it" prejudice.
Well it's a objective take.

They don't say it looks "good", they said it looks "better", and if as I assume they are mostly referring to the wild area section, I am inclined to agree.

It's still very rough don't get us wrong, but the quality of textures and animations is much better than whatever the atrocity they did in the wild area was, and FPS is very stable compared to the wild area having awful dips in more crowded places (without even mentioning the disaster that happens if you dare to turn on wi-fi).
The attention to details is also pretty notable, see some fancy things like the NPC pokemon above, or pokemon not just "existing in a vacuum" like the wild ones in SwSh but actually behaving according to their personality while also casually attempting to murder the player

We're still nowhere close to what you'd expect by a 60€ AAA release in 2022 eh... but hey, considering how poor the standard of the last couple entries were, I suppose everyone is glad that they are showing some signs of improvement.
Last night I noticed I had an outbreak of goomys in the boglands, so I decided to hold onto hope to see what would happen. And what would luck have it, there was a Shiny among them! After 2 failed attempts (i saved before hand) I finally nabbed it!. High on my good fortune, i strolled around a bit before i heard the same shiny noise again, and not even 5 minutes after i had found the goomy there was a full odds Shiny Golbat just flapping along!. I managed to capture that one as well, but ill be holding on evolving it til after tha main campaign...I was at least 40 levels higher than it after all!

So now my team is: Decidueye/Alpha Kleavor/Shiny Goodra/Ursaluna/Wyrdeer/Overqwil
Coming out of a distortion reminds me, a tip for anyone who is into at least getting the pokedex entries: if you wind up in a distortion and grab a Shieldon and it wasn't the one that flips the weight task, catch one more.
If you don't get two, or dont get one that hits the weight task, you cannot get the dex entry. There's only 4 things Shieldon can do for tasks: Catch, Weight, Ancient Power (TWENTY FIVE TIMES yes i grinded this out) and Evolve. And unfortunately Ancient Power is not a "double" task, so if you're like me you're stuck at 9. It's one of the only ones like this (the porygons, for another distortion example, have a variety of options without even touching evolution and only getting one each), i was very lucky the distortion that spawned decided to be kind with Sheildons.

Also thankfully it was kind with Eevees. I have not seen a single one in the wild outside of the one I caught like 20 hours ago so I was grateful for the small boost. Unfortunately I only have 5 of the damn things, plus a Sylveon I caught. Hopefully another distortion will spawn while I'm out & about so I can get another eeveelution and another eevee.

honestly pokemon availability sucks in this game. Rare pokemon have ALWAYS been pains but here in particular it's just dreadful; distortions are a complete crapshoot you have no say in (having the damn space time dragons should do something about this................) but even beyond that you have rare spawns that are just....ridiculous. It takes forever for a Pokemon to despawn (or capture/KO) and then even longer for htem to spawn in again if at all; and god forbid something needs to be at a different weather or time of day.
I have seen one Pichu. Period. It's ridiculous. I spent, a LONG, time going in & out of the fieldlands for avarious odds & ends and just have never seen more than the one, which I did not catch, because it got out of the ball and then when i went into battle it immediately ran away. GREAT MECHANIC LOVE IT IN THIS
I have around 50 hours in this game now so I thought I'd jot down my thoughts here.

I want to start by saying this is the most FUN main series Pokemon game of all time, hands down. There's a ton of stuff to do, vast maps to explore, and the amazing thing is that doing these tasks doesn't get boring. Past main series games have things to do even after beating the game, but a lot of them over the past few gens have been extremely boring and/or just tedious. The last exciting longlasting postgame was, what, PWT 10 years ago? Legends nailed it with the research tasks and having actual diverse environments to explore.

Storytelling has been a major weak point in main series pokemon games since the beginning. In fact, Pokemon has the lowest tier storytelling out of any RPG series out there. Try telling swsh's story from beginning to end without sounding stupid, and you will notice it's just not possible. Pokemon Legends Arceus finally raised the bar from being buried 5 feet underground to something that could at least be considered standard in the industry by telling a story that looks like it was written by a team of actual writers instead of something that looks like it was decided in a meeting room. I'm not saying the story matches up to RPGs with top tier stories; there's still room for improvement, but at least it's no longer a complete joke.

There are some issues with the game though. I don't care about the graphics of the game, the issues didn't detract any enjoyment from my experience.

Catching Pokemon in the water on the back of Basculegion is actually miserable, since you are not able to sneak up to Pokemon while riding on the most conspicuous giant ass fish. You can jump up to the Pokemon to throw balls at them before they notice you, but even when locking on at point blank range while in the air you will usually miss the water-dwelling Pokemon because the game sucks. The "Catch without being spotted" tasks for the Remoraid is going to be a massive pain when I need to get to it.

The other issue is that the subquest system is rather messy, which is likely due to the lack of experience Game Freak has with subquests. The menu is trash: sometimes subquests you already cleared aren't properly greyed out and you need to LR the menu to make it appear properly again, even when you order the list to have uncleareds at the top, whenever you open the menu again it jumbles it all up so you need to LR the menu to make it properly appear again, when you look at a certain quest and then reopen the subquest menu you need to scroll all the way back up to see the uncleared subquest list again, etc etc. The menu system is just a mess.

The other issue regarding subquests is that there are some quests that literally doesn't give you any second chance information regarding the quest. There is a quest called "Legend of the Sea", which the professor tells you about a legend he saw and you need to solve it in order to catch Manaphy. However, he only tells you this legend ONCE IN THE CUTSCENE, and the hints of the legend are NOWHERE TO BE SEEN AFTER THIS, even in the subquest menu or even when you talk to the professor again to double check the actual legend itself. It would be fine if this is the only quest with this issue, but the "Incarnate forces of Hisui" is the exact same, where Cogita tells you about the location of the three genies ONCE, but afterwards there's literally nowhere to reconfirm this information, EVEN WHEN YOU GO TALK TO HER. She literally just says "come talk to me once you find out about the incarnate forces" like bitch I want to know where to find them again because ONCE AGAIN the information doesn't even appear in the subquest menu just like Manaphy's quest. This is probably the one major design flaw in this game. It's a shame because the majority of the subquests are really good and successfully showcase the people in Hisui slowly coming closer to forming bonds with Pokemon.

The battle system is pretty average. I enjoy the fact that it's different, but I prefer the standard system where the entire game isn't about revenge killing every single time a Pokemon goes down. The Noble fights where you throw balms was extremely fun, and the fact that you can rematch them in the postgame for a time attack is awesome.

Tl;dr: This game has a few issues, but it's the most FUN for sure.
Coming out of a distortion reminds me, a tip for anyone who is into at least getting the pokedex entries: if you wind up in a distortion and grab a Shieldon and it wasn't the one that flips the weight task, catch one more.
If you don't get two, or dont get one that hits the weight task, you cannot get the dex entry. There's only 4 things Shieldon can do for tasks: Catch, Weight, Ancient Power (TWENTY FIVE TIMES yes i grinded this out) and Evolve. And unfortunately Ancient Power is not a "double" task, so if you're like me you're stuck at 9. It's one of the only ones like this (the porygons, for another distortion example, have a variety of options without even touching evolution and only getting one each), i was very lucky the distortion that spawned decided to be kind with Sheildons.

Also thankfully it was kind with Eevees. I have not seen a single one in the wild outside of the one I caught like 20 hours ago so I was grateful for the small boost. Unfortunately I only have 5 of the damn things, plus a Sylveon I caught. Hopefully another distortion will spawn while I'm out & about so I can get another eeveelution and another eevee.

honestly pokemon availability sucks in this game. Rare pokemon have ALWAYS been pains but here in particular it's just dreadful; distortions are a complete crapshoot you have no say in (having the damn space time dragons should do something about this................) but even beyond that you have rare spawns that are just....ridiculous. It takes forever for a Pokemon to despawn (or capture/KO) and then even longer for htem to spawn in again if at all; and god forbid something needs to be at a different weather or time of day.
I have seen one Pichu. Period. It's ridiculous. I spent, a LONG, time going in & out of the fieldlands for avarious odds & ends and just have never seen more than the one, which I did not catch, because it got out of the ball and then when i went into battle it immediately ran away. GREAT MECHANIC LOVE IT IN THIS
I got frustrated with pichu too but learned that encounters are pretty much decided when you enter the map (thats why saving before a shiny let you try again if it runs), so the best way to get Pichu is going to Nature's Pantry (is right next to a camp) and check where Pikachu spawns (i think there is always one around there in the same place), Pichu can appear right next to it. Just enter the map, check the place and leaves if there is nothing.
Also, i finally found a Cherubi, now i have to use Absorb 40 times to get the dex entry, rare encounters can be really annoying, somehow shinies are easier to catch than some random mons. Still missing Cyndaquil, Shieldon (got Quilava and Bastiodon), 5 Spiritomb Wisps, 10 Unown and the genies.
I have around 50 hours in this game now so I thought I'd jot down my thoughts here.

I want to start by saying this is the most FUN main series Pokemon game of all time, hands down. There's a ton of stuff to do, vast maps to explore, and the amazing thing is that doing these tasks doesn't get boring. Past main series games have things to do even after beating the game, but a lot of them over the past few gens have been extremely boring and/or just tedious. The last exciting longlasting postgame was, what, PWT 10 years ago? Legends nailed it with the research tasks and having actual diverse environments to explore.

Storytelling has been a major weak point in main series pokemon games since the beginning. In fact, Pokemon has the lowest tier storytelling out of any RPG series out there. Try telling swsh's story from beginning to end without sounding stupid, and you will notice it's just not possible. Pokemon Legends Arceus finally raised the bar from being buried 5 feet underground to something that could at least be considered standard in the industry by telling a story that looks like it was written by a team of actual writers instead of something that looks like it was decided in a meeting room. I'm not saying the story matches up to RPGs with top tier stories; there's still room for improvement, but at least it's no longer a complete joke.

There are some issues with the game though. I don't care about the graphics of the game, the issues didn't detract any enjoyment from my experience.

Catching Pokemon in the water on the back of Basculegion is actually miserable, since you are not able to sneak up to Pokemon while riding on the most conspicuous giant ass fish. You can jump up to the Pokemon to throw balls at them before they notice you, but even when locking on at point blank range while in the air you will usually miss the water-dwelling Pokemon because the game sucks. The "Catch without being spotted" tasks for the Remoraid is going to be a massive pain when I need to get to it.

The other issue is that the subquest system is rather messy, which is likely due to the lack of experience Game Freak has with subquests. The menu is trash: sometimes subquests you already cleared aren't properly greyed out and you need to LR the menu to make it appear properly again, even when you order the list to have uncleareds at the top, whenever you open the menu again it jumbles it all up so you need to LR the menu to make it properly appear again, when you look at a certain quest and then reopen the subquest menu you need to scroll all the way back up to see the uncleared subquest list again, etc etc. The menu system is just a mess.

The other issue regarding subquests is that there are some quests that literally doesn't give you any second chance information regarding the quest. There is a quest called "Legend of the Sea", which the professor tells you about a legend he saw and you need to solve it in order to catch Manaphy. However, he only tells you this legend ONCE IN THE CUTSCENE, and the hints of the legend are NOWHERE TO BE SEEN AFTER THIS, even in the subquest menu or even when you talk to the professor again to double check the actual legend itself. It would be fine if this is the only quest with this issue, but the "Incarnate forces of Hisui" is the exact same, where Cogita tells you about the location of the three genies ONCE, but afterwards there's literally nowhere to reconfirm this information, EVEN WHEN YOU GO TALK TO HER. She literally just says "come talk to me once you find out about the incarnate forces" like bitch I want to know where to find them again because ONCE AGAIN the information doesn't even appear in the subquest menu just like Manaphy's quest. This is probably the one major design flaw in this game. It's a shame because the majority of the subquests are really good and successfully showcase the people in Hisui slowly coming closer to forming bonds with Pokemon.

The battle system is pretty average. I enjoy the fact that it's different, but I prefer the standard system where the entire game isn't about revenge killing every single time a Pokemon goes down. The Noble fights where you throw balms was extremely fun, and the fact that you can rematch them in the postgame for a time attack is awesome.

Tl;dr: This game has a few issues, but it's the most FUN for sure.
The real problem with the 'Legend of the sea' quest is that the answer isnt even in this game, you have to read a book in BDSP (is not in DPP), a book that isnt even in the same floor as every other lore book so is pretty easy to miss as every other book in that floor has generic text.

But yeah the game is pretty good outside of those details.
Haven’t read the rest of the thread because I don’t want to get spoiled but I’ve literally caught 30 Buizel and none of them meet the 2’8” requirement for that one early game request and it’s driving me insane. Any tips?
My Great Capture Screenshot 2022-02-02 09-14-44.png

Arceus was the Pokemon game I needed. So much fun; not necessarily from start to finish because the first hour tutorial sequence was cheeks, but once the game started to ramp up, it was a blast. Catching Pokemon is fun, the movepool additions to older mons was awesome to experience, and a lot of the new mons were fun to see in action and are, for the most part, very good Pokemon. My one rule going into this game was to not use any items in battle, and let me tell you, it made this game hard, and I loved it.

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Look at this dopey goofball lol. The design's honestly growing on me.

Excellent mon. Fire/Ghost is very good neutral coverage, and since a lot of Pokemon in the wild use Normal and Fighting moves, he offered a surprising amount of defensive utility. A shame that I had pretty poor luck with Infernal Parade not getting the burn chance often, but he was still a strong member of the team. I just wish we hadn't had to use Overheat so much for the dex entry.

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Fierce pride leader with a thunderous roar!

Caught this beast very early on in my playthrough at Level 40, and was my first powerhouse. I wasn't planning on using this Pokemon for the rest of the run, but his utility in the form of Thunder Wave, as well as just being so strong early on, he felt justified to stay on, and I'm glad he did. He was my go-to mon-capturing assistant, and hearing his Alpha roar was so cool.

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We couldn't get her to make a good pose, so we said f*** it.

I don't need to explain that this is a good Pokemon. Everyone's already done so. Ursaluna is amazing. However, trying to find that Peat Block was a nightmare. Thankfully, Ursaring was still a really good mon in her own right, and even Teddiursa pulled a surprising amount of weight. Her Ground/Normal typing along with tremendous bulk made her one of the team's best tanks, and her STAB Giga Impact and Headlong Rush hit like a freight train. I also had High Horsepower on her moveset to have a higher PP Ground move to spam, and it was still OHKOing mons. GOATED mon.

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He came from royalty, and has a very serious disposition.

Caught this monster at level 69 (nice) while my team was still mostly in the 40s, instantly becoming my new powerhouse. However, with the way the game's battling mechanics worked, he somehow didn't feel too strong in the wild. I like that. Man, Empoleon won big in this game when he got Roost. That Water/Steel defensive typing FINALLY has reliable recovery, and it was my team's glue. I see this mon becoming so much better competitively if/when we can transfer Roost Empoleon to BDSP and future gens. Not the biggest fan of having to constantly use Wave Crash for the dex entry, but at least Roost helped off-set the recoil (maybe that's why he finally got it? :O )

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So elegant. So refined. So majestic. So victorious.

I managed to find a Shiny Stone, and once I got her, Hisuian Lilligant surprised me greatly. Victory Dance is legit broken. Bulk Up + a 50% buff to attacks on top of that, and I think it also moves you up the turn order more, as well. She was an unexpected powerhouse. VD-boosted Drain Punch and Leaf Blade was legit all she needed to blitz through so many Pokemon. Fast, strong, and a good defensive typing to compliment the other members of my team (had a pretty big ground weakness, for example). Unsure as to how Victory Dance is going to be translated in main series play, but regardless, this Pokemon is great for Legends Arceus runs. I HIGHLY recommend it.

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She's quite dramatic, claims to have experience in theatre.

Gardevoir's a bit of an unfortunate case because I ended up finding a Ralts too late in my playthrough, so she didn't get to see much battle, and when she did, she was often revenge-killed (honestly unsure how I feel about that system, but it'll be something I have to get used to for future runs). That being said, I bet she would have been pretty strong had I got her earlier. Recover is a huge boon for her, and using that with Calm Mind let her set up and sweep the few times she got to do so. Also got some other neat movepool additions, too (Ice Beam, WHAT?!).

Other Pokemon I used:

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A serious boi, but a big softy on the inside

Just a heads up, I used quite a few Eeveelutions in my playthrough lol. I wanted to get a head start at trying to complete Eevee's dex entry for future shiny hunts.

Umbreon was my first Eeveelution, and I got him super early thanks to the Beautifly spawns at Floaro. Having a sturdy tank so early on was a huge asset, and Umbreon finally has Calm Mind! That and Snarl made for a nasty combo. Don't use Power Shift, it sucks.

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So elegant. So refined. So majestic. So- wait, I used this caption already. F*** it, still applies.

We Pokemon Colosseum out here with the Espeon and Umbreon combo. A shame there's no way to use two Pokemon at once while there were times I had f****** FOUR gang up against me. Not much to say, really. Fast and hard-hitting Special Attacker for the early game. Very good and served his purpose.

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A lovable dork.

Kinda wish I had stuck with Sylveon over Gardevoir, in hindsight. Pure Fairy is much better defensively, and he has much better bulk despite lacking Recover. Still, was a solid choice for my early game.

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I hate the internet.

My early-mid game Water-type. Not only is GSC Growth Vaporeon back, it's straight up upgraded with Calm Mind. Can't wait to see this competitively.

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Of course I had to use the D. Unown doesn't find the jokes funny, though.

Wanted to try the new Hidden Power gimmick for myself. It was a fun hour or so, but it was still a bit too frail and not hard-hitting enough to last long on the team. I really wished it pulled HP Psychic more against the Tentacools :/

Now, I'm off to complete the postgame! Thanks for reading!​
Haven’t read the rest of the thread because I don’t want to get spoiled but I’ve literally caught 30 Buizel and none of them meet the 2’8” requirement for that one early game request and it’s driving me insane. Any tips?
Catch a regular Buizel, go to their area and compare size, if none is big go back to the town, return to the plains and compare again until you find one.
Or leave the mission for later, i think random alpha mons (max size) appear after beating Kleavor.
So I was just wandering around and spoke with Sanqua (Karen's ancestor), she didn't have a quest or anything, but she had this whole thing of painting an (untitled) picture of a space-time rift and we don't get to see it, but she gave it to Cylenne to keep for the time being until she's ready to put it up.

Is this...a reference to something? I'm struggling to think of anything in DP or Platinum where something like that shows up, but it's a weird little side event if it goes nowhere.
So I was just wandering around and spoke with Sanqua (Karen's ancestor), she didn't have a quest or anything, but she had this whole thing of painting an (untitled) picture of a space-time rift and we don't get to see it, but she gave it to Cylenne to keep for the time being until she's ready to put it up.

Is this...a reference to something? I'm struggling to think of anything in DP or Platinum where something like that shows up, but it's a weird little side event if it goes nowhere.

I seem to recall hearing something during the leak period about a Foreign Building reference, I guess this is it?