Challenge (Finished) Pokemon Midele Emerald Nuzlocke

You shall remember that you will not even have a chance to be overleveled at the toughest parts of your run.

In addition, you actually were somewhat overleveled; however, you decided to lead with one of your not-so-overleveled mons.
Note that the 4 level difference saved Eeveeto from having the same fate as Morz.
Chapter 62. The Mime.

When the training of the team ends, I go to Battle Factory. First round I used Band Scizor as lead and then an epic Hail core of Ninetales Alola and Walrein.
On round 2 I used Shedinja, Kommo-o and Whiscash. Since Shedinja walled almost everything, it was an easy round.
Prior to a Flying type expert in battle 6, in third round I also had a Shedinja, along with Weezing Galar and another Whiscash. Then I swapped Shedinja for Mega Altaria, who swept alone last 2 battles.
In round 4 Shedinja appeared again, so I choosed it, with a Goodra and a Dugtrio Alola. However, I quickly regreted about it, when Restalk Empoleon + Band Rhyperior + Mega Abomasnow with Snow Warning ended my streak.

I then go to Battle Dome and use Ninjabug, Iron Lady and Meteor for Baton Pass gaming. The fun ended when at the fourth Tournament a Dragon Tamer with Specs Kingda and a Flygon appeared. The Kingdra critted Iron Lady and there was no chances after that. The trainer also mocked me after winning:

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At Battle Tower the team performed even worse. A Luvdisc in battle 7 destroyed all my team. The Heart Scale boost certainly is good for that Mon.

At battle Palace another boosted Mon destroyed my dreams. I used Gerania here instead of Ninjabug. At battle 11, Iron Lady OHKOd a Galarian Meowth but not before getting the defense cutted with Screech. So, when a Kanto Farfetch'd appeared, I switched Iron Lady out, allowing him to use SD and kill all my Mons.

Battle Pike is next. I use the same team as in the Palace. Round 1 is already hard, when a trainer with a Piloswine, a Mantine and a Swellow almost defeats me. Gerania is the only one who survived the battle, and without Giga Drain and Synthesis PPs. Fortunately, there was a hell right after the battle, so I completed the round.
Round 2 was very easy. Each time my Mons got hurt or statused, a heal appeared right afterwards.
Round 3 had a very climatic end vs a Dragon Tamer with Appletun, Dragalge and a Band Kommo-o who defeated both Iron Lady and Meteor before being stalled by Gerania.
At the beginning of round 4 I lost to another Dragon Tamer who had a Specs Mega Altaria, a Mega Absol and an Appletun. Fuck Dragon Tamers.

Of course, Battle Arena is still impossible with a slow team, since Ninjabug can't Baton Pass there. So, I use Meteor, Eeveeto and Iron Lady, losing the battle 14.

Another failed attemt of obtaining Symbols... Well, lets how this team fares against Sabrina:

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Sabrina leads with a Mr. Mime who uses Icy Wind while Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug uses Sub.
Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug uses Sub.
Ninjabug protects. Mr. Mime used Psychic here, so its not choiced.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass into Meteor, who takes a Psychic.
Meteor uses Calm Mind and takes Magical Leaf.
I missclick and use Hidden Power Dark instead of Moonlight. Meanwhile, Mr. Mime uses Nasty Plot.
Meteor uses Moonblast...

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RIP Meteor. My missclick costed me hard. Probably should have tried to Baton Pass to Iron Lady instead.

Ninjabug enters the field again and protects.
Ninjabug kills Mr. Mime with Leech Life:

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Hypno is next. Ninjabug uses Susbtitute while Hypno uses Wish.
Ninjabug protects from Dazzling Gleam.
Ninjabug damages Hypno hard with Leech Life. Sub breaks due to Psychic.
Ninjabug kills Hypno:

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Sabrina sends Jynx. Ninjabug uses Sub, which is broken by Ice Beam.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass into Iron Lady.
Jynx doesn,t have Focus Sash, so it dies from Iron Head:

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Alakazam appears and also dies:

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Espeon doesn,t fare better:

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Venomoth is last and still can,t resist:

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Damn, this was an incredibly easy battle that I should have won without casualties. Lets hope on my next trip to Battle Frontier I learn how to play. Ending the chapter here.
Chapter 63. Burn heal was brought.

Next trainer I want to challenge is Blaine. Since he will probably use a Sun team, I need another weather. In fact, out of 5 Mons, 3 are weak to Fire, so Iron Lady, Gerania and Ninjabug will stay out of this. The Mons I will train are Peli (Wingull), Lord Helix (Omanyte), Algosa (Dragalge) and Yama (Hariyama).

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During the training, a Shiny appears in the dessert:

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Pretty good IVs here. Cubone evolves by level into Kanto Marowak and with a Fire Stone into Alolan one, which is probably the better of the 2, due to having 3 immunities.

Later, another Shiny appears:

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I don,t catch this one since I already have an Alolan Rattata in the PC.

The training continues:

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One more unavailable Shiny appears later:

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After the training ends, I go back to Battle Frontier, determined to get some symbol. On first round of Battle Factory I get a perfect sinergy between Gyarados and Steelix. Last Mon is Gardevoir and I don,t switch any of them.
In round 2 I follow my tradition of getting a Shedinja and also an Eeveelution, Sylveon in this case. Sash Counter + Endeavor + Reversal Swellos is the last Mon. No battle was even close to a lose.
Round 3 is where I lose. Ludicolo, Dragalge and Blaziken were my Mons and in theory the first 2 were enough vs Mega Sharpedo. But Dragalge was already damaged when the shark appeared and Ludicolo was frozen.

I use Peli, Lord Helix and Eeveeto in Battle Dome. The rain core is not enough in tournament 3, where a Vikavolt + Delcatty defeat my water Mons. My mistake, should have used Eeveeto there.

The team does better in Battle Tower, but I still don,t get to battle Annabel. At battle 20, 3 bugs with boosting moves overwhelm me, those being Tail Glow Volbeat, Quiver Dance Masquerain and Sword Dance + Leech Life Ninjask.

At Battle Palace I use Algosa + the Rain core. 22 battles I win and then a Castform abuses my own Rain and destroys me with Ice Beam and Thunder.

With the weather core it looked like I finally could do well at Battle Arena, but a Swagger Primeape + last Mon Energy Ball + Ice Beam Octillery didn,t allow me, getting only 11 wins here.

Time to go battle Blaine then:

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As expected, Blaine leads with Ninetales. So, I switch Robocop out and send Peli, getting a weak Fire Blast in the Rain, that is strong enough nonetheless to reveal that Ninetales is Specs.
With a Choice Scarf, Peli outspeeds Ninetales and kills it with a crit Surf:

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Blaine sends Magmortar. I fear Focus Sash, so I switch Robocop back into Thunderbolt.
Magmortar uses Earthquake and dies from another one. He didn,t have Focus Sash:

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Next is Moltres. Robocop protects from Hidden Power.

I switch Algosa in and she gets burned by WoW.
Moltres does pathetic damage with Flamethrower, but resists Surf too.
Moltres heals with Morning Sun and Algosa with Rest.
Moltres heals again and gets a Dragonbreath.
Moltres tries to hell one more time, but Sleep Talk rolls Surf now and the legendary bird falls:

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Blaine sends Charizard, who almost kills Algosa with EQ and resists a Surf.

Charizard predicts my Peli switch in and leaves it in red using Aerial Ace.
Still, Peli destroys it with Surf:

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Rapidash is next. I fear some Quick Attack or Sash, so I send Lord Helix, getting a Return.
I did right, Rapidash had Focus Sash, so it lived Surf and used Megahorn.
Another Surf finishes the horse:

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Last is Arcanine, who doesn,t get to attack:

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Even with my massive Rain advantage, this was quite a dangerous battle, since both Peli and Lord Helix have very bad IVs. Luckily, I did bring some Burn Heals. Ending the chapter here.
Chapter 64. The cost of avoiding Sheer Colds.

Next trainer I want to challenge is Lorelei. For her I also need a weather, but Rain is worse than Sun. So, I take Peli, Lord Helix, Algosa and Robocop out of the team. In their place, I take Iron Lady (Mega Mawile), Cherepaja (Torkoal), Oblako (Castform) and Mrs. Rime (Mr. Rime), training all of them except Iron Lady.

After the training is done, I challenge Lorelei:

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Lorelei leads with Dewgong, while I put the Sun with Cherepaja.

I switch Mrs. Rime in while Dewgong uses Hail.
Dewgong misses Sheer Cold, Mrs. Rime uses Calm Mind.
Dewgong misses another Sheer Cold and gets hit by Thunderbolt.
Dewgong misses third Sheer Cold and gets damaged again.
Dewgong misses fourth Sheer Cold and still survives in red. Ice Body + Leftovers is powerful. Fortunately, the Hail ends here.
Dewgong misses fifth Sheer Cold and dies:

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Jynx is next. I switch Cherepaja in, avoiding a Lovely Kiss and triggering Dry Skin damage.
Then Jynx crits:

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RIP Cherepaja. No more Sun setters for me. I would have honestly prefered to lose Mrs. Rime and preserve this one.

Oblako comes in. Due to the boost from Forecast, it is now faster than Jynx, murdering it with Flamethrower:

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Lorelei takes this threat seriously and sends the Lapras. But Oblako gets the revenge from his fallen partner and crits the Lapras with Solarbeam:

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Slowbro is next. It survives a Solarbeam in red. And crits:

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RIP Oblako.
This battle is a haxfest already.
Mrs. Rime comes back and uses Calm Mind. Slowbro heals with Slack Off.
Mrs. Rime uses another Calm Mind and gets a Psychic.
Taking weak Psychics and Surfs, Mrs. Rime gets to +6 and then heals with Slack Off.
One Thunderbolt is enough:

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An Alolan Sandslash appears. It uses Sword Dance and survives a Thunderbolt with Focus Sash.
So, I have to sack Mrs. Rime. I expect Iron Head, but the AI is smart enough to use Leech Life instead:

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RIP Mrs. Rime. Even in vanilla Kanto games, Lorelei has always been the hardest Elite Four member for me, now its an even stronger beast.
I send Yama. If Sandslash flinched him with Iron Head, had EQ and Quick Claw of Iron Lady didn,t activate, I would have lost on the spot. However, it didn,t flinch and dies from Brick Break:

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I still can lose this battle, last Mon is a Mamoswine. And EQ is strong enough:

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RIP Yama. And I hope to survive this.
I send Eeveeto, no other option. Eeveeto protects from Superpower. Phew, at least its not Band.
Mamoswine uses EQ, taking less than half of Eeveeto's HP. Eeveeto uses Wish.
Eeveeto protects and heals.
Mamoswine uses Superpower and consumes White Herb while doing so. Eeveeto ends up in yellow, but uses Wish.
Eeveeto protects and heals, not to full this time.
Mamoswine uses Earthquake, Eeveeto Wish.
Eeveeto protects and is back to full.
Mamoswine uses Earthquake and Eeveeto Wish again.
Eventually Eeveeto stalls all the Earthquake and Superpower PPs from Mamoswine. The dangerous Mon manages to crit once, but its with EQ and not Superpower. When Mamoswine starts using Iron Heads and Stone Edges, Eeveeto kills is with a combination of Toxic and Crunch:

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Complete disaster of a battle. My counterteam to Ice Mons got critted and torn apart. At least the 2 most important Mons have been the ones that survived this mess.
Ending the chapter here. I will fight Bruno too after who I will continue the story (until another death happens).
Chapter 65. Brain>Muscles.

Despite the 4 deaths of the previous battle, I only need to train one Mon for Bruno, that being Jingle (Chingling). Eeveeto leaves the team, Gerania, Ninjabug, Robocop and Algosa enter (and Jingle).

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While training, I find a Shiny at Jagged Pass:

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Generic Fight Mon with decent IVs. Well, not so generic, since Stick is a thing.

Later I find another Shiny that I can,t catch:

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After finishing the training, I go to Battle Frontier. Will I make any progress in regard to the Symbols? Lets find it out!

On first round of Battle Factory I again get the perfect sinergy core of Gyarados and Steelix. Last Mon is Jynx and the round goes very easily.
On round 2, I switch Mons several times and end up with Sylveon, Raichu and Fearow. With them I lose when a Band Torterra with Iron Tail defeats both Fearow and Raichu, then a Lycanroc crits Sylveon with Rock Slide.

In Battle Dome I use Ninjabug, Jingle and Iron Lady. All goes well until a defensive Pelipper appears and kills both Ninjabug and Jingle.

A very stupid mistake made me lose in battle 15 at Battle Power. I used Psychic to a Marshomp with Jingle right from the start instead of scouting for Mirror Coat, which happened. Iron Lady then died to an Octillery with Fire Blast and Ninjabug to a Seadra with Ice Beam.

Next is Battle Pike, where I switch Ninjabug for Gerania. Round 1 is easy, even though a Sandygast tricks Leftovers away from Gerania, giving Macho Brace instead.
At round 2 I get 3 battles in total, more than usually. Still, none of my Mons gets to faint.

Round 3 started very rough, Gerania gets damaged very hard by a Gorebyss and in the same battle Iron Lady gets a scarf Tricked by a Linoone. Next room is also a battle and Iron Lady ends up paralyzed and in red. Fortunately, I get the heal right after that. At the very end I get one more battle in which Iron Lady faints, but the challenge is won at that point.

Round 4 is where I end. Iron Lady gets paralyzed early and that allows in another battle a Mega Abomasnow to damage it hard with EQ. I try to save Iron Lady by switching Jingle, but it gets critted. Iron Lady ends up killing Abomasnow due to Quick Claw, but Gerania is totally helpless against a CM Reuniclus.

At Battle Palace I get 20 wins with this team. Battle 21 had a Pelipper killed by Iron Lady, who gets killed by a Banded Durant. Jingle defeats Durant, but a Specs Mega Altaria cleans after that.

No hopes are put in Battle Arena with a slow team, and only 8 wins I get. An Alolan Sandslash uses Sword Dance and murders Jingle and Iron Lady. My last Mon was Robocop with a Focus Sash, but Persian finishes it.

One more attemt without Symbols... Well, time to beat the crap out of Bruno at least.

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Bruno leads with a Technician Hitmontop. Ninjabug protects from Aerial Ace.
Ninjabug puts a Sub that is broken this same turn.
Ninjabug protects again.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass into Jingle.
Jingle starts using Calm Mind.
With Calm Mind + Recover, Jingle gets to +6, easily resisting all of Hitmontop attacks due to Cleanse Tag.
At +6, Jingle starts murdering everything:

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Steelix actually survived one hit, but used Curse instead of something more useful like Roar, Toxic, Iron Tail or Explosion. Next Mon, a Lucario, survives too with a Focus Sash, but Dark Pulse doesn,t crit, so it quickly falls too, like the rest of Bruno's team:

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Easiest battle in a long time. Baton Pass does miracles, though this could have been won even without it. In the next chapter I will finally go to explore the depths of the Forbidden Forest.
Chapter 66. The Flower of the Firmament

Before going to the forest, I make 2 changes to the team. Jingle and Algosa go out, Fonar (Lanturn) and Eeveeto go in.

In the Forbidden Forest, I find 6 Revives placed as a single item. Free money for me.
Then, I face a trainer:

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Oh, shit, a Double Battle.

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El Principe is known only by one thing, the "La Flor del Firmamento" meme RMT he posted long ago. Unfortunately, I don,t remember anything about that RMT other than the fact that Roserade is the Mon that team is built around. The Roserade is also the lead, along with Abomasnow. My leads are Fonar and Iron Lady.
I switch Ninjabug in the place of Fonar, getting an Energy Ball from Roserade. Meanwhile Roserade uses Sunny Day and both opponents get hit by Rock Slide from Iron Lady.

I switch now Iron Lady out and send Eeveeto. Ninjabug protects and Eeveeto gets hit by a fire Weather Ball. Then, Abomasnow uses Hail, chainging the weather again.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass and I send Iron Lady, getting a crit Weather Ball Ice and an Ice Punch. Eeveeto uses Wish meanwhile.

Roserade uses Protect and this makes her avoid the KO from Rock Slide, which Abomasnow gets:

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El Principe sends Tyranitar, changing the weather one more time. Eeveeto damages it a little with Crunch and heals this turn.

Even at +1, Iron Lady is slower than Tyranitar. This could have been the end of Iron Lady, since Roserade used Energy Ball on her. Tyranitar, however, missed Stone Edge, though I don,t know who he targeted. Iron Lady kills Tar with Iron Head.

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El Principe now sends a Typhlosion after Eeveeto damages Rose with Crunch.

Sending Fonar is my only option, since that Typhlosion in potential Sun looks very scary. However, Roserade decides to use Energy Ball instead of the Sun, right after Typhlosion uses Flamethrower on Fonar:

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RIP Fonar. I hate unexpected Double Battles.

Eeveeto finally kills Roserade:

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Last Pokemon of El Principe is a Jolteon, who appears at the same time as Robocop.
Jolteon uses Rain Dance and right after that Typhlosion uses Sunny Day. Robocop kills both of them with EQ:

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Jolteon is not seen on the picture, but there really was a Jolteon.

The battle is won, but there was one death, so I am still not prepared for this Forest despite having level advantage. The death wasn,t even avoidable in that situation, any of my Mons could die from Flamethrower + Energy Ball. So, despite being already bored of it, I will face 4 more Cibercafe trainers before continuing my way, though this also means I will probably lose some more Mons. Ending the chapter here showing how the team ended up:

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El Principe has somehow managed to master Sun Tzu's teachings:
A military operation involves deception. Even though you are competent, appear to be incompetent. Though effective, appear to be ineffective.
Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate.
— Sun Tzu, The Art of War (collected from here)

At this point it is blatantly obvious that I have mostly ignored double battles when modifying the AI. But the
Jolteon uses Rain Dance and right after that Typhlosion uses Sunny Day.
is simply priceless.

Pretty enjoyable battles lately, one way or another, but I must insist that you should be able to break through Forbidden Forest right now. In fact, it might get tougher in the long run if you lose some of your most valuable mons at the Cibercafé.
Chapter 67. Boomer chokes.

The next Cibercafe trainer I want to challenge is Agatha. Starting from here, the remaining ones won,t probably have full Monotypes, but still I don,t want to face Agatha with a single Ghost resist. Also, Agatha in vanilla games is more a Poison trainer than a ghost one. So, I take Gerania and Robocop out of the team and put Algosa, Federico (Numel) and Palindrome (Girafarig). I need to train these last 2 Mons though:

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While training, I get another Shiny on route 120:

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Not a very good Mon, being slow and not bulky, but the IVs are decent enough. At least, Psychics need Fairy Moves to break this guy.

The training continues...

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After the training, I go to Battle Frontier, though with the current team I don,t expect any trophies except Battle Factory one. On round 1 I use a Specs Kingdra, a Rain Dance Ludicolo and a Porygon2, winning easily.
Lead Arcanine was the only Mon that stayed through round 2, I switched almost every battle. Final partners ended up being a Sash Counter + Endeavor Sceptile and a Sub Punch Krookodile that didn,t even battle.
Similarly, in round 3 Kangaskhan was the only Mon that consistently stayed. The other 2 at the end were a Scarf Claydol with Explosion and a Sub + Liechi Berry Swellow.

Baton Pass was the strategy for Round 4. Sash Masquerain with Quiver Dance was the lead, passing it to a Restalk Luvdisc or a Gardevoir (prior to which there was also a Salazzle). The strategy was broken and allowed for a very easy round.
Having a Shiny Regieleki as a lead in round 5 looked promising, but it was once again the round in which I lost. Lead Kingler was OHKOed, then a Dragonite endured one Thunderbolt and OHKOed with Flamethrower. My Dodrio killed Nite, and last Mon was a Gyarados with Thunder Wave + DD. Dodrio died soon, but I hoped Armaldo would win. He lived 2 turns, hitting 2 Rock Blasts in the first one and missed the second one, getting then killed by the Gyarados. This was still one of my best streaks at this facility, getting 32 wins (record is 33).

As I said, I don,t have high hopes to get a Symbol with my Current Team. At the Dome I use Ninjabug, Iron Lady and Federico, losing the third tour when an Alolan Sandslash critted Federico:

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With a Baton Pass chain of Ninjabug, Palindrome and Iron Lady, I didn,t do too badly at Battle Tower, getting 29 wins, my record. The streak ended when a Quick Claw Vikavolt destroyed both Ninjabug and Palindrome. Iron Lady defeated Vikavolt and a Snorlax, then was Countered by Sash Mega Absol.

In Battle Palace I use Iron Lady, Eeveeto and Algosa. At battle 11 a Band Solrock exploded on Iron Lady, then a Lairon + Head Smash Zweillous break the rest of my team, since Eeveeto was dumb and didn,t use Protect.

Using the Baton Pass chain in Battle Pike was a terrible idea for many reasons, but not for the one I lost in the first room of it: a Staryu used Minimize and avoided all my hits.

At Battle Arena Iron Lady, Federico and Palindrome made an attemt to ridiculize themselves and succeeded at battle 2: Frillsih used Destiny Bond on Iron Lady, Mantyke won against Federico and an Alolan Diglett destroyed Palindrome. A bunch of NFEs defeated 3 full evolved Mons, 2 of which are Megas.

After this pathetic showing, lets see how the team performs in the actual battle:

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Agatha leads with an Arbok. Ninjabug protects while the snake uses Coil.
Ninjabug puts a Sub while Arbok still uses Coil.
Ninjabug protects again, Arbok doesn,t want to waste PPs of attacking moves.
Ninjabug damages Arbok with Hidden Power Flying, Arbok still uses Coil.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass. Palindrome enters the field. Arbok still uses Coil.
Palindrome uses Psychic but Arbok survives and breaks the Sub with Gunk Shot.
Another Psychic kills the Snake:

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Agatha sends Mismagius. Both Pokemon uses Calm Mind.
Palindrome attacks Mismagius with Crunch. The ghost uses Calm Mind again.
Palindrome uses Crunch again. Mismagius attacks with Thunderbolt and paralyzes Palindrome.

I switch Federico in the next Thunderbolt.
Mismagius uses Energy Ball and gets killed by Flamethrower:

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Alolan Marowak is next. I switch Eeveeto in, but he gets damages by Low Kick hard.
Eeveeto protects.
Eeveeto takes another Low Kick, getting to the red and attacking Marowak with Crunch.
Eeveeto protects from Shadow Ball.

I switch Ninjabug in, taking the next Low Kick easily.
Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug puts Sub, getting it broken by Shadow Ball.
Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug puts Sub.
Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug puts Sub.
Ninjabug protects one last time.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass and Palindrome enters the field. She has a 25% to die next turn.
However, that doesn,t happen. Even when paralyzed, at +6 Palindrome is still faster than the Marowak and kills it with Crunch:

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Agatha sends Crobat. I switch Iron Lady into Sludge Bomb.
Quick Claw activates and Crobat dies from Rock Slide:

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Weezing is always bad news. I send Algosa to take Fire Blast.
Weezing burns Algosa with Will-o-Wisp and takes Dragonbreath.
Weezing uses Sludge Bomb and gets paralyzed.
Algosa finishes the Weezing before it can explode:

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Gengar is last of course. I send Iron Lady, taking a crit Psychic that also drops the Special Defense.

Since Gengar can have Fire Punch, I send Federico to take it. It effectively has Fire Punch.
Gengar uses Psychic and Federico goes to sleep.
Gengar uses another Psychic. Federico uses Sleep Talk and damages Gengar hard with Flamethrower.
Then, the bullshit happens:

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RIP Federico.
Gengar used Destiny Bond and second Sleep Talk triggered Flamethrower too. What the fuck is that strategy supposed to do? It was the last Mon, it makes no sense other than ruining Nuzlockes. Now I am mad, since this was looking like a battle without deaths, even after risking Palindrome.

Enough of this nonsense. I am going to listen to Manec and alternate Cibercafe and the Forbidden Forest from now. Of course, Battle Frontier will still be visited. Chapter ends here.
What the fuck is that strategy supposed to do? It was the last Mon, it makes no sense other than ruining Nuzlockes.
We did not plan to do this on purpose; we just did not consider the case when programming the AI, and it was ignored in vanilla Emerald too.

However, if we had thought about it, of course we would have left it as it is :P

If the battle is 1-1, it could also make the player lose sometimes, as the player cannot be around without unfainted mons, and in Battle Frontier buildings a draw is read as a defeat (which would be reasonable not to be the case in general).
Chapter 68. Cute monkeys master.

Unlike in almost all the chapters, this time I don,t need to train new Mons, just put Palindrome in the PC and take Gerania and Robocop from there.

So, I go directly to the Battle Frontier. I use a Houndoom, a Primeape and a Forretress in Round 1. Surprisingly, I lose this round to a very haxy DD Aerodactyl.

Regarding the rest of the facilities, only 4 Mons in my current team share the level, so its "optimal" to use only those 4. Dark Eeveeto, Iron Lady and Algosa participate in the Battle Dome. I endured 2 tours before a Ground Mon finally appearing, being a Sandslash. He used SD and swept me.

At battle Tower the team didn,t perform better. At battle 12 a Pidgeot burned Iron Lady and then a Band Perserker destroyed the team.

With such Ground weakness, the best strat in Battle Pike is certainly to avoid any battle. However, in the first round the opposite happens, I battle in 5 out of 7 rooms, though I managed to survive.
In round 2 I only have one battle, though is a Double One. Still, the opponents were NFEs so it was an easy win.
In round 3 I have 2 battles, and I almost lose the second one when a Girafarig killed the already weakenned Iron Lady and then used Nasty Plot vs Algosa and Dazzling Gleam vs Eeveeto, who finished him.

The first 2 battles of round 4 had heals after them. The third one was a Double one, but Eeveeto and Iron Lady haxed Camerupt and Corsola before they could land a hit.
In round 5 I lose when a Sub SD Lucario appears. He predicted every Protect turn and didn,t use HJK on those, but used it on every turn I didn,t Protect. The 61 rooms I cleared in this streak made it my best one in this facility.

Battle Palace is a mess as usual, only 16 wins could be earned before an EQ + Brick Break Poliwrath killed my whole team.

Battle Arena is still hard too. Robocop is used instead of Eeveeto here and I only get 12 wins. In battle 13 a Band Relicanth kills both Algosa and Iron Lady, then Octillery ends with Robocop.

Time to continue exploring the Forbidden Forest. I find 3 Rare Candies as a single item there. Then I face a trainer:

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No, there are no Mega Charizards in this game. Zard-Y would have been pretty broken with permanent Drought.

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I don,t know who Charfan is, but I know his favorite Mon. My lead unfortunately is Gerania, so I send my only Fire resist to face the Zard, which is Algosa. Zard uses Toxic.
Charizard protects.
Charizard protects again.
Charizard misses Fire Spin and gets hit by Dragonbreath.
Charizard hits Fire Spin and gets paralyzed.
Charizard protects again. I also realize that Algosa doesn,t have Leftovers, I forgot to take Chesto Berry from her.
Charizard fails to protect and gets hit by Sludge Bomb.
While Charizard protects, Algosa uses Rest, waking up due to the Berry.
Charizard fails to protect again and dies from Sludge Bomb:

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Second Charizard appears. This one damages Algosa with Dragon Claw before being hit by Sludge Bomb.

Eeveeto switches in to take next Dragon Claw.
Eeveeto takes Flamethrower and uses Wish.
Eeveeto takes another Flamethrower, uses Toxic and heals.
Charizard continues attacking, Eeveeto uses Wish.

Algosa comes back, healing after taking a Flamethrower.

I switch Eeveeto in and Charizard finally dies from Poison:

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Last Charizard appears, he is shiny and uses Dragon Dance before being hit by Toxic.
Charizard uses Aerial Ace while Eeveeto uses Wish.
Eeveeto protects while Charizard uses Dragon Dance again.
Charizard uses Aerial Ace, Eeveeto uses Wish.
Eeveeto protects from Aerial Ace and heals.
Eeveeto takes one more Aerial Ace and finishes Zard with Crunch:

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Easy win, though my lack of Fire resists is quite apparent at this point.

I continue exploring the Forest and face another trainer who only uses cute Mons:

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Kefky has appeared. He should be a much more difficult opponent than the previous one. Since the lead is a Rillaboom, Gerania has a bad match-up again. Ironically, the best check to Rillaboom is my Grass weak Robocop, who I switch in while the monkey uses Sword Dance.
Rillaboom his with a stron Earthquake and takes a Dynamic Punch.

I switch Ninjabug into the next EQ.
Ninjabug kills Rillaboom with Hidden Power Flying.

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"You are lucky that I left my Simisage at home". Shiny Slaking appears next. Ninjabug protects from Double Edge.

Kefky switches Slaking out and sends Ambipom while Ninjabug puts a Sub.
Ninjabug protects from Fake Out.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass into Iron Lady, who takes a Return without breaking the Sub.
Iron Lady kills Ambipom with Iron Head:

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Slaking appears again. He takes a Brick Break and breaks the Sub with Earthquake.
Iron Lady uses Sword Dance while Slaking takes the turn off.
Iron Lady ends with Slaking with an Iron Head:

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As it couldn,t be other way around, an Infernape appears. I fear Focus Sash, so I switch Algosa into Fire Blast.
Infernape crits with Rock Slide and takes Dragon Breath.
Infernape uses Rock Slide again and Algosa goes to sleep.
Infernape flinches Algosa.
Infernape uses Rock Slide again and barely takes the Dragon Breath from Sleep Talk.
Infernape uses Brick Break now. Algosa wakes up and goes to sleep again.
Infernape flinches Algosa again.
Infernape gets another flinch.
Dumbly enough, Infernape uses Brick Break (though Rock Slide probably didn,t kill even with a crit), allowing Algosa to use Rest again.
Infernape uses one last Rock Slide before finally dying to Sludge Bomb:

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Primeape is next. I send Gerania into the obvious EQ.

Kefky switches Primeape out and sends a dangerous Giga Butterfree, who gets Leech Seed.

I switch Iron Lady in while Butterfree starts using Quiver Dance.
Butterfree sleeps Iron Lady with Sleep Powder.
Butterfree uses Psychic, leaving Iron Lady in range of KO from a crit one.
I send Eeveeto into the next Psychic.
Eeveeto protects from Sleep Powder.

I switch Gerania in, avoiding Sleep Powder.
Butterfree sleeps Gerania and dies from Leech Seed:

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Primeape appears again for a last battle. He uses Gunk Shot, damaging Gerania hard.

I switch Eeveeto in, avoiding next Gunk Shot.
Eeveeto protects, and since Primeape uses Gunk Shot again, it confirms my theory of it being choiced.

So I switch Iron Lady in and easily end the battle:

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Even being overleveled and having not a very bad match-up, all my team had to battle and be damaged in order to avoid deaths. Finishing the chapter here while showing the state of the team:

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Chapter 69. Magic Guard and Magic Luck.

Next trainer in Forbidden Forest is one that "sees Arceus on the roof of his house":

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Castillo leads with a Palossand, which fits his name (Castillo=Castle in Spanish). Gerania uses Giga Drain and takes a Shadow Ball.
Palossand lives the second Giga Drain in red and geals with Shore Up.
Gerania still can,t break the healing castle with Giga Drain.
Time to change the strategy and use Leech Seed. Palossand still heals.
Gerania uses Giga Drain again and takes Shadow Ball.
Another Giga Drain finally kills the castle:

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Wigglytuff is next. Gerania uses Leech Seed and Wiggly explodes with Self Destruct...

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Phew, that scared me a lot. Spinda is the last Mon. I send Eeveeto, who takes Return.
Eeveeto protects while Spinda uses Substitute.

I switch Robocop in the obvious Focus Punch.
Spinda uses Teeter Dance, revealing this way that it can,t damage Robocop except with the confusion, which happens this turn.
Robocop snaps confusion and breaks the Sub with EQ.
Spinda confuses Robocop again, but he manages to land Dynamic Punch and ends the battle:

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I continue my way to the next trainer:

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What the fuck are Puffus? In any case, the lead is a level 75 Spheal. Gerania uses Giga Drain and gets a Yawn.

I swith Iron Lady in, losing half of her health to Super Fang.
Iron Lady kills Spheal with Brick Break:

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Seel is next. I switch Gerania back, getting a Whirlpool.
Gerania uses Giga Drain and I get scared when Seel uses Perish Song.
Fortunately, Gerania KOs Seel next turn:

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A Dewgong appears next. I switch Iron Lady in, taking Fake Out.
Even with a 9 level advantage, Iron Lady is slower than Dewgong and almost dies to Hydro Pump:

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Sealeo is the last Mon. I send Eeveeto, taking EQ.
Eeveeto uses Toxic and avoids Blizzard.
It takes 3 Crunches to finish this battle:

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I continue exploring the long Forest and crossing a small lake, find a Leftovers unit. At this point I have more than 6 of them, so its not really needed.
Across another lake I find 3 PP Max, which are much more useful.

Soon, another trainer appears. His pre-battle text is not suitable for minors, so I will censor it and go straight to the battle:

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Merciboku leads with a Shiny Machamp. I switch Robocop in, taking a Fire Blast.
Robocop protects from Ice Punch.
Robocop uses Dynamic Punch and Machamp damages himself.
Robocop protects to get some Leftovers back.
Robocop kills Machamp with Shadow Ball:

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Clefable is next. And it almost kills Robocop with a crit Ice Beam:

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Robocop damages Clef with EQ and protects next turn.

I send send Iron Lady to take a Moonblast.

The I switch Algosa in the obvious... Thunderbolt? I expected Fire Blast here.
Algosa easily takes an Ice Beam and...

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Fuck that Clef. I send Eeveeto to take next Ice Beam...

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FUCK THAT CLEF. Ok, Gerania time. She takes Moonblast.
Gerania uses Leech Seed and gets damages by Ice Beam.
Gerania heals with Synthesis and takes another Ice Beam.
Gerania uses Synthesis again and...

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Bruh, does this Clef has Serene Grace. At least for Gerania is not the end of the world, she has Natural Cure.

I send Iron Lady to take the next Ice Beam. Surprisingly, she doesn,t get frozen.
Eeveeto takes the last Thunderbolt before Clef finally dies:

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Nidoqueen is next. I don,t know how I am supposed to stop that now. I send Ninjabug and he takes massive damage from Sludge Bomb, meaning Queen is probably Band.
Ninjabug protects and Nidoqueen is actually not band, since she uses Crunch. This looks dire.
Ninjabug uses Sub, which is broken by Sludge Bomb.
Ninjabug protects from Crunch.

I have no other option than to use Baton Pass to Iron Lady.
Iron Lady uses Iron Head and gets slept by Lovely Kiss.

I switch Gerania in and Nidoqueen... uses Moonlight. Lol, she doesn,t have EQ.

Iron Lady goes back.
Nidoqueen uses Crunch 2 times before Iron Lady wakes up and uses Sword Dance.
Nidoqueen sleeps Iron Lady again.
This time Nidoqueen manages to use 3 Crunches before finally falling to Iron Head:

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Last Mon is a Gardevoir, which is actually very scary at this point. I send Eeveeto, who is not gay, so Attract doesn,t work.
Gardevoir knocks Leftovers. Eeveeto is still frozen.
Gardevoir uses Knock Off again. Eeveeto defrosts and uses Toxic.
Eeveeto protects from Charm.
Gardevoir uses Charm while Eeveeto uses Wish.
Eeveeto protects from Knock Off.
Gardeovoir crits with Knock Off. If it was a Moonblast, Eeveeto probably died here, but the sets of Merciboku were too bad. Eeveeto uses Crunch and Gardevoir dies to poison:

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Phew, this last battle was very scary. That Clef got a crit and 3 freezes. If Nidoqueen and Gardevoir had good sets, I would have lost half of my team beating them. Ending the chapter here, this is how my team survived:

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Chapter 70. The unluckiest manager.

Forbidden Forest is so long it looks endless. Next trainer doesn,t look to be the last one:

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This dude is very conspiranoic regarding The New World Order and has appeares in all Midele Games. He tells everyone that the Goverments control us all, medicine makes us sick (though preserves the life), the aliments are cancer, etc.

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Jprogamer leads with a Weezing. Since its an exploding Mon, I am afraid. Still, I send Algosa to take the Will-o-Wisp.
Algosa takes a Sludge Bomb and hits Weezing hard with Dragonbreath.

Paranoid about Explosion, I send Robocop, only to have it poisoned by Sludge Bomb.
Weezing uses Flamethrower and dies from Shadow Ball:

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Next is Slowbro. Gerania goes in to take the Surf.
Gerania uses Giga Drain and takes Flamethrower.
Next Giga Drain kills Bro:

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A Wobbuffet appears. Fortunately, my team is very prepared vs that threat. Wobbuffet uses Tickle, so hopefully there is no Dugtrio in the back. Ah, yes, Gerania uses Leech Seed.
Wobba uses Tickle again and Gerania Leech Seed. Yes, Wobbuffet is faster.
Gerania uses Leech Seed, Wobbuffet tries Mirror Coat.
Previous turn is repeated.
Previous turn is repeated.
Eventually, Wobbuffet dies. He does try to use Destiny Bond several times before doing so and eats a Salac Berry.

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Miltank is next. I send Eeveeto while it uses Defense Curl.
Miltank uses Defense Curl again and Eeveeto poisons it.
Miltank still boosts the Defense while Eeveeto uses Wish.

Gerania comes back, Miltank still doesn,t want to attack.
Miltank still uses Defense Curl while getting seeded.

Jprogamer withdraws Miltank and sends his last Mon, a regular Slowpoke, who gets a Giga Drain.
Second Giga Drain does not kill Slowpoke, so Gerania gets paralyzed by Thunder Wave.
Slowpoke heals with Slack Off while Gerania can,t attack.
Slowpoke uses Curse end gets damages by Giga Drain.
Slowpoke heals again and gets damaged back.
Slowpoke heals once more and gets seeded.
Slowpoke heals again, Gerania can,t attack. Good, since I missclicked Leech Seed again.
Slowpoke uses Curse and gets a Giga Drain.
At -2, Slowpoke became slower than Gerania, who kills it next turn:

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Only Mitank remains. It uses Milk Drink and gets seeded.
Its a matter of time before Toxic and Leech Seed damage wear Miltank out:

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Funny how the most dangerous Mon ended up being the lead Weezing.

Anyway, lets go to the next trainer:

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Oh, shit, Tenshinhan is a tough one. He is the captain that could lead Team Spain to victory in World Cup, though fortunately he never gets that task assigned, having to manage some minor tours instead. He leads with Ferrothorn while my lead is Robocop (who is now my lowest level team member). Robocop hits Ferro with Dynamic Punch, preventing it from putting Spikes.
Ferro lives a second Dynamic Punch, but still can,t move.
Robocop ends with it using Shadow Ball:

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Tenshi sends a Mega Sharpedo. Robocop protects from Hydro Pump.

I send Gerania to send the next one.

Then I switch Eeveeto, taking Ice Beam.
Eeveeto protects from Hydro Pump.
Eeveeto avoids Hydro Pump and uses Wish.
Sharpedo hits next Hydro and avoids Toxic.
Eeveeto protects, spending another Hydro Pump PP. Only 2 remain.
Eeveeto takes another Hydro and uses Wish.
Eeveeto protects from the last one.
Sharpedo uses Earthquake and crits, avoiding Toxic.
Eeveeto protects.
Sharpedo uses EQ again and Eeveeto begs a Wish.
Eeveeto protects from Crunch.
Tenshi finally realizes the only way to beat Eeveeto and orders Sharpedo to use Ice Beam. Fortunately, it doesn,t freeze and Sharpedo finally gets hit by Toxic.
Eeveeto protects.
Sharpedo uses EQ while Eeveeto uses Wish.
Eeveeto protects.

Tenshi withdraws Sharpedo and sends Infernape while Eeveeto uses Wish.

Algosa gets into a Fire Blast and heals all the damage with Wish.
Infernape uses Stone Edge and gets a Dragonbreath.
Infernape tries to crit again but gets critted instead:

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Tenshinhan sends Dusknoir. I switch Gerania in to take Earthquake.
Dusknoir uses Brick Break and gets seeded.
Dusknoir uses another Brick Break and gets a Giga Drain crit.
Dusknoir heals with Pain Split. Scouting for Destiny Bond, Gerania heals with Synthesis.

I switch Ninjabug in, taking Brick Break.
Ninjabug protects from Shadow Sneak.
Ninjabug takes Shadow Sneak and uses Substitute.
Helped by Leech Seed and using Protect + Substitute, Ninjabug eventually stalls out Dusknoir:

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Electivire is next. Ninjabug uses Baton Pass, but Tenshinhan predicts it and his Electivire breaks the Sub with Ice Punch.
At +6 Speed Robocop murders Electivire with Earthquake:

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Tenshi is smart enough to not send Sharpedo now and use his last Mon, Yanmega. So, I sent Iron Lady, who gets slept by Hypnosis.
Yanmega uses Aerial Ace.
Yanmega uses the same move again. Iron Lady wakes up and kills it with Rock Slide:

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Sharpedo comes back, but my advantage is too big at this point. Eeveeto gets into EQ.
Eeveeto Protects.
After taking another EQ, Eeveeto finishes the battle with Crunch:

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This could have been a very difficult battle if that Ferrothorn had put 2 layers of Spikes, but I lucked it out. Maybe thats why Tenshinhan never gets to manage the Wcop for Spain, he may be able to avoid a couple of Toxics and hit an irrelevant crit, but at the end of the day, he still ends up being haxed. Finishing the chapter here, this is how the team survived got through this battle:

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Chapter 71. The rules of Micoliga challenge.

Hopefully this will be the last chapter of Forbidden Forest, because it takes too much at this point to go to heal and back after every battle. Exploring the forest I find a Focus Band and 4 Stardusts today before facing another trainer:

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His pre-battle text is a very long one describing all his adventures and thought about this forest.

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Grim leads with Heracross, who damages Robocop hard with EQ, taking a Dynamic Punch back.
Robocop protects and Heracross damages himself.

I switch Ninjabug in while Heracross snaps confusion and tries to use EQ.

Grim withdraws Heracross and sends Milotic while Ninjabug puts a Sub.
Ninjabug protects from Surf.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass and Gerania appears to take the Surf.
Gerania uses Leech Seed and the Sub breaks from another Surf.

I switch Eeveeto in, which proves to be a bad decision, since Milotic uses Toxic, poisoning both Pokemon.

I send Algosa next. Milotic heals the status with Refresh.
Milotic uses Surf and gets critted by Sludge Bomb, barely surviving Leech Seed.

I send Ninjabug again while Milotic uses Recover.
Ninjabug uses Substitute while Milotic heals again.
Ninjabug protects from Surf.

Thinking long-term, Ninjabug uses Baton Pass into Robocop, who gets the Sub broken.
Robocop protects. He got healed almost to full during these 2 turns.

Algosa comes back while Milotic uses Recover.
Milotic uses Surf and gets poisoned by Sludge Bomb.

I send Ninjabug again while Milotic uses Refresh.
Ninjabug puts another Sub while Milotic heals.
Ninjabug protects.

Another Baton Pass into Robocop allows him to heal back to full.
Robocop protects and Milotic uses Recover.

I send Algosa again then, getting a crit Surf.
Milotic uses Surf again and gets a poison from Sludge Bomb.

Ninjabug goes back while Milotic uses Refresh.
Ninjabug puts Sub while Milotic heals.
Ninjabug protects from Surf.
Ninjabug damages Milotic with Hidden Power Flying and gets the Sub broken by Surf.
Ninjabug puts another Sub while Milotic heals.
Ninjabug protects from Surf.
Ninjabug attacks Milotic again and gets the Sub broken.
Ninjabug puts another Sub while Milotic heals.
Many turns later I notice Milotic stops using Surf and starts using Recover only.

So, I Baton Pass into Iron Lady.
Iron Lady uses Sword Dance 3 times. On the third one, Grim finally switches Milotic out and sends Heracross, but its too late for him, the slaughter begins:

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Extremely easy battle due to the dumb Milotic. Lets go for the next one.

And the next one probably is the last one. I arrive to the very end of the forest and see a sign blocked by a trainer:

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He is trying to burn the forest but the flames always extinguish themselves.

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He thinks that Celebi is the one who protects the forest by sending the flames back in time. He then presents himself to me:

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There is no battle, though. Santygrass tells me that he will wait me in his Gym and goes there. What does the sign say though? The text in English is the follow one: "The way to the traveler of time will only open to the call of the Pokemon that contains all DNAs and the Pokemon who concedes all wishes." So, Jirachi and Mew are needed to catch Celebi.

So, I finally can enter the first Gym of the Micoliga:

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This dude explains me the rules of all Gyms (though some may change). Each of them will consist in 3 challenges. First is to defeat all the trainers. Second one is to defeat a Totem Pokemon. The last one is the leader himself. Santygrass specializes in the "Burned Grass", so there is probably a Sun team waiting me.
So, I go down the ladder and enter the actual Gym:

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Oh, there is Grass. This means, there are wild Mons! Magcargo (caught), Sunflora, Centiskorch (caught), Alolan Marowak, Tropius, Bellosom, Vileplume, Typhlosion, Charizard, Infernape and Blaziken appear here. This is what a catch:

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Decent IVs here. Quiver Dance is a powerful move and Gerania is not eternal.

Speaking of Gerania, at least for now she will live. Battling against Dancer has shown me that there is permanent Sun in this Gym. The logic thing would be to take advantage of the Sun by using a Fire type, but I don,t have any at all. The plan B is changing the weather. I can do it with Peli (Pelipper). Apart from him, I take Jingle from the PC and put the very overleveled Iron Lady there.

And here, right before the start of the Micoliga challenge, I can finish this chapter while showing the current team:

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Chapter 72. Piscis season.

Time to challenge the Gym of the Burned Grass. First trainer is a Horoscope Believer:

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Omg, a personalized sprite! As if Entropia knew about my strat of bringing Rain, she leads with a LUVDISC right into Pelipper. Now I am scared.
I switch Eeveeto in, taking massive damage from Hydro Pump in Rain.
Eeveeto protects.

Algosa gets in, losing almost half of her life from Hydro Pump.
There is hope. Algosa lives Ice Beam and paralyzes Luvdisc with Dragon Breath.

I switch Jingle into the next Ice Beam.
However, even paralyzed, Luvdisc is still faster than Jingle in Rain and uses Hydro Pump:

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RIP Jingle. My own weather has been used against me.

Ninjabug is really my only option. He protects, but Luvdisc annoyingly gets paralyzed this turn.
Ninjabug uses Substitute, being broken by Ice Beam.
Ninjabug protects from Ice Beam.
Ninjabug uses Sub, which is broken again.
Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug uses Sub, Luvdisc insists in breaking it.
Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug uses Sub, which still can,t be maintained.
Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug uses Sub. Finally, Luvdisc can,t move.
Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug damages Luvidsc with Hidden Power and gets the Sub broken.
Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug puts another Sub that is broken the same turn.
Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug puts Sub and Luvdisc gets paralyzed. Good timing, since Ninjabug is in red already.
Ninjabug protects, but Luvdisc still can,t attack.
Ninjabug crits Luvdisc with Hidden Power Flying. The demon is dead:

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Clefable comes next. Ninjabug uses Baton Pass into Algosa, the Sub survives Moonblast.
Algosa uses Sludge Bomb and poisons Clef. The sub gets broken.

Entropia predicts me using Rest and withdraws Clefable, sending Goodra, for who I don,t have a Counter.
Goodra is faster than Algosa at +6 and uses Outrage. This must be Scarf Goodra, no other way. Algosa uses Rest with Sleep Talk.

My situation is critican and I need to sack someone. I send Robocop for it. Goodra uses Outrage again, taking more than half of Robocop's life and gets confused.
Goodra damages itself and dies from crit Earthquake:

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The irony of the losses would be one against a Meganium. Robocop protects from Energy Ball.
I send Ninjabug to take the next one.
Ninjabug protects from Toxic. Good, the Strat is working.
Ninjabug puts Sub, but Meganium crits it and it breaks.
Ninjabug protects. He can,t put another Sub.

Ok, hopefully that Meganium doesn,t have Earthquake. Ninjabug uses Baton Pass into the very damaged Algosa... who takes a crit Energy Ball that also drops the Special Defense. This looks dire.
Algosa uses Sleep Talk and triggers Sludge Bomb. Out of 50 HP, Energy Ball takes 16 and Leftovers recover 15.
Algosa uses Sleep Talk and another Sludge Bomb. Meganium heals with Synthesis.
Algosa wakes up and uses Rest again. Save for now. Meganium also heals with Synthesis. Its not healed to full, since its Raining.
Algosa uses Sleep Talk and Rest, getting Seeded.
Algosa uses another Sleep Talk and Rest again, taking Energy Ball.
Time to attack. Algosa wakes up and uses Sludge Bomb, but also gets another Special Defense drop.
Algosa still attacks and gets another Special Defense drop, -3 already.

Predicting Synthesis, I send Ninjabug.
Ninjabug protects from Energy Ball.
Ninjabug tries to use Sub, bringing down his HP to just 9. However, Meganium crits the Sub once again.
Ninjabug protects. Only 3 Protect PPs remain.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass, allowing Algosa to come in again, taking Energy Ball.
Algosa uses Sludge Bomb, taking another Sludge Bomb. No Leech Seed yet, yay!
Algosa poisons Meganium with the next Sludge Bomb but gets Seeded.

Ninjabug comes again while Meganium heals with Synthesis.
Ninjabug protects, Meganium heals again.
Ninjabug puts a Sub, getting down to 8 Protect PPs. Meganium heals again.

Using Baton Pass, Ninjabug safely brings Algosa in with a Sub, taking Energy Ball.
Algosa uses Sludge Bomb and the Sub survives another Energy Ball.
Algosa kills Meganium with Sludge Bomb:

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Shiny Frosslass appears. Even with Sub, I will probably lose a Mon to it.
Froslass uses Icy Wind instead of Ice Beam. The Sub still breaks, but Froslass gets paralyzed by Dragonbreath.
Algosa uses Dragonbreath again and Froslass can,t move.
Algosa kills Froslass:

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Entropia sends Shiny Salazzle next. Using Corrosion, it poisons Algosa, taking heavy damage from Dragonbreath.
Salazzle knocks Leftovers and barely survives another Dragonbreath.
Salazzle uses Knock Off again and dies from Sludge Bomb:

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Only Clefable is left. Since I fear Protect, Algosa uses Rest. Clefable attacks with Moonblast.
Algosa uses Sleep Talk and Sludge Bomb ends the battle:

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Terrifying battle. Every Mon except the useless Peli was close to dying at some point, with Jingle being sacked to the broken Luvdisc:

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Lesson learnt, I need more water resists if I use Rain, even in a "Burned Grass" Gym. So, I will train Pearl (Clamperl) after evolving it:

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During the training, I manage to catch a Shiny in Origin Cave:

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Pretty bad IVs outside of Speed. Still, it has both Battle Armor and Swift Swim to work with, and few weaknesses for a Rock type.

The training of Pearl ends and so does this chapter.
Chapter 73. Spooky spirits.

Hilariously, no 3 Mons on my team share level, so the only facility of Battle Frontier I will try my luck in this time is Battle Factory. Round 1 is not as easy as usually, but my Band Tauros, Sash Heracross and Lanturn prevail.
Round 2 offered me a poor selection of Mons. My Glalie managed to defeat lead Meganium in the first battle, but then died to Alolan Dugtrio. Band Torterra defeated the Dug, but then Specs Grimmsnarl killed Torterra and haxed my Muk.

Time to go back to the Burned Grass Gym. This is the next trainer I encounter:

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Heat sprite, though I don,t know who this dude is. He leads with a Weezing in any case. Peli damages it with Surf and takes a Sludge Bomb.

Albermaus withdraws Weezing a sends a Jellicent, immune to Surf.

I send Eeveeto to take the Surf.
Eeveeto protects.
Jellicent continues using Surf, probably is Scarf. Eeveeto uses Wish.
Eeveeto protects and heals to full.
Eeveeto takes a Surf but misses Toxic.
Eeveeto protects.
Eeveeto takes Surf and uses Wish.
Eeveeto protects and heals to full.
Eeveeto takes Surf and uses Toxic.
Eeveeto protects and Jellicent reveals Will-o-Wisp. Turns out, its not Scarf.

I switch Algosa in, avoiding WoW.
Jellicent misses another WoW and takes Dragonbreath.

Albermaus switches Jellicent out and sends a Shiny Alolan Marowak.

I switch Eeveeto into Earthquake.
Eeveeto protects from Double Edge. Fuck, this Mon is really dangerous.

I have no other option but to send Pearl:

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RIP Pearl. Dead in his first battle, damn.

Peli revenges Marowak by using Surf:

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A dangerous Gengar appears. I switch Robocop into Thunderbolt.
Gengar puts Sub, which gets broken by Shadow Ball.
Gengar burns Robocop with WoW but gets critted by Shadow Ball:

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Now I am in trouble, since Mega Banette appears. Eeveeto is my only option, taking Shadow Ball.
Eeveeto protects from Taunt.
Eeveeto tries to use Wish, but gets Taunted.

I send Algosa, but Shadow Ball brings her to yellow.

I then send Ninjabug...

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Holly shit, that was close (there is no Focus Sash).
Ninjabug protects from Shadow Ball.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass into Eeveeto.
Eeveeto protects from Taunt.
Even at +1, Eeveeto is still slower than Banette and gets Taunted before he can use Wish.
Eeveeto eats a Shadow Ball and uses Crunch... getting it disabled by Cursed Body. Now I need to sack a Mon.

Even though Robocop has the highest amount of health, he is probably the least useful Mon right now, so he has to be sacked. Surprisingly, he doesn,t die since Banette uses Destiny Bond.

I switch Eeveeto back, taking another Shadow Ball.
Banette uses Taunt and gets in red by Crunch.

I switch Ninjabug in but Albermaus switches Banette out at the same time, sending a Centiskorch.
Ninjabug protects from Flamethrower.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass, bringing Peli in, who takes another Flamethrower.
Peli kills Centiskorch with Surf:

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Jellicent comes back. So I send Algosa to take Surf.
Jellicent heals with Recover and Algosa with Rest.
Jellicent uses Ice Beam. Sleep Talk triggers Rest.

Albermaus withdraws Jellicent and sends Weezing, who gets in red from Dragonbreath.

Fearing Explosion, I send Robocop, but Weezing uses Pain Split instead.
Weezing attacks with Flamethrower and gets a Dynamic Punch.

Algosa comes back while Weezing damages itself.
Weezing uses Sludge Bomb and takes another crit one.
Weezing uses Sludge Bomb and takes another one.
Weezing continues attacking and barely survives Dragonbreath.
Weezing burns Algosa and dies from Dragonbreath:

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The scary Mega Bannette appears again.
I send Eeveeto, surviving next Shadow Ball in red.
Eeveeto protects from Taunt.
Banette taunts Eeveeto before he can use Toxic.

I send Ninjabug on the Destiny Bond.
Ninjabug protects from Shadow Ball.
Ninjabug kills Banette with Hidden Power:

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"Did I tell you about that one time when I almost burned a factory?" Only Jellicent remains now. Ninjabug protects from Surf.
Ninjabug puts Sub that is broken by Surf.
Ninjabug protects from Ice Beam.
Ninjabug puts a final Sub and Jellicent dies from the poison:

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This battle was even harder than the previous one, once again I lost a Mon and the other 5 had been in big danger:

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With 2 Mons already lost to the Gym, its time to come back to the Cibercafe and beat another trainer there. I take Algosa out of the team and bring Gerania and Hippocampus (Horsea), who I need to train. Ending the chapter here.
Chapter 74. Disbanding the Mafia.

First of all, I train Hipocampus:

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Now, the Battle Frontier. The first round of Battle Factory goes easy, with Breloom, Salamence and Alolan Ninetales wrecking everything.
In round 2 I used Band Aero, Whiscash and Scarf Heracross. I lost the last battle of this round in a very painful way. Primarina defeated Whiscash, then Exploud defeated Aero. My Scarf Heracross killed Exploud with Brick Break only for the last Mon to be a Mega Banette.

At Battle Dome I use Peli, Hipocampus and Gerania. In most of the battles I just use the Rain core, though vs Bulky waters and opposing Kingdra, Gerania participates. I make it to Tucker this time:

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Rain core looks good here. Salamence is the only Mon that could give me trouble.

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Tucker is dumb and sends Salamence as a lead. Using Scarf, Peli just OHKOs Mence with Ice Beam:

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Charizard is the other Mon. I switch Hipocampus in a Rock Slide.
Specs Surf ends the battle and gives me a silver symbol:

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Finally another symbol after a long time. Now lets see if I can get the Gold one. 20 more battles must be won for this.
Battle 1: 3 water weak Mons. Peli OHKOs everything.
Battle 2: Opponent has 1 water resist, which is Breloom, so I still bring the Rain core. Peli lives 1 Rock Slide from Scarf Medicham and OHKOs it. Opponent doesn,t bring Breloom, choosing Nidoking instead, so its an easy win.
Battle 3: No water resist. Peli kills Houndoom, then gets murdered by Scarf Manectric. Hipocampus wins.
Battle 4: No water resist, Peli wins in 2 turns.

Battle 5: Actual danger Mon in Regice. Peli damages it and dies to Ice Beam. Hipocampus doesn,t kill and gets Paralyzed by TW. It still outspeeds and kills Regice. The other Mon is Mismagius. It uses Taunt and survives with Sash. It then uses Destiny Bond but Hipocampus gets paralyzed. If Mismagius spammed Dbond, I would have lost, but it used Dazzling Gleam next turn, dying from Surf. Closest battle so far.
Battle 6: No water resist, but still a hard battle. Venomoth survives Surf from Peli and sleeps it. I switch Hipocampus into Psychic and kill Venomoth. The other Mon is a Sdef Heracross that survives Surf and kills Hipocampus with Megahorn. It then uses Rest right before Peli wakes up. 3 Surfs are needed to kill Heracross.
Battle 7: No water resist, Peli wins in 2 turns.
Battle 8: No water resists, but Electabuzz survives Surf and OHKOs Peli. Nothing can resist Surfs from Hipocampus though.

Battle 9: A bulky water is in the opposing team, but its one that can beat Gerania, a Dewgong, so I need to bring the Rain core again. Peli manages to use Hidden Power Grass 2 times before dying to the Dewgong, who became weakened enough to be KOd by Surf from Hipocampus. Medicham could never live a Surf without Sash.
Battle 10: Dangerous team with Mega Sharpedo and Swellow, that could be Sash Endeavor + Quick Attack. Swellow is indeed Sash, but its the lead. It outspeeds Peli despite the Scarf, but can,t KO with Boomburst, so it can,t preserve the Sash before Hipocampus appears. 2 turns of Outrage end the battle.
Battle 11: Opponent has Slowbro, Suicune and Starmie. I need to use Gerania and Hipocampus here to even have a shot. Suicune is the lead, of course. Gerania uses Leech Seed after it CMs. My only way to win now is to crit. I send Hippocampus while Suicune continues to use CM. Due to Suicune having Pressure + Rest, Hippocampus spends all Hidden Power Electric PPs except one before I switch it out and in again. Outrage is stronger than HP Electric and Hipocampus gets lucky with the confusion turns, so with Leech Seed help, even +3 Suicune is 3HKOd. A Starmie appears, and its a Cosmic Power one. Hipocampus damages himself, so I switch Gerania into a powerful Psychic. Starmie uses then Ice Beam twice while Gerania heals. Starmie starts to boost again, being hit by Giga Drain. Starmie uses 2 Ice Beams, the second of which is crit and kills Gerania, not before getting seeded. Even at +2 and having Recover, Starmie gets 2HKOd by Outrage thanks to Leech Seed.
Battle 12: Oh, shit Tyranitar, Dragonite and Regice. This looks impossible. Despite Tyranitar having the ability to win the weather war, I think he won,t be the lead, so I choose the rain core. The lead is Dragonite, who gets OHKOd by Peli. Surprisingly, Tyranitar is the other Mon. Its BandTar, so Hipocampus gets killed by the Sand after taking Rock Slide. Then I send Peli... and Tyranitar survives rain boosted Surf, ending my streak here. FUUUCK. Should have stayed with Peli and kill Tyranitar with Hipocampus, but feared DD.

On Battle Tower the team was doing pretty well, until in battle 26 I commited the mistake of staying with Surf locked Hipocampus vs last Mon Starmie. If it was any other Starmie set, either Hipocampus or Gerania would have won, but it was Confuse Ray + Thunder Wave + Recover + Psychic. Both Hipocampus and Gerania couldn,t land a single hit after that first Surf.

The RNG fest of Battle Palace ended at battle 26, when all my Mons refused to attack almost every turn.

Normally I avoid Double Battle, but this time in Battle Pike I go for them, since Rain core can SPAM Surfs. I only have one in round 1, which I easily win.
First battle in round 2 leaves Hipocampus paralyzed by a Grumpig, second one gets Peli killed by Sash + Thunderbolt Amaura. Then I have to battle a single battle. Hipocampus kills a Lickitung and damages a Swalot before falling. Gerania kills the Swalot and a Camerupt appears. EQ would have been a 2HKO, but Specs Eruption at half of health crits and the challenge ends right there.

I thought I could have a shot at Battle Arena this time, but opposing Swift Swimmers said no. Kabutops defeated Peli, while Qwilfish used Hydro Pump on Robocop (who I used instead of Gerania here) and exploded on Hipocampus after surviving with Focus Sash.

Time to go to Cibercafe and challenge the next trainer, which is this one:

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Giovanni leads with a Nidoking, who is murdered by Peli right away.

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Then Giovanni gets serious and sends... a Mewtwo. Fortunately, I have Eeveeto to switch into Psychic.
Mewtwo uses Ice Beam and gets a Toxic.
Eeveeto protects from Ice Beam.
Eeveeto takes Ice Beam and uses Wish.
Eeveeto protects.

Giovanni withdraws Mewtwo and sends Rhyperior while Eeveeto uses Wish.

I switch Robocop in, getting a Megahorn and healing with Wish.

I then send Peli on the obvious EQ.
Peli kills Rhyperior with Surf:

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Dugtrio appears. I send Robocop, getting hit by a crit Stone Edge.
Robocop protects... from Fissure. Fuck.

Fortunately, Robocop is a ghost, so I can switch him out and send Ninjabug. Dugtrio uses EQ this turn.
Ninjabug protects from SE.
Ninjabug uses Sub and avoids SE.
Ninjabug protects from Sludge Bomb.
Ninjabug crits with Hidden Power, but Dugtrio survives with Focus Sash.
Ninjabug protects from SE.
Ninjabug uses Sub, which is broken by SE.
Ninjabug protects from SE.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass and Robocop at +6 comes taking SE.
Robocop protects to recover health.
Robocop kills Dugtrio with Shadow Ball:

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Giovanni sends a Honchkrow next. I don,t have counter for this one.
Robocop protects from Dark Pulse.
Robocop uses Dynamic Punch and Honchkrow damages himself.
Robocop protects and Honchkrow suicides:

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Kangaskhan is the last Mon of Giovanni instead of the Persian I feared. Robocop uses Dynamic Punch and Kanga damages itself.
Robocop kills Kanga and finishes the battle next turn:

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Not an easy battle. To be fair, I had to fight twice due to a blackout at my house (the battery of my laptop died 2 years ago), so I had advantage in knowledge about Giovanni's team in my second attemt. Still, he used a Mewtwo, so this help was certainly useful, lol.

Ending the chapter here. In the next one, I will go back to Santygrass Gym.
Chapter 75. A Mega Camerupt enjoyer.

Gerania gets replaces by Algosa again before I go to the Burned Grass Gym.

This is the next trainer I face:

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I remember this dude. He was not even part of the Pxp community, just an average troll. He might get some kills vs me, since the battle is Double. Felipe leads with Smeargle and Lickilicky, my leads are Peli and Robocop.
Robocop protects. Smeargle uses Swagger on him. Peli activates the Sash of Smeargle, while Lickilicky uses Double Team.
Smeargle targets Lickilicky with Swagger, but misses. It dies from Ice Beam:

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Lickilicy damages Robocop with... Cut and survives Dynamic Punch, while a Whimsicott appears on the other side.

I switch Peli out and send Algosa, who gets damaged by +2 Cut, since Whimsi still swaggers Lickilicky. Robocop protects.

I now switch Algosa out, sending Eeveeto. He takes +4 Cut while Robocop finishes Lickilicky:

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Blissey is the last Mon. Eeveeto protects and Robocop gets Taunted by Whismicott. Blissey tries to Minimize, but No Guard Dynamic Punch ignores that and even crits:

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Now, only Whimsi remains. It misses Swagger against Eeveeto and gets Toxic + Shadow Ball.
Eeveeto protects while Robocop finishes the battle:

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Despite being a Double Battle, 4 Mons made it easy. Lets go for the next trainer!

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Remember Federico? My Mega Camerupt? Well, I stole the nick from this dude.

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Zinnia music sounds in this battle. Red Krow is a Mega Camerupt enjoyer since that Mon appeared in ORAS. He leads with a Torkoal that wins the weather war vs Peli... for now.
I send Eeveeto while Torkoal uses Curse.

Peli comes back without being damaged, since Torkoal uses Curse again.
Peli kills Torkoal with Surf:

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A Primarina appears to take advantage of my Rain. I send Algosa, taking a Moonblast.
Algosa takes a Psychic and crits with Sludge Bomb:

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Chlorophyll Venusaur would be a dangerous foe if there wasn,t rain. I send Ninjabug into the obvious Earthquake.
Ninjabug uses Sub while Venusaur activates the Sun with Sunny Day.
Ninjabug protects from Sludge Bomb.
Ninjabug damages Venusaur with Hidden Power and the Sub is broken.
Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug kills Venu with a non-necessary crit.

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Shiny Mega Camerupt finally appears.
Ninjabug protects from Hidden Power.
Ninjabug uses Baton Pass into Peli, who survives a Hidden Power Ice in red.
Camerupt was never living the Surf:

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Shiny Appletun is next. Hopefully not Specs. I send Eeveeto, taking a Giga Drain.
Eeveeto uses Toxic and gets the Special Defense dropped by Apple Acid.
Eeveeto protects.

Ninjabug goes into Giga Drain.
Ninjabug uses Sub while Appletun heals with Recover.
Ninjabug protects from Hidden Power.
Ninjabug kills Appleturn with his own Hidden Power:

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Last Mon is Honchkrow. Ninjabug protects from Brave Bird.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass into Hipocampus who has the Sub broken by Brave Bird.
Specs Surf finishes the battle:

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Pretty easy battle this time, the only Mon that posed danger was the Primarina. Finishing the chapter here, this is how the team survived the battle:

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Chapter 76. Weather wars.

Not many trainers have to be left in the Gym at this point. This is the next one:

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I don,t know who Fenan is, but he leads with Arcanine, while my lead is Eeveeto. Eeveeto protects from Flamethrower.

I switch Peli in, activating the Rain.

Scouting for HP Electric, I switch Hippocampus in. However, Arcanine just puts the Sun again.

I send my other dragon, Algosa to take Solar Beam.
Algosa takes Flamethrower and paralyzes Arcanine with Dragonbreath.

Peli comes in again, taking a crit Flamethrower.
Surf kills Arcanine:

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An Eevee appears. With Everstone, its much more dangerous than it appears. Robocop is immune to Frustration, though.
I risk stayin in Shadow Ball, but Eevee uses Wish instead. Dynamicpunch confuses Eevee.
Eevee damages itself and dies from a second Dynamicpunch:

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Ok, this battle is clearly a joke, last Mon is Charmander. The joke isn,t as funny though when it uses Crunch, Robocop almost dies before KOing with EQ:

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Lets go onto the next trainer:

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Oh, its the Casino hater.

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This time he has a full team though, not just Nidoking. He leads with a Mega Abomasnow. Eeveeto uses Toxic and loses almost half of the life from Blizzard. I am in big trouble, since another Blizzard + Hail damage probably KOs.
Eeveeto protects.

I switch Peli in, avoiding Blizzard.
Peli uses Surf and....

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Gets frozen.

I switch Eeveeto in, but Ghaddar switches Abomasnow out at the same time and sends Toxicroak.

I switch Robocop in while Toxicroak uses Sword Dance.
Toxicroak uses Substitute that is broken by EQ. With Leftovers + Dry Skin, Toxicroak heals almost all damage.
Toxicroak uses a total of 13 Substitutes before finally attacking with Gunk Shot, which crits, though at least I avoid the poison. Robocop kills Toxicroak with Shadow Ball:

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Ghaddar sends one of the best Robocop counters then, a Mandibuzz. I send Algosa in the Toxic.
Mandibuzz uses Brave Bird and damages Algosa hard. Algosa uses Sludge Bomb.

I send Hipocampus next, losing also half of the life.
Hipocampus kills Mandibuzz with Surf.

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Mega Abomasnow comes back with the only purpose to change weather before dying.

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Alolan Marowak is next. He also dies:

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Hippowdon comes to change the weather again. Counting with the initial Sun of the Gym, all weathers had been used in this battle. Hipocampus KOs Hippo too.

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Last is a level 79 (above all my team) Alolan Persian. I switch Eeveeto into... Pay Day.
Even Pay Day can be danger when it crits and there is Sandstorm:

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Eeveeto uses Wish and survives the Sandstorm with 11 HP.
Eeveeto protects and heals.
Persian crits again but this time Eeveeto has enough health. Wish is used.
Eeveeto protects.
Persian crits for third time while Eeveeto uses Wish.
Eeveeto protects.
Persian continues using Pay Day, looks like it its only attack. Eeveeto finally uses Toxic.
Eeveeto protects.
Eeveeto takes one last Pay Day and uses Crunch. Persian survives the Sandstorm damage, but not the poison one:

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Even with the joke Persian set (it was a critisism for Game Corners and Pay 2 Win being present in Pokemon games), this was a hard battle and my team was pretty damaged. Ending the chapter here while showing it:

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Chapter 77. The cost of not lending 20 euros.

Ok, hopefully today I will find and destroy the last trainers of the Gym . The next one asks me to give him 20 euros:

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Oh, I have fought against Krub already. He leads with a broken Farfetch'd. It uses Sword Dance, which probably will make me sack one Mon. Eeveeto uses Toxic.
Eeveeto protects and Farfy uses SD again. Yep, someone will have to die.

Or maybe not. As I switch Peli in, Farfy uses Sword Dance a third time.
Farfetch'd uses Slash, activating Focus Sash and dying from Surf:

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A Haunter is the next Mon. I switch Eeveeto in a Tbolt.
Eeveeto protects from Taunt.
Haunter taunts Eeveeto and gets damaged by Crunch.

I switch Algosa in while Krub withdraws Haunter... and sends Glaceon. Fuck, this one is scary too.

Eeveeto comes back into a very strong Specs Blizzard. Now I actually have to sack someone.
Eeveeto protects.

I use Smogon Damage Calculator and see that Hipocampus lives... but I calc'd wrong. I saw a choiced Glaceon set, but the default item was Scarf, not Specs. Who even uses Scarf Glaceon in DPP UU/NU?

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RIP Hipocampus. Had I looked well, I would have sacked Robocop instead.

Ninjabug is my only option. He puts Sub, which is broken.
Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug puts Sub and avoids Blizzard.
Ninjabug protects.. and turns out Glaceon isn,t even choiced, it uses Hiden Power. How did Hipocampus die then? Never Melt Ice + Modest I guess.

Ok, Robocop might have to die after all. Ninjabug uses Baton Pass into him, getting the sub broken by neutral Hidden Power that crits (don,t think it even mattered).
Robocop barely doesn,t OHKO Glaceon with Dynamicpunch, but it dies from confusion:

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An Abomasnow appears. I don,t have switch-in for this, so Robocop has to continue attacking.
Robocop does not KO Abomasnow, but manages to survive a Blizzard.
Next Dynamicpunch ends the Abomasnow:

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Sableye is next. Robocop protects while Sableye uses Night Shade. This means that Eeveeto is not an option.

I send Algosa and Leftovers get knocked.
Sableye misses Will-o-Wisp and gets hit by Dragonbreath.
Sableye heals with Recover and gets hit again.
Sableye hits WoW and gets paralyzed and very damaged.

Good moment to send Peli while Sableye uses Recover. Hail ends.

Algosa comes back, barely surviving Night Shade + burn damage:

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Algosa heals with Rest, getting damaged by Night Shade.
Algosa uses Sleep Talk and damages Sableye with Dragonbreath, getting another Night Shade back.
Algosa uses Rest in the next Sleep Talk, getting back to red range.
Algosa heals again. Sableye can,t move.
Algosa triggers Sludge Bomb, Sableye heals.
Algosa uses Rest in the next Sleep Talk and gets damaged by Night Shade.
Algosa wakes up and uses Dragonbreath, getting damaged back.
Algosa uses Rest while Sableye can,t move.
Algosa crits Sableye with Dragonbreath, killing it:

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Breloom doesn,t look a good choice to face Algosa, but Haunter is the only other option.
Still, Breloom damages Algosa hard with Return before being paralyzed by Dragonbreath.
Algosa kills Breloom with Sludge Bomb:

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Now, the tricky Haunter remains. It obviously uses Destiny Bond, but Algosa uses Rest.
Haunter uses Taunt.
Haunter uses Destiny Bond again while Algosa still sleeps.

I switch Eeveeto into Tbolt.
Eeveeto protects from Destiny Bond.
Eeveeto gets Taunted.

I switch Algosa in the next Destiny Bond.
Algosa wakes up and gets Taunted, preventing Rest.

Eeveeto gets into another Thunderbolt.
Eeveeto protects from Destiny Bond.
Eeveeto gets taunted.

Algosa gets into Thunderbolt.
Algosa gets taunted.

Eeveeto gets into Thunderbolt, hitting red range.
Eeveeto protects from Taunt.

I switch Robocop into Destiny Bond.
Robocop protects from Taunt.

I switch Ninjabug into Destiny Bond. The battle is won here.
Ninjabug protects from Thunderbolt.
Ninjabug kills Haunter with Hidden Power:

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Very hard battle even with NFEs and the broken Farfetch'd choking. My team ended up very damaged and with one kill:

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Scouting the territory after Krub, there is just one more trainer in this Gym. Still, I will fight in Battle Café before returning. I take Ninjabug out of the team and put Gerania and Lord Helix. The training goes fast, so in the next chapter I just have Battle Frontier left to do.
Chapter 78. Hard rocks to smash.

Battle Frontier time! In the first round of Battle Factory, my team ends up being Sash Heracross, Electabuzz and Espeon. I almost lose the last battle when a Scizor boosted vs Heracross with Silver Wind, but the trainer switches it out vs Electabuzz, who got sacked vs a Swampert but not before using Reflect, which allowed CM Espeon to sweep.
Another Dual screener Mon was used by me in R2, Corviknight. Partners were a Sunny Day Arcanine and a Bulk Up Bewear. Overall, a much easier round and I only switched Mon once.
Round 3 consisted in Furret using Baton Pass into either Decidueye or Dragalge. I almost lost several times but the AI choked in all those scenarios.
In round 4 I switched a lot, ending up with Beautifly, Chimecho and Kingdra. I lost with this team vs one with Donphan (Toxic + Protect), Mega Glalie and Medicham. I would have won if I used Hydro Pump in rain with Kingdra vs Medicham, but thought that Outrage was enough.

At Battle Dome I try my luck with the Rain core of Peli and Lord Helix + Gerania. An evil Dragon Tamer destroys me with a Specs Kingdra at the fourth tournament.

At Battle Tower my record was and still is 29 wins. I get it again but can,t win one more battle, cause a very bulky team of Parasect (with Big Mushroom), Walrein and Wintass stop me.

13 wins is what I get at Battle Palace. A Frosmoth just destroys all my team at battle 14.

My journey at Battle Pike starts with Gerania being killed by Icy Wind + Destiny Bond Frillish and Peli being destroyed by Mirror Coat Corsola. In the next room a Kirlia sleeps the surviving Lord Helix. In 3rd room this happens:

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Lord Helix doesn,t even get up vs lead Hitmontop, who kills it with Triple Kick + Mach Punch. This was very sad.

At Battle Arena I use Algosa along with the Rain core. The perfomance is the best one so far of this facility, but I still don,t get to Greta. At battle 26, Alolan Raticate defeats Peli with Return + Quick Attack, damaging Algosa hard too. Twackey finishes Algosa and gets frozen by Lord Helix. Last Mon unfortunately is an Octillery, who uses my own rain against me.

Time to go to Cibercafe:

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Brock leads with a Forretress. I expect Spikes, but after taking Surf, Forretress actually damages Peli hard with Hidden Power.
Forretress barely survives another Surf and uses Toxic. He also raises the speed with a Salac Berry.

I switch Robocop in, taking a Hidden Power Rock.
Forretress uses Spikes before dying. This means the Focus Sash on Lord Helix will be useless:

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Speaking about Lord Helix, an opposing Omastar appears. Robocop protects from Surf.

I switch Gerania in the next Surf.
The Omastar DOESN'T have Swift Swim, so Gerania outspeeds and damages it with Giga Drain. Omastar lives due to Focus Sash and hits Gerania very hard with Ice Beam. If Omastar had Swift Swim, Gerania would have been already dead.

Brock withdraws Omastar and sends a Crobat, taking Giga Drain.

I won,t have a better chance to send Lord Helix. Crobat uses Double Team.
Lord Helix is too slow even in Rain to outspeed Crobat. He gets hit by Toxic and misses Surf.
Crobat uses Double Team and avoids another Surf.
Crobat uses Confuse Ray, Lord Helix damages himself.

Since Lord Helix is too damages at this point, I have to switch Algosa in while Crobat continues boosting Evasion.
Crobat uses Double Team again and avoids Dragonbreath.
Crobat still uses Double Team and can,t be hit.
Crobat gets to +6 and still is undamaged.
Crobat uses Confuse Ray, algosa hits herself.

Dumbly enough, Brock withdraws +6 Crobat and sends Steelix, who gets hit by Dragonbreath.

I send Peli into the obvious EQ.
Peli kills Steelix with Surf:

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Crobat comes back. So does Algosa while Crobat uses Double Team.
Crobat uses Double Team again but gets hit by a crit Dragonbreath that also paralyzes.
Algosa hits Crobat again with Dragonbreath and gets confused.

I switch Robocop in to finish Crobat, but Brocks withdraws it at the same time, sending Golem.
Robocop protects from EQ and heals to full (from Spikes).
Robocop gets very damaged by EQ but crits Golem with Dynamicpunch. Golem survives due to Sturdy and boosts Attack with Salac Berry.
Robocop protects from EQ.

Peli comes back into the next EQ.
Peli kills Golem with Surf:

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Sudowoodo of all things is the last Mon of Brock. I send Eeveeto, but Band Head Smash does too much. A sack is finally needed.
Eeveeto protects.

Robocop has survived many battles while being the sack, but this time he can,t do it again.

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RIP Robocop. Kind of humillating to be defeated by the weakest Rock type in 8 gens.
Lord Helix comes in and kills Sudowoodo.

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Unfortunately, Lord Helix has to die too. If Brock sent Crobat, Lord Helix would have survived, but he sent Omastar, so its not possible to do it without sacking someone else. Lord Helix does win the Omastar duel though:

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But collapses to Poison right after that:

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The almost dead Peli finishes the battle:

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Damn, 2 losses. I knew from the beginning that Brock would be hard due to being an anime character (meaning he wouldn,t use a Rock Monotype), but he was even harder than expected. I lost Robocop and the last Swift Swimmer I had (technically I still have Qwilfish, but he probably is better with Intimidate). Ending the chapter here.
Chapter 79. The sky is the limit.

Actually I do have Swift Swimmers still. I put Gerania into the PC and take Ninjabug, Ingvar (Runerigus) and Celacanto (Relicanth). I train the last 2 and go to Battle Frontier.

Chesto + Rest Crobat, Golduck and Arcanine destroy round 1 of Battle Factory.
In round 2 I use a Counter + Explosion mixed Lickilicky, a Specs Seaking and a Curse + Rest Armaldo. All of these get defeated by a Damp Countercoat Swampert, who prevents the Explosion, Mirror Coats the Seaking and Surfs Armaldo.

Battle Factory is the only facility I will visit this time, since the 3 Mons that share level in my team are Eeveeto, Ninjabug and Algosa. No strategy can be done here, especially with Item Clause (at least 2 of them need Leftovers).

So, I directly go to face last trainer of the Burned Grass Gym:

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I don,t know who Vin is, but she looks to be a Sky Battles enthusiast. She leads with Crobat, who uses Confuse Ray but gets burned by Ingvar.
Of course, Crobat know Toxic too. He gets hit by Shadow Ball.
Crobat uses its own Shadow Ball and drops Ingvar's Sdef. Ingvar heals with Rest.
Crobat uses Confuse Ray.

Vin withdraws Crobat on the second turn of Ingvar's sleep and sends a very dangerous Mega Altaria.

I send Algosa and almost lost her to a crit Ice Beam that also freezes her. She now has a high chance to become the sack of the battle.

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I send Eeveeto next, getting a Dragon Claw.
I forget to protect, so Eeveeto takes another Dragon Claw and uses Toxic.
Eeveeto protects from another Dragon Claw.

Ninjabug gets in... a Toxic. Fuck, this battle looks very dire already.
Ninjabug protects from Ice Beam.
Ninjabug puts Sub that gets broken.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass. This turns to be a very bad decision, since Vin doesn,t switch Altaria out. Eeveeto survives Dragon Claw in red and Altaria dies:

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Togekiss is next. Ok, now I do need sacks.
Eeveeto protects from Flamethrower.

I send Peli in the next Flamethrower. Is she bulky enough to survive a Dazzling Gleam?
She is. Peli is in fact faster and damages Pelipper with Surf, surviving in red the STAB move of Togekiss.
Another Surf finishes Togekiss:

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Crobat comes back. I send Eeveeto, who takes Aerial Ace before Crobat dies to the burn:

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Vin sends a Gliscor. I switch Ingvar in, taking a strong Earthquake.
Gliscor uses Sword Dance and gets burned.
Gliscor uses another Sword Dance and takes Shadow Ball.
Gliscor switches the weather by using Sandstorm, taking another Shadow Ball.

I send Peli into EQ, reseting my Rain.
I send Celacanto into Sludge Bomb, Gliscor dies to the burn:

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Celacanto could defeat any Flying Mon, but the one that appears is Skarmory of all things. Still, I order Celacanto to be like Aerodactyl and use Rock Slide, which misses. Skarmory changes the weather again to Sandstorm.
Celacanto uses Rock Slide, Skarm puts Spikes.
Celacanto learns the Aerodactyl power and flinches Skarmory.
Celacanto kills Skarmory:

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Gyarados is the last Mon. I don,t have a reliable counter for this, Celacanto might die.
Gyarados crits Celacanto with EQ:

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RIP Celacanto. One less Swift Swimmer.

Ingvar comes back, taking Spikes damage. Gyarados uses Dragon Dance and gets burned.
Gyarados boosts again and takes a Shadow Ball.
Gyarados uses EQ and gets in red by another Shadow Ball.
Gyarados uses one last EQ and the battle ends:

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Yet another very hard battle. You will get used to these.

During my Gym exploration, apart from beating the trainers, I had to light some torches, after Vin I gained access to the last one:

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With all 4 torches lighted up, I now can go to the next room when a Totem avaits. Due to the Totem, I prefer not to go to Cibercafe in the next chapter and take out the most dangerous enemy. I will need to train Outlaw for this, though. For now, I finish this chapter showing the team after the chaotic battle:

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Chapter 80. Time travelling cheater.

I train Outlaw, catching a Shiny in Sky Pillar with his help:

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Good IVs here. The Mon is not good, but at least its fast, which is rare in my teams.

Time to go to Battle Frontier. My journey at Battle Factory is very short this time, despite getting a good team in R1: Skarmory, Heracross and Whiscash. At battle 7, I used DD with Whiscash twice vs Electabuzz. Fearing a freeze, I decided to kill it right there, hoping to sweep anyway, but a Clefable appeared. It lived and EQ and used Double Team. With Metronome, a Magical Leaf destroyed Whiscash. Even though Skarmory defeated Clef, an Alolan Ninetales OHKOd both Skarm and Heracross.

At Battle Dome I use Peli, Outlaw and Algosa. I only last 2 tours before Peli is getting revenge killed by a Quick Attack Zangoose and Outlaw is countered by the same Mon, despite me trying to trick it with Sword Dance.

At Battle Tower however the team does much better and I get to battle Anabel:

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Anabel leads Alakazam. Peli uses Surf and gets OHKOd by Thunder Punch:

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Outlaw outspeeds Zam and kills it with X Scissors:

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Snorlax appears. Outlaw uses Sword Dance and gets Yawned.
Outlaw damages Snorlax hard with Rock Slide. Lax attemts to use Belly Drum but fails. Outlaw falls asleep at the end of the turn.
Snorlax damages Outlaw with Shadow Ball.
Outlaw wakes up and kills Snorlax with X Scissors:

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Last is Entei. One +2 EQ is enough to finish the battle:

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And thats how I won the silver symbol. 13 years me (when playing Emerald) could never achieve the Tower one, so at least now I know that I am a better player today than in 2008. I will now try to get the Gold Symbol too.

Unfortunately, the streak ends pretty soon, at battle 38. Lead is a Qwilfish vs which Peli has to use Shock Wave. Then a Wintass appears and destroys all the team with Rock Blasts and Mach Punch.

At Battle Palace I only get 10 wins. Then Peli decided that against a Night Lycanroc the best move to use is Ice Beam and Outlaw uses SD twice vs the same Lycanroc while its in red.

The team is decent for Double Battles, so in Battle Pike I go for them. 2 battles I have to fight in the first round and not a single of my Mons is KOd.
In round 2 I get Peli KOd by Sash Destiny Bond Shuppet in a single battle, but get healed pretty soon. I also have a Double Battle, which I easily win.
In round 3 I lose in a single battle. Peli gets killed by Cradily and then I commit a mistake of attacking a Victreebel with Outlaw instead of switching Algosa for free. Outlaw gets slept and a Bisharp wins the battle.

Battle Arena streak looked promising until a Band Lucario appeared and critted Peli, killing Algosa too. Outlaw used SD on the Lucario, but the second Mon was a Sash Breloom.

Well, at least I got one more symbol. Lets go now to face the Totem (before doing it I made some movesets adjustement, since I don,t need moves like Toxic and WoW vs Totems).
But who is the Totem this time?

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Loool, I am lucky as fuck, since my lead is Peli (since I assumed the Totem would be trying to take advantage of the Sun). Wait... the weather doesn,t change. Totem Aura is definetely broken. Surf takes out only a cuarted of Camerupts health, while the Fire Blast brings Peli to Focus Sash range.

I send Algosa, who takes a Solar Beam.

I then switch Ninjabug into Earthquake. Time to PP Stall.
Ninjabug protects from Fire Blast.
Ninjabug puts Sub and avoids Fire Blast.
Ninjabug protects from another Fire Blast.
Ninjabug damages Camerupt a little with Hidden Power. The Sub gets broken by Fire Blast.
Ninjabug protects. Camerupt uses Solar Beam this turn, since Fire Blast PPs are gone.
Ninjabus puts Sub that resists Solar Beam.
Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug damages Camerupt with Hidden Power. Sub breaks.
Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug puts Sub, that resists Solar Beam.
Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug damages Camerupt with Hidden Power, the Sub breaks. Camerupt now is in yellow range.
Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug puts Sub. Camerupt uses Will-o-Wisp, he has been succesfully PP Stalled.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass back to Peli.
2 Surfs finish the Totem:

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Even with Drizzle not activating, this was one of the easiests Totems to beat:

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The way to Santygrass has been opened, so its time for our first Micoliga Gym Leader battle!

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WTF, just one Mon? Who could it be?

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Well, that doesn,t sound too scary. My lead is Peli. Celebi uses Sword Dance while I switch to Ninjabug.
Ninjabug puts Sub that is broken by Ancient Power... and Celebi gets the Omniboost. Well, now I am in trouble.
Ninjabug protects from Shadow Ball.
Ninjabug puts a Sub that is broken by Shadow Ball.
Ninjabug protects from Ancient Power.
Ninjabug puts Sub, broken by Shadow Ball.
Ninjabug protects from Ancient Power.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass into Eeveeto, who takes +3 Shadow Ball and gets the Sdef dropped.
Eeveeto uses Toxic and gets hit by Hidden Power Fight.
Eeveeto protects from Hidden Power.

I send Ingvar to take the next one.

Then I send Eeveeto back while Celebi uses Sword Dance.
Eeveeto protects.

I switch Peli in, taking Hidden Power.

On the final turn of the poison, I do what I should have done the first turn of the battle, switch Outlaw in. Celebi crits, but Outlaw has Focus Sash:

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Well, this went easier than expected... But...

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"Do you think the battle has finished already?"

After finishing the battle, Celebi uses some weird power and teleports me to the entrance of the room. I heal my team and go to face Santygrass again.

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Santygrass denies having been defeated, he tells me that he has just showed me his Celebi's power and is about to do a second demonstration:

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I have a feeling this won,t be the last time I fight this time travelling cheater. Santygrass leads with Celebi again. This time I switch Outlaw directly... while Celebi uses Sunny Day.
Celebi leaves Outlaw in red with Solar Beam and gets murdered by X Scissors:

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Rillaboom is next. I send Ingvar, getting in a resisted Hidden Power, I suspect its Rock.
Rillaboom uses Sword Dance and gets burned.
Rillaboom uses SD again and gets hit by Shadow Ball.

I send Ninjabug into EQ.
Ninjabug protects from Hidden Power.
Ninjabug kills Rillaboom with his own Hidden Power:

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Last is Leafeon. Ninjabug puts Sub while Leafeon tries to use Swagger.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass, bringing Peli while Leafeon uses Wish.
Leafeon tries to use WishTect several times, but ends up collapsing to Ice Beam.

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Yeah, looks like I will have at least one more battle. I again go to heal the team and back.

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"Nothing is better than when the plants burn. Looks like you already now about my SHIFing (time travelling). So, the moment of silencing you has arrived".

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This is the real battle. This time Santy leads with the Boomer. I send Ingvar on the Boomburst.
Rillaboom uses Earthquake and avoids WoW.
Rillaboom uses another Earthquake and again avoids the Burn.
Rillaboom uses a third EQ and finally gets burned.
Rillaboom continues using EQ, Ingvar goes to sleep.
Rillaboom uses 2 EQ while Ingvar is asleep, one is crit.
Rillaboom uses antoher EQ and takes a Shadow Ball.

I send Ninjabug on the next EQ.
Ninjabug kills Boomer:

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The next Mon Santygrass sends is a Castform, which is very scary for me during Rain.
Fortunately, while Ninjabug protects, Castform changes the weather to Sun.
Ninjabug puts Sub that gets broken by Weatherball.
Ninjabug protects.
Ninjabug puts Sub, broken by Thunderbolt.
Ninjabug protects. The Sun ends.

Ninjabug uses Baton Pass to Eeveeto while Casform uses Sunny Day.
Eeveeto protects.
Eeveeto uses Wish. At good time, since Weather Ball takes exactly half of his life.
Eeveeto protects.
Eeveeto uses another Wish. The Sun ends.
Eeveeto uses Toxic and heals. Castform uses Sunny Day again.
Eeveeto protects.

Fearing crit, I switch Algosa in, taking Weatherball.
Algosa takes another Weatherball and uses Rest.

Santygrass withdraws Castform and sends a Cradily, who eats a Sludge Bomb.

I switch Eeveeto back, taking EQ.
Eeveeto uses Toxic and avoids Stone Edge.
Eeveeto protects, avoiding Toxic this way.

Ingvar comes in and gets poisoned.

Scouting for Grass moves I send Eeveeto, taking an EQ instead.

Eeveeto protects while Santygrass switches to Ludicolo.
Ludicolo uses Surf and gets poisoned, eating Lum Berry.
Eeveeto protects from Energy Ball.
Ludicolo crits with Surf, but Eeveeto uses Wish.
Eeveeto protects.
Eeveeto takes a Surf and uses Toxic again.
Eeveeto protects.
Eeveeto takes Energy Ball and uses Wish.
Eeveeto protects.

Santygrass withdraws Ludicolo and sends Parasect while Eeveeto uses Wish.

I send Algosa while Parasect uses SD. Danger.

I send Ninjabug.... into Sludge Bomb.

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RIP Ninjabug. No more Baton Passing Speed.

I send Peli. Due to Little Mushroom, Parasect is faster than Peli and uses Sword Dance again, but gets frozen by Ice Beam.
Another Ice Beam kills it.

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Castform comes back. I switch Algosa into Thunderbolt.
Castform changes the weather to Sun and dies from Dragonbreath:

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Cradily comes back. I switch Ingvar while it heals with Recover.
Cradily uses EQ, Ingvar goes to sleep.
Cradily heals again.

Santygrass switches to Ludicolo.

I switch Eeveeto in again, Ludicolo heals ith Synthesis.
Ludicolo uses Surf, Eeveeto Wish.
Ludicolo uses another Surf and is damaged by Crunch, which also drops Sdef.

Santygrass withdraws Ludicolo and sends Cradily while Eeveeto uses Wish.
Eeveeto protects from Toxic.

I send Ingvar into the next Toxic.
Cradily heals and is damaged by EQ.

Santygrass finally decides to send Celebi.

I switch Peli in to get the Rain. She also gets the Leech Seed.

Outlaw comes in while Celebi puts a Substitute.
Outlaw breaks the Sub and gets seeded.
Outlaw kills Celebi with X Scissors:

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Ludicolo comes in. I send Algosa to take the Surf.
Ludicolo tries to heal but is killed by Sludge Bomb:

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Only Cradily remains. Ingvar walls the fossil. Despite Cradily having Toxic + Recover, eventually it goes down to its own poison:

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Finally, this must be the most annoying Gym Leader to beat with his time travelling tactics. Overall, not too hard to beat, but he still managed to kill Ninjabug due to me not predicting what it would use. Ending the chapter here, this is how the team survived:

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We (Shiyo and me) were seriously concerned about a possible massacre against Totem Mega Camerupt unless you brought and safely switched Ninjabug in. Fortunately, you managed to do so. F for Ninjabug.

Fun fact: if I counted correctly, as soon as you prepare a new team, your PC will have as many alive mons as fallen ones (52, so you should have 110 mons, 58 alive).
EDIT: I missed a chapter with 3 new mons, so there were 55 alive mons in the PC, for a total of 113 mons, 61 alive.
Last edited:
Chapter 81. Searching stones.

Before going to the next Gym, I need to redesign my team. I take Algosa out for now and put Kit (Wailmer) and Sir Ordek (Galarian Farfetch'd), training them:

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After the training, I go to Battle Factory. In round 1 I have an epic HO team, Sash Ambipom, Sash Breloom and Sturdy offensive Skarmory. I wreck every opponent easily.
On R2 I used another Skarmory, this time defensive. Almost all the opponents fell to my lead Scarf Eruption Typhlosion though. Kingdra was my other Mon.
Round 3, third Skarmory. This time I use it as a lead despite being Restalk + Curse. Salazzle and Jolteon are the other Mons, making for a very good defensive sinergy. I almost lose last battle of this round when an Alolan Marowak surprises me with crit Fire Blast and later in the match a Torterrra survives Flamethrower from Salazzle. Fortunately, the AI still sucks this round and Torterra used Sleep Talk the only turn it was alive. I didn,t switch Mons a single time this round.
No Skarmory in Round 4, but another metal bird in Corviknight instead. The other Mons were Band Sturdy Golem and Sash SD Shiftry. What I couldn,t outstall with Corviknight, I exploded with the other 2 Mons.
Round 5 is another one in which I don,t switch Mons at all. It was the Pressure round, Sub + Protect + CM Mega Absol was my lead, CM + Toxic + Rest Raikou as the other pressure user and a Mixed Gyarados provided some defensive sinergy. Very easy round and it was the first time I cleared it.

Round 6 looks like a BW OU team at the beginning: Ferrothorn, Gliscor and Vaporeon. When an Ice type specialist appeared, I switched Gliscor for Espeon, though didn,t even use it. I saw switching Espeon for Frosmoth like a good idea and despite being Specs instead of Quiver Dance, it ended up saving me in battle 6. Still, battle 7 was vs Noland, so I switched Frosmoth for a Zapdos without knowing the set. So, my team was Quick Claw Ferro, Double boost Vaporeon and unrevealed Zapdos.

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Noland leads with a Jirachi, which is not something my team likes. Especially Calm Mind Jirachi. Ferro paralyzes it.
Jirachi can,t move second turn and Ferro explodes:

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My Zapdos is an offensive Agility + Baton Pass set. It uses Heat Wave, but Jirachi survives the hit and attacks with Psychic.
Zapdos kills Jirachi with Thunderbolt:

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Gengar is next, I probably have lost the battle. It of course uses Ice Punch:

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There might be hope, though:

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Or not:

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Gengar uses Thunderbolt to Vaporeon, who boosts with Growth.
Next Thunderbolt leaves Vaporeon in red, but she manages to use Rest and wake up with Chesto Berry.
Unfortunately, Gengar crits with Thunderbolt and survives the Surf.
I lose the battle:

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41 battles is the new record of Battle Factory,but no Gold Symbol for me.

At Battle Dome I try to use Peli, Eeveeto and Ingvar instead of Rain core, but the strategy doesn,t work when in second battle a Specs Frosmoth appears.

I use the Rain core + Eeveeto at Battle Tower, but it doesn,t work, I only get 8 wins before a Seaking + Chimecho + Ariados core defeats all my team.

I only have 4 Mons that share level (all except the 2 new ones), so I don,t think this team will get any symbols. Therefore, I go for my next target, which is far away from Micolandia: Meteor Falls. I finally go to Steven Room, when I still can catch a Mon. Galarian Rapidash, Crobat (Caught), Clefable (I have Clefairy), Delcatty, Nidoqueen and Nidoking are new Mons that appear here. This is what I catch:

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Of course I catch the worst Mon that appears in the area. Its not bad, since CM + Morning Sun could be powerful, but Nidos, Solrock or even Delcatty (to exchancge for Charmander at Battle Frontier) would have been way better. The IVs are not good.

Now, time to challenge Steven himself:

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Skarmory is the obvious lead. Peli damages it with Surf but a layer of Spikes has been put.
Another Surf KOs Skarm:

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Cradily goes next. I switch Sir Ordek in while it uses Amnesia.
Sir Ordek uses Superpower, but its not enough to kill the fossil, who retaliates with Giga Drain.
Another Superpower kills Cradily:

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Next opponent is... an Aerodactyl? Fuck, I am not prepared for that. I send Kit... and EQ does very low damage.
Rock Slide does more and Aero survives Surf with Focus Sash.
Aero tries to flinch but fails, Kit uses Rest.
Aero uses another Rock Slide. Kit triggers Surf with Sleep Talk and destroys the fossil:

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Shiny Metagross time. Expecting a strong Meteor Mash or EQ, I send Ingvar... but Metagross uses Psychic instead, fuck. I also realize that I forgot to put Leftovers back to Ingvar, he still has the Chesto Berry from Battle Frontier. This means, Ingvar is in KO range.
So, I send Eeveeto, right into Ice Punch.
Eeveeto protects from Meteor Mash.
Eeveeto takes Meteor Mash and uses Wish.
Eeveeto protects and heals to full.
Eeveeto takes Meteor Mash and damages Metagross with Crunch.
Eeveeto protects.
Eeveeto takes Meteor Mash and uses Wish.
Eeveeto protects and heals.
Metagross misses Meteor Mash. Eeveeto uses Wish.
Eeveeto takes Meteor Mash and damages Metagross again.

Steven withdraws Metagross and sends Armaldo, which is very scary if it has Swift Swim. It takes Crunch.

I send Outlaw in a very risky move. Armaldo uses Superpower and restores stats with White Herb.
Outlaw wins the Armaldo duel with Rock Slide:

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Aggron appears. Hopefully without Sturdy.
Sturdy is not even needed, Armaldo resists EQ... and uses Thunder Wave.

I send Eeveeto, taking big damage from Head Smash.
Eeveeto protects.

Eeveeto uses Wish and...

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Phew, that was very close.

If I continue Wishtecting, I will surely receive a crit, so I send Ingvar to take the next Head Smash. He also barely survives due to Spikes:

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Ingvar however heals from Wish.
Ingvar takes another Head Smash and kills Aggron with Earthquake:

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Only Metagross remains. I send Peli, getting in red by Psychic.
Peli finishes the battle with Surf:

Pokemon Midele Emerald_20.png

This battle was very close from a complete disaster, yet somehow no one died. Finishing the chapter here, in the next one I will make important changes to the team and continue to the next Gym of Micolandia. This is the current team after the battle:

Pokemon Midele Emerald_21.png