Challenge (Finished) Pokemon Midele Emerald Nuzlocke

Chapter 25. (In)visible obstacles.

I continue my way to Fortee City, exploring all the route, when this happens while I am surfing:

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Actual good IVs. Slowpoke line does not get Regenerator in this game (the ability does not exist at all), but does get Slack Off, so with CM, this can be a threat. Ivs are very good, nature is Brave unfortunately. No more Mons are possible to catch in route 119, but this is a good one.

Soon after that, Shiyo appears:

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He has still just 3 Mons and leads with a Flareon. Mosquetona uses Dig, avoiding Weatherball.
Shiyo withdraws Flareon and sends his starter, Abomasnow. It has Soundproof, so the weather doesn,t change.

I switch to Steller, entering in Ice Punch.
Steller users Encore, forcing Abomasnow to deal 5 HP damage per turn.
I expect Shiyo to switch out, but he doesn,t do it, so Abomasnow falls after 3 Surfs. Mosquetona rises to level 42:

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Shiyo sends a Raichu. So I switch Gerania in, taking Tbolt.
Raichu uses Charge, but Gerania OHKOs it with EQ:

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Same thing happens to Flareon:

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The battle finishes, rising Gerania to level 44. From this moment I can start preparing against Winona.

Which means, its time to make changes to the team. Well, just one change. I take Gerania out of the team and bring Fat Man (Voltorb) in order to have an electric. I need to train Fat Man, of course:

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Fun fact: Fat Man learns Hidden Power by level and it turns out to be Ice, so despite the bad (Careful) nature, it will be able to do some damage to every Flying type out there.

After the training, I go on to finish route 119. There are still some trainers there. First one is a Guitarrist with a Stunfisk, which Fat Man fears but Mosquetona easily kills.
The next opponent is a ninja with Shiftry. Fat Man 2HKOs it with Signal Beam.
Last trainer is another Ninja, with Koffing and Galarian Weezing. I switch Fat Man out for Spooky fearing explosion and almost lose Spooky when Koffing reveals Dark Pulse. Weezing gives me a lot of war too with Smoke Screen Accuracy drops and Moonblast Special Attack drops. Lavabosa ends up winning after a very long battle.

I finally arrive to Fortee City. Time to show new things here. First one is the trade. Originally it was Volbeat for Plusle, now is Volbeat for Salandit:

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The good news are that the Salandit received will always be female. The bad news are that I have Illumise, but not Volbeat.

I receive the Hidden Power TM in a house. In the same house a floating head now changes the Hidden Power type:

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Since I can,t go to Winona's gym yet, the only thing I do is buying all the articles for the Secret Base that are sold in this town.

So, I head to the route that has the best theme of all Hoenn, the 120 one. Here I can make a catch. Oddish, Marill and Seedot don,t appear anymore on this route, while Stufful, Pancham, Applin and Lickitung do. During the day, also Flaaffy, Herdier (caught) and Furret are present, while during the night Mightyena (caught), Impidimp and Noctowl (caught) substitute them. The very buffed Furret is the most interesting Mon here, so I go for the Day catch:

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Not the worst IVs out there, but Naught nature is terrrible. Its still probably a better electric than Fat Man, but that is another reason to preserve it for late game, when hopefully I will be able to change the nature.

After a short training, I challenge the trainers of the route. First is a Parasol Lady, who leads with a Drought Vulpix. It could be scary, if not for Lavabosa, who walls and kills the fox. The Roserade that appears after, is scarier, but Eeveeto sleeps it with Yawn and Mosquetona ends with Heat Wave.

Reporters Gaby and Ty go next. Since I don,t have Gerania in the team now, they end up doing some damage, but Eeveeto, Lavabosa and Fat Man make quick work anyway.
Fat Man OHKOs the Xatu of the Bird Keeper that I fight next.

Next challenge is the Kecleon that blocks the way:

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Kecleon its still at level 30, so Fat Man 2HKOs it:

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Yes, I could have caught this Kecleon, since its a fixed encounter, but I decide not to. Later in the game, there will be a gift Kecleon which is the one I will keep.

Steven gives me the Devon Scope, which means that Winona Gym is open. Not that I have any other choice regarding where to go:

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Yes, there is now a dude that doesn,t let me go on until I win against Winona. So, I will just finish the chapter here and battle Winona in the next one.
Chapter 26. Aim for the horn!

Before challenging Winona, I remember about another place that I have to visit, the Scorched Slab. In this game, apart from the usual Sunny Day TM, wild Pokemon appear here: Golbat (caught), Nuzleaf, Slugma(caught), Rhyhorn, Krokokok (I have Sandile already), Mr. Mime, Houndour and Magmar. I am dissapointed about the fact that Centiskorch does not appear here. In any case, I catch a Mon:

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Not bad, outside of Speed. Magmortar is in the game, so Mrs. Magma will be able to use moves such as EQ and Tbolt.

I have not finished in Scorched Slab yet, since the area now has a second floor:

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The lower floor is quite big and there is permanent Sun there, I have to take that into account when battling:

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Just an Escape Rope and Fire Stone are in the second floor, but there is a third one, with also Sun on it.
On the third floor there is at least one trainer, but for now I avoid him and search for items, finding an Old Amber. I see another threat apart from the trainer:

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With no other way around, I have to face the trainer:

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Who the hell is Botones? I have never heard of him. He leads with a scary Floette. Fat Man uses Tbolt, but gets critted by Solar Beam:

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RIP Fat Man, couldn,t even be a sack.
I send Lavabosa. Floette haxes with Flash, avoiding Heat Wave.
Floette uses Flash again, but Lavabosa hits Heat Wave this time.
Then Floette uses Dazzling Gleam and dies to the next Heat Wave:

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Botones sends his other Mon, which is a Gengar. I scout the set with Lavabosa using Recover, ending up poisoned due to Poison Gas.
Gengar then uses Confuse Ray, making Lavabosa hit herself.

I send Eeveeto in Shadow Punch.
Gengar uses Confuse Ray again and Eeveeto hits himself.
Gengar misses Poison Gas while Eeveeto snaps confusion and damages the ghost hard with Crunch.
With 3 revealed moves, Destiny Bond is still possible, so I use Yawn. Or try to use it at least, since Gengar confuses Eeveeto again.
Gengar finally poisons Eeveeto, who still damages himself.
Gengar reveals his last move, which is Sludge Bomb. Eeveeto Yawns at it, but gets in range to KO by another crit Sludge Bomb.
And Gengar actually crits the next Sludge Bomb... but I have sent Spooky to receive it:

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Gengar gets slept by Yawn, which doesn,t matter, since Spooky has Shadow Sneak anyway:

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With just 2 Pokes, Botones has dealt lots of damage to my team:

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I pick a Sun Stone that I find right after the trainer and leave the place to train a new Mon. The choosen one is Amphy (Flaaffy):

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After training Amphy (which doesn,t take long, since he was already at level 35 when caught), I go back to Scorched Lab, where another trainer awaits me:

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Remember the Zygarde 1% dude? This is him again:

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Once again, he leads with Caterpie, who now its at level 40. He surprisingly withdraws it first turn, sendind a Shiny Sandaconda, who avoids Fire Punch from Amphy.

I send Mosquetona on the obvious ground attack, which is Drill Run.
Mosquetona paralyzes Sandaconda with Dragon Breath and gets critted by Poison Tail. The Sandaconda heals the paralisis with Shed Skin at the end of the turn.
Mosquetona misses next Dragon Breath and Sandoconda heals with Rest.

I send Steller next. Sandoconda uses Sleep Talk and hits with Poison Tail. The snake also wakes up due to Shed Skin.
Using Encore, Steller locks Sandaconda in Sleep Talk.

Obviously, Hypeantonio switches Sandaconda out and sends a Houndoom, who gets hit by Ice Beam.
Houndoom Taunts Steller, preventing the Encore.
Houndoom uses Toxic next, getting a Surf meanwhile.
Houndoom protects from the next Surf. Taunt wears off.
Houndoom protects again. Steller begins to have very low HP.

So I send Lavabosa to eat the Taunt.
Houndoom uses Flamethrower and dies from Rock Slide. Lavabosa gets to level 43:

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Sandaconda comes back, trying to murder Lavabosa with Drill Run, but I send Mosquetona instead.
Mosquetona hits Sandaconda with Dragobreath, the snake uses Poison Tail.
Mosquetona paralyzes Sandaconda but it heals with Rest.
I then realize that due to the Sun, Heat Wave hits much harder than Dragonbreath, so Mosquetona easily 2HKOs Sandaconda and destroys the sleeping Caterpie.

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Hypeantonio has been defeated, but there is still a dangerous Totem left:

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Oh shit, now I miss Gerania. I withdraw Amphy and send Mosquetona, who gets hit VERY HARD by Flamethrower:

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That damage was insane. Is it Specs? If so, Lavabosa should deal with it...

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RIP Lavabosa. And I will need more sacks to win this battle, lol.
Previous Totems had Lefties as items, so this one might have them too. For this reason, I send Spooky, who effectively knocks Lefties before being murdered by Flamethrower:

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RIP Spooky. She died as a hero.

Steller goes next. He uses Surf, but deals almost no damage before receiving a Tpunch.

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I send Amphy, who will also die, but not before damaging Rhyperior with HP Ice:

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RIP Amphy. Is this enough or will I lose Mosquetona too?

It was not enough, Rhyperior survived Dig:

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RIP Mosquetona. Out of all Midele games, in this one my starter died the quickiest.

Eeveeto comes in and finishes this tragic battle with Crunch:

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Which was the prize for beating this motherfucker? Well, a TM:

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My team has been utterly destroyed, I now need to train 5 new Mons to challenge Winona:

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Chapter 27. Flying high.

Time to recover from the loses of that chapter. First thing I do is revive the Old Amber:

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Decent IVs. Bold nature sucks, but with Pressure, this is one of the best Mons for Nuzlocke. I will use it for Winona and then box it until post-game.

The other Mons I pick to complete the team are Florida (Floette), Armadillo (Alolan Sandslash), Mantarraya (Mantyke) and Mrs. Magma (Magmar).

During the training of the new team, I find 2 Shiny Meowths in a row (I already have one) and later this in route 113:

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Yes, its Shiny too. Good IVs, bad nature (Naive). Its not the best Mon in this game due to a lacking movepool, but still has both STABs, Coil and Knock Off.

The training continues...

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Despite having 5 Mons to train, it doesn,t take too long before I can challenge Fortree Gym. Mantarraya easily defeats the Skarmory and the Noctowl of the first Bird Keeper.
Next trainer is a Picknicker. Florida beats both Swablu and Vibrava, but gets critted by the latter, so its too weak to face... a Raichu? Eeveeto has to come in for this one, since I don,t have an actual electric resist.
Next Bird Keeper has a Murkrow, a Corvisquire and a Flapple, which is not really a bird. Florida beats all of them.

Then comes an unavoidable Double Battle:

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They lead with Doduo and Fearow. Aero kills Fearow with Rock Blast and Florida OHKOs Doduo with HP Electric. Xatu and Pelipper replace the previous birds. The pelican doesn,t get to attack, while Xatu spends the 2 turns (Aero misses first time and only got 2 Rock Blast the second one) using Future Sight and Sunny Day, so I win the battle without taking damage.

Last trainer before Winona has a single Farfetch'd, which is OHKOd by Aero.

Time to analyze Winona. In vanilla Emerald she has quite a diverse team, with Tropius, Pelipper, Skarmory and Altaria. In Ruby and Sapphire she also has a Swellow, i don,t know why did they replace it by Swablu in Emerald. In the rematches she has also a Noctowl and a Dragonite, this one is unlikely, since as far as I know she is not from the Lance family to have an underleved dragon. From BW2, Honchkrow and Gyarados are added (also Sigilyph, but this one is not present in the game). In a special event of BW2 Winona also uses a Rayquaza, but even Shiyo is not that evil to put it here. If Shiyo wanted to make her as hard as possible, he maybe made her use a Gliscor too, since currently Winona doesn,t have an immunity to electric, despite having several Mons neutral to the type.

I made all my team have Moves effective against Flying, but Mrs. Magma is the lead I choose, since I expect Winona to lead with Skarmory and start spiking. This is the team:

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Huh, a statuses Mon. Is that the Swellow? Can,t be Gliscor, since there is no Poison Heal in this game.
As I expected, Winona leads with Skarmory. Mrs. Magma uses Thunder Punch in an attempt to paralyze the bird, but that doesn,t happen and a layer of Spikes gets to my field.
Mrs. Magma kills Skarmory with Flamethrower:

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Altaria appears. Mrs. Magma has HP Ice, but that particular bird can live it and use EQ, so I switch Aero in. Altaria uses Agility.
Altaria uses Dragonbreath and avoids Rock Blast.
Altaria uses Dragonbreath again and gets hit twice by Rock Blast, consuming a Sitrus Berry. Aero is now in range of KO by crit.

I switch Mantarraya in, getting in Dazzling Gleam.
Altaria uses Dragonbreath and gets killed by Ice Beam. Aero rose to level 39:

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Oh, the statused Mon is actually a burned Dragonair. I send Florida, who gets paralyzed by Thunder Wave.

Dragonair uses Thunderbolt and Florida kills it with Dazzling Gleam:

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Tropius is next. In this game, when holding Nanab Berry he gets his Attack and Speed boosted by 1,5.

This one looks special though. I send Eeveeto while Tropius uses Sunny Day.
Tropius attacks with Solar Beam and Eeveeto uses Yawn.

Mrs. Magma gets in, eating another Solar Beam. Tropius goes to sleep.
And he never gets to wake up, Mrs. Magma OHKOs with Flamethrower:

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I don,t have a switch-in for the Honchkrow that appears next. Fortunately, the sun that Tropius has put allows Mrs. Magma to just OHKO and rise to level 43:

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Shiny unstatused Swellow is last. I switch to Armadillo, who takes a Facade.

Scouting for Heat Wave I send Mantarraya. Swellow really uses the move but misses.
Swellow uses Facade and survives Ice Beam in red.

I send Armadillo again to take next Facade.

Then I send Aero in the Heat Wave. He gets burned.
With Ancient Power, Aero finishes the battle:

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I receive the badge and the Aerial Ace TM. The Level Cap rises to 50. Due to the annoying Spikes, Winona has been the hardest leader so far:

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I now need to redo the team. Aero and Florida are very strong Mons to spend them now (well, Florida not so much, but its still powerful). At the same time, I lack resists to types like Electric. So, insted of Aero and Florida, I put Gerania (Meganium) and Rocosa (Alolan Geodude) in the team.

I need to train Rocosa of course:

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And in the middle of Rocosa's training, I finish this chapter. Current team:

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Chapter 28. The sand master.

After finishing the training of Rocosa at level 29 I continue exploring the second part of route 120. In her only battle as Graveler, Rocosa destroys the Pidgeot and Noctowl of a birdkeeper, evolving after the battle (in this game Pokemon that normally need to be traded to evolve do it by level up, both variants of Graveler evolve at 40):

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In the next battle Gerania wins against the Manectric of a Cooltrainer.
A Parasol Lady tries to abuse the Rain of the route with a Castform, but Gerania beats it too.
My own Mantarraya also abuses Rain due to having Swift Swim, and wins this way against the Medicham and Makuhita of a Battle Girl.

I battle a Ninja Boy next. His Nincada falls to Mantarraya, vs Weezing I send Armadilla and have him almost killed by Heat Wave:

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The rain saved Armadillo and I send Rocosa to finish the Weezing.

The next Cooltrainer uses the first Mega of the game, a Sableye:

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It can have Leftovers but not Magic Bounce, since the ability is not present in the game. This means Sableye has to use Keen Eye, so it eventually falls to the Toxic of Mantarraya.

A Pokemon Ranger also scares me. Her Ursaring falls to Mantarraya and then I send Armadillo to fight the Eevee. Double Kick brings him to yellow, why does everyone have a x4 Move for Armadillo?

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The Eevee then proceeds to Stall my team with Wish + Protect for a long time. Eventually it falls to Rocosa. Last Mon is a Lombre, who gets eaten by Gerania.
Another Pokemon Ranger has his Donphan beaten by Gerania, his Sylveon by Armadillo and his Nuzleaf by Mrs. Magma.

Then a special trainer appears:

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Oh, shit, this one is the powerful Maestro Arena. To put into context, back in 2007 the first Spanish National Tournament was organized, which since then has been held every year. Only spaniards can participate in that tournament and the winner gets the title of the Champion of Spain. Well, in the first edition of that tournament the gen played was still DP and it was also the only edition where the legendaries were banned and at the same time Salamence and Garchomp allowed. Maestro Arena used a Stall team with Hippowdon, Cradily, Spiritomb, Skarmory, Tentacruel and a Scarf Garchomp in every round, winning that first edition. Nowadays Maestro Arena is a meme player at this game, but that team is known by almost every self respecting spaniard because back in 2007, Maestro Arena was a real threat.

Maestro Arena leads with a Skarmory. My lead is Rocosa. Instead of putting Spikes, Skarmory uses Toxic and gets damaged hard by Thunderbolt.
Next turn Skarmory finally puts Spikes, but gets killed by Rocosa:

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Arena sends a Sandaconda. I switch Gerania in, taking a Mud Shot + the Spikes.
Sandaconda uses Toxic and gets OHKOd by Giga Drain:

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Rocosa rises to level 41 and Gerania to 45. A Sandstorm begins due to Sandaconda's Sand Spit.
Arena's last Pokemon is a Rhydon, who gets murdered by Gerania. Wait, no...

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Rhydon scares me a lot with 3 Rock Blasts + Toxic + Sandstorm, but Gerania still survives and finishes the battle next turn:

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"Next time I will show you why I was the National Champion of DPP!" He for sure will appear later in the game. Garchomp and Spiritomb don,t appear in this game, but the rest of Arena's National team can be recreated and even those 2 can be subbed by Mega Sableye and Flygon.

Next trainer I battle is a Bug Maniac with 2 Surskits and a Masquerain. Mantarraya kills them all.
A Ninja uses a Koffing and a Toxicroak. This one scares me a lot, but between Gerania and Mrs. Magma it goes down.
Last trainer of the route is a Ruin Maniac with Claydol and Alolan Dugtrio. He is in the rain area of the route, so Mantarraya uses Swift Swim and OHKOs both Mons.

I reach Route 121. Before I get to the grass, I need to fight 2 trainers. First one is a Bug Maniac with a Vespiqueen OHKOd by Rocosa and a Vikavolt OHKOd by Mrs. Magma. The other is a Hex Maniac with Duskull and Shuppet, Eeveeto deals with both.

Time to catch a Mon. Shuppet, Wingull and Poochyena don,t appear anymore at route 121. Instead Pumpkaboo, Rockruff, Yanma, Stufful and Galarian Mrs. Mime are present at any time. During the day Granbull, Weepinbell, Kanto Persian (I have Meowth), Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff also appear, during the night Mightyena (I had this one), Gloom, Alolan Persian, Cubone and Alolan Marowak substitute them. The best Mon here is the improved Wigglytuff, so I go for the day catch:

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Well, no Wiggly. The IVs would be good if there wasn,t a quite nature. I don,t think Nephentes will ever be useful, though I might be forced to use him at some point.

After a short training I continue challenging the trainers of route 121 in order to get to the Safari Zone. Next one is a beauty with a Kecleon defeated by Gerania and a Seviper beaten by Mantarraya. She turns out to be the only trainer that I need to beat before Safari Zone.

At the Safari Zone I can make up to 6 catches, since there are 6 zones. 2 of them are only accesible post-game in vanilla Emerald, but in this game you can visit them from the start...

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Well, not exactly from the start, I need this shit. So, I will come back later.

For now, I ignore the rest of the route 121 trainers and head to marine route 122. Only one new Mon appears in this route, which is Luvdisc. My catch is not that one though:

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Not bad at all. The only thing I can complain about is the Water Veil ability instead of Pressure, which is one of the best abilities for Nuzlockes.

At this point the chapter is getting quite long despite no relevant thing happening, so I finish it here.
Chapter 29. A mountain full of graveyards.

First thing I do today is go to route 123. A girl there gives me the Giga Drain TM for showing Gerania to her.
Then I catch a Mon. Pumpkaboo, Combee and Yanma now appear at route 123 at any time. Natu, Skiploom and Doduo appear during the morning, Murkrow and Noctowl (had this one already) during the night. Oddish, Gloom, Poochyena and Wingull don,t appear at all anymore. So, the decision is going for Murkrow or for one of the 3 day flying types. Both Dodrio and Jumpluff are better in Nuzlockes than Honchkrow, so I got for the day catch:

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Probably the worst Mon of the route. Ivs are not entirely bad, but not good either.

Most trainers of the 123 Route are easy. A random Hex Maniac has a Shiny Cacturne and a Cooltrainter has a Mega Mawile, fortunately with Intimidate. Another Cooltrainer however has a very bad surprise for me:

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RIP Armadillo. He couldn,t escape from the Earthquake.
The rest of the team of this Cooltrainer goes down easily but a lose is a lose.

Before leaving the route to train a new Mon, I find an exclusive item of this game:

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Can help if I train a Mon that evolves by Happiness or uses Return.

The Mon I choose to train is DrunkPanda (Spinda). By this time, I have enough ash stored to buy a Yellow Flute, which rises all Stats of DrunkPanda by 1,5.

During the training, a shiny Mon appears while I travel through Rusturf Tunnel:

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Chimecho has been improved in this game. When holding Cleanse Tag, it will have both defense rised by 50%. Certainly it will help Jingle, since despite having decent IVs, the nature is Naive.

After the training of DrunkPanda ends, I defeat the remaining trainers of route 123 and then go to Mt. Pyre.
I consider Mt. Pyre 3 separate areas, so I will catch 3 Mons here. The first area is the interior: Gastly, Haunter (I have this line already), Litwick, Yamask and Marowak Alola are the new Mons here. I catch one that already appeared at the place before though:

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Well, the IVs are a mixed bag. On the one hand, that Sdef is cool, on the other 9 HP is very low and Bold nature is not the optimal one. Still, Dusknoir is in the game and Pressure is one of the best abilities for Nuzlockes.

A woman on Mt. Pyre gives me a Cleanse Tag, so, Jingle can be useful if I decide to use it.
Time to beat the trainers of Mt. Pyre. First one is a Pokemaniac with a Rhyhorn, who is beaten by DrunkPanda.
Next goes a Hex Maniac whose Haunter gets frozen by DrunkPanda too.
Then I battle a Blackbelt with Hariyama, Gerania wins.

A young couple challenges me to a Double Battle. They use a Delcatty and an Alolan Persian, I lead with DrunkPanda and Eeveeto. Despite Attractions, Hypnosis and having the Yellow Flute knocked, I win easily.

Then, the worst nighmtmare happens:

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My lead is DrunkPanda, literrally the only Mon apart from maybe Gerania that doesn,t have tricks against that thing.
DrunkPanda hits the Wobba with Fake Out first, hopefully he uses Counter next turn for it.
DrunkPanda uses Ice Punch... and gets Encored.
DrunkPanda uses Ice Punch again and survives Mirror Coat.
Then Wobba chokes and uses DestinyBond instead of another Mirror Coat. Encore ends this turn too.
I then remember how to battle against Wobbas in general and throw a Superball:

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Wooba uses Counter this turn, so I kill it the next one with Dizzy Punch:

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Phew, that was close. The Psychic still has a Natu and a Slowpoke, but what are those compared to a Wobbuffet?

A Pokemon Breeder with 6 overleveled NFEs goes next. DrunkPanda and Mantarraya take a lot of damage, but end up winning.
A Psychic with Exeggcute, Hypno and Staryu gets all the team eaten by Eeveeto, who avoids 3 sleep moves in this battle.
Same fate happens to the Banette of a Hex Maniac.
Gerania OHKOs the Poliwrath of a Black Belt.
Another Hex Maniac uses a Mega Sableye, which Rocosa defeats.
Last trainer is a Psychic with a Golduck, Gerania deals with him.

A TM is at the end of the road, but I will have to battle a powerful enemy to get it:

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Mega Absol uses Focus Energy, but Mrs. Magma uses Thief. I expected the Totem to have Leftovers, but stealing Scope Lens is still good.
This still doesn,t save Mrs. Magma from a crit Slash:

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RIP Mrs. Magma. Hopefully the stolen item will avoid me being swept by that demon.

I send Rocosa. She barely survives 2 Knock Offs and gets the speed of Absol dropped with Rock Tomb.

I switch Rocosa out and send DrunkPanda, who gets hit by X Scissors.
DrunkPanda hits Absol with Fake Out.
Then I realize that expecting a ghost type Totem, I taught DrunkPanda RockTomb instead of Dizzy Punch. Fuck.

I send Eeveeto, predicting a Knock Off, but getting a X-Scissors, fortunately not crit.

Mantarraya goes next. She gets hit by X-Scissors too.
Mantarraya uses Surf and gets hit by Slash, not crit fortunately. Mantarraya eats the Sitrus Berry.
The battle ends next turn:

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This is how my team was left after the battle:

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The prize for all this suffering is the Shadow Ball TM and the stolen Scole Lens. Well, and Sea and Lax Incenses, which were also blocked by the Totem.

I now need to train another Mon. I choose Skorcher (shiny Sizzlipede) and end the chapter here.
Chapter 30. The power of Midele.

Time to train Skorcher...

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After training Skorcher all the way to level 41, I go back to Mt. Pyre and enter the second zone (outside, but without the mist yet). New Mons that appear here are both variants of Vulpix, Corvisquire, Dreepy, Morgrem, Chimecho (I have Chingling), Murkrow and Meditite. This is what I catch:

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Absolute terrible IVs. The nature is neutral and at least it does have Drought. A shame to waste one of my favourite Mons like this.

I find the Skill Swap TM in the second area of Mt. Pyre.

At the third area of Mt. Pyre the Team Aqua Grunts start to appear. First one almost kills Rocosa when his Alolan Muk drops the Sdef with Crunch and crits with the second one:

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Afte beating the Grunt, I can access the grass. At the peak of Mt. Pyre Dreepy, Murkrow, Morgrem, Meditite and Galarian Weezing appear now. I catch this:

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Honchkrow is present in the game, though its frail and slow, therefore not good for Nuzlocke. This one has Quiet nature, so it will be even frailer, although at least it will hit hard from the special side.

Time to beat all the Team Aqua Grunts. Next Grunt I battle has his Golbat beaten by Rocosa.
Third one has a Wailmer and a Murkrow, both defeated by Mantarraya.
Fourth one has a Mightyena that Skorcher can,t OHKO due to Intimidate. Due to the Nasty Plot + Salac Berry combination, I have to switch DrunkPanda in and use Fake Out. The Corphish that appears after is dealt with by Gerania despite having Focus Sash, Dragon Dance and X-Scissors.

That fourth grunt is the last one. I see Archie taking away the Red Orb...

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And then Micolo appears:

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He laughs at both evil teams taking the wrong orb. And then challenges me to a battle:

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Just 4 Mons this time, but one of them will still be the broken Dark Pika. The lead is a level 43 Caterpie though. And it uses Midele Power:

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Ok, here we have the most broken move ever. It just has 70 power, but +2 priority, type ??? (meaning it will always hit neutrally) bypasses Protect and ALWAYS RAISES ALL THE STATS. In this game, it also has a VERY long animation:


Its still a Caterpie, so Midele Power deals almost no damage at +0, allowing Skorcher to boost with Coil.
Caterpie attacks again and Skorcher uses Flamethrower, getting Caterpie to yellow rank.
Caterpie hits a 3rd time before falling to another Flamethrower:

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Hopefully I don,t have to deal with this move until post-game, where it usually appears. But for now, I have to face the Dark Pika.

I switch Eeveeto in to face the monster. For now, it doesn,t hit too hard despite the 120 Special Attack. Eeveeto just loses a little less than a third of the life for Tbolt.
Dark Pika throws another Thunderbolt and gets the Toxic. Eeveeto eats the Sitrus Berry.
Dark Pika paralyzes Eeveeto with Glare. Eeveeto can,t move.
Dark Pika uses another Tbolt while Eeveeto digs. Dark Pika barely survives the Dig + the poison damage.

Since Eeveeto is in KO range I send Gerania to take next Tbolt which paralyzes. Dark Pika finally falls to the poison damage:

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Micolo still has 2 Mons, the first of which is Dusclops. I send Mantarraya, receiving a Revenge.
Mantarraya poisons Dusclops with Toxic and takes a Shadow Punch.
Mantarraya uses Surf and takes another Shadow Punch, consuming the Sitrus Berry.
Mantarraya uses Surf again and takes Revenge now. Dusclops dies to the poison:

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Banette is the last one. I send Rocosa on the predicted Thunderbolt.
Banette uses Calm Mind and takes 2 Rock Blasts.
On the last turn of the battle Banette uses Will-o-wisp and dies to EQ.

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Micolo tells me that I improved a lot and also asks me about the Zubat he gave me:

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Well... that Zubat evolved to Crobat and died against Gooses in Izabe Island. Still, Micolo gives me another Mon now before departing:

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After that Micolo goes away and so does Archie. I receive a Magma Emblem which will allow me to enter the Magma Hideout. This is how Midele left my team this time btw:

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At least no one died. Still, Micolo will appear in the post-game as the final trainer of the game and at that time it will be the Dark Pika the one who will use Midele Power. Already scared.

Before finishing this chapter, I will show the Pokemon Micolo gave me this time:

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A Shiny Kecleon (yes, the shiny sprite of Kecleon specifically was changed to match with the Mystery Dungeon one) with a Salac Berry and 31 IVs in all Stats! For some reason it also has already 120 EVs in Attack and an Adamant nature. Protean is the ability and 3 exclusive moves are in its moveset (if forgotten, they can,t be relearned): Dragon Claw, X-Scissors and Sky Uppercut. For now Furcifer stays at the PC, but if there is one game in which this Pokemon can be good, its this one.

Finishing the chapter here.
Chapter 31. The Magma Circus.

Time to storm the Magma Hideout. Lots of new Pokemon appear here: Sizzlipede (caught), Centiskorch (caught), Onix, Slugma (caught), Numel (caught), Camerupt (caught) and the 2 variants of Toxtricity. The Mon I catch though is one that already habited this land:

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Not the worst IVs, except the Defense. It comes with Drought, so I now have 2 Mons with that ability. Rash nature is not very good, but at least will allow Cherepaja to deal some big damage.

After a short training, I start beating the big army of Magma Grunts that populate the hideout. First one just has an overleveled Poochyena which is OHKOd by Skorcher.
Second one has an overleveled Numel, OHKOd by Mantarraya.

Third Grunt finally brings an evolved Pokemon, a Honchkrow. With Thunder Wave + Confuse Ray, the Boss Krow leaves both Rocosa and Mantarraya very damage before being taken down by DrunkPanda.

Fourth Grunt has a Baltoy beaten by Skorcher and a Vullaby killed by Rocosa.
Fifth Grunt is designed to fuck Nuzlockers like me up:

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RIP Skorcher. That dog used DestinyBond.
The grunt also had a Morgrem, but DrunkPanda took care of that.

And now I need to train another Mon. I choose Luciernaga (Illumise) and buy a Red Flute in order to increase her Defense, Special Defense and Speed.

After finishing the training of Luciernaga (who now has an epic moveset of Thunderbolt, Ice Punch, Growth and Recover, which it gets instead of Roost),I go back to the Magma Hideout. Next grunt I face has a single Zubat beaten by Rocosa.

Then a Double Battle comes. The Grunts use a Mightyena and a Numel. Luciernaga almost dies when the second Crunch of Mightyena crits, but I still win without casualties. This also shows how bulky Luciernaga can be with a Red Flute, she took a normal Crunch and a crit one:

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Mantarraya beats the Seviper that the next Grunt sends.
Luciernaga doesn,t care about the Rock Slide Krookorok the following Grunt uses, 2 Ice Punches are enough.

A very hidden Grunt uses a Male Salandit. No wonder these guys are such a losers, can,t even catch the useful gender ones.

Another very hidden Grunt almost kills Luciernaga with a crit Iron Head Pawniard:

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It ends up falling to 2 Tbolts.

Then a Grunt with Houndoom appears. After what happened to Skorcher, I am not very willing to use Surf with Mantarraya and use Toxic instead, switching some turns later to DrunkPanda to finish the dog with Fake Out. Doom manages to poison with Sludge Bomb both Matarraya and DrunkPanda and doesn,t even try to use Destiny Bond.

Next Grunt has a Claydol. Due to the Explosion threat I use Gerania to beat him.
Next one has a Camerupt, which Mantarraya Surfs away.
The Golbat of the next one tries to hax Rocosa with Confuse Ray but fails at that.

Magma Admin Tabitha has 4 Mons. His lead is a Morgrem that manages to hax Luciernaga with Flatter. DrunkPanda kills it.
Then a Sash Camerupt appears, surviving Mantarrayas Surf, putting it to Sleep and damaging with Rock Slide. Eeveeto has to end with him.
A Golbat is next. It uses Curse, allowing Rocosa to outspeed and kill with Rock Blast.
Mightyena with Dig is last. If it had Power Herb, Rocosa would have probably died, but it did not, so Gerania ends this battle.

I finally get to Maxie and Groudon:

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Maxie seems very surprised after Groudon escapes and challenges me to a battle:

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Damn, I expected more than 3 Mons here. My lead is Luciernaga, Maxie sends Mightyena. Luciernaga uses Growth and gets Swaggered, so its now at +3 and confused.

I send DrunkPanda to take next Crunch.
DrunkPanda uses Fake Out and then crits with Dizzy Punch, rising to level 47 and learning Superpower:

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Camerupt comes in, so I switch to Mantarraya, getting a Yawn.
Unlike Tabitha's, this Camerupt does not have a Focus Sash, so it dies to Surf:

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Crobat is the last Mon. I switch Rocosa in but get a Confuse Ray.
Crobat puts Rocosa to sleep with Hypnosis and starts using Leech Life. After 2 of them Rocosa wakes up, but damages herself with the confusion.
Before Rocosa has the chance to move again, Crobat puts her to sleep.
Crobat uses Leech Life again, but Rocosa wakes up and ends the battle with 3 Rock Blasts:

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Despite getting some damage here and there, this battle has been incredibly easy, I expected more:

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Maxie goes away to chase Groudon and I finish the chapter here.
Chapter 32. Safari hunt.

I start the day by going to the Trick House. After losing lots of time answering the questions of the Mechadolls, I get the Taunt TM.

Then I go to Slateport City and see the submarine of Captain Stern be kidnapped by Team Aqua:

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Time to beat the remaining trainers of Route 121. First I make a double battle against a pair of students with Spinda and Slaking. By flinching the opposing Spinda with Fake Out of Drunk Panda, I avoid the obvious Skill Swap, so the battle is easy.

2 armies of NFEs used by 2 Pokemon Breeders were time consuming, but not a threat at all.
A Gentleman has a single Golduck, which Luciernaga defeats.
The Delcatty of a Pokefan falls to a combination of Fake Out + Superpower from DrunkPanda.

Next goes a Cooltrainer. His Granbull actually poses some challenge, since Rock Slide damages Luciernaga hard and Lovely Kiss sleeps DrunkPanda. Gerania however, overbulks and overpowers the dog and the Morgrem that comes after.
Last trainer is another Cooltrainer with Gligar and Vigoroth. Both fall to Luciernaga.

I enter Lilycove city and visit the Pokemon Contest Hall to get the Pokeblock Case. This allows me to finally visit the Safari Zone.

South Safari Zone has Chansey, Croagunk, Venonat and Venomoth as the new Mons. On the other hand, Gloom and Oddish don,t appear here anymore. I catch an old Mon though:

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In the North Zone the new Mons are Vespiquen, Skorupi (caught), Ferroseed, Farfetch'd and Kangaskhan. Oddish and Natu don,t appear anymore. Once again, I catch a Mon that already appeared here:

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The originally post-game South East Zone only has one new Mon, which is Tyrunt. Hoothoot doesn,t appear here now. This time I actually catch the new Mon:

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In the North East Zone there is also only 1 new Mon instead of Hoothoot, this time is Amaura. I am not lucky in this Zone:

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A shame, Miltank is really good in Nuzlockes.

South West Zone is next it now has Scyther, Cottonee, Gloom and Tauros at the expense of not having Oddish. Well, I won,t regret the absence of Oddish too much:

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Finally, the North West Zone. It has Exeggcute, Tangela and Eevee now instead of Gloom. Unfortunately no second Eeveelution for me this time:

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I also pick from this last Zone the Solarbeam TM. Time to see the Mon I caught:

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Decent IVs if we take into account that the nature is Modest. Girafarig is still not good though.

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Good IVs here too, the nature is Impish. It comes with Encore, a move that is quite good for Nuzlockes.

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Would be really good if the nature wasn,t Relaxed. The ability is Strong Jaw unfortunately, so there won,t be recoil-less Head Smashes anytime soon.

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I would have prefered the Defenses to be higher, but other than that, this one is solid. Bellossom probably is better, since it has Quiver Dance.

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Quier nature and the HP IV kinda ruin Cornuda, but as a Rhyperior she will still tank hits well. Unfortunately Solid Rock is not available in this game.

Time to go to Lilicove City again. I might visit the Supermarket to buy some TMs, although...

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Yes, in this game the final rival encounter is unavoidable:

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Despite being the final encounter, Shiyo still doesn,t have a full team. His lead is a Swellow, which Luciernaga does not like. I send Rocosa, losing only 6 HP from Wing Attack.
Swellow uses Steel Wind and lives 3 Rock Blasts due to Focus Sash. I don,t know if this is the correct mechanic of that item:

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And then Swellow uses Reversal...

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RIP Rocosa.
I expected an Endeavor, but not this. I still think the Focus Sash shouldn,t have worked.

DrunkPanda ends with Swellow by using Fake Out:

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Unlike in vanilla Emerald, at least in this game Shiyo evolved his starter, Mega Abomasnow appears. Fortunately this one has Soundproof instead of Snow Warning.
DrunkPanda hits Mega Abomasnow with Dizzy Punch, Abomasnow uses Leech Seed.
DrunkPanda uses Superpower, but Abomasnow still lives and attacks with Ice Punch.

Finally, another Superpower takes the Mega down... or would have taken it down if Shiyo didn,t withdraw it and send a Raichu instead.

I have to switch DrunkPanda out too and send Gerania in a Tbolt.
Raichu uses Charge and dies from EQ:

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The already injured Mega Abomasnow comes back. Gerania paralyzes it with Body Slam and it can,t attack.
Next turn Gerania ends with the Mega and rises to level 49.

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Flareon is the last Mon of Shiyo. Despite having EQ, I prefer to send Mantarraya for this one, getting hit by Heat Wave.
Mantarraya uses Surf and avoids WoW.
The battle ends next turn.

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Before going away, Shiyo updates my Music Player. I didn,t expect to lose Mons against him but well, surprises happen:

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Before going to train a Mon, I visit the Department Store and buy the TMs of Protect, Safeguard, Reflect, Light Screen, Hyperbeam and Blizzard.

In a house I also get this item:

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In this game, Pink Petal increases the power of Fairy Moves.
In another house I get the most important TM for Nuzlockes, Rest. I teach it to Eeveeto instead of Dig and to Mantarraya instead of Haze, which I haven,t used a single time.

Before I finish the chapter, I choose Melenas (Alolan Dugtrio) as the Mon that will replace Rocosa in my team.
Chapter 33. Searching the submarine.

After training Melenas, I go back to Lilycove City. In the beach, there is a new building:

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"Melkor's house". The leader of Pxp Forums apparently lives here.

Inside the house there are Melkor, Alliare (his wife/girlfriend, also a moderator on Pxp forums) and some Pokedolls. Melkor is surprised to see me inside his house and fears the worst:

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After the initial awkward moment, Melkor tells me that after he (mostly) closed the Pxp Forums, he now only posts Pokemon Go news on Twitter. Many people don,t like him for closing the forums and the Pxp Mafia is searching him across Hoenn. So, for my silence, Melkor offers me a Pokemon:

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Very good IVs. Rash nature is not as good for this game, since both STABs are always Physical. Lucario is not the best Mon for Nuzlockes, but with SD + Extreme Speed it can definetely sweep some opponents.

I could fish a Staryu (guarranted encounter, since every other Mon from this city is already caught) in the beach, but not yet, since I don,t have a Super Rod. So, the only way left is Team Aqua Hideout.

First Grunt of the Hideout has a single Poochyena, murdered by Melenas.
Second Grunt has an Alolan Raticate, which DrunkPanda kills.

Melenas then takes out the 2 Electrodes that protect the Masterball, which I pick.

Next Grunt surprises me by having a Qwilfish faster than Melenas. Fortunately, the fish uses Spikes while Melenas puts a Substitute (which is a Tutor Move in Lilycove City). Due to Intimidate, Qwilfish survives the Earthquake of Melenas, so after the Sub is broken, I send DrunkPanda. Qwilfish is not done yet, he uses Protect to avoid Fake Out. Fortunately, despite Qwilfish also being faster than DrunkPanda (who is essentially at +1 speed always due to the Yellow Flute) it wastes the turn by using Spikes instead of Explosion or DestinyBond. After Qwilfish dies, an Absol appears and uses Wow, living Superpower this way. Mantarraya has to end the battle after that.

The Zubat of the next Grunt falls easily to Melenas. The Sharpedo however, forces me to use Toxic with Eeveeto in order to avoid Destiny Bond.

Next Grunt has just a Crawdaunt, which gets eaten by Gerania.
The Murkrow of the next one dies to Mantarraya despite having Confuse Ray.

Between Luciernaga and Melenas I defeat the Toxicroak of the next Grunt. Usually Melenas would be able to do it alone, but I feared possible Focus Sash.
A SD Sneasel comes next, but Mantarraya easily endures its moves.

Aqua Commander Matt is the only trainer in the entire hideout to have 3 Mons, but he is still not a threat. His Mightyena gets beaten by DrunkPanda and his Azumarill and Sharpedo by Gerania. Of course, he still gets the job of stalling time done, allowing Archie to escape:

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And despite being short, I think that here is where I finish this chapter.
Chapter 34. North Sea fauna.

After leaving Team Aqua Hideout, I go to the route 124. This route is a water one... or was.

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Yes, most of the water on some routes has been dried up. This is one of them. Since there is Grass, there are not only Water Mons to catch: Pidgeotto, Skiploom, Sandygast (caught), Tangela, Alolan Raichu, Alolan Exeggutor, Dhelmise and Magikarp (1% of appearing, but will always be at level 100) appear at any time. Day Mons are Psyduck, Golduck and Fearow (caught), night Mons are Wooper, Quagsire and Loudred. Since Quagsire has Recover, he is better than Golduck, so I go for the night catch:

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Could have been very good if not for the 0 in HP and the 1 in Sdef. Still, this Mon is bulky and strong at the same time, with 3 STABs (though Grass is special).

I easily defeat all the trainers of route 124 and get to Mosdeep City. Here I see one of the NPCs I normally would relate the most:

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Its the DynamicPunch Tutor and I can feel his pain. In this game, though, he can have more options than usually: Pangoro and Lucario are present, Heracross can have a Choice Scarf and the rest of the team could have Focus Sash. He can win with his favorites if he searchs well!

Back to the story, this is the moment I need to start preparing for Tate and Lisa. Actually my team is pretty good vs Psychic types in general and Solrock and Lunatone in particular. The one exception is Luciernaga, ironically a Bug type. I put Luciernaga in the PC and take Polifemo (Duskull).

Time to train Polifemo:

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When I finish the training, I go back to Mosdeep and explore the city, getting some items like the Super Rod. This allows me to get a guaranted Mon in Lilycove City:

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Very good IVs for one of the best offensive Pokemon in Nuzlockes. Unfortunately, the ability is Illuminate.

Mossdeep City has another guaranted Mon with Super Rod:

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Not bad. Sharpedo doesn,t get Speed Boost in this game, but it does get a Megaevolution with Strong Jaw. Mega is not as frail as regular one, so its not a bad Mon for Nuzlockes.

I then go to the North, reaching route 125 which by Good Rod this time, has anothe guaranted encounter:

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This one is not very good in terms of IVs and also has Water Absorb instead of the superior Volt Absorb as the ability. Still, its always good to have bulky waters.

I easily defeat all trainers of Route 125 and enter Shoal Cave. This place is divided in 4 areas: Low Tide, High Tide, Ice Room and post-game zone. I will consider Low Tide and High Tide as the same zone, so I get 3 encounters here, one of them in Post-Game.

There are lots of new Pokemon for both High Tide and Low Tide. High Tide has Sneasel, Galarian Mr. Mime, Smoochum and Swinub. Low Tide has Alolan Vulpix, Swinub and Alolan Sandshrew line (caught). At the entrance there also appear Seel (caught) and Sealeo (1%) and at all places Mr. Rime has a 2% to appear. As much as I like Alolan Vulpix, Weavile is an amazing Pokemon in Nuzlockes, so I go for the High Tide:

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Well, not a Sneasel but Walrein has been a very good Mon in every single game I have used it. In vanilla Emerald it would be one of the best Mons to have if it didn,t arrive so late. This game is longer, so the late arrival doesn,t matter so much. Good IVs, though Rash nature makes special bulk lower. Thick Fat is the better ability outside of Hail.

For now I won,t go inside the Ice Room, but finish the chapter instead. I will chalenge Tate and Liza in the next one.
Chapter 35. Double trouble.

Time to challenge the Mossdeep Gym. First trainer there uses a Gardevoir, which falls to Polifemo's combination of Shadow Ball and Shadow Sneak. Same thing happens to the second trainer's Kadabra, though this time Polifemo uses Shadow Sneak twice.

Third trainer has a Golduck. I send Gerania to face him, but Swagger + Signal Beam quickly reduce Gerania's HP. DrunkPanda goes next and uses Fake Out + Hyper Voice, but Golduck puts him in yellow too by using Cross Chop. Polifemo is the one who wins again, by avoiding Swagger.

Fourth trainer thanks to his Slowbro helps Gerania reach the level cap of 50.
Fifth trainer has a Spinda. DrunkPanda wins the duel.
Sixths trainer tries to hax with Teeter Dance Grumpig, but Eeveeto walls the pig hard.

The Medicham of the next witch I challenge doesn,t have Shadow Ball, so Polifemo wins.
Despite being 4 levels higher, Polifemo is slower than the Dusclops a Psychic sends against me, so Eeveeto is the one who has to defeat it.

I am very lucky my lead is Polifemo in the next battle, the opponent has a Wobbuffet. Will-o-wisp makes me win.
Next witch has a Banette, Eeveeto defeats the ghost with Toxic, the fear of Destinybond is too high.

Melenas destroys the Galarian Rapidash of the next battle.
Last trainer is a Gentleman with Girafarig, Melenas wins this one too.

Only Tate and Liza remain now. Lets predict their Mons. Solrock and Lunatone are obvious. In vanilla Emerald they also use Claydol and Xatu from the start while Hypno and Slowking are added in the rematches. In BW2 they don,t battle together, instead each has their own teams. This way, Tate has Chimecho, Grumpig, Gallade and Reuniclus added, while Liza has another Chimecho, another Grumpig and Gardevoir. Girafarig is the only other possible Mon, since he is immune to Ghost. I expect either Gardevoir or Gallade to appear, they are not weak to dark and bug.

Since this is a Doubles Battle, all my team has Protect. The leads will be DrunkPanda (which also has Fake Out) and Polifemo. This is the full team:

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Tate and Liza lead with Claydol and Xatu. I focus my attacks on Claydol, since he could explode. DrunkPanda uses Fake Out and Polifemo Shadow Ball. Xatu meanwhile uses Calm Mind.
Next turn the bird attacks first and crits Psychic:

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RIP Polifemo. Fuck, I wanted to box him after this battle, this was a very important Mon for post-game due to Pressure + high bulk.
I send Eeveeto and DrunkPanda ends with Claydol by using Shadow Ball:

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Slowking comes in replacing Claydol. Xatu uses Calm Mind again, but dies to Shadow Ball + Crunch:

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DrunkPanda rises to level 50. A Solrock appears while Slowking uses Light Screen.
Both Solrock and Slowking attack DrunkPanda with Psychic, while I focus on Solrock.
I protect DrunkPanda, avoiding Psychic from Solrock. The rock survives Crunch due to Light Screen, meanwhile Slowking uses Icy Wind.

I switch Mantarraya in the place of DrunkPanda, receiving a Psychic from Solrock, who falls to Crunch right after that:

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Hypno is the unrevealed Mon, meaning the team is the rematch one from vanilla Emerald. Slowking hits Mantarraya with Psychic.
I protect Mantarraya next turn. Hypno uses Swagger to Slowking for some reason, which makes him consume Lum Berry and be hit by Toxic from Eeveeto. Slowking fails to hit his Psychic and Light Screen ends.
Hypno uses Swagger to Eeveeto and gets hit by Ice Beam and crit Crunch, which it barely survives. Slowking attacks Mantarraya with Psychic.
Mantarraya protects, attracting both Psychics. Eeveeto hits himself this turn.
Mantarraya uses Rest and consumes Chesto Berry before getting hit by Swagger. This is the last move Hypno did, Eeveeto kills it with Crunch after that, rising to level 48:

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Slowking uses LightScreen, which will make taking down Lunatone harder.

I send Gerania in the place of Mantarraya. Lunatone uses Calm Mind while Slowking drops Gerania's Sdef with Psychic. Eeveeto poisons the Lunatone.

I switch Gerania out, which saves her life, since Lunatone has Ice Beam. Melenas barely survives the Ice Beam and the Psychic from Slowking, which faints from poison at the end of the turn:

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Melenas finishes the battle with Iron Head:

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I receive the badge and the Calm Mind TM. The level cap rises to 55.

Double Battlesare hard in Nuzlockes and this one made me lose an important Mon. Rest of the team got injured too:

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At least I don,t have to train a new Mon this time, since I have Luciernaga (Illumise) at the PC. Finishing the chapter here.
Chapter 36. Fuel war.

Since I now can dive, I can explore the dive spots of route 124. Despite most of the sea being dried up, there is enough water left for the dive spots. I will count all dive spots except the one at Izabe Island (which I won,t go to for now, since I don,t have a Mon that can Fly in the team) as one place, regardless of the route they are in. There is only one new Mon here, which is Cursola. This is what I catch:

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Good IVs except the HP. Since Shell Smash is not in the game, neither Gorebyss nor Nuntail are particularly useful, though some Baton Pass strats could help. The Big Pearl it comes with is some free money.

One of the dive spots leads me to a secret place in Royte 126. There I find an important item:

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Apparently it has endless uses in this game. So, I use it to change Mantarrayas Swift Swim for Water Absorb, Eeveeto's Inner Focus for Syncronize, Luciernaga's Oblivious for Tinted Lens and Gerania's Overgrow for Natural Cure.

By the way, the poster seen in the above image is new, this is what is written there:

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"Micolo was here".

After finishing exploring the Dive Spots, I go to Shoal Cave, which is now in Low Tide. This way, I am able to reach the Ice Room. There I see a new stairs that is certainly a post-game zone:

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The TM seen in the picture is Hail. Ah, yes, I need to also catch a Mon here:

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Yes! With Pressure, Sub + Protect, Weavile can stall a lot of foes. The most important IV (Speed) has a good value and the nature is neutral (Docile). In post-game, I will use Laska for sure.

Time to go to stop Team Magma from stealing fuel at the Space Center. First grunt I face there has a Magcargo beaten by Mantarraya and an Alolan Raticate destroyed by DrunkPanda.
Second grunt has just an overleveled Numel. Mantarraya uses Surf.
Third grunt has a Claydol. Despite having Rock Slide, Luciernaga wins by 3HKOing with Ice Punch.

The grun that protects the stairs has 3 Mons. First is an Alolan Persian that uses Toxic to Luciernaga and stalls her with Protect. I send Eeveeto, who gets the Sitrus Berry knocked. The AI knows that Eeveeto can have Syncronize, so the Persian doesn,t use Toxic and I kill it by using Crunch many times.
A Salazzle appears then. I use Mantarraya to kill it although it ends up getting poisoned.
Last Mon is Morgrem. Mantarraya hits it with Surf but gets a Swagger, so DrunkPanda is the one who finishes the battle.

On the second floor I have to fight against 3 grunts one after another:

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First grunt only has a Golbat and I only lose 31 HP from DrunkPanda, by Heat Wave.
Second one has a Mightyena, which actually hits quite hard and brings Luciernaga to yellow before falling.
Last grunt has a Magmar. With Flamethrower + Thunder Punch + Cross Chop, this Mon can hit all my team hard. It ends up failling to Toxic, but the damage dealt was quite high:

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Only Admin Tabitha and Maxie remain now. I need to fight them in a Double Battle with Steven. These are the Mons I will use for the battle:

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Tabitha sends a Camerupt, Maxie a Mightyena and Steven a Metang. The Intimidate from Mightyena doesn,t work due to Own Tempo and Clear Body.
DrunkPanda uses Fake Out on Camerupt and gets the speed dropped by Scary Face from Mightyena. Metang supports with Light Screen.
Mightyena uses Yawn to Metang, which puts a Reflect. Camerupt does damage with Heat Wave and DrunkPanada with Hyper Voice.
Myghyena puts Metang in red with Crunch. Metang launches a Psychic to Camerupt, while Drunk Panda uses Hyper Voice, critting Mightyena and killing the camel:

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Tabitha sends a Golbat while Metang falls asleep.
Golbat ends with Metang by using Leech Life. Steven replaces it with an Aggron, who gets the Sdef dropped by Crunch from Mightyena. DrunkPanda uses Hyper Voice again.
Golbat uses Confuse Ray to Aggron, who damages himself. Mightyena targets DrunkPanda with Yawn before falling to Hyper Voice:

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Maxie sends his Mega Camerupt while the Light Screen ends.

I switch DrunkPanda out and send Mantarraya. Golbat sleeps Aggron with Hypnosis and Mega Camerupt kills it with Heat Wave. Mantarraya avoids that move. Steven sends his last Pokemon, a Skarmory. Reflect ends.

Mantarraya is the fastest Mon on the field and kills Mega Camerupt with Surf:

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The Surf also crits Skarmory and kills Golbat:

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Last opponents appear, a Mightyena from Tabitha and a Crobat fron Maxie. The Migthyena gets hit by Skarmory's Steel Wing.
Steven wisely protects his Skarmory. Crobat tries to use Mean Look on it, while Mightyena uses Scary Face on Mantarraya, who has already damaged Crobat with Ice Beam.
Crobat uses Confuse Ray on Mantarraya, who damages herself. Skarmory tries to use Protect again but fails and gets hit by Yawn from Mightyena.
Crobat uses Mean Look on Skarmory, who misses Toxic. Mightyena uses Scary Face on Skarmory too. Mantarraya damages herself again and Skarmory falls asleep at the end of the turn.
Both opponents ignore Skarmory now and focus on Mantarraya: Crobat with Sludge Bomb, Mighyena with Scary Face. Mantarraya hits herself again.
Next Sludge Bomb puts Mantarraya in red, but Crobat dies to Ice Beam:

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Mightyena uses Yawn to Mantarraya, who rose to level 49 after killing Crobat and consumed a Sitrus Berry.
Mantarraya uses Protect but Mightyena ignores it and hits Skarmory with Crunch. The bird barely survives, wakes up and uses Steel Wing. Mantarraya falls asleep at the end of the turn.

I switch DrunkPanda back while Mightyena finishes Skarmory.
With Fake Out + Hyper Voice, DrunkPanda ends this battle and rises to level 51:

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After this intense battle Team Magma escape, Steven gives me the HM Dive (which I already could use thanks to the new mechanics of this game) and I finish the chapter here.
Chapter 37. Still too much water.

Time to explore the rest of the sea of Hoenn. First place I go is route 127, which is another dried route:

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New Pokemon that appear here are Seel (caught), Dewgong (caught), Tangela, Perserker, Skiploom, Jumpluff, Alolan Exeggutor and Magikarp, which has 1% of appearing but will be at level 100. During the day Wingull and Kingler also appear (both are caught) while during the night Crawdaunt, Murkrow (caught) and Honchkrow are present. Strong as Crawdaunt is, I prefer to catch some bulky Grass, so in order to have more chances for it, I catch a Mon during the day:

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Hasty nature is quite good, 7 IVs in speed clearly not. Jumpluff has been one of the MVPs in Midele Crystal due to being a fast Encore user. In Emerald it will be worse due to 510 EVs being the maximum and improved AI.

Route 127 being a cool route with the best theme (the one of route 120), I decide to make a Secret Base here:

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And this is the Secret Base for now. I might or might not decorate it better later.

The majority of trainers of route 127 are easy to defeat. There was one however with a level 50 Magikarp, level 44 Gyarados and...

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This. Fortunately Mantarraya walled it and with Toxic + Rest eventually defeated the broken fish.

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After defeating all trainers of route 127 I go to the 126 one, which has also been dried. New Mons that appear here at any time are Natu (caught), Skiploom (caught), Sandygast (caught), Tangela, Dhelmise (caught), Kabuto (caught) and Omanyte (also caught). The only Day Mon is Pidgeotto, while at night Exeggcute appears. Both Exeggutors have way too many weaknesses to be good in Nuzlocke, so I go for the day catch:

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Despite not being very good, Mega Pidgeot is in this game. The IVs are good outside of the Speed, but the nature is Impish. Since it learns Recover (instead of Roost), Columba still has potential with Feather Dance stall strats.

After defeating all the trainers of route 126 and picking the items, I visit Sootopolis City. There are no Mons to catch here (I have caught Magikarp, Gyarados and Tentacool already), but there are other things to do.
For example, this new NPC:

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He resets the EVs to 0 whenever I want. For example, Melenas has 87 EVs in Special Attack right now, which I don,t need at all. With this guy, I can optimize my EV training.
Before leaving Sootopolis I also pick a Wailmer Doll and the Brick Break TM.

I go then to route 128 which is the last one out of all that were dried up. Perserker, Azumarill (caught) Skiploom (caught), Jumpluff, Tangela, Alolan Exeggutor, Golduck and level 100 Magikarp are the new Mons here that appear at any time. During the day, Pidgeot (I have Pidgeotto) and Kingler (caught) appear, during the night Golbat (caught), Murkrow (caught), Honchkrow and Crawdaunt. Tangela is the most interesting Mon out of the ones I don,t have, so in order to avoid Crawdaunt, I go for the day catch:

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Bad IVs combined with lots of weaknesses make this Mon quite hard to use in Nuzlockes. Quiet nature is good, but there is no Trick Room. At least Frisk can help scout items and the movepool is actually good.

After cleaning the route 128 from trainers, I go to the 129 one, which is not dried. New Mons here are just Tentacruel and Qwilfish. So, this is what I catch:

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Bad IVs and not very good Mon, but at least it gets Intimidate.

Route 129 is quite short, so I get to the 130 one. Here Chinchou and Corsola are the new Mons that appear. I already have a Chinchou, so the catch is guaranted:

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Well, its not a good Mon but at least it does get Recover.

At the route 130 there is also...

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The Mirage Island. Yes, you don,t have to live 3000 years to see it in this game, it always appears. Liechi Berry can be found here and unlike in vanilla Emerald, Wynaut is not the only Mon that appears. There are also Igglybuff, Togepi, Pichu, Cleffa, Azurill, Bonsly, Happiny, Munchlax and Riolu. This is the baby I catch:

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Pretty good IVs. Togekiss doesn,t get special Air Slash in this game, but the Fairy typing is still useful and it does get Softboiled and Nasty Plot among other moves.

After defeating all the trainers of route 130 I go to the 131 one to do the same, since I have all the Mons that appear in this route. Same thing happens in Pacifilog when I arrive there.

There are still some sea routes left, but I will finish the chapter here.
Chapter 38. The not so little mermaid.

Despite not having Mons to catch here. For example, I can see what the trade of this town has become:

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This used to be a Horsea, but now is a Shiny Eevee. The guy still wants a Bagon, which I don't have.

In another house I get the Return TM and teach it to DrunkPanda.

After I leave Pacifilog Town, I go to route 132. New Mons that appear here are Sharpedo (caught), Tentacruel and Cloyster. This is what I catch:

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I have already had a Tentacool, but it died before evolving, so this counts. Anyway, the IVs are not good and Impish nature while not the worst, makes Euriale weaker on the special side.

I then go to routes 133 and 134, which have similar Mons. I catch a Mon in both routes while defeating as many trainers as I can (since the currents don,t allow me to defeat them all in one go). The trainers are enough for Eeveeto to reach level 52 and learn Moonlight.
Time to see what I caught:

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Route 133 catch. Not bad IVs and the bulk of this Mon is pretty high.

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Outisde of HP, IVs are decent here, but Naughty nature ruins it.

Next place I go to is the Abandoned Ship. Since I can now Dive, I can go to the part of the ship I haven,t visited previously. And I find this:

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No more EV grinding. This item raises the HP EVs to 252 (or to the maximum posible value if the Mon already has too many EVs) and has infinite uses. Needless to say, there are similar items for the rest of the Stats, I just need to find them.

I also get a Scanner, which I give to Captan Stern for a Deepseascale.

Since Slateport is close, I go to the Trick House and beat the trainers there, one of which had an illegal Cacturne with Knock Off. I get a Magnet as the price this time.

Time to finally go and chase Team Aqua at Seafloor Cavern. That is if I survive to this:

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I leave the place and go to a Pokemon Center to change movesets of some of my Mons. If Totems are immune to Toxic, there is no reason to have it. Lets see what I am facing...

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Well, there goes my plan of using Eeveeto to cripple it. Or is it? Unless its at +2, I am pretty sure Eeveeto can survive a Moonblast. So, I stay with Eeveeto and steal with Thief a Leftovers, surviving the Dazzling Gleam that Primarina throws. Yay, now I have Lefties!

I switch to Mantarraya, getting hit by another Dazzling Gleam.
Time to cheese with Mirror Coat... but Primarina uses Toxic.
Primarina uses Dazzling Gleam and gets hit by Mirror Coat, but its not enough to kill the Totem.

Its Gerania time. Gerania survives a Dazzling Gleam when entering on the field.
Gerania uses Giga Drain, but Primarina refuses to die and throws another Dazzling Gleam. Gerania also refuses to die though.
Next turn I finally finish this battle:

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Even when using anti-Totems movsets, Primarina damaged my team pretty hard, but at least no one died and now I have Leftovers:

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And here I finish the chapter. In the next one I will finally defeat the original villains of this game.
Chapter 39. Midnight sun.

Time to enter Seafloor Cavern and destroy Team Aqua once forever. New Mons at this place are Crobat (caught), Tynamo, Eelektrik, Slowking (I have Slowpoke, though that one will be Slowbro most likely), Omastar (I have Omanyte) and Kabutops. This is what I catch:

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The IVs would have been acceptable... if the nature wasn,t IMPISH. Still, its one of the few electrics not murdered by Earthquakes.

Team Aqua Grunts are next. First one just has an overleveled Alolan Rattata which Eeveeto outstalls.
Second one has an Eelektrik, which also falls to Eeveeto.
Third grunt has a Duskull, who suicides with Curse after being hit with Crunch.
Fourth grunt has a Carvanha, who also can,t damage Eeveeto. I am starting to get annoyed for getting so few Exp points.

FIfth grunt is a little stronger. He has a Perserker and a Golbat. Perserker is defeated by Eeveeto, Golbat by Melenas.
Admin Shelly has her Mightyena and Sharpedo easily defeated by Luciernaga.

I then find the TM Earthquake. Then I face Archie:

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Just 3 Mons, so the 3 ones that he has in vanilla Emerald. He leads with Mightyena while my lead is Melenas.
I scout the set by using Substitute, but Mightyena just breaks it with Crunch.

I send DrunkPanda to take next Crunch.
DrunkPanda uses Fake Out, which crits.
After taking another Crunch, DrunkPanda kills Mightyena with Return:

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Archie sends the Mega Sharpedo. DrunkPanda is too weak to face that, so I send Gerania to take the Surf.
Sharpedo hits surprisingly strong with Ice Beam, but falls to Giga Drain. DrunkPanda rises to level 53 meanwhile.

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Crobat is the last. I send Eeveeto to scout the set, getting hit by Brave Bird.
Before I have the chance to use Yawn, Crobat sleeps Eeveeto with Hypnosis.
Crobat uses Brave Bird twice and then Leech Life before Eeveeto wakes up and uses Yawn.

I send Melenas to finish the job... and he gets critted by Brave Bird:

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RIP Melenas. This is what happens when you underestimate the power of the hax.
Crobat falls asleep, so Mantarraya finishes the battle with 2 Ice Beams:

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Afte the battle, Kyogre awakes and escapes:

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Team Magma appears and Maxie cares about my security a lot:

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So, outside we go, where despite being night, sometimes sun brights:

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Steven appears too and tells me to go to Sootopolis. So I intend to do, but not before training a new Mon, since Melenas died vs Archie. I choose Cornuda (Rhyhorn) for the job.

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At the very end of the training, I come across this:

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However, I decide to not catch it. Shoal Cave is a good place to train and there are better Mons there for the Shiny Slot, like Vulpix, Snorunt and Smoochum. Mamoswine having one if his STABs special hurts him.

Cornuda's training finishes, and this chapter too.
Chapter 40. Mr. Censored.

Before heading to Sootopolis, I go to Lilycove City in order to teach Substitute to Cornuda, but...

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I have played Pokemon Emerald several times, but its the first time I come across this lady. So, no Substitute for now.

When I get to Sootopolis, I see Groudon and Kyogre fighting there:

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I meet Steven and he leads me to Cave Origin where I have to find Wallace.

At this place, encounter rates have changed completely. Zubat and Golbat don,t appear anymore. Instead, Crobat (caught), Omastar (1% of appearing, but I have Omanyte anyway), Kabutops (1% too), Armaldo, Cradily (I have Lileep), Duraludon, Pawniard, Eelektrik (I have Tynamo), Sableye and Mawile appear. This is what I catch:

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Very good IVs for what is one of the strongest Megas that are in this game. It doesn,t have Sucket Punch, Fairy STAB is special, but Huge Power Mega-Mawile is still strong with Iron Head + Sword Dance.

I find Wallace and we decide to go to Sky Pillar:

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So, to Sky Pillar I go. New Mons appear here: Jangmo-o (2% of appearing though), Hawlucha, Dusclops (caught), Ariados, Golett, Golurk and Aerodactyl. This is what I catch:

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Well, pretty mediocre. Its not a good Mon with so many weaknesses, but it does have No Guard + Dynamic Punch to hax.

In vanilla Emerald solving the weather crisis is terribly easy. You just have to climb Sky Pillar and Rayquaza does all the job. Well, its pretty much the same thing here, except for...

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This guy. He is banned from Smogon, and knowing him, probably rightfully so. Since there is damnatio memoriae on banned users and I don,t want problems, I won,t reveal his nickname and will call him Mr. Censored instead.

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Mr. Censored is a clima change negationist in real life. In this game, he doesn,t want me to calm Groudon and Kyogre, since there are no evidence for him that the situation will improve if I do that. So, he will try to stop me by battling.

He has 4 Mons, and the first one is Gigamax Butterfree. Gigamax Butterfree has the Stats of 60 HP, 15 Attack, 80 Defense, 120 Special Attack, 110 Sdef and 110 Speed. The ability is always Tinted Lens and it learns Quiver Dance, so its a dangerous foe.

I switch to Eeveeto fearing a grass move, but Butterfree uses Sleep Powder.
Butterfree uses Quiver Dance 2 times before Eeveeto wakes up and uses Yawn.
Butterfree uses another Quiver Dance and falls asleep after taking Crunch.

I need to quickly kill that Butterfree before it sweeps all my team. So I send Cornuda back.
Butterfree doesn,t wake up and dies to Rock Blast:

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Mr. Censored sends a Politoed. I switch to Mantarraya, who is immune to Surf.
Politoed misses Hypnosis and gets hit by Toxic.
Politoed hits Hypnosis, but Mantarraya has Chesto Berry and wakes up, using Surf.
Politoed hits another Hypnosis and this time Mantarraya loses a turn.
Politoed uses Ice Beam, Mantarraya is still asleep. Poison makes Politoed go to the red.

Mr. Censored withdraws Politoed and sends a shiny Mega Altaria. Mantarraya is still asleep.
Mega Altaria uses Attract and when Mantarraya wakes up, she can,t attack.
Mega Altaria uses Moonblast and gets hit by Toxic.

I send Luciernaga to take next Moonblast. Her Special Attack is dropped.
Luciernaga uses Recover, but Flamethrower from Mega Altaria deals a lot of damage, since it has Cloud Nine.

I switch Cornuda in to take another Flamethrower.

Mr. Censored switches Mega Altaria out for Kingdra, his last unrevealed Mon. Cornuda tries to Protect.
Cornuda protects from the Surf.

I switch Mantarraya in, healing with the Surf.
Kingdra uses a strong Outrage. It doesget hit by Toxic, but has Lum Berry.

I send Eeveeto to take the next Outrage.
Kingdra uses Outrage again. It makes Eeveeto consume the Sitrus Berry but Kingdra gets poisoned.

Mantarraya comes back, but Kingdra damages itself with the confusion.

I then send Gerania, who takes a lot of damage from Outrage, very close from 2HKO.

DrunkPanda comes in to take the next one.
DrunkPanda flinches Kingdra with Fake Out and the dragon finally falls from poison:

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The other dragon, Mega Altaria, comes back.
I send Cornuda, but she takes very big damage from Moonblast.
At least Cornuda still has Protect.
However, I need to sack a Mon here, all my team is very damaged.

I send Luciernaga and she survives a Dragon Claw.
Surprisingly, Luciernaga KOs with Ice Punch. I didn,t expect that from the health Altaria had remaining. Cornuda rises to level 50 meanwhile.

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A very damaged Politoed comes back and gets killed by Thunderbolt:

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Despite me not losing a single Mon, this battle was really dangerous and battle like this one will be very common in post-game. Had Mr. Censored 6 Mons, the result would have been very different:

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Rayquaza flies away to finish the weather crisis and I finish the chapter here.
Chapter 41. Giga Drain goes, brrr.

Before going back to Sotoopolis, I want to prepare for the last Gym Leader, Juan. Cornuda is weak to Water, so I replace her by Chupamperi (Tynamo), who I have to train:

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After the training, I finally go to Sotoopolis and see how Rayquaza tells Kyogre and Groudon to fuck off:

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Well, everything is solved now. Wallace gives me the Waterfall HM and lets me enter the Sotoopolis Gym.

First trainer in the Gym doesn,t even use a Water Mon, but a Togekiss. Chupamperi wins anyway.
Second trainer has a CM Delcatty with Poke Doll as the item. Chupamperi ends up very damaged, so DrunkPanda is the one who finishes the battle, reaching the level Cap of 55.

Third trainer finally has the water types, Feebas and Clamperl. Chupamperi beats both.
Fourth trainer tries to hax me with 2 Luvdiscs using Swagger and Attract. One ends up falling to Chupamperi, the other to Mantarraya.

Fifth trainer uses a Hail core of Alolan Ninetales and Dewgong. I taught Drunk Panda Sunny Day before entering this gym, so the weather war was won.
Sixth trainer has an Alolan Sandslash and a Sealeo. She was meant to be faced with the previous one, but I avoided the Double Battle, so Chupamperi wins against both opponents.

Seventh trainer almost kills Chumamperi with CB Huge Power Azurill:

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I switch Gerania in and she eats Azurill, Marill and Azumarill.

Eights trainer has a Clamperl beaten by Chupamperi, then Ludicolo and Crawdaunt need Gerania to be defeated.
The Seviper of the ninth trainer overwhelms Chupamperi but is defeated by Eeveeto.
Last trainer has a single Mismagius for which Chupamperi is enough.

Only Juan is left now. Lets see what he can bring. In vanilla Emerald he already uses a pretty powerful team of Luvdisc (weak Mon originally, but very strong in this game), Whiscash, Sealeo, Crawdaunt and Kingdra. In the rematch he replaces Luvdisc and uses a Politoed and Lapras instead. In BW2 Huntail, Gorebyss and Relicanth.
I am pretty sure the Politoed will appear, so 3 of my Mons have weather changing moves. Kingdra is obviously guaranted and so are Luvdisc and Whiscash, which very few important trainers use.

My lead will be Chupamperi. Since she has Leftovers, Thunderbolt and Gigadrain, Chupamperi can win one on one against any Pokemon Juan brings except the Kingdra. This is the team that will fight Juan:

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Juan leads with a Mon he doesn,t own in any game, Qwilfish, which is bad news.
Fortunately, Qwilfish doesn,t have Focus Sash and Destinybond, so it just puts a layer of Spikes before falling to Thunderbolt. Chupamperi rises to level 53.

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Kingdra appears. It uses Double Team while Chupamperi Knocks its Chesto Berry.
Kingdra uses another Double Team and takes a Thunderbolt.
Kingdra uses Rest and avoids the next 3 Thunderbolts.
Kingdra wakes up and uses Double Team, avoiding another Thunderbolt.
Kingdra uses Double Team for 4th time but this time Chupamperi hits.
Kingdra finally attacks with a Dragonbreath, paralyzing Chupamperi.

I switch Mantarraya in a Water Pulse.
Kingdra uses Dragonbreath and Mantarraya hits Toxic.
Kingdra attacks again and avoids Surf.
Kingdra uses Dragonbreath again and paralyzes Mantarraya, but Mantarraya uses Rest, waking up with Chesto Berry.

I bring Chupamperi back while Kingdra uses Rest. This allows Chupamperi to recover some health with Leftovers.

When Kingdra wakes up, I bring Mantarra again as the dragon uses Double Team.
Kingdra puts himself at +6 and avoids Toxic.
Kingdra attacks with Dragonbreath and the next Toxic hits.
Mantarraya takes another Dragonbreath and goes to sleep.
Mantarraya takes 2 hits of Dragonbreath while asleep and when it wakes up and uses Rest again... Juan withdraws Kingdra and sends a Lanturn.

I switch Gerania in, taking a Thunder. This is actually a proof about the Politoed or Pelipper in the back.
Or maybe not. After taking a Giga Drain, Lanturn uses Rain Dance.
Next Giga Drain KOs Lanturn:

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Kingdra comes back. It uses Rest and barely avoids the 3HKO. Rain ends.
Next time Kingdra uses Rest, he is not so lucky, Gerania 3HKOs:

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Juan sends a Walrein. I switch in DrunkPanda while it uses Hail.
DrunkPanda uses Fake Out, but almost all the damage gets canceled by Leftovers + Ice Body.
DrunkPanda uses Sunny Day and gets poisoned by Toxic.
Walrein protects, avoiding the Superpower.
Walrein tries to Protect again, but fails. Superpower still only takes a little over the half of his health.

I switch Chupamperi in while Walrein uses Hail again.
Walrein uses Protect, recovering health this way.
Walrein uses his only offensive move, revealing this way that its Water Pulse. It gets hit by Thunderbolt.

So, Gerania goes back, knowing Toxic is the only move that threatens her. She gets hit by Spikes, Hail and Water Pulse.
Gerania finishes Walrein with Giga Drain and rises to level 54:

Pokemon Midele Emerald_10.png

Hail stops and a Crawdaunt comes in. It doesn,t get to attack:

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Final Mon is Whiscash, so the battle is won:

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Wallace gives me the final badge and the Water Pulse TM. Level Cap rises to 65. This was a pretty easy leader, my team is quite healthy. Gerania just clicked Giga Drain to win:

Pokemon Midele Emerald_13.png

Here I finish this chapter.
Chapter 42. The money boss.

There are still things to do before going to challenge the Elite Four. First is this item in route 134:

Pokemon Midele Emerald_01.png

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Good, 4 more to find.

Then I visit the Trick House. This time its harder than usually, since there are forced Double Battles. In the first one, my Mantarraya and DrunkPanda face a Mega Banette and an Alakazam. DrunkPanda ends up switching out for Eeveeto, who is the one that kills Kazam while Banette loses time using Helping Hand. Mantarraya also switches out when a Solrock appears after Alakazam faints. Gerania ends up killing the Solrock, the Banette and the Lunatone that appears after Banette.

Second battle is quite scary despite there being only 2 Mons. Those Mons are Wobbuffet and Chimecho. Wobba Encores Mantarraya in Toxic and DrunkPanda in Fire Punch, which burns Chimecho. Despite Chimecho having Recover and Heal Pulse, Wobba ends up collapsing from the poison, which comes at the right time, DrunkPanda was almost dead from Chimecho's Extrasensorys. I switch Eeveeto in and end the battle.

Last pair of trainers is avoidable. So, Mantarraya dispatches the Dusclops of one of them, while Chupamperi kills the Venomoth. With the help of Mantarraya's Toxic, Luciernaga wins against the last trainer's Gallade and Golduck. I defeat the Trick House and get a PP Max for it.

Next stop is Meteor Falls, where I now actually can clim the Falls. In one room I find the Iron Tail TM.

An Old Couple challenges me to a Double Battle. They use Hariyama and Medicham, while my leads are Mantarraya and DrunkPanda. I switch DrunkPanda out for Gerania, but she takes too much damage from Medicham's Brick Break. Mantarraya does damage Medicham a lot with Surf at the same time, while Hariyama hits Mantarraya with Rock Tomb. I switch Luciernaga in the place of Gerania next turn, both opponents focus on her and Medicham dies from Surf. Luciernaga recovers but still almost dies from Hariyama's Rock Tomb + Mantarraya's Surf. I switch Eeveeto in the place of Luciernaga while Hariyama finally dies from Surf. This was just a regular Double Battle, yet this is my team after it:

Pokemon Midele Emerald_03.png

The other trainer of the cave is a Dragon Tamer with Shelgon, Zweillous and Kommo-o. He ends up being haxed by Mantarraya's and Luciernaga's crits and freeezes.

Then I find an important item:

Pokemon Midele Emerald_04.png

3 left across Hoenn.
I also enter the Bagon room to get the Dragon Claw TM and catch a Mon here:

Pokemon Midele Emerald_05.png

Unortunately, its not a Bagon. Still, this Mon is decent and has decent IVs. CM + Moonlight looks like an ok Strat.

Last place I go to is Izabe Island. Remember this lake? Now I can dive here!

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In the bottom of the lake there are 4 Mons that appear: Corsola (caught), Clamperl (caught), Relicanth and Lapras. This is what I catch:

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Well, I would have liked a Lapras, but this fish has decent EVs and bulk at least.

In the bottom of the lake I also find a Deepseatooth, a Deepseascale, a Dragon Scale and a Bright Powder.
There is also a room with a Focus Sash in it and... a giant.

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Masuda is mad for losing money in this timeline. This is because Darkizard is frustrating his plans by making people critisize Masuda's games. He also asks me if its true that nowadays people don,t want real Pokemon challenges:

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I of course say no, and Masuda tells me to prepare to lose all my money:

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What. The. Hell. Is. This. After looking in the document of Midele Emerald I see that there are the so called Bosses. They function like Totems, except they don,t adjust to my level. Still, the main problem I see is that I don,t even know the typing of this shit.
My lead is Mantarraya. Masuda uses Pay Day and makes Mantarraya lose almost half of her health. That shit must have Huge Power. Surf deals almost no damage at the same time.
After another Pay Day, Mantarraya is in red, but uses Rest and wakes up with Chesto Berry.
Masuda uses Glare and gets hit by Surf.
Mantarraya attacks first next turn. This is due to Masuda having Revenge.
Then Masuda uses Shadow Ball..

Pokemon Midele Emerald_12.png

RIP Mantarraya. The boss is too powerful. At least, I think it has Ghost typing now and know his full moveset.

I send Eeveeto. Masuda uses Glare and heals from paralisis at the end of the turn. Crunch deals almost no damage despite being effective. This actually confirms Masuda is a Ghost.
Masuda uses Glare again. Looks like the AI of the Bosses is worse than the one of the Totems. I am lucky this turn and drop his Sdef.
Masuda uses Shadow Ball, which despite not being effective, still deals a lot of damage. Eeveeto drops his Sdef again.
Masuda uses Shadow Ball, Eeveeto heals with Moonlight.
Next Shadow Ball drops Eeveeto's Sdef, which doesn,t matter, since all Masuda's moves are Physical. Eeveeto crunches again and Masuda consumes a Sitrus Berry.
Masuda uses Pay Day. Eeveeto can,t attack this turn but eats a Sitrus Berry.
Eeveeto uses Moonlight and gets hit by unboosted Revenge.
Masuda uses Glare. I can,t take advantage of that, Eeveeto gets paralyzed again.
Masuda uses Pay Day, Eeveeto is still paralyzed.
Next Pay Day drops Eeveeto's health to red, but he manages to heal.
Eeveeto heals again and gets hit by Revenge.
Masuda uses Shadow Ball, and Eeveeto uses the last Moonlight he has.
Masuda uses Shadow Ball and gets hit by Crunch. Masuda is now in yellow.
Masuda uses Pay Day. Eeveeto is very weak at this point and I want to preserve him.

So, I send Luciernaga, who gets in red immediately by Shadow Ball.
Luciernaga gets one Thunderbolt before falling to another Shadow Ball.

Pokemon Midele Emerald_13.png

RIP Luciernaga. She was a cool Mon to use due to the boost it had in this game. Yet, that boost was not enough against that monster.

Chupamperi enters the field. She protects, not at the right moment, since Masuda uses Glare.
Masuda uses Pay Day and Chupamperi attacks with Thunderbolt, getting Masuda to red.
Chupamperi protects from the next Pay Day.
The Masuda crits:

Pokemon Midele Emerald_14.png

RIP Chupamperi. Not much can be done when Ubers like that one even crit while I can,t.

Gerania enters to finish this. But Masuda prevents her first attack with Glare.
Gerania hits Masuda with Gigadrain and gets very damaged by Revenge.

I predict the Shadow Ball that follows and send DrunkPanda.
Masuda gets one final Pay Day before falling to Fire Punch.

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All my surviving team gets exactly 1 point of experience from beating that asshole.
I do get another prize though:

Pokemon Midele Emerald_16.png

Its a Key of a Truck. Masuda just dissapears. I don,t know where the Truck is.

That battle was a complete disaster, almost to the level of the Sheer Cold Smeargle. Half of my team is dead and the other half severely damaged:

Pokemon Midele Emerald_17.png

Finishing the chapter here. This game is very evil.
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After training Coral until the level 34, I come back to the deadly mountain, where I find a Black Belt.
Then I see a truck:

Pokemon Midele Emerald_18.png

Probably this is the place where Mew appears in this game. But not yet.
I also find a Twistedspoon before arriving to Izabe Cave.
truck located, hopefully?
From github:

.name = gBossNameMasuda,
.level = 50,
.hp = 600,
.attack = 257, // Equivalente a 150 BST, 31 IV, 255 EV, LVL 50, NATURE FAVORABLE
.defense = 189, // Equivalente a 120 BST, 31 IV, 255 EV, LVL 50, NATURE FAVORABLE
.spAttack = 10,
.spDefense = 167, // Equivalente a 100 BST, 31 IV, 255 EV, LVL 50, NATURE FAVORABLE
.speed = 156, // Equivalente a 90 BST, 31 IV, 255 EV, LVL 50, NATURE FAVORABLE
.type1 = TYPE_NORMAL,
.type2 = TYPE_GHOST,