Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 50 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Well, one last question. If you don't want any minor spoilers skip over this question.

If you could choose a ball for non-shiny Keldeo what would you choose? Thinking Dive Ball.
:keldeo: :lure ball:
I would definitely go Lure Ball here, as the orange accents nicely with Keldeo's red parts, while still being primairly blue.
I don't want to know anything about them; but can someone tell me what natures I'd want to synchronise on Calyrex, the horses, the new regis and the galarian birds?
a few of them are not synch able

these aren't so go for

Adamant/Jolly G-Zapdos
Timid/Modest for moltres/articuno
Hey everyone,
I need a meltan and a melmetal. Stats don't matter since it's just to fill my pokemon home dex.
At this point, I can breed a very wide range of pokemon, so if you're looking for something specific please let me know.

Thanks anyways! /o/

Atm i don't have a melmetal, but i have a lot of meltans, so i can give you one if you want, pm me
Quick question, which would likely be better on the trade section and can be relocated there if needed.

Does anyone have a Safari Ball they could spare? After looking over some ball options and suggestions it would likely look the best on Calyrex, at least base form. I can give some assorted spare shinies.

Edit: I will offer 3 shinies and a Master Ball, all caught by me in raids I joined (and one bred in Alola). I can list them and their info for anyone interested.

Got my hands on one

mod edit: you found the right thread nw.
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Does anyone have a Tyrunt in a Heavy Ball they're willing to trade? HA prefered

I got a HA Applin in a Friend Ball, an Own Tempo Rockruff in a Moon Ball, a Goomy in a Friend Ball, a Ha Minccino in a Dream Ball or a Dreepy in a Moon Ball ready to trade for it
Looking for Corsola-Galar - IVs and Nature not an issue as I'll be breeding my own. Can offer various Sword exclusives in return :)
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Can someone with Sun/Moon trade me a Jangmo-o egg? I want to use it as a starter.

PM me if you can help me.

Thanks in advance.
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Would anyone be willing to trade me a 0 Spe IV Glastrier? I'll trade a 14 Def IV Stakataka (That's the amount needed to gets its ATK higher than DEF). Any nature/ other IVs will do.
This has probably been answered before, so excuse me for asking. I have conflicting information whether or not Poipole is shiny locked. Is it? I'd love to have a dragon bee :<
This has probably been answered before, so excuse me for asking. I have conflicting information whether or not Poipole is shiny locked. Is it? I'd love to have a dragon bee :<
Poipole is not shiny locked in Gen 7 (USUM)

It is shiny locked in gen 8
Hey all, just wondering if anyone could spare a couple of minutes to trade/trade back their Zamazenta? It's the last Pokémon I need to get the shiny charm :)
According to Serebii, the Ability Patch can be made with the Cram-O-Matic -- its assigned thing is Normal 38. I still don't know how to navigate this thing well; what's a good recipe for that?
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