Smogon Usage-Based Tier Update: May 2016

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Next month.
| 48 | Heracross-Mega | 3.951% |
| 52 | Tangrowth | 3.428% |
| 53 | Quagsire | 3.320% |


| 55 | Tornadus | 4.464% |

About time efforts to clean out BL2 were made.

| 60 | Rotom-Fan | 2.970% |

Thanks for ruining the whole one Rotom form per tier thing. (not including regular Rotom)
Assuming the usage stats stay the same:

Cacturne: NU to PU
Goodra: UU to RU
Haxorus: UU to RU
Heracross-Mega: BL to OU
Muk: NU to PU
Pelipper: NU to PU
Rotom-Fan: NU to PU
Shaymin: UU to RU
Smeargle: NU to PU
Tangrowth: RU to OU
Togetic: RU to PU
Tornadus: BL2 to UU
Trevenant: RU to NU

Only thing I'm directly opposed to is Rotom-Fan, and I doubt that Haxorus will drop because of the likely ban of Salamence. Boy PU is gonna have one hell of a time
Assuming the usage stats stay the same:

Cacturne: NU to PU
Goodra: UU to RU
Haxorus: UU to RU
Heracross-Mega: BL to OU
Muk: NU to PU
Pelipper: NU to PU
Rotom-Fan: NU to PU
Shaymin: UU to RU
Smeargle: NU to PU
Tangrowth: RU to OU
Togetic: RU to PU
Tornadus: BL2 to UU
Trevenant: RU to NU

Only thing I'm directly opposed to is Rotom-Fan, and I doubt that Haxorus will drop because of the likely ban of Salamence. Boy PU is gonna have one hell of a time
Shaymin got banned from RU before so it would stay in UU and why would Togetic drop down to PU? Wouldn't it go to NU?
Shaymin got banned from RU before so it would stay in UU and why would Togetic drop down to PU? Wouldn't it go to NU?
I'm pretty sure Shaymin was RU at one point, but it was never banned, it just moved up by usage. Togetic would drop down to PU based on the fact that it was PU before it rose to RU, so it would just drop back down to its original tier.
I'm pretty sure Shaymin was RU at one point, but it was never banned, it just moved up by usage. Togetic would drop down to PU based on the fact that it was PU before it rose to RU, so it would just drop back down to its original tier.
Actually Shaymin was in BL2 at some point last year
| 44 | Hitmontop | 6.012% |

RU and future NU: Please stop

Hitmontop would be awesome in PU, especially since with Machoke's exit the only viable Fighting type in PU is Monferno, which is part Fire

Also Antar, what are the cutoffs for a drop and rise for this month?
| 44 | Hitmontop | 6.012% |

RU and future NU: Please stop

Hitmontop would be awesome in PU, especially since with Machoke's exit the only viable Fighting type in PU is Monferno, which is part Fire
No, also Scraggy and Mienfoo are things

edit @ below - Your point being?
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| 44 | Hitmontop | 6.012% |

RU and future NU: Please stop

Hitmontop has a distinct niche in RU as a defensive Rapid Spinner with Intimidate. It's not the best mon in the tier, but there are worse mons that deserve a drop more than it does. *cough Ambipom cough*

Hitmontop would be awesome in PU

Hitmontop would never make it to PU, it would most likely become a top threat in NU.

With Machoke's exit the only viable Fighting type in PU is Monferno, which is part Fire

Um... Mienfoo and Scraggy exist. Your argument is irrelevant.

And as for the "Oh, they aren't PU by usage so they must be unviable hurr durr" argument, I'd like to point out that usage DOES NOT equal viability. Pokemon like Quilladin and Simisage are still threatening Pokemon in the PU tier despite being FU by usage.

Also Antar, what are the cutoffs for a drop and rise for this month?

I'll handle this... If I remember correctly, the cutoffs are 4.5% for a rise and 2.3% for a drop.
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mienfoo's only real niche is cm/sd pass and that's a damn tiny niche

scraggy's biggest selling point is bulk up and we honestly don't know enough about the new metagame to make a judgement on scraggy

his point is that monferno is the only true threat that's a fighting type, mienfoo/scraggy isn't a threat alone. Citing mons that honestly aren't seen very often in order to invalidate someone's point is really dumb, don't do that. When you build in PU, you have to take monferno into account, while you'll probably end up having a plan vs scraggy/foo even if you didn't build with them in mind.
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Hitmontop has a distinct niche in RU as a defensive Rapid Spinner with Intimidate. It's not the best mon in the tier, but there are worse mons that deserve a drop more than it does. *cough Ambipom cough*

Hitmontop would never make it to PU, it would most likely become a top threat in NU.

Um... Mienfoo and Scraggy exist. Your argument is irrelevant.

And as for the "Oh, they aren't PU by usage so they must be unviable hurr durr" argument, I'd like to point out that usage DOES NOT equal viability. Pokemon like Quilladin and Simisage are still threatening Pokemon in the PU tier despite being FU by usage.

I'll handle this... If I remember correctly, the cutoffs are 4.5% for a rise and 2.3% for a drop.
If that was the case then Mega Heracross would've went up to OU and Pelipper would've went to PU but they didn't so I guess you're wrong
mienfoo's only real niche is cm/sd pass and that's a damn tiny niche

scraggy's biggest selling point is bulk up and we honestly don't know enough about the new metagame to make a judgement on scraggy

his point is that monferno is the only true threat that's a fighting type, mienfoo/scraggy isn't a threat alone. Citing mons that honestly aren't seen very often in order to invalidate someone's point is really dumb, don't do that. When you build in PU, you have to take monferno into account, while you'll probably end up having a plan vs scraggy/foo even if you didn't build with them in mind.
Don't know what your on about they are viable fighting type pokemon in the PU tier so that would mean he is still wrong.

Also it was to invalidate his point when there was none in the first place (seriously when Hitmontop gonna get so ass its dropping to Pu)

Edit @ Below - Did i say top tier threat? Hitmontop will likely never drop from Ru and if it did even more unlikely drop from NU not fo rbeing an offensive spinner but defensive
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Don't know what your on about they are viable fighting type pokemon in the PU tier so that would mean he is still wrong.

Also it was to invalidate his point when there was none in the first place (seriously when Hitmontop gonna get so ass its dropping to Pu)

I'd assume when he said "only viable fighting-type" he meant "only dominant fighting-type that you actually really need to keep in mind while teambuilding". That's not to say foo/scraggy aren't viable.

also Hitmontop would definitely not become a top threat in NU, it'd probably just take the same niche, but be a lot better at it. If I want an offensive spinner I'll stick with hitmonchan.
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