5IV pokemons, Legendaries, Hidden Power & Pokebank Pokemons

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sorry to be a bother, I'm looking for a regular porygon, nothin special about it is needed(any IV,EV,Nature,ability), to trade. I don’t have anything of value that I could trade back, but you would make me so happy if you could trade a porygon to me please.

For the Shiny HP Fire Froakie please?
-6IV Shiny Froakie, Naive Protean
-6IV Shiny Modest Fennekin, Magician/Hypnosis, Magic Coat, Wish-5IV Shiny Modest Ampharos-5IV Shiny Timid Ralts
-6IV Shiny Jolly Bagon, DD, D Claw, Hydro Pump
-5IV Shiny Timid Gengar
-5IV Shiny Charmander, Timid, Dragon Pulse,Outrage, Belly Drum, DD
-5IV Shiny Jolly Shelder, Skill Link with egg moves
-6IV Shiny Adamant Gyarados, Intimidate
-5IV Shiny Modest Goodra, Gooey
-5IV Shiny Jolly Hawlucha, Unburden

-Larvitar; 5IV Careful[Stealth Rocks]
-Venipede; 5IV Adamant Speed Boost
-Snubull; 5IV Adamant[Close Combat/Heal Bell]
-Sandile; 5IV Jolly[Thunder/Fire Fang, Pursuit]
-Treecko; 5IV Timid Unburden
-Feebas; 5IV Bold[ Hypnosis, Dragon Pulse, Mirror Coat]
-Duskull; 5IV Bold[Pain Split, Skill Swap, Night Shade]
-Cyndaquil; 5IV Timid
-Yamask; 5IV[Bold, Nasty Plot, Disable]
-Whismur; 5IV Modest
-Scraggy; 5IV Adamant/Jolly[Dragon Dance, Ice/Drain Punch]
-Murkrow; 5IV Adamant
-Marril; 5IV Adamant Huge Power[Aqua Jet/Belly Drum]
-Gligar; 5IV Impish Immunity
-Goomy; 5IV Calm
-Froakie; 5IV Naive/Timid Protean
-Drilbur; 5IV Adamant Mold Breaker[Rapid Spin]
-Staryu; 5IV Timid Natural Cure
-Chimchar; 5IV Jolly, Naughty Iron Fist[Thunder/Fire Punch, Fake Out*]
-Absol; 5IV Adamant[Sucker Punch/Baton Pass/Play Rough]
-Noibat; 5IV Timid/Modest
-Scyther; 5IV Adamant Technician
-Growlithe; 5IV Adamant[Flare Blitz/Close Combat]
-Shroomish; 5IV Adamant Poison Heal
-Kangaskhan; 5IV Jolly Scrappy
-Klefki; 5IV Calm Prankster[Spikes/Foul Play]
-Riolu; 5IV Jolly/Naive/Adamant[Bullet Punch/High Jump Kick]
-Pawniward; 5IV Adamant
-Vullaby; 5IV Bold[Defog/Foul Play/Roost]
-Roselia; 5IV Timid[Sleep Powder/Spikes]
-Elektrike; 5IV Timid
-Mawile; 5IV Adamant[Sucker Punch/Baton Pass/Play Rough(Perfect Absol sex partner)]
-Larvesta; 5IV Timid
-Ghastly; 5IV Timid[Disable]
-Shelder; 5IV Jolly Skill Link[Icicle Spear/Rock Blast]
-Nidoran; 5IV Timid Sheer Force(Male)
-Timburr; 5IV Adamant[Drain Punch/Mach Punch]
-Fletchling; 5IV Adamant Gale Wings
-Bulbasuar; 5IV Bold[Leech Seed/Synthesis/Giga Drain]
-Drowzee; 5IV Calm Inner Focus
-Jellicent; 5IV Bold+Calm[Recover]
-Beldum; 5IV Adamant
-Scatterbug; 5IV Timid
-Ralts; 5IV Timid
-Fennekin; 5IV Modest Magician[/Hypnosis, Magic Coat, Wish]
-Shuppet; 5IV Adamant[Knock Off/Destiny Bond/Phantom Force]
-Sneasel; 5IV Jolly[Ice Shard/Icicle Crash/Ice Punch/Pursuit]
-Pinsir; 5IV Adamant+Jolly[Close Combat/Quick Attack]
-Litwick; 5IV Modest Flash Fire
-Heracross; 5IV Adamant
-Helioptile; 5IV Timid Dry Skin
-Bagon; 5IV Jolly+Timid[Dragon Dance/Claw/Hydro Pump]
-Hawlucha; 5IV Jolly Unburden
-Charmander; 5IV Modest/Timid/Adamant/Jolly[Dragon Pulse/Dance/Outrage/Belly Drum]
-Rotom; 5IV Bold+Timid
Are you interested in a 6IV Adamant Registeel? Its moveset is Iron Head, Earthquake, Iron Defense and Double Team and it's level 100. OT is PCApp and ID No. is 32760. It has no ribbons which indicates it's hack free, I also got it off the GTS if that means anything. The name is in Japanese characters.
sorry to be a bother, I'm looking for a regular porygon, nothin special about it is needed(any IV,EV,Nature,ability), to trade. I don’t have anything of value that I could trade back, but you would make me so happy if you could trade a porygon to me please.
i guess i can give you 1 random IV porygon, what's your IGN?
For the Shiny HP Fire Froakie please?
-6IV Shiny Froakie, Naive Protean
-6IV Shiny Modest Fennekin, Magician/Hypnosis, Magic Coat, Wish-5IV Shiny Modest Ampharos-5IV Shiny Timid Ralts
-6IV Shiny Jolly Bagon, DD, D Claw, Hydro Pump
-5IV Shiny Timid Gengar
-5IV Shiny Charmander, Timid, Dragon Pulse,Outrage, Belly Drum, DD
-5IV Shiny Jolly Shelder, Skill Link with egg moves
-6IV Shiny Adamant Gyarados, Intimidate
-5IV Shiny Modest Goodra, Gooey
-5IV Shiny Jolly Hawlucha, Unburden

-Larvitar; 5IV Careful[Stealth Rocks]
-Venipede; 5IV Adamant Speed Boost
-Snubull; 5IV Adamant[Close Combat/Heal Bell]
-Sandile; 5IV Jolly[Thunder/Fire Fang, Pursuit]
-Treecko; 5IV Timid Unburden
-Feebas; 5IV Bold[ Hypnosis, Dragon Pulse, Mirror Coat]
-Duskull; 5IV Bold[Pain Split, Skill Swap, Night Shade]
-Cyndaquil; 5IV Timid
-Yamask; 5IV[Bold, Nasty Plot, Disable]
-Whismur; 5IV Modest
-Scraggy; 5IV Adamant/Jolly[Dragon Dance, Ice/Drain Punch]
-Murkrow; 5IV Adamant
-Marril; 5IV Adamant Huge Power[Aqua Jet/Belly Drum]
-Gligar; 5IV Impish Immunity
-Goomy; 5IV Calm
-Froakie; 5IV Naive/Timid Protean
-Drilbur; 5IV Adamant Mold Breaker[Rapid Spin]
-Staryu; 5IV Timid Natural Cure
-Chimchar; 5IV Jolly, Naughty Iron Fist[Thunder/Fire Punch, Fake Out*]
-Absol; 5IV Adamant[Sucker Punch/Baton Pass/Play Rough]
-Noibat; 5IV Timid/Modest
-Scyther; 5IV Adamant Technician
-Growlithe; 5IV Adamant[Flare Blitz/Close Combat]
-Shroomish; 5IV Adamant Poison Heal
-Kangaskhan; 5IV Jolly Scrappy
-Klefki; 5IV Calm Prankster[Spikes/Foul Play]
-Riolu; 5IV Jolly/Naive/Adamant[Bullet Punch/High Jump Kick]
-Pawniward; 5IV Adamant
-Vullaby; 5IV Bold[Defog/Foul Play/Roost]
-Roselia; 5IV Timid[Sleep Powder/Spikes]
-Elektrike; 5IV Timid
-Mawile; 5IV Adamant[Sucker Punch/Baton Pass/Play Rough(Perfect Absol sex partner)]
-Larvesta; 5IV Timid
-Ghastly; 5IV Timid[Disable]
-Shelder; 5IV Jolly Skill Link[Icicle Spear/Rock Blast]
-Nidoran; 5IV Timid Sheer Force(Male)
-Timburr; 5IV Adamant[Drain Punch/Mach Punch]
-Fletchling; 5IV Adamant Gale Wings
-Bulbasuar; 5IV Bold[Leech Seed/Synthesis/Giga Drain]
-Drowzee; 5IV Calm Inner Focus
-Jellicent; 5IV Bold+Calm[Recover]
-Beldum; 5IV Adamant
-Scatterbug; 5IV Timid
-Ralts; 5IV Timid
-Fennekin; 5IV Modest Magician[/Hypnosis, Magic Coat, Wish]
-Shuppet; 5IV Adamant[Knock Off/Destiny Bond/Phantom Force]
-Sneasel; 5IV Jolly[Ice Shard/Icicle Crash/Ice Punch/Pursuit]
-Pinsir; 5IV Adamant+Jolly[Close Combat/Quick Attack]
-Litwick; 5IV Modest Flash Fire
-Heracross; 5IV Adamant
-Helioptile; 5IV Timid Dry Skin
-Bagon; 5IV Jolly+Timid[Dragon Dance/Claw/Hydro Pump]
-Hawlucha; 5IV Jolly Unburden
-Charmander; 5IV Modest/Timid/Adamant/Jolly[Dragon Pulse/Dance/Outrage/Belly Drum]
-Rotom; 5IV Bold+Timid
hmm i honestly don't see anything that i'm interested in. But i might be interested in the shiny gengar if it has disable and perish song.
Are you interested in a 6IV Adamant Registeel? Its moveset is Iron Head, Earthquake, Iron Defense and Double Team and it's level 100. OT is PCApp and ID No. is 32760. It has no ribbons which indicates it's hack free, I also got it off the GTS if that means anything. The name is in Japanese characters.
no... the OT PCApp means it was created from a pokemon creator app, which means it's obviously hacked. Also if the registeel is from gen 3 or 4, it's also automatically hacked because 6IV with adamant nature is impossible. Please take your time and read this thread
i guess i can give you 1 random IV porygon, what's your IGN?

hmm i honestly don't see anything that i'm interested in. But i might be interested in the shiny gengar if it has disable and perish song.

no... the OT PCApp means it was created from a pokemon creator app, which means it's obviously hacked. Also if the registeel is from gen 3 or 4, it's also automatically hacked because 6IV with adamant nature is impossible. Please take your time and read this thread
No. It doesn't have either of those.
Very interested in your Cresselia ! * U *

I have a Raikou, Latias, or Latios to offer (of the ones you don't already have, haha~),
all shiny, 6IVs, and legit !
Let me know if you're interested ~
Sorry for taking so long, had to go find someone to clone the conkeldurr, will be on tomorrow night to trade
No. It doesn't have either of those.
i'm sorry then... :(
Very interested in your Cresselia ! * U *

I have a Raikou, Latias, or Latios to offer (of the ones you don't already have, haha~),
all shiny, 6IVs, and legit !
Let me know if you're interested ~
hmm i'm not looking for shiny latias or latios, but i dont see the raikou in your thread. Can i have the details of the raikou ?
Sorry for taking so long, had to go find someone to clone the conkeldurr, will be on tomorrow night to trade
it's ok, pm whenever you can trade
i'm sorry then... :(

hmm i'm not looking for shiny latias or latios, but i dont see the raikou in your thread. Can i have the details of the raikou ?

it's ok, pm whenever you can trade
Oh yeah, I've been slowly editing my thread since I have quite a few new legendaries to add ! * U * I just got this one yesterday ~
it's the gamestop Raikou, level 30 with zap cannon, extremespeed, aura sphere, and weather ball.
It's OT is GAMESTP, ID is 01031, and has a classic ribbon !
Would you be interested in a Timid Tornadus? I'm interested in no-shiny Thundurus or Landorus. I'm also extremely interested in your Celebi.
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I got 6IV jolly jap ditto, perfect 5 IV shiny Charizard Y, and a 5 IV HP fire Latios. Interested in any for landorus T? (I can clone)
Oh yeah, I've been slowly editing my thread since I have quite a few new legendaries to add ! * U * I just got this one yesterday ~
it's the gamestop Raikou, level 30 with zap cannon, extremespeed, aura sphere, and weather ball.
It's OT is GAMESTP, ID is 01031, and has a classic ribbon !
hmm, i'm looking for that raikou, but one with hp ice.. sorry
Would you be interested in a Timid Tornadus? I'm interested in no-shiny Thundurus or Landorus. I'm also extremely interested in your Celebi.
does the tornadus have any hp or tutor moves?
I got 6IV jolly jap ditto, perfect 5 IV shiny Charizard Y, and a 5 IV HP fire Latios. Interested in any for landorus T? (I can clone)
you might have missed it, but i already have a jolly 6IV ditto and hp fire latios in my thread. And i'm not interested in the charizard. sorry
hmm, i'm looking for that raikou, but one with hp ice.. sorry

does the tornadus have any hp or tutor moves?

you might have missed it, but i already have a jolly 6IV ditto and hp fire latios in my thread. And i'm not interested in the charizard. sorry

no problem, getting one elsewhere ~
thanks for replying back, though ! * U *
Remove Arceus, and OT Gold Thundurus/Landorus. All three are hacked.
Remove Arceus, and OT Gold Thundurus/Landorus. All three are hacked.
right away, thank you for the info. Is it because there's something wrong with the pokemon or the OT is a known hacker? I would like to know because if the OT is the problem, i can avoid receiving pokemons with those OT
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