5IV pokemons, Legendaries, Hidden Power & Pokebank Pokemons

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Perfect shiny Timid Charizard Y (with megastone) for Landorus T?

Willing to clone your Landorus so u can have him back AND get the charizard
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im interested in ur sr jirachi would u be willing to part with it for a 6iv shiny arcanine intimidate adamant cruch espeed closecombat flareblitz?
Hey again, I'm interested in:

Lv: 75
Shiny: no
Name: デオキシス
OT: 10th
ID No: 07147
IV: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Nature: naive
Moveset: psycho boost, superpower, ice beam, taunt
EV: 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Speed / 4 Atk

CML for offers ^_^

can i get the timid hp ice zapdos ?

do you want the 5IV or 6IV ?

These are ones i was interested in

31/31/31/31/31/31 (modest) JPN [OT: トノ / ID No: 06639]
31/31/31/31/31/31 (jolly) JPN [OT: R a y / ID: 38733] or 31/31/31/x/31/31 (jolly) [OT: Candy / ID No: 42999]
31/31/31/31/31/0 (brave) JPN [OT: いしちゃん / ID No: 21340]
31/31/31/x/31/31 (relaxed) SPA [OT: Zein / ID No: 10770]
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I'm so interested about the Froakie +speed with HP Fire. I have a lot of shinies full Iv's and Pokemon with pokebank moves, please PM me!
These are ones i was interested in

31/31/31/31/31/31 (modest) JPN [OT: トノ / ID No: 06639]
31/31/31/31/31/31 (jolly) JPN [OT: R a y / ID: 38733] or 31/31/31/x/31/31 (jolly) [OT: Candy / ID No: 42999]
31/31/31/31/31/0 (brave) JPN [OT: いしちゃん / ID No: 21340]
31/31/31/x/31/31 (relaxed) SPA [OT: Zein / ID No: 10770]
hmm i don't see anything that i want, i'm really sorry
Interest in one of your ditto, the nature doesnt't matter for me ( juste one which is the less expansive) . I can propose in exchange 3-4 5iv.
Breedable Pokemon: ( all with the good IVs)

- Sigilyph 5iv Timid Magic Guard ( Stored Power, Psycho Shift, Roost)

- Mienfoo 5iv Adamant Regenerator ( Knock Off)

- Honedge 5iv Adamant

- Lullaby 5iv Impish Overcoat ( Foul Play, Knock Off, Roost)

- Mareep 5iv Modest

- Gible 5iv Naive

- Pawniard 5iv Adamant Defiant( Sucker Punch)

- Lotad 5iv Modest Swift Swim (Giga Drain)

- Marill 5iv Adamant ( Aqua Jet, BellyDrum)

- Meowstic 5iv Bold Prankster ( possibility to put egg moves)

  • Sableye 5iv Bold Prankster( Recover)
  • Mudkip 5iv Adamant/Impish ( Curse, Avalanche)
  • Litwick 5iv Modest/Timid Flash Fire
  • Venipede 5iv Adamant Speed Boost ( Iron Defense)
  • Absol 5iv Naughty/ Naive Justified ( Play Rough, Pursuit, Sucker Punch)
  • Eevee 5iv Timid Anticpation ( Yawn)
  • Ghastly 5iv Timid/Modest Levitation
  • Ralts 5iv Modest/Timid Trace
  • Squirtle 5iv Modest Torrent ( Aurasphere)
  • Piplup 5iv Calm/Bold Torrent ( Yawn)
  • Chatot 5iv Timid Keen Eye/Tangled Feet ( Boomburst, Nasty Plot, Night Shade, Encore)
  • Machop 5iv Adamant Guts/No Guard (Bullet Punch, Knock Off, Ice Punch, Encore)
  • Bergmite 5iv Impish/Adamant Sturdy ( Recover)
That Kyogre is hacked; Japanese Pokemon can't have an OT of more than 5 characters (pre Gen-VI, anyway).
Interested in a 6 IV Shiny Timid Manaphy? I'm interested in your Deoxys Speed.
no, sorry. not really looking the shiny version of it.
Do you have female totodile in stock? CMT if you do
no i don't have a female to offer sorry
Interest in one of your ditto, the nature doesnt't matter for me ( juste one which is the less expansive) . I can propose in exchange 3-4 5iv.
Breedable Pokemon: ( all with the good IVs)

- Sigilyph 5iv Timid Magic Guard ( Stored Power, Psycho Shift, Roost)

- Mienfoo 5iv Adamant Regenerator ( Knock Off)

- Honedge 5iv Adamant

- Lullaby 5iv Impish Overcoat ( Foul Play, Knock Off, Roost)

- Mareep 5iv Modest

- Gible 5iv Naive

- Pawniard 5iv Adamant Defiant( Sucker Punch)

- Lotad 5iv Modest Swift Swim (Giga Drain)

- Marill 5iv Adamant ( Aqua Jet, BellyDrum)

- Meowstic 5iv Bold Prankster ( possibility to put egg moves)

  • Sableye 5iv Bold Prankster( Recover)
  • Mudkip 5iv Adamant/Impish ( Curse, Avalanche)
  • Litwick 5iv Modest/Timid Flash Fire
  • Venipede 5iv Adamant Speed Boost ( Iron Defense)
  • Absol 5iv Naughty/ Naive Justified ( Play Rough, Pursuit, Sucker Punch)
  • Eevee 5iv Timid Anticpation ( Yawn)
  • Ghastly 5iv Timid/Modest Levitation
  • Ralts 5iv Modest/Timid Trace
  • Squirtle 5iv Modest Torrent ( Aurasphere)
  • Piplup 5iv Calm/Bold Torrent ( Yawn)
  • Chatot 5iv Timid Keen Eye/Tangled Feet ( Boomburst, Nasty Plot, Night Shade, Encore)
  • Machop 5iv Adamant Guts/No Guard (Bullet Punch, Knock Off, Ice Punch, Encore)
  • Bergmite 5iv Impish/Adamant Sturdy ( Recover)
hmm i'm not interested in those sorry
That Kyogre is hacked; Japanese Pokemon can't have an OT of more than 5 characters (pre Gen-VI, anyway).
alright, removed. Thank you
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