Pokémon Heliolisk

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Personally, I wouldn't put Life Orb and Substitute on the same set. You'll die WAY too fast to do much. And Parabolic Charge is included as an option on sets with moves like Substitute where you lose HP rapidly in order to maintain longevity.
Personally, I wouldn't put Life Orb and Substitute on the same set. You'll die WAY too fast to do much. And Parabolic Charge is included as an option on sets with moves like Substitute where you lose HP rapidly in order to maintain longevity.
the substitute and life orb is for rain only, of course running it outside of rain is a death sentence

Paraabolic charge still doesnt sound appealing its preety much half of a thunderbolt BP and its not like it will help much since it wont do any good damage unless its SE and having it as the only stab move sounds really lacking even protected by a substitute.
i just think this guy has what it takes to be an anti weather since it can focus blast ttar, surf hippo and ninetales, and t-bolt poli. It may be lacking specific coverage but it has just enough tools to get the job done. You could probably slap on an expert belt along with a sub for protection since all of them but poli (since most lack focus blast) can ko it and call it a day.

"weather slayer"
252 sp atk/252 spe/4 hp
expert belt
-focus blast

altho keldeo can prob do the same job better regardless of having slightly less speed, heliolisk does have t-bolt and a water/ghost immunity which makes it useable as well.
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i just think this guy has what it takes to be an anti weather since it can focus blast ttar, surf hippo and ninetales, and t-bolt poli. It may be lacking specific coverage but it has just enough tools to get the job done. You could probably slap on an expert belt along with a sub for protection since all of them but poli (since most lack focus blast) can ko it and call it a day.

"weather slayer"
252 sp atk/252 spe/4 hp
expert belt
-focus blast

altho keldeo can prob do the same job better regardless of having slightly less speed, heliolisk does have t-bolt and a water/ghost immunity which makes it useable as well.
Personally, I'd rather run Choice Specs, as most of these Pokemon have good Special Defense, (Sorry Hippowdon) and Heliolisk needs the power to muscle through them before they can cripple or OHKO him. If Choice Specs is run, just slap Grass Knot of Hidden Power Ice over Substitute, since it can't abuse it.
I guess specs could work too even though it would take more prediction. Another thing thats cool about this guy is that it can abuse all weather as well. It has sand veil (if its legal this gen) for sand, solar power for sun, and dry skin for rain. pretty cool stuff.
I just used helio in 2 online battles, and Electrify totally was amazing in both. You guys underestimate how much you can screw over a pokemon with electrify, even if Helio doesn't have an ability to absorb electric attacks.

1st fight, I brought out Helio after their Goodra KO'ed my Floette(still waiting for moonblast to evolve her, just 3 more levels) I used electrify when they used Draco Meteor. It only did around 1/3rd of my health, and then they lost half their SpA! After that I switched and they didn't, and their SE attacks against my Hawlucha was not able to 2HKO me, so I kept healing up with roost and attacking when I could.

2nd fight against a mega Scisor, I was able to use electrify as a scouting move, to see what moves they were most likely going to use. If i say them using X scisor, I witched to Hawlucha. After I took out most of their threas, I was able to just use helio and parabolic charge to damage and heal up, winning the fight.

Seriously, Electrify is awesome!

Dry Skin Ability(for even more healing)
Parabolic charge
Quick Attack(but will change for something like Dark Pulse so I can hit the water/electrics, or maybe Eery Impulse to further screw with people.)

I have a SpA+ nature, but a Speed+ nature might be better to further what you can stop with electrify, but then you lose some attack/healing with Parabolic charge.
You guys think that he would be good with an Absorb bulb?
He could switch into water attacks, heal due to Dry Skin, AND get a SP.A boost from the bulb.

Then again, just an idea.

Sig says it all.
You guys think that he would be good with an Absorb bulb?
He could switch into water attacks, heal due to Dry Skin, AND get a SP.A boost from the bulb.

Then again, just an idea.

Sig says it all.

Looking at the post above you, for a gimmick, you could run Electrify and Absorb Bulb. Turn whatever move is about to hit you into an electric type and get the free SpA boost.
What are this things egg moves? If it is lucky enough to get decent normal STAB then it could definitely do some work in lower tiers with volt switch/hyper voice/grass knot/surf.
Looking at the post above you, for a gimmick, you could run Electrify and Absorb Bulb. Turn whatever move is about to hit you into an electric type and get the free SpA boost.

Absorb bulb only works on water moves. there is cell phone battery, but it boosts attack
Building on the niche uses of Electrify, in 2v2 the idea of a duo of Helio with a lightning-rod user springs to mind.

For example, using Manectric either with or without Mega Stone, to take a SpAtk boost and capitalize.
Of course, the weakness to EQ is evident; yet with Electrify that would be anulled; even causing damage to the flying/levitating Pokémon who expected to dodge it.

Another partners could be a Motor Drive Electivire, but that's a bit abstract...
What are this things egg moves? If it is lucky enough to get decent normal STAB then it could definitely do some work in lower tiers with volt switch/hyper voice/grass knot/surf.

Agility, Glare and... nothing else of note, according to the research thread

Awful movepool for the best-looking pokémon in Gen VI. At least it gets Surf and Grass Knot
You guys think that he would be good with an Absorb bulb?
He could switch into water attacks, heal due to Dry Skin, AND get a SP.A boost from the bulb.

Then again, just an idea.

Sig says it all.
I dont think it works since it doesnt get hit by the water move. just absorbs it. I tried that with gastro and it doesnt activate
What are this things egg moves? If it is lucky enough to get decent normal STAB then it could definitely do some work in lower tiers with volt switch/hyper voice/grass knot/surf.
is grass knot really necessary? I think water/eletric overlaps too much with grass

Choice Specs/Choice Scarf/Life orb/Expert Belt
Dry Skin
4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spd
-Volt Switch
-FocusBlast/HP Ice

I prefer HP ice over FocusBlast, there is probably more stuff with 4x weakness to Ice than stuff you want to use FocusBlast on, also I'm pretty unlucky with it.

Hiperbeam is an options if you go the Choice Scarf/Specs route and has no SE move to use.

this lizard is so frail that anything that attack first or survives the punch will probably kill it.

anyway, he looks like a good check for the new Azulmarill and annoying stuff like roton-W
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is grass knot really necessary? I think water/eletric overlaps too much with grass

Choice Specs/Choice Scarf/Life orb/Expert Belt
Dry Skin
4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spd
-Volt Switch
-FocusBlast/HP Ice

I prefer HP ice over FocusBlast, there is probably more stuff with 4x weakness to Ice than stuff you want to use FocusBlast on, also I'm pretty unlucky with it.

Hiperbeam is an options if you go the Choice Scarf/Specs route and has no SE move to use.

this lizard is so frail that anything that attack first or survives the punch will probably kill it.

anyway, he looks like a good check for the new Azulmarill and annoying stuff like roton-W
For starters, if Heliolisk is gonna be running around in OU, it NEEDS Grass Knot to get past Gastrodon and Quagsire. Otherwise, it's screwed. Next, Hyper Beam is useless in Competitive Battling, since you can't switch out after using it. Though, I will agree that Hidden Power Ice is still useful.
For starters, if Heliolisk is gonna be running around in OU, it NEEDS Grass Knot to get past Gastrodon and Quagsire. Otherwise, it's screwed. Next, Hyper Beam is useless in Competitive Battling, since you can't switch out after using it. Though, I will agree that Hidden Power Ice is still useful.
you're right, hipper beam was a brain fart, I was just brainwashed by a 150BP with STAB + choice specs as a last move before dying.
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Hyper Beam will most likely kill whatever you want killed, but the real issue with it is that it's not like Explosion as a suicide move, because then your opponent gets one turn to set up their belly drum azumarill or sub up or whatever they want and then proceed to sweep your entire team.

That's a big potential price to pay for eliminating one key target.
been using thig guy on showdown and its really good when you play it by its strengths. It checks all rotom w and azumaril after belly drum which is huge since most opponents wouldnt dare use water moves with it around. I sub when they switch in things like garchomp and mence and then expert belt hp ice them in the face. I think it really has what it takes to be ou as long as its played right. A partner knowing a fire/real ice move (like *cough* genesect) is a must tho. But like I said eariler, it has just enough tools to be a decent threat.
Dry skin really seems like the safest option to run heliolisk, but I really would like to test Solar Power Heliolisk. I cannot for the life of me seem to get my hands on one for breeding purposes. Gambling for it on the GTS just isn't going to cut it because any one can train a helioptile up to lv 30 and take my perfectly good hidden ability safari pokemon and there's nothing I can do about it.
dry skin is not just the safest option but probably the best option. It needs it to be able to counter rotom and azumaril with ease.
Not sure if this thread is the place for discussion of multi-battles seeing as how it's focused around standard play, but speaking from experience, I can say that Heliolisk makes for an excellent defensive pivot in rain teams.

252 hp / 252 spe / 4 def
Dry Skin
Damp Rock/ Leftovers
-Rain Dance/Grass Knot

Dry Skin + leftovers allows it to create plenty of subs, and infinite amount of them when he's paired with a mon using Surf. Electrify makes Heliolisk an excellent partner for pokemon like Gastrodon, Quagsure, Launturn or Ludicolo as it turns potentially super effective hits against them into ineffective hits or neutral hits, allowing them to survive and dish out rain-boosted Surf attacks. Thunder hits incredibly hard even without investments. If it fails to KO, it usually puts the mon it hits into KO range of Surf.
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It sounds like a pretty nice plan. Probably would work best with ludi as the partner since its the only pokemon you listed that can handle opposing gastrodons
Heliolisk is also capable of stalling with electrify + protect and toxic spikes support against special attackers to some degree, but it's still completely vulnerable to status, priority and faster Pokemon so this strategy is gimmicky at best.
i would switch protect with sub then since it might be able hold its sub to a resisted attack. That would protect it from priority and status then. and if it doesnt hold, you just have to adjust its evs to make it be able to.
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