Pokémon Black/White in-game discussion

Thanks for the response, do you think Cofagrigus' lack of offensive moves beyond Hex/Shadow Ball until after E4 is an issue? Otherwise i think I will go with Cofagrigus, thanks.

It could be an issue. Although the Grass Knot TM is in Pinwheel Forest. Toxic is on route 17, which isn't THAT late.
Just caught a Sigilyph, need to get rid of someone on the team for it. Right now I have

I'm leaning towards Blitzel but looking for any opinions on who would be best to drop.

Herdier, although strong now, will probably be the least useful to your team out of all of those guys buy the end of the game.
So I'm in the mood to raise a Hydreigon. I go to Victory Road to catch a couple to breed a good one. I check the IV' on this little guy:

Deino, Hardy
HP: 31
Atk: 29
Def: 9
SpA: 14
SpD: 30
Spe: 31

Not bad for no RNG or breeding yet, eh? I went and nabbed the Power Anklet ASAP and started breeding this baby. =)
Would Gothitelle be a better shout than Cofagrigus? Admittedly she only gets thunderbolt over Cofagrigus, but I kinda think Psychic stab is more useful in-game than ghost...
Just caught a Sigilyph, need to get rid of someone on the team for it. Right now I have

I'm leaning towards Blitzel but looking for any opinions on who would be best to drop.

Heh, that looks almost exactly like my team was when I first caught Sigilyph, except I had Pignite over Dewott and Leavanny over Darumaka. ^_^

I personally cut Blitzle for Sigilyph, so I'll recommend that you do the same. No physical STAB other than Spark until level 49 on a physical Pokémon? Yeah... pass. =P

Although in the long run, I'd suggest cutting Herdier as well. It's by all no means bad, but outside of Return and Crunch, all it gets are the elemental fangs once it evolves (for Heart Scales, but you get one day from that chick in Driftveil City so whatever) which aren't overly strong. I'd say cut Blitzle now, and then cut Herdier (or Stoutland) once you get to Chargestone Cave, where you can catch Joltik who can be your new electric.

I think Samurott, Excadrill, Darmanitan, Scrafty, Sigilyph, and Galvantula is a pretty boss team. ;D
Blitzle is heavily underrated. His Special attack stat is passable enough to survive with spark and discharge. He is very fast and available far earlier than the other electric types. Not saying he is triple-A standard; but he is certainly a good in game electric type.
Blitzle is heavily underrated. His Special attack stat is passable enough to survive with spark and discharge. He is very fast and available far earlier than the other electric types. Not saying he is triple-A standard; but he is certainly a good in game electric type.

Agree with this. Using him in my current playthrough and he does just fine. You can also teach him tbolt if you get the tm after you get surf. Flame charge helps a lot with coverage too.
Working on my Krookodile and hatched a

HP: 18
ATK: 24
DEF: 25
SPA: 16
SPD: 11
SPE: 31

He's going to be a Bulk Up Krook, so that plus Moxie helps make up for his average ATK IVs. However, he's Jolly instead of the preferable Adamant. His sucky SPD is also unappealing, but it's not all that good anyways, so I'm not bugged.

Should I toss it or keep going until I hatch an Adamant? This is my, like, 50th Sandile, so my patience is wearing thin.
I just checked some of my gen 4 pokes IV's (hadn't yet). My Machamp has 31 Special Attack IV's (the rest except speed in the 20's). My Gyarados also has 31 Special Attack Iv's (and 28-29 Attack luckily).

That's my luck. The only pokes I have close to max IV's are in the wrong stats.
Well, with Machamp you can use it pass the IVs to make an Alakazam, BEM, Gothielle, Infernape, or Mienshao (calm mind?).

With Gyarados you can pass them on to make a Charizard, Sceptile, Salamence, and Hydreigon.

They aren't a total waste!
Well, with Machamp you can use it pass the IVs to make an Alakazam, BEM, Gothielle, Infernape, or Mienshao (calm mind?).

With Gyarados you can pass them on to make a Charizard, Sceptile, Salamence, and Hydreigon.

They aren't a total waste!

Nice. I'm wanting to breed a Salamence and Hydreigon (for different purposes). I figured I could probably do some chaining to get these IV's to someone useful. What's "BEM"?
I would suggest keeping it, TKoH. 50 is a lot. lol.

EDIT: Forgot to put this in the last post, so:

Any advice on this team? I have a Naive MG Sigilyph in my box, so that could be used on here (Black version).

Level 28

Level 29

Level 28

Level 28

Level 28

Level 28
I would suggest keeping it, TKoH. 50 is a lot. lol.

EDIT: Forgot to put this in the last post, so:

Any advice on this team? I have a Naive MG Sigilyph in my box, so that could be used on here (Black version).

Level 28

Level 29

Level 28

Level 28

Level 28

Level 28

Hmmm... my comments didn't save. I suggested considering Scrafty over Sawk or Leavanny over Lilligant, because they will provide you either dark or bug attacks for some additional coverage. (You could use Leavanny until you catch a Joltik really, then get more coverage with bug/elec instead of bug/grass.) With Victini, there's no need to double up on Psychic types.
My team as of post e4:

Excadrill lv 51
Serperior lv 51
Haxorus lv 52
Conkeldurr lv 53
Archeos lv 51
Lampent lv 50

My lampent needs a dusk stone -.-

oh well

and why are the pokemon so strong after e4 (unexplored part of map)

I cant beat cynthia -.-
My team as of post e4:
and why are the pokemon so strong after e4 (unexplored part of map)
they're high leveled, but not really that strong, i was able to go through with my team of 50's, yeah you have to heal often, but it doesn't take long to catch up. i think it's because of the xp curve, they did it so you can still train up all your pokemon.
Does anyone know how to access that small green dot in the top-left area of the map? I believe it's called "Anville Town" or something, but I always wondered how one would get there, seeing how every other green dot is an accesable location (ie Celestial Tower or Desert Resort).
My game is trolling me...I ran into my first shiny! Krokorok (2nd overall, got some shiny in Pearl long ago), but it's Timid with a 0 Spe IV...why why why...
Okay, so I finally got B/W. I know I'm a few weeks late, so yeah. I'm almost on my way to Nacrene City, but I have some unfinished business to take care of (training the Roggenrola I just caught). It took me eternity and a day to get an Oshawott with decent IVs (though the nature wasn't good). Not only that, it's a girl, making it my first time to play with a female starter on my team.

Anyway, my Black team as of now:

Oshawott, female, level 16 (Bashful)
-Tail Whip
-Water Gun
-Focus Energy

Lillipup, female, Vital Spirit, level 13
-Helping Hand
-Odor Sleuth

Pansear, male level 14 (Timid)
-Work Up

Pidove, level 13, Super Luck, male (Hasty; I Synchronized for this one)
-Quick Attack

Roggenrola, level 10, male (Adamant; I Synchronized for this one too)
(I would've had Drilbur in its place, but I hated its IVs)
With Victini, there's no need to double up on Psychic types.

I really don't understand why victini is so widely accepted as a good fire or psychic type. In game the little bugger plainly sucks.
It has to make do with confusion until lv.49 (!!!) before it learns zen headbutt.
It has ember and flame charge, until you relearn searing shot (5PP), learn it fire blast (5PP) or reach lv.42 (!!!) for flame burst.

Not a good in game pokemon pre E4.
It's good because you when you get it, it has base 100 stats across the board. That's good for the endgame; but he has those stats around the third gym (which happens to be bug-type). His moves aren't as much of an issue as you would think; he certainly does better for stab options than Emboar.
Victini isn't that good; Darumaka outclasses it in game. Sure Darumaka may be slow, but at least it comes with some powerful moves early on, including a decent STAB Move, & with Sheer Force as an ability, you'll wonder why. Victini on the other hand, has to put up with weak STAB until later levels, & a not so good typing alongside it. It may have great Base Stats, but it doesn't offset the fact that it has to put up with bad STAB. By the time you get a decent STAB, you could've evolved Darumaka, have a really powerful tank & all. That's why Victini is bad in game.

EDIT: After reading more, Victini isn't as bad as I thought. If you do plan to use Victini in game, there is a diverse number of TM's you can use right away, like Grass Knot, Retaliate, etc. Don't rely on the Level Up moves that much, teach him some TM's, but yeah, I think Darumaka is better still.