Pokémon Black/White in-game discussion

... true, I suppose Animal crossing (and Pal park) put me into not shifting day and time beyond a day or two. Still, I've heard that tweaking the clock has some downside, can't remember what it was though :/. None the less, yeah, if you need it, going to winter isn't too bad. Autumn's kind of a slow time anyway... what is special about Autumn?
Next Playthrough:


May use Basculin instead of Carracosta, haven't decided (I have a serious passion for adaptability)

What Pokemon should I use in my last slot? Want to use something quite interesting, a special attacker would be nice. Was considering Gothitelle or maybe Bisharp. Any suggestions? Perhaps Vanilluxe.

Bisharp is something worth looking at, if you're willing to overcome his lateness (in both arrival, and evolution). He can probably handle himself against Iris/Drayden, and can do well versus Shauntal and Caitlin. Marshal will wreck his shit, though. Could be handy to send in versus Grimsley if you need to heal (or he can learn Brick Break... I dunno the bastard's movepool.)

Gothitelle would be my choice. I love the thing. She's surprisingly bulky, with that lovely HP Stat, and while her special attack isn't spectacular, she does get Psyshock to compensate, and coverage with Charge Beam/Thunderbolt/Grass Knot/Shadow Ball is pretty good. She provided me with a lot of paralysis support on my Black playthrough too, and was my go-to-gal versus the Musketeer trio. Her speed is decent too, but then again, mine was Timid...
Meh, Bisharp is littered with so many weaknesses though, so meh...

I'd probably go with the goth psychic or at least something speedy and ideally with a special movepool, as you have what looks like 4 physicals. If you're a bit nutty, the Larvesta egg is always an option, or Haxorus is very cool (and doesn't take forever to get like Hydregion).
I want to playthrough again (but don't want to buy a new copy or reset my game) with this team (all pokemon I didn't use):
It sucks that holding a Lucky Egg decreases the power of my Archen's Acrobatics... Oh well.

Btw, my team as it is now is Darmanitan/Deerling/Joltik/Archen/Simisage/Krokorok, and looking at this, Galvantula will be my only special attacker. I always have the tendency to form team of only physical attackers. Am I the only one who does this, and how much does this hinder me in-game?
Changing the clock has an attempt on Black City and White Forest; if you go too far forward, all the trainers will leave all the buildings/whatever's in White Forest will disappear, too.

Btw, my team as it is now is Darmanitan/Deerling/Joltik/Archen/Simisage/Krokorok, and looking at this, Galvantula will be my only special attacker. I always have the tendency to form team of only physical attackers. Am I the only one who does this, and how much does this hinder me in-game?
I always end up the other way around. In my last playthrough, I used Lilligant/Zoroark/Archeops/Eelektross/Chandelure/Reuniclus, so my only purely physical attacker was Archeops. I don't think it'll hinder you much, because there's no abundance of Pokemon with ridiculously unbalanced defenses, such as Blissey, in this game.
Changing the clock has an attempt on Black City and White Forest; if you go too far forward, all the trainers will leave all the buildings/whatever's in White Forest will disappear, too.

I believe that messing with the clock at all will cause the next day's daily events to not trigger (ie Driftveil move/Heart Scale woman, Twist Mountain Fossil, Challenge Rock, etc).
Btw, my team as it is now is Darmanitan/Deerling/Joltik/Archen/Simisage/Krokorok, and looking at this, Galvantula will be my only special attacker. I always have the tendency to form team of only physical attackers. Am I the only one who does this, and how much does this hinder me in-game?
you'll be fine, i do the same, though not as much since that metapod in viridian forest hgss that was level 65 or whatever, i believe i was training and the battle took forever... how do you train a metapod to 65 when it only knows harden anyways??

Ginormous76, siesmetoad is OK, he's not anything near swampert, just kind of meh in game, i won't be using him again...
It sucks that holding a Lucky Egg decreases the power of my Archen's Acrobatics... Oh well.

Btw, my team as it is now is Darmanitan/Deerling/Joltik/Archen/Simisage/Krokorok, and looking at this, Galvantula will be my only special attacker. I always have the tendency to form team of only physical attackers. Am I the only one who does this, and how much does this hinder me in-game?
I ran with 5 physical and 1 special as well, doesn't really affect how well you do.

You could opt to make Simisage special though unless you SRed for a physical nature, it's SpA is equal to its Atk score after all. Or maybe drop it as you already have Deerling as well, which evolves into the much more useful Sawsbuck imo.
Friggin cottonee is being a biznitch. 2 days of nothing but hatching and no keepers yet. I thought it would be fairly quick because it only utilizes three stats, but man was I wrong. I guess I used up all of my luck on that deino.

Just did a quick run through the battle subway to get a power weight since the father has flawless hp. Hopefully that will speed things along.
Sorry if this counts as a stupid message, but there's a guy in Anville town that gives away 10 rare candies. 10. i just felt the need to make unaware people know about this. This is in-game discussion after all. :) Anyway does this sound good for a Battle Subway Team?
Bulky Physical Sweeper (Bulk up Conkeldurr/Scrafty)
Special Sweeper (Quiver Dance+Petal Dance Liligant)
Special Wall (If that's what you call it [Jellicent] )
Sorry if this counts as a stupid message, but there's a guy in Anville town that gives away 10 rare candies. 10. i just felt the need to make unaware people know about this. This is in-game discussion after all. :) Anyway does this sound good for a Battle Subway Team?
Bulky Physical Sweeper (Bulk up Conkeldurr/Scrafty)
Special Sweeper (Quiver Dance+Petal Dance Liligant)
Special Wall (If that's what you call it [Jellicent] )

Where in Anville town is he?

@ your team-Walls in general are never any use in Battle locations. You just want to sweep through them to get the streaks and earn BP, while going without dying easily. I would suggest replacing Jellicent(who is yes, a special wall) with something like, perhaps, a Moxie Krookadile or Haxorus/Saza..I mean...Hydreigon.

Oh! How do you get to the Bottomless Pit..place...thing above Lacunosa Town? I can't seem to figure it out.
Where in Anville town is he?

@ your team-Walls in general are never any use in Battle locations. You just want to sweep through them to get the streaks and earn BP, while going without dying easily. I would suggest replacing Jellicent(who is yes, a special wall) with something like, perhaps, a Moxie Krookadile or Haxorus/Saza..I mean...Hydreigon.

Oh! How do you get to the Bottomless Pit..place...thing above Lacunosa Town? I can't seem to figure it out.

Bottom right house. There are just 3, anyway. I decided to make a visit and the guy just gave me ten. And yeah, you're right, I just need them for the BP and streaks. I'll take your suggestion, though. But I'm gonna need something to breed Hydreigon with to get Dark Pulse. Which won't be possible until I find someone willing to trade me an Arbok/Seviper with Dark Pulse. And by Bottomless pit do you mean the Giant Chasm? It's just a surf north from the water area down route 13, iirc. ;)
Bottom right house. There are just 3, anyway. I decided to make a visit and the guy just gave me ten. And yeah, you're right, I just need them for the BP and streaks. I'll take your suggestion, though. But I'm gonna need something to breed Hydreigon with to get Dark Pulse. Which won't be possible until I find someone willing to trade me an Arbok/Seviper with Dark Pulse. And by Bottomless pit do you mean the Giant Chasm? It's just a surf north from the water area down route 13, iirc. ;)

A Dark type, special-sweeper with 3 MOUTHS can't learn Dark Pulse by level up? That sucks. :(

And thanks for the directions! I shall head there after I catch my Synchronizers!
A Dark type, special-sweeper with 3 MOUTHS can't learn Dark Pulse by level up? That sucks. :(

And thanks for the directions! I shall head there after I catch my Synchronizers!

I know right. It's base stats are leaned more towards Special Attack (although its attack is also good), can learn Crunch and can't even learn Dark Pulse. When I found out I was all "really. just." . xD And no problem. :)
Was wandering around Crater Forest earlier today trying to find a way to get into Kyurem's hideout when BAM! I unknowingly run into a shaking spot and out comes a Metagross. Caught it (took like 15 balls) after some False Swiping/T-wave and it's a Naughty one with a 30 Attack IV :) In the process of preparing it for competitive battle right now; I've never realised how shallow its movepool is though.
Haha, no worries. :D

Anyways, anyone else tried getting all the treasures using Dive? I hear selling all of them gives you a million pokedollars.

I did it in my first playthrough with the help of a guide. Was quite fun actually and yeah you get like 1.6m for selling all the treasure.
Was wandering around Crater Forest earlier today trying to find a way to get into Kyurem's hideout when BAM! I unknowingly run into a shaking spot and out comes a Metagross. Caught it (took like 15 balls) after some False Swiping/T-wave and it's a Naughty one with a 30 Attack IV :) In the process of preparing it for competitive battle right now; I've never realised how shallow its movepool is though.
What more do you need besides Agility, MM, EQ, and Explosion/filler really? Well that and you can't access any elemental punch to compliment him since those are Gen 3-4 exclusives...