Creative (and good) Movesets (READ THE OP FIRST)

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aura sphere

Why the hell are you running 2 fighting moves?

bulk up
stone edge
mountain storm

Looks pretty sweet but only because my favorite answer to fighting types is SubDisable Gengar.

item lifeorb/leftovers
252 atk 252 spD 4 spe
bulk up
ice punch
drain punch

With no recovery and no speed you are going to be outsped and you are going to be killed and you are going to die.

item toxic orb
ability poison heal
evs 252 atk/ 252 spe/4 hp
focus punch
seed bomb

Meh, looks decent, I'd say Sky Uppercut or Brick Break over Superpower for more reliabilty.

And double posting is discouraged here, there's the Edit button for a reason.

Timid Heatran @ Leftovers / Life Orb
Flash Fire
4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Substitute / Hidden Power Electric
Fire Blast
Earth Power
Toxic / Nitro Charge

This looks nice, only problem being I'd rather run a Nitro Charge set or a Substitute beat-bulky-waters set, but not both at the same time. Still, it is a nice option for people lacking enough team slots.

Now, I'm not entirely sure this classifies as NEW and totally unheard of, but it's certainly not common: that's right, it's SubDisable Gengar!

Gengar @Leftovers
Timid nature
4 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spe
~Shadow Ball
~Focus Blast/Hidden Power (Fighting)

See, you bring this in against stuff you know have only one attack that can hit you and are slower than you, and use Substitute or Protect as they try to hit you. Substitute is recommended for things which you know can set up and kill you, like Roobushin (because when you Protect as he Bulk Ups you will not be able to survive the Payback or Stone Edge), but under sandstorm and hail Protect is better as it means you don't die as fast. Choice-locked attackers (slower than you of course) are also completely shat on.

Now, you're thinking: "Roobushin Schroobushin, this is highly situational! Why would I ever use it, (BAN ME PLEASE)?" Well, here's a list of things that can't touch Gengar after the right move is Disabled:

~Dageki (sometimes, but Stone Edge and Payback on the same set is uncommon)
~Rankurusu (Not Trick Room, or 3 attacks+Recover.)
~Roobushin (Mach Punch/Drain Punch/coverage is the norm as far as I have seen)
~Machamp (Sleep Talk only)
~CroCune (but Shadow Ball/Focus Blast ain't going to be doing much)
~Togekiss (see above)
~Bulk Up Zuruzukin (unless it's that weird set above)
~Ambipom (non-Beat Up variants)
~Scrappy Miltank (can't break a sub with Brick Break)
~Snorlax (Disable Fire Punch or Crunch and you're good to go. If it has Crunch along with that then it's probably Choice Banded)
~Double Dance Terakion (oh god don't let it Rock Polish)
~Anything which uses only Fighting/something, Ground/something, or Normal/something for coverage. You'd be surprised how common those turn up.
Porygon2@Evo Stone
Trait: Download/Trace
Bold Nature
EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/4 Spd
Calm Mind
Ice Beam/Tri Attack

Simple Bulky CM set, come in on any physical hit that is not fighting and start boosting up, recover when necessary. This is no Reuniclus though, you're very susceptible to Toxic and other residual damage(due to lack of lefties). The two attacks are BoltBeam coverage, and Tri Attack CAN be used instead of Ice Beam if you are desperate for STAB; bu is not recommended since you'll get walled by Nattorei.

May do fine with extra Speed though, to outspeed stuff like TTar or something.

EDIT: And of course, this thing doesn't learn Calm Mind @_@ Meh, this would've been the shit...
This is a playtested and incredibly destructive set I've been playing on my rain team:

Careful Nature (+special defense -special attack)
244 HP, 8 Att, 4 Def, 252 Sp. Def
~Bulk Up
~Drain Punch

All I can say is HOLY CRAP! This set is well beyond the reaches of beastly, it becomes a word of it's own pwnzonic....awesome new terms aside this set has worked well beyond my expectations on my rain team, while it may lack in raw stats, it's great resists and few weaknesses have made it shine as the star of my team. it recovers roughly 19% of it's HP between Dry skin and Lefties each turn, combined with bulk up and increasingly difficult to break subs, not even beginning to mention the recovery properties of drain punch, this poke can really dominate a match. It's only troubles remain ground types, sub helps here, it allows him to get a free hit on a ground type before he skedaddles off to a water pokemon. As you can guess the things he's weak to are incredibly vulnerable to the rest of the team, and pokemon like nattorei and burungeru seek to become his bitch time after time. Sub blocks status and allows me to set up on numerous special attackers, bulk up makes his meh attack and defense eventually reach awesome levels (which is not that hard to do). Drain punch is stab and gains crucial health back before and after set up. Payback is for coverage and only a few things resist the combonation Fighting Dark. The Ev's aren't super specific, but definately serve their purpose. 244 HP provides a leftovers number, 8 attack makes his attack 250, and even thousand at plus six, 4 defense because +1 with this spread puts it at 250, not too shabby. 252 Sp. Def. reaches 251 SP. Def. This makes his subs rather hard to break for a plethora of special attackers, and allows him to set up on plenty of things. Definately a set I'd recommend to anyone running rain, causes a lot of ragequits.
This is a playtested and incredibly destructive set I've been playing on my rain team:

Careful Nature (+special defense -special attack)
244 HP, 8 Att, 4 Def, 252 Sp. Def
~Bulk Up
~Drain Punch

All I can say is HOLY CRAP! This set is well beyond the reaches of beastly, it becomes a word of it's own pwnzonic....awesome new terms aside this set has worked well beyond my expectations on my rain team, while it may lack in raw stats, it's great resists and few weaknesses have made it shine as the star of my team. it recovers roughly 19% of it's HP between Dry skin and Lefties each turn, combined with bulk up and increasingly difficult to break subs, not even beginning to mention the recovery properties of drain punch, this poke can really dominate a match. It's only troubles remain ground types, sub helps here, it allows him to get a free hit on a ground type before he skedaddles off to a water pokemon. As you can guess the things he's weak to are incredibly vulnerable to the rest of the team, and pokemon like nattorei and burungeru seek to become his bitch time after time. Sub blocks status and allows me to set up on numerous special attackers, bulk up makes his meh attack and defense eventually reach awesome levels (which is not that hard to do). Drain punch is stab and gains crucial health back before and after set up. Payback is for coverage and only a few things resist the combonation Fighting Dark. The Ev's aren't super specific, but definately serve their purpose. 244 HP provides a leftovers number, 8 attack makes his attack 250, and even thousand at plus six, 4 defense because +1 with this spread puts it at 250, not too shabby. 252 Sp. Def. reaches 251 SP. Def. This makes his subs rather hard to break for a plethora of special attackers, and allows him to set up on plenty of things. Definately a set I'd recommend to anyone running rain, causes a lot of ragequits.

That set looks like it has a lot of potential. It has great coverage and healing ability like you mentioned. Just a question: How much does Reuniclus take from an unboosted payback?
Okay, after the success that I've had with double dance terrakion and landorus, I tried to make some other sets:

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Poison Heal
52 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spe

Swords Dance
Aerial Ace/Stone Edge/Baton Pass/Ice Fang/Night Slash

Run whatever you want in the last slot.

Bulky version of DuDa landorus (lol) Is a possible excadrill check, and his amazing physical movepool allows him to check lots of other stuff once set up. I gave him enough speed to ourtun jolly excadrill, and the remaining HP EVs give you 304 which is a lefties (and poison heal) number.

Modifying this.

Gliscor @ Flight jewel
Poison Heal
52 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spe

Swords Dance
Earthquake/Baton Pass

Use gliscors bulk and the surprise factor to double dance, two swords dances if possible, then use dual STAB and flight jewel to destroy, or flying STAB and baton pass.

Acrobat + Flight jewel = Acrobling
This is a playtested and incredibly destructive set I've been playing on my rain team:

Careful Nature (+special defense -special attack)
244 HP, 8 Att, 4 Def, 252 Sp. Def
~Bulk Up
~Drain Punch

All I can say is HOLY CRAP! This set is well beyond the reaches of beastly, it becomes a word of it's own pwnzonic....awesome new terms aside this set has worked well beyond my expectations on my rain team, while it may lack in raw stats, it's great resists and few weaknesses have made it shine as the star of my team. it recovers roughly 19% of it's HP between Dry skin and Lefties each turn, combined with bulk up and increasingly difficult to break subs, not even beginning to mention the recovery properties of drain punch, this poke can really dominate a match. It's only troubles remain ground types, sub helps here, it allows him to get a free hit on a ground type before he skedaddles off to a water pokemon. As you can guess the things he's weak to are incredibly vulnerable to the rest of the team, and pokemon like nattorei and burungeru seek to become his bitch time after time. Sub blocks status and allows me to set up on numerous special attackers, bulk up makes his meh attack and defense eventually reach awesome levels (which is not that hard to do). Drain punch is stab and gains crucial health back before and after set up. Payback is for coverage and only a few things resist the combonation Fighting Dark. The Ev's aren't super specific, but definately serve their purpose. 244 HP provides a leftovers number, 8 attack makes his attack 250, and even thousand at plus six, 4 defense because +1 with this spread puts it at 250, not too shabby. 252 Sp. Def. reaches 251 SP. Def. This makes his subs rather hard to break for a plethora of special attackers, and allows him to set up on plenty of things. Definately a set I'd recommend to anyone running rain, causes a lot of ragequits.

Have you tried posting this in the Bulky Boosters thread? It looks like a nice set.
Already posted this in the bulky boosters thread, but some more feedback would be nice. Would a Barujina set be worth playing? Due to its insane bulk it can set up on almost anything. I've used this set with some success, although steels are always a huge problem:

Barujina @ Leftovers

Overcoat (Dust-proof)
252 HP/252 Sp Atk
-Nasty Plot
-Dark Pulse/Air Slash
-HP Fighting/HP Ground

Basically, go for the STAB of your choice plus its corresponding Hidden Power. Evs and moveset might need a bit of work. TBH, I still think Barujina is one of the best defensive pokemon, but her offensive movepool is pretty lacking So steels basically shit all over this set, hence why incinerate is slashed. Still, what do you guys think?
Oops, of course. Was originally Dark Pulse/HP fighting, but I switched a few things round to fit toxic in. Anyways, edited it now, sorry about the blunder.
What Sajak said, payback has more power, pp, and I don't like counting on sucker punch in a pinch. the priority is wayyyy overshadowed in these cases. Also payback does pitiful damage to reuniclus, and he sets up all over me unless I have a sub and lots of boosts (think like 4)
I tried a funny lightning rod Seaking...
Its stats really sucks, but it surprises a lot.

Boil over
Aqua Ring
I tried a funny lightning rod Seaking...
Its stats really sucks, but it surprises a lot.

Boil over
Aqua Ring
I'm curious to know why you wouldn't try an offensive set on Lightning Rod Seaking, unless it's Sp. Atk. is really so low. :0 Incidentally, something like this might be good on a Rain team in need of an Electric immunity (like mine, LOL).

Allright, so I don't know how creative this one is, but I borrowed it from someone last gen, and I can only assume that it'd be reasonably good now too, since little has changed for it:

Gengar @ Wide Lens
Timid, 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
(^ This is the spread I've been using, although a bulkier spread might work well too)
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Hypnosis
- Will-O-Wisp

Double-status Gengar that utilizes Wide Lens to boost the accuracy of Focus Blast, Hypnosis, and Will-O-Wisp, all of which have pretty haxxy accuracy prior to the Wide Lens boost. Less focus on being sweepy like normal Gengar, more focus on screwing up the enemy team with status and whatnot, while still being able to kill stuff.
I tried a funny lightning rod Seaking...
Its stats really sucks, but it surprises a lot.

Boil over
Aqua Ring

The surprise seems like the only good thing on this moveset. I'd rather go with an Agility Seaknig
Acrobat + Flight jewel = Acrobling

Ah, we battled today. You had some really interesting ideas to make for my eventual crushing defeat.

Best part was this (at least for me, you did get a 6-0 victory after all :P )

(Latios here has 6 Calm Mind boosts)

Start of turn 26

Head used Substitute!
Head made a substitute!

The foe's Latios used Recover!
The foe's Latios regained health!

Start of turn 27
The foe's Latios used DragonBreath!
Head's substitute faded!

Head used Overhead Throw!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Latios lost 11% of its health!
The foe's Whimsicott is hurt by spikes!
The foe's Whimsicott was dragged out!

The foe's Whimsicott restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Denizen: :P
JT Swift: oh son of a bitch
JT Swift: aaargh

Start of turn 28
The foe's Whimsicott used Stun Spore!
Head is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Head used Copycat!
Head used Stun Spore!
The foe's Whimsicott is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

The foe's Whimsicott restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 29
The foe's Whimsicott is paralyzed! It can't move!

Head used Substitute!
Head made a substitute!

The foe's Whimsicott restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 30
JT Swift called Whimsicott back!
JT Swift sent out Shatter! (Kyuremu)
The foe's Shatter is hurt by spikes!

The foe's Shatter is exerting its Pressure!
Head used Overhead Throw!
It's super effective!
The foe's Shatter lost 31% of its health!
The foe's Blaziken is hurt by spikes!
The foe's Blaziken was dragged out!

The foe's Blaziken restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 31
The foe's Blaziken used Flare Blitz!
A critical hit!
Head's substitute faded!
The foe's Blaziken is hit with recoil!

Head used Overhead Throw!
The foe's Blaziken lost 27% of its health!
The foe's Spiritomb is hurt by spikes!
The foe's Spiritomb was dragged out!
The foe's Spiritomb is exerting its Pressure!

Start of turn 32
Head used Substitute!
Head made a substitute!

The foe's Spiritomb used Trick!
Head's substitute blocked Trick!

Start of turn 33
Head used Copycat!
Head used Trick!
Head switched items with the foe's Spiritomb!
Head obtained one Choice Band!
The foe's Spiritomb obtained one Evolution Stone!

The foe's Spiritomb used Trick!
Head's substitute blocked Trick!

Start of turn 34
JT Swift called Spiritomb back!
JT Swift sent out Whimsicott! (Erufuun)
The foe's Whimsicott is hurt by spikes!

Head used Copycat!
Head used Trick!
Head switched items with the foe's Whimsicott!
Head obtained one Leftovers!
The foe's Whimsicott obtained one Choice Band!

Look forward to seeing what else you think up.
I had an Idea for a Tangrowth set that stalls out the opponent, A Stallgrowth if you will

Tangrowth@Pressure Band
Evs: 252 Hp/ 180 Def/ 76 SpD
Nature: Bold/Impish
~Leech Seed
~Giga Drain/Toxic/Power Whip/Sleep Powder

The idea is to bind an enemy and cause them to lose 1/8 of their health each round and preventing them from switching. Leech seed also makes them lose health alongside of bind and restore StallGrowth's Health. Protect is a free turn of damage. The last move is for preference, Giga drain allows more recovery since you have a lack of leftovers, Power whip is a stronger alternative to Giga Drain. Toxic and Sleep Powder allows for the set up to be easier but leaves Tangrowth unable to cause direct damage to the enemy.
I'm curious to know why you wouldn't try an offensive set on Lightning Rod Seaking, unless it's Sp. Atk. is really so low. :0 Incidentally, something like this might be good on a Rain team in need of an Electric immunity (like mine, LOL).

Allright, so I don't know how creative this one is, but I borrowed it from someone last gen, and I can only assume that it'd be reasonably good now too, since little has changed for it:

Gengar @ Wide Lens
Timid, 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
(^ This is the spread I've been using, although a bulkier spread might work well too)
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Hypnosis
- Will-O-Wisp

Double-status Gengar that utilizes Wide Lens to boost the accuracy of Focus Blast, Hypnosis, and Will-O-Wisp, all of which have pretty haxxy accuracy prior to the Wide Lens boost. Less focus on being sweepy like normal Gengar, more focus on screwing up the enemy team with status and whatnot, while still being able to kill stuff.

That seems like an interesting Gengar. I wouldn't advise a bulky spread because paper bags can't be bulky.

How effective has this set been? To me, it seems vulnerable to fast scarfers or priority. Would it be worth it to slash Substitute over one of the two status moves?

Now, for a gem that was used against me to my extreme annoyance.

Lv. 5 Monmen @ Micle Berry
Mischievous Heart
EVs/Nature are irrelevant seeing as it's level 5...
Leech Seed
Filler (Taunt, Encore, etc.)

To start the chain, either encore a non-damaging move or Sub three times (actually you may need specialized EVs for this) until Micle Berry will activate. Then use your 100% acc priority sleep move to incapacitate your opponent's mon and get a sub up. From there, Leech Seed and then Substitute over and over again as Leech Seed will heal you back to 100% each time.
Unfortunately, it is owned by priority and grass types.
Magic Guard
252 HP, 196 Def, 60 Sp. Def
Bold Nature
Acid Armor
Calm Mind
Psycho Shock

While this can be very hit and miss as Psycho shock being its only move and having no way to hit steels or dark, this 'mon is extremely bulky once set up, which is rather easy. I use it in conjunction with toxic spikes and it is capable of stalling a lot of things out.

Dialga @ Life Orb/Lustrous Orb
Hasty Nature
102 Atk / 252 SpA / 156 Spe
~ Bulk Up
~ Draco Meteor
~ Outrage
~ Fire Blast

This is a pretty unconventional set that can surprise a lot of opponents. While it is highly surprising, it doesn't have to rely on its unexpectedness, being a very potent mixed attacker that can 2HKO or OHKO a lot of common walls such as Blissey, Groudon, Ho-oh, and Calm Mind Kyogre--Pokemon that could otherwise give Dialga trouble. Ho-oh, which comfortably walls the more common Special-attacking sets, will be utterly wrecked by Outrage, being easily KOd after Stealth Rock. Rest Calm Mind Kyogre will be 2HKOd by Outrage after Stealth Rock as well. The reason Bulk up is chosen over a fourth coverage move is to bolster your Outrage so that you can actually OHKO Blissey over 50% of the time after SR with just one boost. Additionally, Bulk Up protects you against powerful physical attackers such as Garchomp or Groudon, who could OHKO you without the Defense-boost. Bulk Up can also fool your opponents into believing you are the Mono-Attacking Specially Defensive set. This seems a bit nonsensical right now, but in practice, it really pays off. For example, say you switch into Toxic Blissey and Bulk Up. Your opponent may think you are running a bulky spread and switch into something like Groudon or Nattorei, at which point you hammer each one with Draco Meteor or Fire Blast, respectively.

A Hasty nature and 156 Speed EVs generate 280 Speed, which is enough to outspeed other base 90 Pokemon such as Lucario, Giratina, Groudon, and other Dialga, provided they are not positive-Natured. While a Hasty nature may appear to clash with Bulk Up, it is crucial not to lower your Special Defense in order to defend against Kyogre's powerful assaults, whom you will be switching into often. 252 SpA EVs are necessary in order to hit potential switch-ins like Groudon or other Dialga phenomenally hard with Draco Meteor. To illustrate, physically defensive Groudon has a 66.7% chance to be OHKOd with just Stealth Rock support. The rest go into Attack to maximize Outrage's stopping power, allowing you to OHKO fully Physically Defensive Blissey with a +1 Outrage over 50 percent of the time with Stealth Rock support.

All of the above calculations included Life Orb, so it's easy to see that it is quite vital in securing some KOs. That's not to say that Lustrous Orb isn't viable, though. For one, it still boosts your powerful Dragon-type attacks without the nasty recoil. It can also further accentuate Dialga's trickiness, making it possible to feign a Choiced set. Ultimately, Life Orb is the better choice, as you need all the power you can get to dismantle your opponent's defenses. As a sidenote, Claw Sharpen is usually not worth it over Bulk Up. It does ensure that Draco Meteor and Fire Blast will hit, but it makes it more apparent that you are using an offensive set prior to Life Orb Recoil. Furthermore, Fire Blast and Draco Meteor don't miss frequently anyway, making the accuracy boost useless in the majority of your battles, while the Defense-boost from Bulk Up could come in handy in several situations.

Dialga @ Life Orb/Lustrous Orb
Hasty Nature
102 Atk / 252 SpA / 156 Spe
~ Bulk Up
~ Draco Meteor
~ Outrage
~ Fire Blast

This is a pretty unconventional set that can surprise a lot of opponents. While it is highly surprising, it doesn't have to rely on its unexpectedness, being a very powerful mixed attacker that can 2HKO or OHKO a lot of common walls such as Blissey, Groudon, Ho-oh, and Calm Mind Kyogre, Pokemon that would otherwise give Dialga trouble. The reason Bulk up is chosen over a fourth coverage move is to bolster your Outrage so that you can actually OHKO Blissey over 50% of the time after SR with just one boost. While a Hasty nature may appear to clash with Bulk Up, it is crucial not to lower your Special Defense in order to defend against Kyogre's powerful assaults, whom you will be switching into often. Bulk Up can also protect you against powerful physical attackers like Garchomp who could OHKO you without the Defense boost. Bulk Up can also fool your opponents into believing you are the Specially Defensive set. This seems a bit nonsensical right now, but in practice, it really pays off. For example, say you switch into Toxic Blissey and Bulk Up. Your opponent may think you are running a bulky spread and switch into something like Groudon or Nattorei, at which point you hammer each one with Draco Meteor or Fire Blast, respectively. That sums up the set's basic function.

A Hasty nature and 156 results in 280 speed, enough to outspeed other base 90, neutral-natured Pokemon such as Lucario, Giratina, Groudon, and other Dialga. 252 SpA EVs are necessary in order to hit potential switch-ins like Groudon or other Dialga phenomenally hard with Draco Meteor. To illustrate, physically defensive Groudon has a 66.7% chance to be OHKOd with just Stealth Rock support. The rest go into Attack to maximize Outrage's stopping power, ensuring an OHKO on Blissey with a +1 Outrage over 50 percent of the time with Stealth Rock support.

All of the above calculations included Life Orb, so it's easy to see that it is quite vital in securing some KOs. That's not to say that Lustrous Orb isn't viable, though. For one, it still boosts your powerful Dragon-type attacks without the nasty recoil. It can also further accentuate Dialga's trickiness, making it possible to feign a Choiced set. Ultimately, Life Orb is the better choice, as you need all the power you can get to dismantle your opponent's defenses. As a sidenote, Claw Sharpen is usually not worth it over Bulk Up. It does ensure that Draco Meteor and Fire Blast will not miss, but it makes it more apparent that you are using an offensive set prior to Life Orb Recoil. Furthermore, Fire Blast and Draco Meteor usually won't miss anyway, making the accuracy boost useless in the majority of your battles, while the Defense-boost from Bulk Up could come in handy in several situations.

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