Nuzlocke Challenge

I have a question regarding Repels. I am doing my second Nuzlocke challenge on Platinum (which I will write up soon!) and was wondering if repels can be used to allow you to find the pokemon such as Snover, Abomasnow, Absol, Bronzong later as the 1 route rule. This is because Mt Coronet has different pokemon avialiable depending on the entrance/ period in the game. Does this come under the banner of "manipulating the pokemon you find"

Have a Nice Day
^I personally don't think so, as you still don't have a guarantee as to what Pokemno you'll get, you are just conserving your Pokemon's HP for when you run into more favorable Pokemon. I don't see anythign wrong with that.

And personally, i find that the first Pokemon is the first Pokemon you meet. No matter if you want it or not, that's the way it goes IMO.

First loss in SoulSilver challenge. Lost Pidgeotto. ofcourse, the 6 level higher Fearow on my team has me confident that i can survive the loss xD
It would make sense that you don't have to catch duplicates though because the guy who made the challenge has tons of different pokemon in his comics. There is no way he wouldn't get duplicates every now and then.
I go by first Pokemon of any kind, not first unique Pokemon. And, of course, I kill the one Numel I can catch >_>
It would make sense that you don't have to catch duplicates though because the guy who made the challenge has tons of different pokemon in his comics. There is no way he wouldn't get duplicates every now and then.

He had two Poochyenas at one point.
He's also revealed that he doesn't catch every Pokemon from every route.
Toothache, you continue with your rulefilled run. I prefer my... simpler runs. 2 rules, plus the Dupe Clause (As the Nuzlocke forums call it) and the Fuck Abra/Safari Zone Clause. Oh, and BOXING the dead instead of releasing.

EDIT: And the 2 Poochyenas was Hale.
Saw this on tumblr a couple days ago; a bit more complete rules:

-If a Pokemon in your party faints, you must release it.
-Every time you reach a new route, cave, etc., you must catch the very first Pokemon you see, regardless of your current number of party members. The Pokemon may sit within the box for an indeterminate amount of time as a backup.
-If you fail to catch the first Pokemon you see, either via it fleeing, knocking it out, or having no Pokeballs, you may not catch another. Tough shit.
-This means you can not catch a pokemon in a route you were in before you could catch pokemon. So no route 1, you were there before you had pokeballs.
-I can only ingame trade, not gift pokemon
-You must nickname your pokemon so there is some sort of attachment. Each pokemon is a best friend to you, to see them die is heartbreaking.
-BLACKOUT=Gameover, why? Because you shamed yourself thats why!!
-I can only buy normal pokeballs, the other ones (Great Ball, Ultra Ball etc.) are only to be picked up
-You are, under no circumstance, allowed to get a second pokemon from any given area.
-You are, under no circumstance, allowed to use items outside of battle. If you were poisoned on your last turn of the battle, you better hope to god there is a pokemon center nearby.
-You may not switch out before the enemy trainer sends in a new Pokemon.
-You are not allowed to use legendaries in battle.

I'll be doing it once I get SS at easter. I currently am playing through HG and am almost done. MS paint? Yes. If you remember my fantastic lynch votes during Super Mafia, you should be looking forward to my tale...
I am doing a Nuzlocke challenge for Pearl
Using Moot's rules but I edited them for my liking,
thank you, I am going to be doing a fictional story
finally something intresting!

these are the rules I'm using:

Nickname pokemon
Deceased pokemon in Box
can buy only one time of item any no. from shop in a town
can capture maximum of any combination of 36 pokemon from safari(from any area)

AND since this is my first time i'm allowing myself 3 restarts from the nearest save file if any of my pokemon dies. ONLY three throughout the whole game dont' burn me >_>.

btw this is being played on Pokemon Platinum Enhanced Edition :)

Story so far.

Sunny our hero gets up from his bed and looks at the sunshine, time for an adventure he thought the sunlight beckons.........just then disturbing him from his reverie came Damien. The worlds biigest dunce,who apparently has the attention span of a donkey.He dragged Sunny of bed in his pajamas to the Lakeor tried before he was interupted by the timely arrival of Prof.rowan.Who promptly allowed Sunny his choice of Pokemon asking Sunny starngly enough to choose the most beautiful,Sunny chose a Dratini, and promptly crushed damiens Beldum.

Then Sunny rushed through the grass to Rowans Lab and bought some Pokeballs,while heading back home he encountered his first Pokemon a wild Mudkip you're mine he said after weakening it with Dratini's water pulse,he nicknamed it Skipper went home got properly dressed and went back to where dawn was,watched her capture a Pokemon and for himself caught a Torchic

Current Team:
Dratini(Dragoon) Lv.8
Torchic(Inferno) Lv.7
Mudkip(Skipper) Lv.9

Continues Used:
1 >_>(almost died to the first trainer)

To be continued
Hm, if Colosseum has several different areas in each map section, then more Pokemon should be available that I had not considered.

AFAIK, the current list looks something like this
Espeon + Umbreon
One of Croconaw, Bayleef, Quilava
One of Furret, Misdreavus, Slugma, Noctowl, Quagsire, Flaaffy, Skiploom
One of Sudowoodo, Delibird, Sunflora

Some of these may need testing. There may be more sub-divisions which means more Pokemon are available, but the problem with Colosseum and XD is partly the limited selection available.
its a kind of like pokemon fire red omega or emerald 386,you can get all pokemon AND there are funny quotes eg

"What am I looking at? porn? No its modern art"


"See the Notebook?
There are scribbled drawings of male genetalia"
Hell yeah, I beat Brawly! Though admittedly I cheated by restarting after getting completely decimated by him the first time...

Lost my Dustox in that battle in what was a completely unavoidable death (could've switched out to Combusken or even just used a Potion), and later lost my precious Whismur at the Slateport beach cause Uproar trapped me in battle with a Machop. :(

My team left:

1. Chickster the Combusken (Level 19)
2. Minnie the Marill (Level 16)
3. Desmond (:P) the Zubat (Level 13)
4. Blubbo the Gulpin (Level 12)
5. Mr. Fish the Magikarp (Level 8)

Deaths so far:

1. Bungee the Dustox R.I.P. Level 14 @ Dewford Gym
2. Yello the Whismur R.I.P. Level 15 @ Slateport Beach
3. Poochyena the Poochyena (forgot to name him) R.I.P. Level 5 @ Petalburg Woods

This is proving to be a lot harder than I thought it would be.
So my Colosseum Nuzlocke has begun. Pulled out a Mild Umbreon and Gentle Espeon to begin with. Picked up Makuhita, Croconaw and Ampharos - I was gonna get Furret but I decided it would be a crazy difficult snag. Decided not to catch Yanma since I wanted to test if Remoraid/Meditite were in seperate areas. Saved at the start of the Pyrite Hideout, Eeveelutions at L31, all others at L30
Hmm, in the spirit of the original Nuzlocke comics, I say that there be another rule that requires at least one of your pokemon, boxed or otherwise, to be named after a character from Lost. If Nuzlocke can do it, so can the rest if us.
Hmm, in the spirit of the original Nuzlocke comics, I say that there be another rule that requires at least one of your pokemon, boxed or otherwise, to be named after a character from Lost. If Nuzlocke can do it, so can the rest if us.
I don't watch Lost.

And, on behalf of my Ruby game, thank God for Magikarp meatshields! (No trainer ever liked Magikarp anyway)
I'm taking the challenge on my Emerald! I was going to do Saphire, but I can't find it >_> I'm going to be using a set of rules that I found online (not too difficult, since I want to see how I like it before attempting a harder one).

1) If a pokemon faints, it's released.
2) I can only catch the first non-duplicate pokemon in an area. If it's KOed, too bad.
3) Nickname all pokemon!
4) No trades from other games.
5) No items except HMs. This includes held items. Excludes pokeballs and repels.

Just started, but here's where I'm at so far.

In game name: COKTAL.
Chosen Starter: Passat the Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile.
Location: Just got my first 5 pokeballs.

I may do a few written chapters if I get time, but I probably won't write up every single event. Wish me luck :)
Made some major progress - saved at the start of Mt Battle. So far I have lost Huy the Makuhita after the shadow Qwilfish battle, first turn it poisoned Mekkah the Espeon, so I switched to Huy which got KOed by Qwilfish Shadow Rush + Goldeen Peck. Yeah.

Even Miror B didnt give me much trouble, after levelling Mekkah to L36 I got Psybeam which helped immensely.

Hitmontop snag had some close calls, but I had a good start which meant I could get rid of Wynaut before top arrived. Still, barely retained Jumpman16 the Umbreon after 2 Reflected Triple Kicks came close to KOing him. Hipmonlee the Hitmontop was eventually snagged, and now I am getting Havak the Feraligatr levelled up a bit before Mt Battle.
Not sure what to do with Aeolus the Ampharos yet, but it does have a Modest nature which helps. Everything else apart from Jumpman16 has crap natures, though Mild on Umbreon is hardly ideal. Still, I have made a lot of progress so far, but I need a bit of grinding to make sure I can beat Dakim safely, and a lot of grinding for Venus 1.
This thread lacks stupid MsPaint comics:
warning:huge wall of text






















Bah, humbug.

I might do a Colors Plus run, depending on how masochistic I feel.

First badge giver has blue team, with Perish Song Wynaut. It's a crazy fucking hack.
Started on Emerald however im using potions (antidotes, ect.) , only if I find them during my travels.

Team so far:
Balthier (Treecko) Level 14

Ashe (Wingull) Level 6
Modest (Yeah!)

Basch (Shroomish) Level 10

Penelo (Dustox) Level 10

Gabranth (Abra) Level 7
Had a huge scare when I almost lost Umbreon. I was in the Shadow Sneasel battle and it led Sneasel + Loudred vs Feraligatr (L49) and Umbreon (L42). First round saw Umbreon barely survive when Sneasel used Screech and Loudred performed a critical hit Brick Break on Umbreon. Yeah, shocked me.

Currently saved in the Lab, caught Aipom but it has the useless Run Away ability. Still, between it and Ledian I have a couple of sacrificial mons to play with.

Soloed Feraligatr through some of Mt Battle (hence the higher level, it was my linchpin against Venus.

Current team standings:
Havak the Feraligatr (Bold, L50, Surf/Blizzard/Bite/Slash)
Jumpman16 the Umbreon (L43, Mild, Bite/Secret Power/Taunt/Confuse Ray)
Mekkah the Espeon (L43, Gentle, Psybeam/Return/Reflect/Helping Hand)
Hipmonlee the Hitmontop (Hasty, L42, Agility/Triple Kick/Detect/Focus Energy)
Ledian (Misty) and Aipom (CaptKirby) are unpurified atm.

Casualty list:
Huy the Makuhita
Aeolus the Ampharos

Saved at the start of the Lab, gonna grind my other team up a bit to support Feraligatr a bit and deal with stuff she is weak to. Ein loves Confuse Ray, and I have no Persim Berries atm so I hope to luck out with one. Other than that, time to clear the Lab and prepare for Realgem admin refights.
I started a game on SS a while back, and just recently reached Morty. I figured he'd be a breeze, seeing as I had a Golbat (lvl 22, just evolved) with Bite, and a Quilava and a Graveler which I was pretty sure could take 'most anything down. So I went in and fought. Turns out I was wrong.

First two Pokes: no real challenge. Gastly died with a single Bite. Haunter pulled off Curse, then fell to another Bite. But Curse brought down a hefty chunk of Golbat's HP, so I prepared to switch. Morty's next Pokemon? Gengar.

No prob, I figured. Send out Quilava, heal Golbat, go back and rape. Nice and easy. So I sent out Quilava. Out came a Shadow Ball, and brought me down to yellow in a single hit.

I need to outrun this guy, I thought. So out went Magnemite. I used Thunder Wave. He used another Shadow Ball which darn near killed me despite the resistance.

Needless to say, I started to panic. I immediately sent out Golbat again, and he ate a Shadow Ball that brought me to red. I surveyed my team desperately. Magnemite, Togepi, Eevee, Graveler, a greatly weakened Quilava... not a good place to be in, for certain.

Then I had a brainwave! Normal types are immune to Ghost, right? And so out went Eevee. Gengar middled around with Shadow Ball and Sucker Punch for a while, while I used up both my remaining Super Potions on Quilava and Golbat.

Then Gengar used Hypnosis on Eevee. I started to freak out again. I didn't know what it's last move was, and I had a sneaking suspicion that it was Dream Eater. I fully intended to keep this Eevee - or future Umbreon, hopefully - alive, so I crossed my fingers and sent out Golbat, praying I won't eat a Shadow Ball on my way in.

Thankfully, Gengar wasted a turn with Sucker Punch on the switch, so I finally managed to Bite it the next turn, hoping it would at least take out half its health. It didn't. Gengar was still solidly in the green - 3/5 health or so? In return, Golbat ate a relatively weak Sucker Punch. I switch to Togepi to heal.

At long last, Gengar showed it's final move: Mean Look. It essentially meant that my Togepi was a goner. I healed Golbat, sacrificed Togepi to Sucker Punch, then brought in Golbat for another Bite. Then Gengar used Shadow Ball and critted.


From then on, it was a relatively easy job to clean up with Quilava, but that didn't mean it was an easy battle at all. I'd lost one of the first Pokes I'd ever caught, and one of the three I'd been diligently training. It also meant I'd lost my one surefire Chuck counter and was gonna have be given hell at Cianwood.

I'm not sure if I could have played that battle any better than I did, but oh well. Losing my first real team member at the fourth badge probably isn't that bad a record anyway. *sigh*