Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

All this talk of radar abuse makes me want to give it a shot. Could someone just confirm for me that I understand the instructions. Here's what I think I need to do:

1. Save in grass with Pokeradar ready to use and sync in front of party.

2. Hit desired seed.

3. Use Pokeradar, walk into a 'sparkling' patch that is likely to contain a radar Pokemon. If the Pokemon is what you want, catch it. If it isn't, use the radar again until you find your target Pokemon in a sparkling patch.

4. If you caught the Pokemon in step 3 (First Pokemon in a 'chain'), use it to find your current frame. Also note which patch you will be walking into when you catch the Pokemon you really want (Second Pokemon in a 'chain').

5. Do the necessary journal flips to get from your determined Frame from step 4 to your target frame (Factoring in the steps you will take and the radar advancement).

6. Walk to your desired sparkling patch and catch your Pokemon.

Couple of questions I have:

1. When you generate the seed, is it the same as when you do other wild catches? E.g. Method J with desired Synchronize nature?

2. ~Calculations for journal flip

Target frame - Actual frame - Steps advancement - Radar advancement - 6

When you subtract '6' in your Journal advances calculation, it says 5 is for battling and 1 is for the monster frame. That 5 for battling is the increase due to capturing the Pokemon you use to check your frame with, correct?

That is, when you caught the Pokemon and found its frame, the RNG was actually advanced beyond that point by 5 due to the battle/catching the Pokemon.

How do you do #2? And how do you find your target frame?
To hit your seed, you need a target seed. From that you can get your target frame. I would suggest watching some of the videos on how to RNG abuse. Hitting the target seed and target frame is pretty much what RNG abuse is. All forms of RNG abuse do those two things.
Hi, so I was RNGing for a Shellos last night and hit my delay, but the ivs and pokemon were incorrect. What went wrong? Drifloon was present, I have no roamers, and it was an odd frame so I turned once + journal flips + Sweet Scent.
Alright, so as it turns out I got confused with the method and had it on method K and not Method 1.

I have all but one more question re-guarding the methods.
The first page says that "All roamers (Raikou, Entei, and the Latis), as well as gift Pokemon (all of the starters, Eevee, Togepi, the Arceus event that gives you Dialga\Palkia\Giratina, Game Corner Pokemon, etc.) are Method 1.
Everything else uses Method K."

What exactly does it mean by the latis? Does it mean both roamer and Event or just the roamers? Also, wouldn't stationary pokemon like Zapdos and mewtwo be Method K?

Reason asking is I'm not sure with method to use to RNG for Event Latios in Pewter City.
Alright, so as it turns out I got confused with the method and had it on method K and not Method 1.

I have all but one more question re-guarding the methods.
The first page says that "All roamers (Raikou, Entei, and the Latis), as well as gift Pokemon (all of the starters, Eevee, Togepi, the Arceus event that gives you Dialga\Palkia\Giratina, Game Corner Pokemon, etc.) are Method 1.
Everything else uses Method K."

What exactly does it mean by the latis? Does it mean both roamer and Event or just the roamers? Also, wouldn't stationary pokemon like Zapdos and mewtwo be Method K?

Reason asking is I'm not sure with method to use to RNG for Event Latios in Pewter City.
Use method K
Since you can use a synchronizer.
All stationary and wild pkmn are method k in hgss
All other pkmn you receive are method 1 ie raikou+entei+bills eevee
Hey guys, just two quick questions:

1. Can the Eevee from Bill and the Porygon from the Game Corner be RNG'd for Nature and IVs?

2. What's the deal with Wondercard Pokemon whose natures aren't set? Do I have to find a seed with the correct IV spread/HP that I want and just hope for the correct nature?
Hey guys, just two quick questions:

1. Can the Eevee from Bill and the Porygon from the Game Corner be RNG'd for Nature and IVs? yes method 1

2. What's the deal with Wondercard Pokemon whose natures aren't set? Do I have to find a seed with the correct IV spread/HP that I want and just hope for the correct nature?any method 1 spread
So, long story short thanks for the help. It helped greatly...but long story short it was an epic battle with the Shiny Lati and I had it asleep and aimlessly threw Premier balls and it eventually struggled out...
I hit my frame by messing up on accident? Doesn't happen much but whatever, but now when I just want to verify my seed I'm usually 2 Elms off.
Example: P K E E P K E E E P E K
I hit : E E P K E E E P E K
Why is it doing this? Has this happened to others as well?
This is not the first time for this to happen to me but it's aggravating me =(

At first I thought that maybe between me hitting a on the continue screen and me pressing pause in-game there is random NPC movements advancing my frame by 2 causing my Elm calls to be off and not exist in Elm Search function...but I dunno
Ok I'm trying to capture Uxie and I manage to get in the right seed time. The problem was my RNG advance. The guide said when you walk and save, it counts and SR doesn't make it go zero. So if my frame is 83. 83-1=82. Do I have to -5 from 82 then SR and divide that by 2 for journal flipping?
So, long story short thanks for the help. It helped greatly...but long story short it was an epic battle with the Shiny Lati and I had it asleep and aimlessly threw Premier balls and it eventually struggled out...
I hit my frame by messing up on accident? Doesn't happen much but whatever, but now when I just want to verify my seed I'm usually 2 Elms off.
Example: P K E E P K E E E P E K
I hit : E E P K E E E P E K
Why is it doing this? Has this happened to others as well?
This is not the first time for this to happen to me but it's aggravating me =(

At first I thought that maybe between me hitting a on the continue screen and me pressing pause in-game there is random NPC movements advancing my frame by 2 causing my Elm calls to be off and not exist in Elm Search function...but I dunno

Pewter City, no?
There shouldn't be enough NPC movement to allow them to advance it far enough that you wouldn't find anything (at least as long as you're hitting it reasonably fast) however, that is most likely the cause of your +2 on the Elm calls. Any roamers also advance the RNG, but I'm guessing you don't have any of those.
Wait? So Elm calls can advance the Frame by 2's?!
If seems like it's already advanced by +2 when I verify my seed and just act like I already called Elm twice and go all the way to twelve (10 + invisible 2) could I just advanced the frame however many times need by the Radio - Monster Frame 1 to get to my target frame and would the Lati be the one I RNG abusing for?
Wait? So Elm calls can advance the Frame by 2's?!
If seems like it's already advanced by +2 when I verify my seed and just act like I already called Elm twice and go all the way to twelve (10 + invisible 2) could I just advanced the frame however many times need by the Radio - Monster Frame 1 to get to my target frame and would the Lati be the one I RNG abusing for?

If I'm following you correctly, yes.
It is like you already called elm twice because the RNG has been called twice to determine NPC movement. Each call to the RNG puts you forward by one, just like a call to elm would.
Ok I'm trying to capture Uxie and I manage to get in the right seed time. The problem was my RNG advance. The guide said when you walk and save, it counts and SR doesn't make it go zero. So if my frame is 83. 83-1=82. Do I have to -5 from 82 then SR and divide that by 2 for journal flipping?

Just save RIGHT in front of Uxie. Then you won't have that problem ^^

As for your advances, the formula's Target - Monster - Roamers. So if you have 0 roamers, it's
83-1-0=82 advances (/2 = 41 journal flips), and then talk to Uxie (make sure you've hit your delay first, obviously).

If you have any more roamers, I'd recommend killing some off until you have an even number (or 0) of them so you don't have to worry so much about walking. If you have an even number of roamers, you'll be able to do Journal flips and then talk to it. (For example, if you have 2 roamers you'd have to make 80 advances, which is 40 flips. If you have 4, you'd do 78 advances, which is 39 flips...)

If I said too much and I'm confusing you, let me know xD
I'm going for a Wondercard Mew I still have sitting around on SS... I'm on my seed, but the hour just ticked over and my radio station is on Buena's Password (no frame advancement). Is it okay if I just wait an hour for a new radio station before advancing 380someodd frames?

(I realize I can probably pick a different hour/day combo and hit my seed again in less than an hour, but I've been at this for a few hours already (effectively flawless Adamant Scyther, Adamant Beldum, and Jolly Beldum) and wouldn't mind a break.)

You should be fine. My suggestion is just to double check what frame you're on when you get back to it.
Ok I'm trying HGSS RNG and am trying to iv breed. I have got my shiny egg and can hit my delays as well BUT my starting frame 10 !! I mean is that normal because I have heard that the starting frame is usually 3 ????
Uiru: Advancing that many frame with the bottom right radio station is wowza. Have you tried the top right station advancement? It's inconsistent, but it advances a random amount of 14-18frames as opposed to just 1. You can always verify with elm calls so it's not too much a problem. Just be careful and it'll be much faster :)

barry4ever: How long did it take for you to enter the pokegear? If you're just standing around then that one NPC can advance it. If you entered the pokegear right away from gamestart, then that's a very high starting frame.
ok, sorry im about to hit yall with a noob ass question but here it goes.

i'm just starting to utilize RNG manipulation. ive read the guide and looked through this thread a lot, and i THOUGHT i had a pretty good grasp on all of this. but i have a problem pretty early in the whole process.

i've calibrated so i know my average time and delays, so now i want to catch a flawless IV'ed shiny heatran with HP grass. on the part of the guide about capturing pokemon, it says to go to the time finder on RNG Reporter, then the capture tab, and then fill everything out to get some seeds.

my problem is it never shows any results... i've messed with things to see if maybe i was being too specific or something, but nothing ever comes up. the only way i've gotten seeds to show up was if i just leave everything blank except the method. help anyone?
Shininess is determined by your ID/SID combination that you have to RNG abuse for normally. If you didn't RNG abuse your ID/SID combo, then you can only go for a flawless Heatran with HP Grass.