Alright, thanks again for answering.
Few hours later...
So, I tried again and I hit my frame and did the formula with my target frame being 45 - Giratina's Monster frame 1 = 44 frames needed to advance. I made the Elm calls, advanced my frame and just immediately walked down one tile and was asked about Giratina. I hit yes. Watched the cinema and then Shirona, and then wound up back at the Alph Ruins with the Unown man disappearing. Checked my Newly Egged Monster. It was nor shiny, and nor had the nature I wanted or RNG'd for...etc
Did this three times and still no luck. And yes, I've been RNG'ing since the debut of Platinum and have done eggs so I'm almost positive I'm not messing that part up. So I think that since I saved right before your asked inside the Mystri platform, and since you said it indeed does not advance the frame by it asking. I think it's safe to assume sometime during the point of it asking my I choose so and so, and watching the full new line cinema footage and the point where I end up back at Ruins of Alph where the Unown man says somethings about whatever and leaves, it must've advanced the frame by "x" amount of frames. Does or has anyone RNG'd the Arceus Event before and can they confirm if it indeed does advanced the frame at all or explain how they did it?
In the mean I'll continue to try again just to make quadruple sure I advanced my frame correctly.
Thanks again,