Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

Not quite sure tbh. I want to go for Beldum, so would it be shiny theorical? Also what if I want to go for a none-shiny Beldum, would it be any different? (I like none-shiny better. lol)
you just need to have a chain of two :)
once you do, go to the patch, look which frame you are on,
and use the journal to advance the remaining frames to your target :) easy peasy. :)
i'll try it today actually :D
you just need to have a chain of two :)
once you do, go to the patch, look which frame you are on,
and use the journal to advance the remaining frames to your target :) easy peasy. :)
i'll try it today actually :D

Oh. That's good. I'll try tomorrow as I want to set up and be done with everything. By the way, it has to be on a swarm day, right?
Okay, I'm in desperate need of help. I already tried with two different seeds, and I've hit my delay multiple times with both but the ivs are always wrong on the pokemon.

Seed: 8c110285

Target Frame: 50

Target Delay: 604

So I do 24 Journal flips, and Sweet Scent once. What am I doing wrong? Btw I am north of Oreburg city in Platinum and have no roamers and no visible NPCs.
Oh. That's good. I'll try tomorrow as I want to set up and be done with everything. By the way, it has to be on a swarm day, right?
well, if it only appears in one, yeah :/
so you'd have to have that in mind before you try to hit your seed,
your swarm has to match the date y'kno lol
that's the only problem I see :) but GL & HF
Well how do I breed a 31/31/31/31/31/31 Togepi if my parents doesn't have any 31's? I guess I'll try getting a shiny shroomish. But there's no guide to catching a Shiny Pokemon T_T!
First breed something with 3 random 31s, then use that as a parent and pass down those 3 and generate the other 3.
Btw, how much do NPC's advance your frame by?

It advances it by 1 for each call to the RNG. They're inconsistent as to how fast they make those calls. Each time you see them turn or start walking, they're advancing. Problem is, sometimes the RNG will tell them to go the same way they're already facing. It still advances the frame, but you can't tell that anything happened.

tl;dr: They're unpredictable.

Edit: didn't know the answer to the second part, sorry.
Arceus event

Quick Question.

Sorry in advanced to get off topic but I didn't feel like going possible 10 pages+ this late at night so I'm hoping someone could tell me or direct on some information on RNG abusing the Arceus event. I've already read the entire post from the first page and am at a stump.

I saved right in front of the symbol where it asks you if you want to choose to make a Giratina Egg. Just one step down and bam!! So, my question is, does it advance the frame at all from me pressing the b button and me moving one step down or...if anyone knows if the sequence advances the frame by a certain number?

All help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advanced.

P.S. I'm assuming Giratina's monster frame is 1 correct?
Quick Question.

Sorry in advanced to get off topic but I didn't feel like going possible 10 pages+ this late at night so I'm hoping someone could tell me or direct on some information on RNG abusing the Arceus event. I've already read the entire post from the first page and am at a stump.

I saved right in front of the symbol where it asks you if you want to choose to make a Giratina Egg. Just one step down and bam!! So, my question is, does it advance the frame at all from me pressing the b button and me moving one step down or...if anyone knows if the sequence advances the frame by a certain number?

All help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advanced.

P.S. I'm assuming Giratina's monster frame is 1 correct?

Stepping in the middle on the spot that triggers you to be asked whether to choose Dialga/Palkia/Giratina doesn't advance the frame, as what've I noticed. And yes, Giratina egg's monster frame is 1 as always, same goes for Dialga/Palkia and all gift pokes (save for the Johto/Kanto starters and roamers).

P.S. You're able to do both radio advancements and elm calls outside the Sinjoh Ruins, but when you're inside you can't use radio, but can still use elm calls.
Still no luck... Now the PikaTimer is actually working but I'm hitting totally random starting frames atm. First 3 times it was 3, then 6, then 7 and now 9...

Maybe I'll give a try to Soul Silver then. :/ When breeding in SS the starting frame is always 1, right?
Maybe I'll give a try to Soul Silver then. :/ When breeding in SS the starting frame is always 1, right?

For nature/gender/shininess - Yes.
For IVs - Usually, roamers make it higher, it sometimes gets advanced by NPCs before you get a chance to look.
All this talk of radar abuse makes me want to give it a shot. Could someone just confirm for me that I understand the instructions. Here's what I think I need to do:

1. Save in grass with Pokeradar ready to use and sync in front of party.

2. Hit desired seed.

3. Use Pokeradar, walk into a 'sparkling' patch that is likely to contain a radar Pokemon. If the Pokemon is what you want, catch it. If it isn't, use the radar again until you find your target Pokemon in a sparkling patch.

4. If you caught the Pokemon in step 3 (First Pokemon in a 'chain'), use it to find your current frame. Also note which patch you will be walking into when you catch the Pokemon you really want (Second Pokemon in a 'chain').

5. Do the necessary journal flips to get from your determined Frame from step 4 to your target frame (Factoring in the steps you will take and the radar advancement).

6. Walk to your desired sparkling patch and catch your Pokemon.

Couple of questions I have:

1. When you generate the seed, is it the same as when you do other wild catches? E.g. Method J with desired Synchronize nature?

2. ~Calculations for journal flip

Target frame - Actual frame - Steps advancement - Radar advancement - 6

When you subtract '6' in your Journal advances calculation, it says 5 is for battling and 1 is for the monster frame. That 5 for battling is the increase due to capturing the Pokemon you use to check your frame with, correct?

That is, when you caught the Pokemon and found its frame, the RNG was actually advanced beyond that point by 5 due to the battle/catching the Pokemon.
Anyone know how to find incredibly high-frame Emerald Pokémon spreads other than manually going through the RNG reporter? I'm looking for pent-flawless. I really don't care how long the wait is for it.
I know how to do most of it but right now I just don't understand how to "hit your seed" and find Target Frame and Actual Frame. If Actual frame is Monster frame then nvm.
For Latias, in Emerald, I won't need anything special with me in the game (sweet scenters, synchronizers, etc.) when I beat the Champion before I RNG abuse for it, will I?
Just do the final input at the right frame?
For Latias, in Emerald, I won't need anything special with me in the game (sweet scenters, synchronizers, etc.) when I beat the Champion before I RNG abuse for it, will I?
Just do the final input at the right frame?

That would be correct. I would just recommend an empty slot in your Party if you can, less work when you go to capture Latias.
Alright, thanks again for answering.

Few hours later...

So, I tried again and I hit my frame and did the formula with my target frame being 45 - Giratina's Monster frame 1 = 44 frames needed to advance. I made the Elm calls, advanced my frame and just immediately walked down one tile and was asked about Giratina. I hit yes. Watched the cinema and then Shirona, and then wound up back at the Alph Ruins with the Unown man disappearing. Checked my Newly Egged Monster. It was nor shiny, and nor had the nature I wanted or RNG'd for...etc

Did this three times and still no luck. And yes, I've been RNG'ing since the debut of Platinum and have done eggs so I'm almost positive I'm not messing that part up. So I think that since I saved right before your asked inside the Mystri platform, and since you said it indeed does not advance the frame by it asking. I think it's safe to assume sometime during the point of it asking my I choose so and so, and watching the full new line cinema footage and the point where I end up back at Ruins of Alph where the Unown man says somethings about whatever and leaves, it must've advanced the frame by "x" amount of frames. Does or has anyone RNG'd the Arceus Event before and can they confirm if it indeed does advanced the frame at all or explain how they did it?
In the mean I'll continue to try again just to make quadruple sure I advanced my frame correctly.

Thanks again,
Alright, thanks again for answering.

Few hours later...

So, I tried again and I hit my frame and did the formula with my target frame being 45 - Giratina's Monster frame 1 = 44 frames needed to advance. I made the Elm calls, advanced my frame and just immediately walked down one tile and was asked about Giratina. I hit yes. Watched the cinema and then Shirona, and then wound up back at the Alph Ruins with the Unown man disappearing. Checked my Newly Egged Monster. It was nor shiny, and nor had the nature I wanted or RNG'd for...etc

Did this three times and still no luck. And yes, I've been RNG'ing since the debut of Platinum and have done eggs so I'm almost positive I'm not messing that part up. So I think that since I saved right before your asked inside the Mystri platform, and since you said it indeed does not advance the frame by it asking. I think it's safe to assume sometime during the point of it asking my I choose so and so, and watching the full new line cinema footage and the point where I end up back at Ruins of Alph where the Unown man says somethings about whatever and leaves, it must've advanced the frame by "x" amount of frames. Does or has anyone RNG'd the Arceus Event before and can they confirm if it indeed does advanced the frame at all or explain how they did it?
In the mean I'll continue to try again just to make quadruple sure I advanced my frame correctly.

Thanks again,

How are you checking if you hit your seed/frame correctly?
Where are you currently saved at?
Where (actual place in the game) do you start advancing the frame from?
I'm using the RNGreporter to check by using elm calls, and since my frame is so high I can call Elm 12 times so confirm I hit my frame.

I'm saved exactly one tile above the middle of the symbol for Giratina, inside the Shinto Ruins. So If I press down, the message bubble would pop up asking me If I would like the Anti-mattered Dragon.

I advance my frame from where I saved. Ex: I SR and hit "X" to confirm I hit my seed, then after twelve call calls and verifying with RNGReporter, I call Elm 32 times.
45 - 1 = Target Frame - Monster Frame
44 - 12 = Target Frame - Seed Verifying Elm Calls
32 = Elm calls need to seal the deal

After all that I go for the Ghost/Dragon and check it and it is completely different for what I'm RNG'ing for.
How would I RNG abuse Mr. Pokémon's Togepi? Its IVs are set when you pick it up, right?

Basically, how would I advance the frame?
I'm trying to RNG my first shiny egg on HGSS. I confirmed that it was shiny already. However, I wasn't aware that I was suppose to keep track of who goes in first or the IVs. Should I start over?

Nevermind, I know what I put in first. Now It's a matter of getting the IVs I want, I suppose.
I'm trying to RNG my first shiny egg on HGSS. I confirmed that it was shiny already. However, I wasn't aware that I was suppose to keep track of who goes in first or the IVs. Should I start over?

Grab the egg, then go to the Daycare Lady and take your Pokémon from her. Whoever's at the top of the list is Parent A. You can then just shut off without saving.