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  • i played and really enjoyed pyrite recently (might even play it again, considering it only took a couple days because i played at 8x speed or something). if you're still updating it and want any feedback/constructive criticism i'd be happy to provide some
    also: a couple years ago or so, I played through a bit of one of the earlier versions you made where pokemon didn't obey you past a certain level based on your badges -- really glad you changed it to a level cap instead, that by itself was a fantastic idea to make sure the game was never easy
    that lady is missing until you have a certain amount of badges... i think i made it 7 badges, but im not 100% sure right now. it isn't there the first time you get to goldenrod though, as you only had 3 badges then; those moves would be too broken that early but the game corner lady isn't always absent.
    yep I figured that was the case based on your earlier reply. I'll keep that in mind for the next time I play it
    So you are the RBY expert, so exactly how dangerous is the old man glitch in Pokemon Red? Am I in any danger of corrupting my cartridge?
    i'm not sure but there might be a slim chance of running into a glitch pokemon with the potential to corrupt your save. I dont think so, but yeah. At the very least most if not all glitch pokemon will corrupt you hall of fame data.
    Hey dude, would you happen to know of any weird quirks with Psych Up in GSC? I'm wondering if, for example, some oversight might lead to Miltank's defense stage hitting +6 before getting capped, thereby leading to a Marowak-like rollover when used against a +6 lax.
    regular -6 to +6 style stat modifications always cap the stat at 999, it's with reflect/ls or boosting items where the problem is at.
    afaik. you cant never be 100% sure with tehse things you know, but can't check right now
    Hi friend. I am your opponent in r2. I can play anytime u want except wensday and maybe friday. The sooner the better. I am gmt +3 .
    i cant play tomorrow something came up. But i have free my wednesday if u can play.
    Aight Thursday will b fine if i can play Wednesday i will also let you know
    Hey can u / want to play now?
    I hope you don't mind me posting here, but I somehow managed to crash Pyrite with the "This Game Pak is designed only for use on the Game Boy Color." error by talking to the psychic mon in the lab by cerulean (the one that has the mr. mime oversprite).

    Also in general fun hack :) is giga drain anywhere in Kanto? I wanna teach it to meganium since it's kinda bad by nature
    leaving the room makes it leave properly, oddly enough
    also, sorry for spamming you with replies, but did I accidentally sequence break something? the rocket grunt that's supposed to have the machine part disappeared after I found him on nugget bridge. the kid behind the two long houses in cerulean says that the man is gone (despite never seeing him?) and that his itemfinder is going crazy (my itemfinder can't sense anything)... did the grunt just go somewhere where I couldn't find him or is he actually gone?
    yeah mewtwo is supposed to disappear right away, it's weird because I had never stumbled upon that bug or had anyone else report it.
    anyway, the machine part is inside the lab, in a table, and the itemfinder thing is that there's a berserk gene item hidden in the water near the cave entrance. All of this assuming nothing else glitched up lol.
    yo man when would you be good for wcop?
    ah okay, im pacific which i think is -8? right now .. weekend would likely be best because it'll be ultra late for you when im out of work
    hi again, would you be able to play during sunday morning (which would be sunday night for me). not necessarily too early, 12-1 PM your time would work
    Hi, when do you want to play for wcop? GMT+2 here and I would prefer sometimes next week
    okay weekend would be possible too. i should be able to play during morning either 23 or 24 if needed, but weekend is also fine
    Just to suggest something, would you be able to play, say, Sunday 4PM (gmt+2)
    Yes, sounds perfect
    Hi! I'm working on a Red/Blue hack and I'm looking for people to test the in-progress battle engine! If you'd be interested, message me! =)
    Great, thanks! I'll tell you all the info in a new conversation
    M Dragon
    M Dragon
    ah nice. Pokemon Pyrite was by far the best GSC i have ever played. Good to see you working in another one
    I was looking at your Missingno info. Do you know more about why the Old Man trick doesn't work in Japanese games?
    Surfing on Cinnabar Island causes no wild Pokemon, but I've yet to see an analysis of the tile behavior change. Or related things like differences in how the player's name is stored (if any).
    I have never checked the japanese games so I can't really tell you much. The glitch (water tile mismatch) could've been introduced when the english version was made instead of being native to the original japanese games.
    Excelente trabajo el que hiciste con Pokémon Pyrite, tienes pensado hacer algo igual con juegos más modernos de Poke? :]
    mas modernos no, pero estoy trabajando en un hack de gen 1!
    Oh, genial :] con modernos me refiero a Roms de RSE y DPP
    hi, for your RBY research post, does it say anything about the faint check for the player when Explosion/Selfdestruct is used? I can't seem to find it. We're discussing Self-KO clause, so we are wondering if there ever is a mechanical draw.
    im probably not right since i haven't tested it
    Just tested it, both players lose
    only difference is that player who uses explosion shows all pokemon from both players fainted (in the results screen), while player who took the explosion shows the exploder user's pokeball as alive
    Hey crystal, I love the research you've done for the max DV Coin Case exploit in G/S, and I've asked before about specific DV spreads for Hidden Power, but I remember not understanding your explanation on it. Could you give me an example of what my PC should look like to get a HP Bug/Water in gen 2 (plus max stat EXP)?
    That's more complex because you just can't write the same value into all addresses. I suggest you first do the trick exactly like shown in the video (thus maxing DVs and stat exp), and then use the coin case as a memory editor setup ( to write custom values into the DV addresses (for first party Pokemon: addresses D040 and D041).

    For example, if I remember correctly, HP bug requires 13/13/15/15 DVs, so you need to write DD at D040 and FF at D041, where DD corresponds to hexadecimal of 13/13 and FF corresponds to hexadecimal of 15/15.

    In short, set up your items and party as shown in the perfect DVs and EVs video and execute the trick. Then set up your items and party as shown in the "memory editor" video and execute it twice, each time with the corresponding Box 9 name to match D040DD and D041FF respectively. Please, what the video linked above and get back to me if there's something you have trouble understanding.
    Oye Crystal, puede ser que algunos Pokemon no puedan salir Shinies en ciertas rutas/cuevas en el Pyrite? Estuve entrenando en la Victory Road y me encontré 2 Golem, 1 Rhydon y Steelix Shinies. Pero Golbat ni uno, fue casualidad o es que lo hiciste asi? Porque en Ruta 1 tampoco me salió ninguno y estuve un buen rato.
    no, todos los pokemon salvajes tienen las mismas posibilidades de aparecer shinies.
    Watched your trainer-fly mew glitch video! Do you watch pokemon speedruns by any chance?
    No, I'm not into speedruns or really follow them
    Oh just asking. I thought you'd find the glitches they use interesting
    yeah I guess I'm more or less aware of the glitches they use. They are mostly useful "exploits" of glitches that were already known, so to speak.
    Hola Crystal, estaba hablando con algunos jugadores que están probando tu hack y me ha parecido genial que hayas hecho ese trabajo titánico para traernos un juego duro de roer. Por ello me gustaría darle publicidad jugándolo en mi canal para extenderlo al menos por mi público español, y me gustaría saber si te parece bien antes de comenzar el capítulo 1. Muchas gracias por traernos el juegazo y un saludo :)
    Eso sería genial :D Creo que voy a disfrutar viendo a alguien jugarlo, a fin de cuentas cuando haces un proyecto de este tipo siempre resulta gratificante leer que los jugadores lo disfrutan y sería mas a aún si ademas puedo verlo. Por ello gracias si decides jugarlo :)
    Hola, hace unos dias vi tus videos y te queria agradecer ya que me sirvieron bastante. Además de animarme para volver a jugar. Gracias.
    Started Pyrite. Looking forward to it.
    No problem, have fun!
    Aerodactyl Legend
    Aerodactyl Legend
    Getting outsped by the NPC's Pokemon is something I'm not used to...and I like it. Bugzy was absolutely brutal.

    The EV system is awesome so far. Love how there's less fodder and more stuff that can actually kill you. Just got to Goldenrod and am fearing that Miltank...I'm also imagining Karen's Umbreon is going to such to face, as is Lance's Aerodactyl.

    I'm definitely enjoying playing through and figuring out some stuff myself (like when stuff evolve) too. Funny thing is that it seems Zubat is the most useful Pokemon early game by far, at least from my experience.

    I do have some feedback on the levels though. I feel it goes too fast. Already hitting the 30s by the time you get to Goldenrod. That's three gyms ahead bad on the normal game. Wonder how high the latter guns are... The level cap was a good idea, but I do think EXP is too plentiful, especially with the expanded enemy teams. Once the better moves roll in, it'll get easier by a lot (like imagine if you didn't bump the levels up from the normal games but still edited the moves/evolutions, that would be even harder).

    Can't wait to progress further. This is loads of fun. Nice job on the mods to level up moves and evolutions. I really haven't done that many hard mods/hacks, but I feel I can say that this sets the bar high.
    Thanks for the feedback. Looking back, I took the route of delaying the evolution and learning moves levels (as well as the TM locations etc) rather than decreasing the experience formula. I probably could've done it the other way around but I still like how the level curve hits levels close to 100 in the very end of the game.

    Anyway, I tried to make it so that you start getting and learning the better moves during around the same points of the adventure as in the original game. I ran into issue that the g/s/c games were sort of designed to culminate in the johto league, in the sense that you go through the kanto part with pretty much the same options (in terms of powerful pokemon and movesets) as in the last part of johto. So it indeed was not easy to keep the difficulty level through kanto without just overleveling the enemy Pokemon. It's possible that you feel the game gets slightly easier as you progress because of this, especially after then E4.
    As an Industrial engineer myself, I wanna thank you for what you've done. It's a pleasure to get some insight on how RBY works and I loved reading your missigno articles.
    Thanks for the kind words and I'm glad you enjoyed the missingno articles.
    You didn't ruin RBY you TURNED THE WHOLE RBY WORLD UPSIDE DOWN! :D Thank you so much dude!

    *Just when I thought I fully understood RBY :(*
    After the crit step, the resulting damage in RBY/GSC is stored in 16-bits right?
    If so I may have found the most uneventful overflow possible involving 255 atk cloyster and a -6 min def lvl 5 chansey on a critical hit explosion
    it'd end up killing chansey whether it overflowed or not :D
    interestingly, ohko moves with stab or being super effective also overflow in rby, e.g. rhydon's fissure becoming (65535 + (65535/2)) mod 65536 due to stab
    lol, didn't realize OHKO moves can be subject to STAB and SE. Does the SE message show up?
    iirc ohko moves skip displaying the effectiveness message
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