Pokémon XY General Discussion

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Perhaps they could remove IVs on the basis that a) people don't like the fact that the Pokemon they played through the game with can't be used competitively (yes, yes, there are also Natures but they add enough to the game that they should be kept) and b) breeding for IVs is not a fun thing to have in our game. Seriously, it's bad design. Needless grinding. Not engaging at all.

And I like Mega Kangaskhan's design. It's a power boost that makes sense for it and seems minimalistic enough to be a gen 1 design (this was the gen where evolving often meant inviting two of your buddies to hang out with you). As much as I like Mega Ampharos' design, it would get boring if every Mega Pokemon went for the aging rock star look.

It's the ability that has me scared. I guess I'll wait and see what the rest of the game is like before judging, but increased damage and increased secondary chance (assuming it works like that) sounds powerful.
It's not your game. It's Satoshi Tajiri's.
That's what you took from that? Well, I'm still hoping that he'll be kind enough to let the rest of us have fun with his game.

I'm personally hoping that you're able to freely Mega Evolve at will once you met the requirements. That way you would be able to switch in Mawile, Intimidate the enemy, turn into Mega Mawile and Swords Dance on the switch.
Heck, maybe it's time for MegaArbok or MegaCrobat. =D

Additionally, what about regular evolutions of old Pokemon? I would hope they wouldn't tunnel-vision themselves into Megas-only. Delibird, Dunsparce, and Jynx still might get their own evolutions.

Heck, we might just have a Pokemon that evolves AND also mega-evolves!

I don't mind 3rd stage pokemon getting a mega evolution; especially if it makes them competitvelly viable again. For single or two stage pokemon however my only problem with mega evolutions is the uncertainty of wether or not they will still get normal evolutions. For instance design wise mega mawile looks perfect for a second stage mawile evo. The same goes for absol, kangaskhan and lucario.

If getting a mega evolution means that that particular pokemon family is done(no more evolutions ever) then I really hate the mega evolutions as a concept. If it turns out that pokemon like mawile and absol can still get evolutions the normal way either now or in the future then I'm ok with mega-evolutions. That is why I'm hopping that at least one of the pokemon families(mawile , khangaskhan, absol, lucario or others) will be getting a "normal" evolution this generation. This is the 6th generation after all! Where are my "permanent" evolutions for one stage and two stage pokemon families?
My only problem with mega evolution for single or two stage pokemon is the uncertainty of wether or not they will still get normal evolutions. For instance design wise mega mawile looks perfect for a second stage mawile evo. The same goes for absol, kangaskhan and lucario. If getting a mega evolution means that that particular pokemon family is done(no more evolutions ever) then I really hate the mega evolutions as a concept. If it turns out that pokemon like mawile and absol can still get evolutions the normal way either now or in the future then I'm ok with mega-evolutions. That is why I'm hopping that at least one of the pokemon families(mawile , khangaskhan, absol, lucario or others) will be getting an evolution this generation. This is the 6th generation after all! Where are my "permanent" evolutions for one stage and two stage pokemon families?
Perhaps these Mega evos will be permanent if you transfer them to the next generation

The Spanish version is also changing some names, either because of mistranslations (Counter from Contador to Contraataque; Return from Retroceso to Retribución; Slam from Portazo to Atizar; Wrap from Repetición to Constricción) or because of the higher character limit (e.g. Magic Bounce from Espejomágico to Espejo Mágico)

It seems the English version will not change anything... they could have changed at least Dark-type to Evil-type or something more fitting to the japanese name
They're not going to call it evil type in English speaking countries because of the crazy religious fundamentalists already thinking this game promotes Satanism. They try to avoid that aspect

I love how a few days ago eveybody was hating in megas, and now most people seem to embrace it.

I also feel because of the power and the fact you can only have 1 per team, that megas are gonna feel like the ace of every team, and get a team more build around them. I like that concept.

@megawahile, let's not forget the 4x weakness it probs has. Atm there are not many fires in OU, but let's not forget that team flairs appearance is pretty much based on fire. I think we'll get a fire creep this gen.
You are assuming Fairy is weak to fire. No Fairy-type ups besides dragon is officially confirmed

Torchic is going to be released in January. By that time everyone would have already finished the game's main story.
No, it's October through January

And everyone will ditch the Kalos starters for the Speed Boost starter. Especially no love for Fennekin. I hope Fennekin's final evolution gets some OP ability to laugh at those who preferred Torchic.
Nah, all starters have the same ability applying to different type moves, no matter the generation. Except 5, but those are hidden and hard to obtain

Alright, now that its confirmed that you can have only one mega evolution per team, things are looking good. I'm warming up to the idea. But a part of me feels that if mega evolution is not instantaneous, but takes one turn, megablaziken might not be as OP as people thought, because swords dance would be a better use of that turn, given that regular blaziken already has speed boost. I'm sure there are probably better options for your megapokemon than megablaziken if you can only have one in your team, if mega evolving it takes one turn. But I think it would make more sense to megaevolve instantaneously coming into battle, or at least allow you to attack the same turn the pokemon mega evolves. Hoping to get more info on the resitrictions and conditions for mega evolving.

But I have to say, this is the first generation where I actually think the in-game 3D models look better than the Sugimori art, specifically MegaLucario.
it is because they were meant to be rendered in 3D, so th 2D art is going to look off and a little unbalanced

It's nice that they'll be giving away Torchic, but for people who were planning on picking Fennekin like myself it sucks. Oh well, I guess I will be forced to challenge myself a bit more instead of breezing through with a Mega Evolution.
Just box Torchic to use later
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You are assuming Fairy is weak to fire. No Fairy-type ups besides dragon is officially confirmed

Jesus christ, double post much? (And a lot more than double at that).

And According to the rumor, the pokebeach one that was 90% correct, Fairy is weak to poison and steel. People are basing off that considering 90% of the rumor is correct mostly and barely anything has been disproven (aka a slight name difference in the panda pokemon iirc) So it's safe to assume poison steel weakness, which they thought Fire was because they didn't remember Fire and Psychic's resist Fairy. So much confusion over a rumor lol.
Stop speculating about potential mega evolutions and stop double posting. I am not at home but this is getting ridiculous so I'm going to have to start infracting.
So is it true that mega scizor got mentioned in an interview recently? I've seen that rumor floating around a lot now.

Scizor: The forever viable pokemon
Can only event pokemon be mega evolutions or can any Pokemon be evolved further with the megastone?
It is implied that all you need is a mega stone to allow for mega evolution. If you need a specific Mareep and a specific Riolu from specific events to use the Mega Stones that are hidden around the region, I think people are going to start drawing lines at where they'd feel comfortable at looking to use MEvo'd Pokémon.

Besides, it's a big new game mechanic, so there shouldn't be a reason that they'd want to restrict the availability of Pokémon that can MEvo.

I'm still very impressed at how the new designs continue to fill out nicely in 3D. You can see that they put a lot of artistic focus on creating shapes that outline really well in the cel-shaded battlefield.
It is implied that all you need is a mega stone to allow for mega evolution. If you need a specific Mareep and a specific Riolu from specific events to use the Mega Stones that are hidden around the region, I think people are going to start drawing lines at where they'd feel comfortable at looking to use MEvo'd Pokémon.

Besides, it's a big new game mechanic, so there shouldn't be a reason that they'd want to restrict the availability of Pokémon that can MEvo.
Wow. Your right it will be a big game mechanic. Be good to see some of the smaller guys get a boost.
Between those registrations, the only one I was expecting was Gardevoir.
Next month is going to be even more fun when we see which ones are proven real first.
I must admit, I somewhat expected Tyranitar to get a Mega Evolution. It's the poster child for "badass unstoppable" save certain legendaries, and it's very popular among fans. I suspect the latter to be the reason behind Scizor and Heracross' listings too (even if it turns out to be fake, it's nice to see that at least the "leaker" thinks the same way as I do).

I guess I would have named Pinsir and Jynx for candidates too, if I had given them any thought at all. It will be exciting to see if all of these trademarks end up being used, and whether or not Mega Evolutions signal the end of cross-generational traditional evolutions (making Sylveon the last one for the foreseeable future).
That list names nearly all the pokemon I was hoping for (with the exception of Toxicroak). Going to be a long wait for October...
huh... I googled it, and this is what people keep linking to: http://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_ho-pokemon-x-amp-pokemon-y_1853422_s7550#p1733266600
Is this Hiro guy very credible?

Mega Gardevoir? ... Just... just keep buffing everything weak I like, GF. Go ahead and keep doing that.

If that ends up true, I do not want to face MegaTyranitar. Still unhappy that every mega evolution appears offensive.

One thing's for sure, mega evolution would make vgc battles so much more exciting as a spectator/commentator.
The way the official site worded Ampharos' blurb, makes it sound like there might be some condition before Mega Evolving. The way they say changing type mid-battle, as if you could use regular Ampharos for some time before evolving. I'm thinking Mega Evolutions have some kind of condition that must be met (they'll have to be careful how they execute that, or else we might get some dead in the water evolutions a la Darmanitan Zen Mode) OR has anyone thought that maybe you can control when evolution activates?
Huh. I was thinking about R/B/Y the other day, specifically Lance's team, and about whether or not they might retype the non-Dragon types he used to part Dragon via mega evolution, and, uh, everyone of said non-Dragon types are on that list. Anyone else notice that?
If you check the Japanese version of the most recent trailer the pokemon has full health and it also has a symbol that indicates that it mega evolved (00:23). Could this mean that mega-evolution is instantaneous?

Like I said earlier, it's likely just going to be a 5th option on the Attack menu to induce Mega Evolution at will at the cost of a turn. But thankfully, we should know the details of Mega Evolution very soon thanks to the X/Y demo being playable this weekend. I'm sure someone will report on it.
Like I said earlier, it's likely just going to be a 5th option on the Attack menu to induce Mega Evolution at will at the cost of a turn. But thankfully, we should know the details of Mega Evolution very soon thanks to the X/Y demo being playable this weekend. I'm sure someone will report on it.

I agree. But I feel that after evolving it can attack on the same turn after watching this trailer. I get this feeling that mega-evolution gives this vibe of "wildcard", to keep the surprise factor. Imagine every team having one "wildcard" mega-evolution that you can choose when you want to reveal. If it was instantaneous, it wouldn't really feel very "wildcard-like" as it would ruin the surprise if it was roared/whirlwinded in. It would make battles a lot more exciting.
Like I said earlier, it's likely just going to be a 5th option on the Attack menu to induce Mega Evolution at will at the cost of a turn. But thankfully, we should know the details of Mega Evolution very soon thanks to the X/Y demo being playable this weekend. I'm sure someone will report on it.
wait theres a demo? is it a downloadable thing or in stores and if it is,is it region specific?
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