Pokémon XY General Discussion

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@megawahile, let's not forget the 4x weakness it probs has. Atm there are not many fires in OU, but let's not forget that team flairs appearance is pretty much based on fire. I think we'll get a fire creep this gen.
Assuming you're referring to the rumors, Mawile has no 4x weakness to fire
I love how a few days ago eveybody was hating in megas, and now most people seem to embrace it.

I also feel because of the power and the fact you can only have 1 per team, that megas are gonna feel like the ace of every team, and get a team more build around them. I like that concept.

@megawahile, let's not forget the 4x weakness it probs has. Atm there are not many fires in OU, but let's not forget that team flairs appearance is pretty much based on fire. I think we'll get a fire creep this gen.

You can get Fennekin, Torchic, Litleo and Fletchling all early game which is a lot of Fire types already.
Plus Fire resists Fairy, but is not SE against Fairy.
And everyone will ditch the Kalos starters for the Speed Boost starter. Especially no love for Fennekin. I hope Fennekin's final evolution gets some OP ability to laugh at those who preferred Torchic.
God forbid we have a game without access to at least one fire/fighting starter haha.

In all seriousness, though, I think this may have me picking Chespin as my starter assuming the rumors are true. I like as much variety on my teams as possible and if Froakie becomes part fighting, that puts it out of the running because Torchic is my favorite starter and I will DEFINITELY be using it. We'll have to wait and see I guess.

I'm really beginning to love the 3D sprites and their actions. A huge leap from from BW and BW2.
Oh yes, the models are superb. I dare say that when in battle it's the best looking game on the 3Ds, and if not then at least a contender for the position.
This is actually working out for me really well because I was actually planning on doing a mono-fire run on my first playthrough this generation.

Guess Mega Blaziken will make that a little bit easier.
Alright, now that its confirmed that you can have only one mega evolution per team, things are looking good. I'm warming up to the idea. But a part of me feels that if mega evolution is not instantaneous, but takes one turn, megablaziken might not be as OP as people thought, because swords dance would be a better use of that turn, given that regular blaziken already has speed boost. I'm sure there are probably better options for your megapokemon than megablaziken if you can only have one in your team, if mega evolving it takes one turn. But I think it would make more sense to megaevolve instantaneously coming into battle, or at least allow you to attack the same turn the pokemon mega evolves. Hoping to get more info on the resitrictions and conditions for mega evolving.

But I have to say, this is the first generation where I actually think the in-game 3D models look better than the Sugimori art, specifically MegaLucario.
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A part of me thinks that Mega evolutions are designed to be mid-to-late game sweepers as imagined by Game Freak. What we really need is test time to see how a team with a Choice Blaziken fares against a team with a MegaBlaziken, and so on.
Alright, now that its confirmed that you can have only one mega evolution per team, things are looking good. I'm warming up to the idea. But a part of me feels that if mega evolution is not instantaneous, but takes one turn, megablaziken might not be as OP as people thought, because swords dance would be a better use of that turn. I'm sure there are probably better options for your megapokemon than megablaziken if you can only have one in your team, if mega evolving it takes one turn. But I think it would make more sense to megaevolve instantaneously coming into battle, or at least allow you to attack the same turn the pokemon mega evolves. Hoping to get more info on the resitrictions and conditions for mega evolving.

But I have to say, this is the first generation where I actually think the in-game 3D models look better than the Sugimori art, specifically MegaLucario.
Well Speed Boost Blaziken is overpowered with or without his mega, so he's not a particularly good example, but I get you. If it did require a turn to go Mega it would be quite a hindrance.

I'm really beginning to love the 3D MODELS and their actions. A huge leap from from BW and BW2.
fixed, and yeah they are also WAY more detailed than any of the other 3D Pokemon console games
the only think that I considered more detailed is Pokedex 3D Pro...speaking ofd which I HOPE that gets a major update to include all the new Pokemon and their Mega Evolutions!
I am a BIG Blaziken fan (and I like the MegaEvo too), but I won't use the MegaEvo in the game's main story, simply because I want to try new stuff and not being OP, but I'd probably use it post-game.
It's nice that they'll be giving away Torchic, but for people who were planning on picking Fennekin like myself it sucks. Oh well, I guess I will be forced to challenge myself a bit more instead of breezing through with a Mega Evolution.
Alright, now that its confirmed that you can have only one mega evolution per team, things are looking good. I'm warming up to the idea. But a part of me feels that if mega evolution is not instantaneous, but takes one turn, megablaziken might not be as OP as people thought, because swords dance would be a better use of that turn. I'm sure there are probably better options for your megapokemon than megablaziken if you can only have one in your team, if mega evolving it takes one turn. But I think it would make more sense to megaevolve instantaneously coming into battle, or at least allow you to attack the same turn the pokemon mega evolves. Hoping to get more info on the resitrictions and conditions for mega evolving.

But I have to say, this is the first generation where I actually think the in-game 3D models look better than the Sugimori art, specifically MegaLucario.

I think the Mega-EVOs will be one of two things. Activated at the End Phase, like a Toxic Orb, or It will act like a turn where you have to hit evolve.

Most likely the first one. Having 1 mega per team seems pretty balanced. But with the mega stone does this mean smogon will begin doing complex bans?

I already know the answer to this: We will have to wait and see. It seems as if GameFreak is less focused on new pokemon and more focused on upgrading past pokemons.

I'm more concerned with the properties of Stealth Rock, and Rapid Spin.
I think the Mega-EVOs will be one of two things. Activated at the End Phase, like a Toxic Orb, or It will act like a turn where you have to hit evolve.

Most likely the first one. Having 1 mega per team seems pretty balanced. But with the mega stone does this mean smogon will begin doing complex bans?

I already know the answer to this: We will have to wait and see. It seems as if GameFreak is less focused on new pokemon and more focused on upgrading past pokemons.

I'm more concerned with the properties of Stealth Rock, and Rapid Spin.

If there is no cross-compatibility and no stealth rock TM or move tutor, that strategy will diminish. Gamefreak doesn't consider hazards OP because doubles are the standard format in the competitive scene, where battles don't last very long. Gamefreak hates stalling strategies. If you look at the metagame from gsc, you can see that with each generation the metagame gets even more offensive. I'm pretty sure Mega evolutions are not meant to be giant walls of stall either. But hey, I want gamefreak to prove me wrong and introduce Megablissey, with even higher defenses than eviolite chansey. If mega evolution does take one turn, stalling pokemon would be better suited, than sweepers to use the mechanic.

But I think your idea might be it, in that it evolves at the end phase. That makes much more sense than wasting a whole turn.
Just some quotes from the official website:
With Mega Absol's increased Speed, the Night Slash move with its high critical-hit chance becomes even more potent.
Speed based critical chances return, or just a poorly worded way of saying that Absol needed some more speed?

With the Huge Power Ability, Mega Mawile will wield the Iron Head move with fearsome power!
Iron head, eh? If it's the same base attack stat, well, I'm not too worried.

252+ Atk Choice Band Pure Power Medicham Hi Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 236+ Def Eviolite Shelgon: 207-244 (61.97 - 73.05%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Mawile Iron Head vs. 252 HP / 236+ Def Eviolite Shelgon: 157-186 (47 - 55.68%) -- 75% chance to 2HKO

Such is the fate of good 'mons with bad moves.

Mewtwo's Sp. Atk is what particularly sets this Pokemon apart, placing it as one of the highest among all Pokemon.
With the extra focus provided through Mega Evolution, Mega Mewtwo's Sp. Atk is sure to overwhelm other Pokemon!
It will probably be unstoppable!
Mewtwo: King of the playground since forever. On the other hand, even 255 base SpA doesn't make it the hardest hitting 'mon on turn 1 in Ubers.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout vs. 4 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey in rain: 393-463 (60.27 - 71.01%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Mewtwo Psychic vs. 4 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey: 240-283 (36.8 - 43.4%) -- 99.76% chance to 3HKO

Ignoring that Mewtwo could just use Psystrike and obliterate said Blissey.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Mewtwo Psystrike vs. 4 HP / 252 Def Blissey: 904-1065 (138.65 - 163.34%) -- guaranteed OHKO
I think the Mega-EVOs will be one of two things. Activated at the End Phase, like a Toxic Orb, or It will act like a turn where you have to hit evolve.

I actually think it might be the ladder. This way, if you have multiple Pokemon holding a megastone on your team, you can freely choose which mega form to utilize rather than being forced into it in the manner of the Toxic/Flame orb.

Heck, for all we know they could change instantly upon entering the battle. That's not completely ruled out yet.
Iron head, eh? If it's the same base attack stat, well, I'm not too worried.

252+ Atk Choice Band Pure Power Medicham Hi Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 236+ Def Eviolite Shelgon: 207-244 (61.97 - 73.05%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Mawile Iron Head vs. 252 HP / 236+ Def Eviolite Shelgon: 157-186 (47 - 55.68%) -- 75% chance to 2HKO

Such is the fate of good 'mons with bad moves.

Someethinnnggggggg tells me that Mawile's main STAB move won't be Iron Head. It'll probably be some unreleased physical fairy attack, hopefully with a high base power.

Mawile might pack Iron Head though if Fairy does end up being weak to Steel offensively.
Just some quotes from the official website:

Speed based critical chances return, or just a poorly worded way of saying that Absol needed some more speed?

Iron head, eh? If it's the same base attack stat, well, I'm not too worried.

252+ Atk Choice Band Pure Power Medicham Hi Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 236+ Def Eviolite Shelgon: 207-244 (61.97 - 73.05%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Mawile Iron Head vs. 252 HP / 236+ Def Eviolite Shelgon: 157-186 (47 - 55.68%) -- 75% chance to 2HKO

Such is the fate of good 'mons with bad moves.

Mewtwo: King of the playground since forever. On the other hand, even 255 base SpA doesn't make it the hardest hitting 'mon on turn 1 in Ubers.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Kyogre Water Spout vs. 4 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey in rain: 393-463 (60.27 - 71.01%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Mewtwo Psychic vs. 4 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey: 240-283 (36.8 - 43.4%) -- 99.76% chance to 3HKO

Ignoring that Mewtwo could just use Psystrike and obliterate said Blissey.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Mewtwo Psystrike vs. 4 HP / 252 Def Blissey: 904-1065 (138.65 - 163.34%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Nice calculations. Really shows how big of a difference the base power of a move plays. No matter how high the attack, its really the base power of the move that makes the bigger difference. But still no doubt, megamawile is strong. But you never know, there will definitely be new higher bp moves, or old move revamps.
So, what's the difference between RNG Egg breed abuse and removal of the dumb, random and unnecessary IV system?

RNG breeding is not even "legitimate" in the 1st place. Why not just set every single Pokemon bred/captured to have 31 IVs, so that everyone can just focus on EV training and enjoy an equal 6v6 skill based battle ASAP?
Because that's stupid. Just like some people have natural talent, some Pokemon are naturally better in their stats
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