Pokémon Zygarde

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Zygarde (50%)

Type: Dragon/Ground
Base Stats - 108 HP / 100 Atk / 121 Def / 81 SpA / 95 SpD / 95 Spe
Abilities: Aura Break / Power Construct (banned)

- [01] Thousand Arrows
- [01] Thousand Waves
- [01] Core Enforcer
- [01] Bind
- [01] Bulldoze
- [01] Dragon Breath
- [01] Bite
- [08] Haze
- [16] Dig
- [24] Safeguard
- [32] Crunch
- [40] Dragon Pulse
- [48] Land’s Wrath
- [56] Glare
- [64] Sandstorm
- [72] Coil
- [80] Earthquake
- [88] Outrage
- [TM08] Hyper Beam
- [TM09] Giga Impact
- [TM15] Dig
- [TM19] Safeguard
- [TM21] Rest
- [TM22] Rock Slide
- [TM24] Snore
- [TM25] Protect
- [TM32] Sandstorm
- [TM34] Sunny Day
- [TM39] Facade
- [TM40] Swift
- [TM43] Brick Break
- [TM57] Payback
- [TM76] Round
- [TM79] Retaliate
- [TM81] Bulldoze
- [TM98] Stomping Tantrum
- [TM99] Breaking Swipe
- [TR01] Body Slam
- [TR10] Earthquake
- [TR20] Substitute
- [TR21] Reversal
- [TR24] Outrage
- [TR26] Endure
- [TR27] Sleep Talk
- [TR31] Iron Tail
- [TR32] Crunch
- [TR39] Superpower
- [TR42] Hyper Voice
- [TR51] Dragon Dance
- [TR62] Dragon Pulse
- [TR64] Focus Blast
- [TR67] Earth Power
- [TR69] Zen Headbutt
- [TR75] Stone Edge
- [TR77] Grass Knot
- [TR78] Sludge Wave
- [TR94] High Horsepower
Armor Tutors:
- Scorching Sands
- Skitter Smack
- Scale Shot

[New Moves]
Scale Shot (multi-hit Dragon type move, boosts speed)
Scorching Sands (special Ground type move with a chance to burn)
Skitter Smack (physical Bug type move that is guaranteed to lower target SpA)

[Notable Moves]
Thousand Arrows
Dragon Dance
Thousand Waves
Iron Tail
Stone Edge
High Horsepower

  • Thousand Arrows is a Ground-type move that hits Flying type Pokémon, allowing Zygarde to abuse common defensive staples like Corviknight, Skarmory, and Zapdos
  • Dragon/Ground is good defensive typing
  • 108/121/95 is great mixed bulk
  • Ground is a great offensive typing, especially with Thousand Arrows
  • Substitute + Glare/Toxic allow it to set up on many of its checks
  • The removal of Hidden Power Ice in the generational shift means that some checks from SM like Tangrowth can now lose 1v1
  • The metagame is chock-a-block with Fairy types that give Zygarde trouble
  • Dragapult often uses Infiltrator, which allows it to OHKO Zygarde with Draco Meteor even behind a substitute
  • It is 4x weak to Ice, a common offensive type
  • Can be dead weight vs fast offensive teams that do not give it a chance to set up
  • 100 base Attack is mediocre, it needs several boosts to be threatening

[Potential Sets]

Substitute + Setup
Zygarde @ Leftovers
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Substitute
- Glare/Toxic
- Coil/Dragon Dance
- Thousand Arrows
With Substitute and Glare or Toxic, Zygarde is able to set up on a large number of defensive staples or offensive Pokémon not able to do damage to it. Max HP and SpD minimize damage from attacks like Tangrowth's Giga Drain, allowing it to beat many of its would-be checks. If using Dragon Dance, 120 Speed EVs allows Zygarde to outrun Modest Dragapult at +1. This set needs a few boosts to be threatening, but given Toxic's propensity to force switches and Glare being broken, it has ample opportunity to set up in most games. Zygarde can also run a Double Dance set with Substitute, Dragon Dance and Coil, but this requires much more support and is in most cases inferior to Glare or Toxic + one form of setup.

Choice Band
Zygarde @ Choice Band
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Thousand Arrows
- ExtremeSpeed
- Iron Tail
- Outrage/Toxic/Glare
With a Choice Band, Zygarde can click its eminently spammable Thousand Arrows. ExtremeSpeed allows it to revenge kill faster and boosted threats, Iron Tail hits fairy types like Clefable, and Outrage is a very strong STAB move. Zygarde can also use Toxic or Glare on the choice band set to neuter checks like Tangrowth and Slowbro. Zygarde needs an Adamant nature to be threatening, because even with a Choice Band, it is using a 90 BP move from a 100 Base Attack stat, which isn't exactly Mega Rayquaza.
I myself found success with a Double-Dance-Set on Zygarde 50% under Veil / Screens, with a Figy Berry to guarantee 1 more Setup or a little more longevity during the process of sweeping through teams - this is the Set I am running currently, with Partners like Magearna, Landorus-Therian as a Lead with Stealth Rocks and Ninetales-Alola as the Veil-Setter:

Zygarde @ Figy Berry
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Coil
- Extreme Speed
- Dragon Dance
- Thousand Arrows

I had really good experience so far with this Set and the 80 HP is to guarantee a little bit bulk on Zygarde. It defenitely is a threat to look further into, but I love spamming Thousand Arrows as well with a Choice Band under its belt. I feel like Sub + Glare is really annoying to face and shuts down a lot of Pokemon directly.
Just realized ESpeed is transfer only now. Which sucks because I was thinking of running a Coil 3-Attacks set with it on cart:

Zygarde @ Leftovers
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Coil
- Thousand Arrows
- Outrage
- Extreme Speed

Probably a shit set but I wanted to try it anyway.

Actually Iron Tail could be an interesting tech on Coil sets to deal with Fairy- and Ice-types, seeing as Coil makes up for its shit accuracy.
If you're running Tangrowth in this meta and getting pissed off at not being able to break bulkier Zygarde's subs, run Grass Knot. It breaks Zygarde's subs no matter what EVs it's running (sans screens) and turns Tang into a pretty good catch-all check.

Which is why you should consider Skitter Smack as a coverage move. Coil/Sub/TA/Skitter is a good little set
SubGlare definitely feels to be the most consistent Zygarde set but this thing has so many broken sets that it's not even funny.

This is the set I have been running alongside Spikes Mew and it just puts in so much work.

Zygarde @ Leftovers
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 252 HP / 48 Atk / 176 SpD / 32 Spe
Careful Nature
- Thousand Arrows
- Dragon Dance
- Rest
- Sleep Talk / Thousand Waves

Once things have been worn down sufficiently by Spikes, this thing just becomes an unstoppable beast that runs through everything. Typical would-be-answers like Tangrowth, Slowbro or Clefable all fail to 2HKO, and Zygarde can just Rest up on them until it reaches +6 and brute force through them. The best thing is that Sleep Talk is not even mandatory, and you can actually viably run Thousand Waves to trap said "answers" and get to +6 on them before breaking through their entire team.
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