Your Top 10 Favourite Video Games of All Time

I haven't played most of the games regarded as amazing (E.g. Chrono Trigger) So I'll just keep it short and sweet.

1. Legend Of Zelda : Ocarina of Time
2. Super Mario Galaxy
3. Super Metroid
4. Super Mario 64
5. Super Smash Bros Brawl
6. Goldeneye
7. Half Life 2
8. Metal Gear Solid 2
9. Resident Evil 4
10. Sonic The Hedgehog 2.

Hmm... I'm guessing that MGS2 is the only MGS game you have played? Because as far as I'm concerned MGS and MGS3 are much better games by far. I mean MGS2 isn't bad or anything, I'm just surprised that MGS2 is on the list, and MGS and MGS3 are no where to be found on the list.
Am I the only person who thought that Super Mario Galaxy was utter shit?

No sir, you aren't. I'm on that bandwagon with you!

You forget topsellers and award winners like Warcraft 2, Starcarft, Half-life, Counter-strike, Half-life 2, Diablo, Diablo 2, World of Warcraft, Mario Kart 64, Super smash bros (fuck man, that whole series is amazing). Don't forget also that pokemon platinum sold something like 1 million copies in Japan on opening day alone. That's impressive. This list can go on and on, really.

You seem biased to older games. Just because older games have been around longer and are still played, it doesn't mean that newer games don't bring something to the table. Hell, Starcraft and D2 are STILL played; the latter almost for a decade.
10) Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland
9) Tekken 3
8) Sonic 2
7) Super Paper Mario
6) Pokemon Gens 1/2
5) Paper Mario: TTYD
4) Fire Emblem
3) Smash Bros
2) Castlevania
1) Ace Attorney

Yes, I cheated and lumped together similar games of the same series. Yes, I'm the only one man enough to put a picturebook as my favorite game(s) of all time. Yes, I haven't played Kirby Superstar yet, and yes, I think Super Paper Mario beats the crap out of all classic Mario platforming (although I still love SMW).

I would have felt bad putting LttP and Sonic 3 and Knuckles up there because I haven't quite finished them lol, but they need to be mentioned.
If Super Paper Mario is not a typo, fancy telling me what redeeming qualities it has? I'd honestly like some reason to go back to it.
I'm as confused as you are as to why people don't like it. I guess I didn't find the 2d/3d switching stuff as cumbersome as a lot of people? I mean that and the massive shitloads of text were the only things I could see as being potential "flaws," and I just didn't have any problems with either of them.
I guess it was expectations that were met. I just found it boring altogether. It wasn't a platformer (not nearly enough actual platforming for that) and it didn't feel like a well made RPG either. The levels were very sparse making encounters infrequent. Battle system wasn't engaging. Dialog was too heavy. I got to the end of the first stage and just couldn't get the drive to keep going.
Am I the only person who thought that Super Mario Galaxy was utter shit?

Nope, even my friend who is a hardcore Mario fan, said it wasn't up to his expectations, and just ran through the game to beat it. I on the other thought it was decent, but doesn't come close to most mario games.
yeah just doing top 10 favorites, not what i actually think the 10 best games ever are, because that would be boring and gay

final fantasy vii - best game ever, fuck you. great atmosphere and settings, music, characters, humor, and overall the most purely memorable game ever. sure the gameplay isnt much, but figuring out the materia combinations was a lot of fun if you were a young lad who didnt have access to the walkthroughs and stuff. its final fantasy 7, anyone who doesnt like this game is a dick.

pokemon snap - yes sir. i dont know what it is about pokemon snap, but i just love playing it. i love the concept of fucking taking pictures of pokemon being a video game.

tony hawk 4 - yeah, skateboarding stopped being cool after 6th grade, but tony hawk games are the bitch. plus im really good at them, that helps. love everything about this particular installment - the graphics, the levels, how they handled the career mode, the create a skater, its all great. series went way downhill after this one, as they tried to capitalise on the ridioculously gay skateboard culture rather than just making fun, lighthearted games.

ocarina of time - its good

contra - awesome. really hard when you first play it, loved the trial and error of getting through each level just a little bit at a time figuring out how to not die.

final fantasy viii - an entire summer of mine pretty much revolved around playing this game. good times.

sonic 2 - man, its sonic 2. its the shit.

final fantasy tacitcs - great story, great fighting system, great atmosphere. yeah.

chrono trigger - dope

symphony of the night - dope
I'm as confused as you are as to why people don't like it. I guess I didn't find the 2d/3d switching stuff as cumbersome as a lot of people? I mean that and the massive shitloads of text were the only things I could see as being potential "flaws," and I just didn't have any problems with either of them.

Super Paper Mario isn't a "bad" game but it isn't a great game, especially compared to the others in the series. (I played the N64 Paper Mario after the Wii sequel and found it a lot better, so I'm not just looking back on it with nostalgia.) The story was pretty average and the pacing was bad, plus it has pretty much no replay value (something that all the mario rpgs suffer from)
Chrono trigger
cave story
pokemon gsc
team fortress 2
stalker shadow of chernobyl with oblivion lost
super mario world

I don't remember what else :), although dead space was pretty fucking good.
Honorable mentions include EVO, Commander Keen, soul blazer, zelda series, and MAGEMAN series.
One of my favorite platforming games ever. This game came out when platform/adventure games were a dying breed. This game restored my love of that genre and I would still play it today if it worked on my 360. The game had everything I wanted. Good dialog, interesting/colorful characters, a good plot, and psychic powers. Too bad that the company that made it went bankrupt. I very much wanted a sequel.
It does work on the 360. I never had an Xbox but played this to completion on my 360.
ugh, if I must:

1. Tie Fighter
2. Starcraft
3. Pokemon Silver
4. Return to Castle Wolfenstein/ Enemy Territory
5. Half-life 2/CS:Source
6. Battle Bugs
7. Dark Forces
8. Sam N Max hit the Road
9. Civilization 2 and 3 (for different reasons)
10. Master of Orion 1
11. Colonization...

other noteworthy games: Commander Keen, Biohazard, Pokemon RBY, X-wing, Day of the Tentacle...I'm sure there is more, I just don't care to write them.

This is all so subjective, seriously alot of it is based on good memories and preferances. For example, I'm sure RTCW/ET isn't a favorite among most of you, but I sure played the hell out of it.
- Starcraft & Brood Wars
Near-perfect balance, massively appealing style. Has one of the most well developed meta-games of all time due to how competitive gamers have been with it since release.

- Pacman
One of the first really popular games. Contributed towards making arcades more popular.

- Super Mario Bros.
It saved console gaming.

- Super Mario 64
It was one of the first fully realized 3D games, and it set the example for all that followed.

- Metal Gear Solid
The first true stealth action adventure game, and the quality and quantity of cinematics made it probably one of the first movie-like game experiences. Something really popular these days.

- Zelda Ocarina of Time
The level of praise this generated from professional critics and normal gamers alike was unprecedented, and it's yet to be topped. No matter how much we want it to be.

- Grand Theft Auto 3
Didn't create the sandbox genre, but it definitely paved the way for it's massive popularity.

- Tetris
Easily recognized and played by most people, even non-gamers. One of the most basic and rudimentary puzzle games so that makes it very easy to play. It's addictive too so anyone who bothers to see what it's about is bound to play it for a meaningful amount of time.

- Pokemon Red/Blue
Sucked in an entire generation of gameboy wielding kids. It's formula worked so well that even Pokemon games released almost a decade later haven't even had to change all that much.

- Sonic the Hedgehog
Sega sparked a public console war with Nintendo clearly seen by the public. This game created their primary mascot. Console wars have been very healthy up until our current generation. The competition of consoles has driven many developers to outdo the other side.

They aren't in any particular order, I can't really decide which could go where. I made the list based on cultural impact rather than what I think are the very best games.
My Opinion

1. Warcraft 2 (PC, also I believe Playstation.. but don't care about it!)

This game cost me many hours of my life since I got it around 8 years ago, but I will summarize by saying that I don't regret that, this game showed up about 10 years before its time in my view - I still find it quite playable today and I found Warcraft 3 extremely disappointing having had my expectations raised so far by number 2.

2. Pokemon - Second Generation - GSC (GBC)

As far as the Pokemon games go, these are comfortably the best mix between when the games were still somewhat original (seriously, 3rd generation felt like a clone) and the updated features of the games allowing for a better experience, not to mention the competitive online 2nd gen era was a lot of fun - the game really evolved in online play.

3. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (PC)

This game is pretty much the epitome of a good single player RPG: there's lots of it, but there's a clear objective (but you can go walkies from it if you like), I also quite like the world graphics of this game (the people are lame, but the landscapes are good). Oblivion was pretty disappointing after this, the only thing it really did better was some aspects being less painful (gathering flowers and traveling).

4. Super Mario World (SNES)

Platform action game without equal, Super Mario World combines some uniquely puzzling elements (trying to open up the entire game.. not as simple as one might expect) and just a genuinely fun action game, add in your generally funny Mario villains and the princess always being in another goddamn castle and you've got plenty of hours of fun here.

5. Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES)

Probably my favorite Zelda (Majora's Mask is a close #2, Ocarina was too easy for my taste as is Twilight Princess, and I'm yet to play the Gamecube versions) - it covers some ground with the puzzle solving and action aspects of the old 3rd person rpg genre which sadly seems lost now days.

6. Donkey Kong Country (SNES)

Barrels, Bananas, Rhino's crashing through stuff, what's not to like about DK on SNES, great platform action game with some pretty unique quirks for its era and plenty of interesting hidden stuff.

7. Unreal Tournament (PC)

This is possibly the best Shooter to play on LAN of all time, fuck the graphics obsession, game play on this is better than the vast of shooters that have come out since - the only thing I even consider close is CoD4/5.

8. Super Smash Brothers (N64)

Damn, got too far down the list really before hitting this one, but it's great fun and still, to this day, very enjoyable with good company, it's been perhaps surpassed by Melee/Brawl but unlike them I think it's still worth playing after the next generation (Melee now Brawl is out, nthx..).

9. Warcraft 3 (PC)

Yes, I said this was disappointing to me earlier, and the actual game *IS* disappointing, but if there was ever a game saved by the existence of user made things, this was it: DoTA, Footman Frenzy, Tower Defense are all staple elements of Warcraft 3 to me and they're all (well, in frenzy's case.. was) well made and very enjoyable.

10. Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat (PC)

This game is something else, Real Time Tactics - like Fire Emblem or FFT but real time instead of turn based - you can imagine the insanity level such a game would create, it's amazingly well made and despite the age of it (to even so much as INSTALL this thing you have to be running Win98 or earlier, I have it working on XP after copying an installed version and some registry editing) it still plays better than anything else invented in the genre imo (recently they tried to recreate the game type with Warhammer: Mark of Chaos, except for one small problem, Mark of Chaos goes down more than a cheap whore). It's a shame that this type of game has been totally forgotten in the modern era of gaming.

Hon Mentions: Fire Emblem (the first US release to GBA especially), Golden Sun I & II, Diablo II, Starcraft, CoD4, Pokemon First Generation (RBGY).
I'm only going to list one game, because it's the only game you ever need. It's badarse enough to be the whole damn top ten list.

Prepare yourself, kiddies, these are actual in-game graphics, NOT FMVs or the like:





The game I am referring to is, of course, Dwarf Fortress: - easily the best sandboxy-game anywhere, except, well, really it's any genre you want it to be.

Basic idea of gameplay: You have dwarves, and a mountainside. You build a fortress. ...That's pretty much it for the basic version. The more complex version involves goblin sieges, famine, orgies of violence, dragons, magma, drowning, dismemberment, crazy animal-liberation elves, genocide, and catsplosions, both conventional:, and thermonuclear:

Truly, in Dwarf Fortress, the only limit is your imagination, and the computable functions. Why? Because Dwarf Fortress is Turing-complete:
9. Car Battler Joe

I remembered the name of the game for you =) and yes it was awesome. Probably would be ranked higher if more than 4 and a half people owned the game and you could find some friends to do mulitplayer with =D. That aside, huge amounts of different cars, to trick out with weapons and engines, then blow the crap out of eachother? YES PLEASE

Wow thank you i have been wanting to play that game for ages but couldn't remeber the name, that game was seriously the best car game i ever played im so glad i checked back here, Yea no one had this awesome game great storyline, if I can't find it in stores I'm gonna kill myself I need to play it, nostalgia.
Wow, that game looks interesting dude. I'm going to have to check it out. Seriously though I want to contribute my list! Instead of listing only specific games I'll post the series if i know it to.. In no true order as well.

1.) Diablo 2 (LoD)- My god this is perhaps the best game I've ever played. So many things that I like in a MMO- game is in this game. To many to list but I honestly believe that this game rivals Tetris status.

2.) Socom 1-4- Some of the best shooter titles "EVER"! They all have their perks.

3.) Pokemon - I wouldn't be on this website if I didn't enjoy Pokemon.

4.) Zelda - Specifically the Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. I absolutely love both game's storyline.

5.) Final Fantasy - Looking at you FF7 and FFX

6.) Metal Gear Solid - AMAZING storyline. 4th game from the series topped it off nicely.

7.) Super Smash Bros- Amazing game

This list is so hard to complete but I'll throw in some honarble mentions... Madden Football, Sonic, Tetris, Mario, Jak and Daxter, Crono Cross, and Star Ocean 2.
Okay, finally. In no particular order, here are excellent games. I tend to go by "best in genre".

Tetris. Probably one of the most enduring games of all times. Has anyone here -not- played tetris? Has anyone here not -enjoyed- tetris? Yeah.

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. The fact that there are still extremely popular ST tournaments 15 years after this game's release really makes this the avatar of the fighting game genre, I think.

Morrowind. There's a handful of games that can represent the western RPG genre, I think (this one, Baldur's Gate 2, Planescape: Torment), but none of them were as popular or big or had the following as Morrowind.

Unreal Tournament. One of the best shooters ever made. Quake was first, but Unreal Tournament took it to the next level. Truly amazing, and it remains amazing today. There aren't many other old games that I and people I know are happy to fire up and play matches in.

Counter-Strike. This is the "realistic" (lol) version of Unreal Tournament. Actually the games aren't really similar at all, but it's as important to the genre as Unreal Tournament is.

Mario 64. Best 3d platformer? I think so. I shouldn't really have to explain why this game is good.

Honestly I don't care much about -other- genres so I'm a bit lost there.
Tetris. Probably one of the most enduring games of all times. Has anyone here -not- played tetris? Has anyone here not -enjoyed- tetris? Yeah.
Yours truly in fact ;) I loved Puzzle League (Tetris Attack), Bust-A-Move, and Alexey Pajitnov's non-Tetris Masterpiece, Hexic more than I've ever enjoyed Tetris.
Honestly, I thought twilight princess was awesome. It took everything OOT did that I fell in love with and pushed it to the brink. The only reason I like OOT better is because I look at it with the rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia.

Also I'm playing through Phantom Hourglass right now and actually like it. The story leaves a bit to be desired (but then again, what portable zelda game didn't) but so far it's HARD AS BALLS! It's definatley one of the most difficult Zelda games I've played and I like that it's the first game I've seen truly utilize all of the DS's capabiliies.

And there you have it. Like you said TP took everything great about OoT and took it further.

Anyways, im redoing my list because the last one sucked due to my tiredness..

Still in no specific order.

Bahamuts Lagoon-
To this day Im hoping against hope that Nintendo finally makes it so I can play this game without having to play it on rom (I hate sitting on my computer for long enough to play Video Games). The story was interesting enough but the gameplay was fantastic!

Legend of Zelda- Majoras Mask and Twilight Princess
Majoras Mask had a great concept imo, and it worked out beautifully. TP gets the nod over OoT since its more or less the same, but better. Only real flaw for TP IMO was that damned temple where you had to direct that statue around..slowed the game down way too much.

Pokemon- Red/Crystal/Diamond
The fantastic sense of adventure, the thrill of the hunt..the healing my Pokemon 15 times in a roiw at the Pokecenter ebcause I thought theyd be stronger each time so I could beat misty (later I learned about typing advantages, leveling up,ect)

God of War 1+ 2
The insane amounts of brutatlity and violence were a first for me, the story is amazing in both games and the gameplay keeps it from getting boring.

Final Fantasy 8 + 9
They have the 2 greatest stories in any video game Ive ever played, 8s gameplay got a little boring for awhile (Draw. Draw.Draw.Draw) but overall the Junctioning system was really enjoyable while learning abilities from weapons and armor in 9 was something I really liked. I like FF 12 alot but not on the same level as 8/9 (fuck 7). 4 also gets a mention for being the first RPG I ever played.

Fire Emblem Series
I thoroughly enjoy all these games but no one really sticks out.

Shadow of the Colossus
One of the most epic feeling games Ive ever played, probably the best 15 hours of my life. Maybe not..>_>

Super Mario World
The first game I ever remember playing, I probably put as many hours into this as I did any other game besides Pokemon.

Assassins Creed
The first time I saw this game on Game Informer issue years ago I was as entranced by it as I was the first time I saw a pair of tits. Gameplay is repetetive after awhile but I typically only play it one assassination at a time to try and alleviate that.

I know theres something Im forgetting..
10. Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando (PS2)
This game was hardly groundbreaking in any specific way, but it was simply so much fun that it was impossible not to love it. Running around, collecting bolts to purchase awesome new weapons, screwing around with your PS2's clock to find an entire easter egg level...and the script was hilarious. Definitely a classic.

9. Mega Man X (SNES)
The Mega Man X series is one that started out awesome - it improved on the formula of the original MM games perfectly, delivering faster-paced gameplay with much better control and great music. This was really a toss-up between Mega Man X and X2, but X has more memorable music and better abilities, so it gets the spot.

8. Kirby Superstar (SNES)
Kirby games vary in quality, but this game was the clear pinnacle. Each power was awesome and had a bunch of different attacks to use, the different games were fun and decently challenging, and the music was great. But the real winner here was the incredibly well-implemented multiplayer - it might not be an overstatement to say that this got more playtime among my friends than actual multiplayer games like Smash.

7. Metal Gear Solide 3: Snake Eater (PS2)
MGS3 was actually my first Metal Gear Solid game, and it's stayed my favorite to this day. The stealth gameplay is intense and just plain addicting, the story is interesting, and the boss fights...oh man. I think the final boss of this game might be my favorite boss fight of all time. To be honest, I never found the first Metal Gear Solid to be all that amazing (then again, I did play it in 2008, far past its prime), but 2 and 4 are also amazing games for many of the same reasons. Great real-time graphics, too.

6. Chrono Cross (PSX)
Oh yes. Chrono Trigger is amazing in its own right, and while Chrono Cross may not have been what many people were hoping for in a sequel, it's still a damn great game. It's hard for me to praise this game enough - the battle system, graphics, environments, story, characters, (yes, even with 40-some recruitable, they still all manage to have their own personality) they're all excellent. And of course, the soundtrack speaks for itself as one of the most incredible compositions in existence. Where have you gone, Yasunori Mitsuda :(

5. Super Smash Bros Melee (Gamecube)
What an awesome game. The concept alone is great - have a fighting game that pits all of the Nintendo characters you've grown up with against each other, but the fantastic fighting/party gameplay makes it one to remember. Note that I'm not one of the competitive Melee players, either.

4. Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES)
In my opinion, the perfect platformer. Awesome level design, incredibly memorable music, Cranky Kong's amusing rants, and tons of secrets. Great graphics for the SNES, too.

3. Star Ocean: The Second Story (PSX)
Admittedly, the voice-acting in this game isn't exactly top-class (though I would argue that the horrible acting is part of its charm), but the gameplay was incredibly fun and the game was just huge, with tons of dungeons, extra challenge, and little quirks to find.

2. Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (SNES)
No other 2D Zelda game can stand up to this. This is the way an adventure game should be - interesting dungeons, TWO big overworlds to explore, tons of awesome items to play with, and treasure all over the place.

1. Final Fantasy 3/6 (SNES)
The quintessential RPG. Excellent battle system, story, characters, and the way that you're allowed do things however you want in the latter part of the game is brilliant. The Esper system is great, and it managed to strike a good balance between individuality and balance in characters.
I've played all but one of those games, and the only thing that approaches DKC2 is Super Mario World. Country 2 is definitely in the top 5 SNES games, even if it doesn't make my top 10 overall list.


I'm curious as to what your top ten games would be if it doesn't make the list but is a top five SNES game.

I'm curious as to what your top ten games would be if it doesn't make the list but is a top five SNES game.

Tales of Symphonia
Paper Mario
Kirby Super Star
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Guitar Hero 2
Yoshi's Island
Majora's Mask
Advance Wars 2

Not necessarily in that order