Resource #YOLOYouCanUseIt2RNGsus420BlazeItHashtag Homecooking w/ Brawl and Blast

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Brawlfest goggles sawk almost fucked me tonight, gotta say its actually really cool. one of the main reasons i dont use auro is cuz i cant use sturdy sawk with it.

Ahh, I must be blind. Cool item use, I suppose safety goggles is a great option on hail teams.

Still, leftovers Sawk is surprisingly strong, as it allows it to get back to sturdy even after stealth rock damage. This wouldn't do much with hail up though.
Newest on top imo because you usually put new teams into the OP instead of making a separate post so it'd be more convenient (especially on mobile) to not have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the OP to see if you added a team.
ok im just gonna talk with blast tonight and make a personal judgement lol

I talked with Raseri, we both didn't think the order would be a big deal but it is easier for me to edit when the newest team is at the bottom so we are going with it for the time being. Sorry for the inconvenience everybody but at least the archiving makes sense?
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Added some more descriptions and two new teams recipes each with a different take on Chatot who I am really into right now. It's an ingredient which tends to be a little bit risky and inconsistent, but brings out a ton of flavor and can easily make or break opposing teams :toast:

also Blast added some shitty team with vanilluxe seriously this kid is alive?
hey Brawlfest the Scarf Chatot doesn't have EVs or a nature in the importable :P

Also I feel that Guts Swellow works better for that team, as it currently lacks a strong physical attacker and Chatot already has access to the same moves (Boomburst, Heat Wave, U-turn) so Specs Swellow is kinda redundant on that team. Otherwise this is a nice team, pretty fun to play with
hey Brawlfest the Scarf Chatot doesn't have EVs or a nature in the importable :P

Also I feel that Guts Swellow works better for that team, as it currently lacks a strong physical attacker and Chatot already has access to the same moves (Boomburst, Heat Wave, U-turn) so Specs Swellow is kinda redundant on that team. Otherwise this is a nice team, pretty fun to play with
Lol thanks my c/p was interrupted yesterday so I had to manually type that part.

Honestly it doesn't make a huge difference if you use Guts or Specs Swellow as both have the goal of cleaning. This said, I prefer to have HP Grass and Heat Wave on it so that it can bait in and kill checks to Chatot such as Rhydon or Ferroseed, to make Chatot's job of cleaning the opponent a lot easier. Furthermore, their redundant coverage means they share checks, allowing them to wear them down for each other :]
Hey guys, did you know MLG has a Pokémon X/Y ladder? No OR/AS ladder yet, though.
So this isn't a shitpost could you do something with Cradily? I mean, we already have the Munchlax Stall team but Cradily can do more than that.
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Hey Brawlfest, this is a very good and original thread, with a lot of good teams (the Articuno one is sick). However, I have a small nitpick: the Golurk set on the specs Regice team has Iron Fist for ability. I guess it's unintentional, just giving you a heads up.
Hey Brawlfest, this is a very good and original thread, with a lot of good teams (the Articuno one is sick). However, I have a small nitpick: the Golurk set on the specs Regice team has Iron Fist for ability. I guess it's unintentional, just giving you a heads up.
Haha thanks bro, it wasn't that it was unintentional I just normally run Shadow Punch + Ice Punch > Dynamic + Stone Edge, I slashed it ^_^
Your Zangoose + Barbaracle + Zebstrika team is really fun to use! Very nice selection of dishes here, and I look forward to your next primary dish serving :toast:
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