XY UU Viability Ranking Thread

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while megadoom is an offensive behemoth, i think a+ is good for it because of the fact that it's very hard for it to get up both flame charge and nasty plot (assuming flame charge is being used over dbond or sub), and while it usually doesnt need both against offensive teams, if it's not setting up lategame its easily revenged by common scarfers like hera, mien, darm, w/e. it also needs hydreigon dead in order to sweep, because the only thing it can do to it is dbond before dying to a draco meteor.
Am I dumb, or should vivillon be lower than chesnaught. Am I really underestimating compound eyes, hurricane and sleep powder.
I haven't seen much of Chestnaut but I do know Vivillion can get a lot out of Compound Eye. Sleep powder is 100% accurate and Hurricane hits 90% w/o rain support and it has a chance to confuse. And while the enemy is asleep it has quiver dance to boost its attack and speed and survive special attacks better.
Sleep Powder isn't 100% accurate. It's about 97 if I recall correctly, which, if you've played Pokemon for any length of time, is a very important distinction.
Sleep Powder isn't 100% accurate. It's about 97 if I recall correctly, which, if you've played Pokemon for any length of time, is a very important distinction.
Sleep Powder has 97.5% accuracy, while Hurricane has 91% accuracy. RNG aside, they are both very good, and amount to why Vivillon is considered A- atm.
Sleep Powder has 97.5% accuracy, while Hurricane has 91% accuracy. RNG aside, they are both very good, and amount to why Vivillon is considered A- atm.
I don't think I've ever seen a Vivillion (used by a good player) in 500+ battles. Maybe it's just me, but it's pretty over rated.
I don't think I've ever seen a Vivillion (used by a good player) in 500+ battles. Maybe it's just me, but it's pretty over rated.

I don't know what you're defining as a good player, then. I've personally seen Limitless, koko (i think), and a lot of other people use vivillon - and for good reason. It can easily sweep weakened teams, and it's a very reliable poke for HO teams as compared to Venomoth, whose accuracy on the sleep-inducing move suffers and lacks the coverage to be a special sweeper in its own right.
I don't know what you're defining as a good player, then. I've personally seen Limitless, koko (i think), and a lot of other people use vivillon - and for good reason. It can easily sweep weakened teams, and it's a very reliable poke for HO teams as compared to Venomoth, whose accuracy on the sleep-inducing move suffers and lacks the coverage to be a special sweeper in its own right.

while i do agree on most of your points, venomoth isn't a sweeper-it boosts up and then passes to sweepers, and it shouldn't really be used over vivi if you're trying to make it one.
while i do agree on most of your points, venomoth isn't a sweeper-it boosts up and then passes to sweepers, and it shouldn't really be used over vivi if you're trying to make it one.
not trying to justify moths use as a sweeper but does have tinted ens iirc and has the STABs tha can beat the two est special walls in the tier in umbreon and florges
not trying to justify moths use as a sweeper but does have tinted ens iirc and has the STABs tha can beat the two est special walls in the tier in umbreon and florges

actualy wonder skin is th better ability on venomot as it cn dodge status 50% of the time. much more useful than inte lens imo. also since i almost never end up using bug buzz i us infestation for the utility. if you can trap nd sleep a special attacker and spam qd and pas it to nido or somethig then gg basically

I didn't know your views could change so quickly @__@

anyways, to answer Hoping4megasceptile 's question, chesnaught has pretty much depleted in usage now that the main thing it was used to counter (crawdaunt) is in BL, and while it does check a good amount of physical attackers like mien and non-fire blast mega absol, and the fact that it has a great ability in bulletproof, it's usually a sitting duck against grass types and has mediocre special defense.

Nidoking is moving down to A rank, while Mega Absol is moving down to A- rank. Additionally, Florges is moving up to A+ rank.

The next two Pokemon up for discussion are Mega Aerodactyl and Chandelure. I want to see more comparisons.

for chandy, while it does 2hko (if not ohko'ing) a massive portion of the tier. it has a massive special attack stat coupling with a good movepool (except for focus blast). however, the rest of its stats are somewhat middling, making it revenged by a good portion of the tier. it also needs mega houndoom and hydreigon removed (which is a hard thing to do for offensive teams considering it's hard to switch in on both of them without florges) in order to clean up. it also shares a lot of the problems with victini, in the fact that it has a weakness to two of the most common moves in the meta, knock off and stealth rock. a or a- imo.

megadactyl is solid. it obviously has great stats, letting it outspeed pretty much every single mon in the tier that isnt scarfed. it also has a good support movepool, having access to defog, taunt, stealth rock, along with recovery in roost. it also has a good attack stat, letting it revenge most mons with its decent movepool. not to mention that it resists both of the nido stabs and threatens them out with eq. a is good for it, although i wouldn't mind a- as well.
I don't know what you're defining as a good player, then. I've personally seen Limitless, koko (i think), and a lot of other people use vivillon - and for good reason. It can easily sweep weakened teams, and it's a very reliable poke for HO teams as compared to Venomoth, whose accuracy on the sleep-inducing move suffers and lacks the coverage to be a special sweeper in its own right.
Did I say good players don't use it, or that I haven't SEEN a good player use it? To a point how good something is is proportional to usage and it is not very common. I understand that it CAN be really good, but it's not like it has a ton of set up opportunities.
Chandelure has only a handful of sets, all 3 of them special based and usually have the same coverage fire+ghost stab, energy ball and a support move, maaaaaybe hp fighting. Most of the time I see it Scarfed to make up for its average 80 speed and abuse the huge 145 special attack but there's always the possibility it's the slower specs or has substitute so you have to figure out what it is before checking it or switch to a counter and judge from there. It still has Houndoom and Hydreigon as counters, Mienshao has a chance with Knock off if it gets lucky or scarfs back and Victini's just more flexible with being able to go physical or mixed. I think it's fine rank A.

I've barely seen Mega Aero. All I know is it's attack power is 135 (x1.3) and it's faster than sound.
My thoughts on Aerodactyl...As a dude who has literally been using Aerodactyl since XY UU Beta, I can say that it's one of those mons that has a lot of potential, but it's got almost as many flaws holding it back. Most of you guys know what I'm talking about: The lack of any high BP moves that abuse Tough Claws and/or STAB (Stone Edge sucks, let's keep it 100), and even a little bit of 4MSS when you start factoring support moves such as Defog, Stealth Rock, or Taunt (usually it's best to run 1 of these. 2 only if you REALLY need it). I mean the base 150 Speed and the ability to pretty much not get outran by anything lacking a Scarf is nice, but lacking the ability to really deal significant damage overall without nailing a super-effective hit also makes its power sort of feel...lacking, so to speak.

Either way though, Mega Aerodactyl, in my experience, has held up a lot in similarity to Pokemon like Noivern, Scarf Flygon, and Mega Manectric. Not a TON of strength to really shine early or mid-game unless you're able to get a kill or 2HKO something on the switch-in, but lategame it's fierce due to the incredible speed and coverage it has. Not to mention, despite an objectively bad defensive typing, 80/85/95 bulk can survive a decently-powered hit in a pinch if healthy, but nothing to write home about.

Anyway since Limitless kinda stressed he wants comparisons to other mons in the same rank, looking at the A Rank, Mega Aerodactyl actually fits right in, considering the advantages its coverage offers. Literally, with just Earthquake, Stone Edge, and Aerial Ace, and a Jolly nature, Mega Aerodactyl can at worst, 2HKO every single Pokemon in the A Rank barring Forretress, Reuniclus (Max HP/Def sets comfortably can take hits, however sets running only HP have almost a 50% chance of being 2HKOed by Stone Edge. Still pretty decent if you ask me), Suicune, and Umbreon. That alone is a pretty respectable feat in itself. On top of that, it can adjust its coverage moves to be able to hit other certain Pokemon who wall it; Fire Fang can be used to deal with Forretress (though not much else for real), Crunch for Reuniclus, Aqua Tail, Thunder Fang, etc. And if you really don't care about outpacing Mega Manectric, an Adamant nature can be used to deal as much damage as possible, since its incredible Speed tier allows it to do that.

If you drop down to A- Rank however, you have a few more solid checks who still take on Mega Aerodactyl, such as Mega Aggron, Mega Blastoise, Mega Ampharos (To be fair, only Phys. Def Mega Ampharos comes close to avoiding a 2HKO from EQ, but it gets whacked otherwise), Escavalier, Jirachi (max HP/Def Bold Jirachi has a solid chance of avoiding Earthquake 2HKO but no one runs that), and Hippowdon. However though, the catch with Aerodactyl, in the A and A- Ranks, sometimes being able to 2HKO something at worst isn't always ideal; sometimes scoring an OHKO is the essential means of ridding yourself of a threat, especially when they can live, hit back, and then kill Aerodactyl. This will tend to happen a lot to the inexperienced Aerodactyl enthusiast, and it will in turn, convince you to think it's garbage. Honestly because of this I'm actually suggesting it for A- Rank since a good number of Pokemon can actually survive a hit from Mega Aerodactyl while healthy, hit back, and leave it wounded, if not outright dead afterward due to the surprisingly average power level of most of its moves, the strongest one it has being the ever-so-reliable STAB Stone Edge. Mega Aerodactyl, as I said, really only shines offensively lategame after Pokemon have been softened up by its teammates or hazards, where it can use its incredible Speed and coverage to clean up uninterrupted. Early or Mid-game, Aerodactyl, if it should be running Stealth Rock or Defog, should focus on using those moves as early as it can since it has the speed to get them off quickly for team support, throwing out a hit or two here or there when applicable.

Tl;dr: Mega Aerodactyl for A- because despite the great stats and ability, it's got a very average level of strength offensively that really doesn't show up for much until most opposing Pokemon have been weakened. It's got great speed and revenge killing capability that allow it to take out frailer offensive Pokemon, not to mention useful support in Stealth Rock, Defog, and Taunt, but its middling strength allows even things weak to its coverage moves to survive a hit and KO in return.

I'm an Aerodactyl enthusiast, I know this stuff. Most of you guys probably did already, too. I'll post about Chandelure a bit later
Ok so my quick thoughts on Mega Houndoom

I think dog should still be S rank even though hydreigon exists. I think the easiest comparison can probably be drawn with victini. Now Victini is in A+ rank and like Mega houndoom it has fairly limited counters. The difference between Victini and Houndoom is Houndooms extra speed and ability to boost, both of which are huge. (I mean, to be fair Victini is more versatile than houndoom, but when you do one thing extremely well who needs to be versatile?) Mega Houndoom is easily the scariest set-up sweeper in UU at the moment. Not only that but it is a meta game defining. Nowadays you see people running Thunderwave on Houndoom bait pokemon just to prevent Houndoom from sweeping their teams. I think that is a testament to the degree to which Houndoom influences the metagame.

Although Hydreigon exists and is quite popular, I don't think is really enough to drop Mega Houndoom from S. Now that the flamecharge set has been "discovered", hydreigon is one of the few scarfers that can realiably check houndoom, further making it difficult to 100% counter doom on a lot of teams. It still has a huge influence on the metagame. It still is an amazing set up sweeper. It has the ability to get past some common scarfers in the right opportunity. Yes, it gained one good counter in Hydreigon, but in my opinion this is not enough to drop it a whole tier.

I think Mega Aerodactyl should be A rank

Mega Aero is amaaazing. I mean, this thing has the ability to 2HKO defensive hippowdon while outspeeding nearly the whole of the unboosted metagame. Stone Edge / Crunch / Aqua Tail / Earthquake / Aerial Ace is great coverage, and yes, while you can't run all of them on the same team, the point is that you can tailor Mega Aero to beat the specific pokemon that you have the most trouble with (and in any case, you're going to have great coverage with 3 moves + roost). It's basically a wallbreaker and sweeper in one. I guess you could probably compare it to Sharpedo in that respect, who is also A Rank, but tbh I think Mega Aero is a little better since it can actually use its resistances for your team in a helpful manner, whereas sharpedo can't.

I would almost want to put this in A+ because of how good it is, but considering you probably need to support it with spin/defog I think A rank is probably an easier fit.

I don't really know where to put Chandelure. Houndoom and Hydreigon kind of killed its usage a lot. Being walled by 2 of the most common UU pokes (and also 2 of the scariest UU pokes) PLUS being SR weak, PLUS being slow would probably mean that Chandelure should be no higher than A- rank, but that's all I can really say at the moment since I don't have a huge amount of experience with Chand.
oh we were supposed to make comparisons, right. will get on that with chandy ina bit

panamaxis i agree with most of your points, however the thing is is that even with megadactyl's good coverage, it still gets walled by a lot of stuff, mainly bulky waters who run rampant in the tier, like slowbro (who takes like 48 from crunch), suicune, and especially swampert. while it does have good recovery, defog, and a boosting move, it still loses to these mons because it can easily be set up on, burned, roared, you name it. i still think A is good for it, though.
Cune and pert yeah but slowbro isn't really safe.
252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Aerodactyl Crunch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Slowbro: 178-210 (45.1 - 53.2%) -- 89.1% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
yeah, i guess you're right on that, but the thing is is that if you're running adamant you get outsped by timid mega manec who pretty much fucks mega aero over with intimidate and electric stab.
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True, but that's the only thing you miss out on I think, and imo that extra power is very useful. I guess it just depends on the team/personal preference.
^ ah, ya, i think that's pretty relevant because Megadactyl can't revenge raikou or non suicide azelf. you're right on that its based on team preference, though.
I will say that for Mega Aero's case it can afford to run Adamant if you don't mind being outsped by Mega Manetric, (you can also bluff Jolly,) and that does help a bit with the Power issue.
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