Dragonite is still versatile and effective, but the big difference now is that Dragonite has quite a bit of competition. DDNite is still dangerous, but contends with XZard and Zygarde, who have better alternate STABs and typing that shields them from such effects as burn or SR (Dragonite is susceptible to both), and then there's Haxorus cutting right through Unaware Clefable. Mixed Nite is outclassed by Hydreigon who has buffed Dark STAB. Rain Nite is already struggling to stay relevant due to the weather nerf, but even then it may be overlooked due to Assault Vest Tornadus-T making a faster, stronger, and comparably Hurricane spammer and Goodra being a Dragon with more helpful resists / synergy with Rain. Even parashuffler sets are outdone by Glare Zygarde at this point. Fairies are no help.
Conkeldurr's speed problem never really showed until Fairies arrived on the scene, where Sylveon, Azumarill, and Mawile would be ready to lay the hurt on it. Oh, and they resist a good majority of its moveset so that compounds the issue. Conkeldurr may be good at tanking, especially with the weather nerf making boosted Water attacks and Hurricanes not omnipresent, but it still can't really stick around Bulk Upping since dangerous Flying-types in Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, and Tornadus-T are lurking about (something 5th Gen lacked), so its versatility is cut further.
These two could still make A+. I'm just giving my opinion on their (new) flaws that may hold them back and to let people know they aren't "nothing but improved Pokemon" due to stuff like Defog buff & Weakness Policy, or Knock Off buff & Assault Vest.