About sticky web:
Everything: balloon.
S-Rank: All are immune with the exception of Aegislash, who doesn't really care unless it's using an Autotomize set, and base form
A+ Rank: Bisharp loves it; Lando's, Talonflame and Rotom-W are immune. Deo-D doesn't care especially since it's usually a lead. Okay it kind of hurts
Deo-S but he's still pretty fast at -1. Heatran doesn't care unless it's Scarf which is a super rare set. KyuB doesn't care too much, especially sub sets, Venusaur doesn't care,
Mega Tyranitar is sort of hurt since he'd have to dance twice and might not get the chance to. So in here it's mostly
Garchomp and Manaphy
A: Dnite, Gyarados, Gengar, Lati@s, Mandibuzz are immune. Azumarill, Mawile, Scizor, and T-Tar don't really care, Excadrill doesn't care to an extent, so from A rank we just have
Greninja and Keldeo
A-: Just Terrakion
B+: Nothing here really cares with the exception of
Gardevoir and Medicham who have an underwhelming speed tier anyway.
B: Getting kind of fringe, but in here it's really just
Scarf Diggersby, Mega Man, Victini, and offensive Mew (is that a thing.) Volcarona and Scolipede (if non-lead) are all hurt to an extent, but volc boosts it away and pede's ability negates it so they both lose a turn at best.
So like less than an eighth of the meta at best really cares about web, so much stuff it outright immune, has priority or doesn't mind going second. In my opinion it just doesn't justify using a mon that has almost nothing over other electric types (who are all mostly bulkier, faster, hit harder, and bring stuff like Intimidate (mega man), a better typing and defensive capabilities (Zapdos, rotom-w,) and prankster t-wave (thundurus).) Raikou is honestly better than Galvantula. And this isn't all theorymonning, I used sticky web a bunch at the beginning of XY and it sucked. Galvantula should not rise, honestly it could drop.
Also, stuff I'd like to see:
Chesnaught for B or B+. I just want to say it again. It's a really good defensive mon. Everything about it has been said, as it has with
Staraptor who should also go to B or B+.
Lucario to B or B+. It got totally eclipsed by its mega form but it's a very solid attacker in its base form, especially with Extreme Speed.
Jellicent to C or C-. It walls nothing notable except Keldeo, which it does a wonderful job of (especially since none use HP Ghost anymore) but it pretty much does only does that. It can also wall Scizor w/o Knock Off (which isn't that much of a feat, seriously like every other tank/wall can do it,) Heatran (like every single bulky water) and some other stuff mentioned
here. Now if you want an absolute full-stop to Keldeo this thing is absolutely the spooky jelly-thing you want so it does warrant a ranking (Lati@s does a great job too but Jellicent can at least burn pursuit trappers that try to switch in.)
Goodra to stay in B-. Specifically because of its Modest Specs/LO set. I really did dislike this thing initially but this set is actually pretty good. Defensively it's mostly outclassed by Latias but unlike Latias, Tyraniar can't switch in to Goodra because of Focus Blast; a set of Draco/Focus/Flamethrower/Thunderbolt has few safe switch ins, mostly just Chansey, Clefable and Sylveon. Goodra can counter every special attacker in S and A rank with the exception of KyuB, Wacan/LO Manaphy, Greninja, Keldeo, Lati@s, and Clefable. It's also a good answer to Y-zard, the only others being Chansey (who has next to no offensive presence) and Lati@s (who do really poorly against a T-Tar/Y-zard core, which is super good and I've been seeing a lot of it.) I think it's underrated, it's not spectacular since it's easy to wear down and check but it has a place on bulky offense teams.
Tangrowth to B- or B. It's so good. Its physical bulk is unreal and Assault Vest patches up its awful special defense. It's a great user of Assault Vest; nothing appreciates losing its item, it can recover health with Giga Drain, and Regenerator is one of the best possible abilities for a defensive mon. And without Assault Vest, it has Sleep Power and Leech Seed. It's super hard to kill without SE moves and it's relatively hard to switch into for a defensive mon.
Gourgeist sizes to B-. Small is a really good sub-seeder, XL is bulkier and has an easier time switching in to attacks. Will-o-wisp and Leech Seed are two of the best moves a physical tank can ask for. It's typing means it has no trouble spin blocking Excadrill w/o Shadow Claw, and most things that depend on QuakeEdge are probably countered by Gourgeist XL and its raw bulk. Frisk is a good ability, scouting items can be useful, e.g. seeing if something is scarfed, banded or just bluffing. It can also do miscellaneous stuff like Trick Scarf, Trick Room, Destiny Bond, and stall with Phantom Force. As a defensive grass type it's mostly outclassed by Chesnaught, Venusaur and Ferrothorn, but over them it has ghost-typing for spin blocking and Will-o-Wisp.
Sableye to C+/C. Sableye has, for lack of a better term, artificial bulk. In order to counter nearly any strong physical attacker it absolutely has to use Will-o-Wisp after it switches in, meaning it's a free switch in for fire types (especially Heatran,) offensive status absorbers, and strong special attackers that don't mind burn too much. STAB Foul Play is great for a defensive mon but I'd really much prefer Mandibuzz, who has crazy bulk, defog, and a better typing (Dark/Ghost has only one uncommon weakness but almost no exploitable resistances.) Prankster Taunt/T-wave is done better by Thundurus. Its ability to check and counter many physical attackers with priority wisp is really great, but it's super easy to play around and overall I've found it to be a very disappointing defensive mon.
Kingdra to B. Swift Swim+Drizzle was banned for very good reason last gen, but now it's not. Offensive rain teams is the best thing no one is running, especially since no one really prepares for them anymore.
This SPL replay is a really good example of what I'm talking about (Kabutops did most of the work but Kingdra is on par with it as a Swift Swimmer, though it's a bit easier to wall.) The Drizzle nerf hurt but ~7 turns is all Swift Swimmers really need to do major damage, and Kingdra is one of the best (along with Ludicolo and especially Kabutops, who do not deserve C- and C, but I can't talk about them right now.)
Entei to B. CB Sacred Fire is super hard to switch in to, the risk of burn is too high for most physical attackers and it just hits hard in general. Entei also has just enough coverage to deal with most things can actually can, and Extreme Speed is always a very valuable move.
That's all I've got for now, B- and C+ seem super inflated but I don't know where most of them should really go.