Xerneas [QC: 0/3]

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stag party



Physically, Xerneas's ornate antlers and regal bearing make it impressive to behold, and this resplendence extends to the battlefield — it has every bit as much power as it has poise.
  • Geomancy Xerneas is objectively the single most prepared-for set in the metagame, which is testament to its potency and influence
  • Versatility is another of its strong suits, it can effectively wield items such as Life Orb and Choice Scarf to good effect
  • Defensively no slouch, boasting excellent mixed bulk and useful support moves such as Aromatherapy and Roar
  • 4MSS and a lack of powerful enough coverage moves makes it difficult for Geomancy Xerneas to sweep cleanly without a fair bit of team support, although this is partly attributed to the fact that people carry multiple checks and counters to it
  • Lacks reliable recovery outside of Rest hence finds it difficult to outlast its checks
  • Relies on Fairy Aura to power up its STAB; Base 131 Special Attack is slightly underwhelming, especially when paired with the aforementioned weak coverage moves
  • Base 99 Speed is acceptable but leaves it unable to sweep without a boost
  • Few/no real flaws (vulnerable to Shadow Tag Mega Gengar) and shapes the metagame around it

name: Geomancy
move 1: Geomancy
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Thunder
move 4: Focus Blast
ability: Fairy Aura
item: Power Herb
evs: 88 HP / 252 SpA / 168 Spe
nature: Modest


  • Hidden Power Fire > Focus Blast hits Steel-types more accurately but misses out on Primal Groudon and Heatran
  • Hidden Power Ground > Focus Blast hits Primal Groudon and Klefki more accurately but misses out on Scizor and Ferrothorn
  • Psyshock > Thunder to hit the rare Poison Arceus and at +2 OHKOes non-physically defensive Ho-Oh after Stealth Rock damage
  • Aromatherapy provides team support and lets a boosted Geomancy Xerneas bypass some of its checks
  • Substitute lets Xerneas beat Blissey and gives it its best odds against Aegislash, which beats any other set

Set Details

  • 168 Speed EVs let +2 Xerneas outspeed Adamant Sand Rush Excadrill in sand
  • 252 Special Attack EVs with a Modest nature for maximum power
  • Remaining 88 EVs put in HP for some added bulk
  • Investing in more Speed to outrun the rare Choice Scarf Shaymin-S/Darkrai or give you the edge vs opposing Geomancy Xerneas is not out of the question

Usage Tips

  • Only has one shot to sweep so don't fluff it; set up when checks are sufficiently weakened
  • Can lure in its checks, especially with aggressive double switching, and weaken them itself in preparation for setting up Geomancy later
  • Fairy-typing lets it switch in on predicted Dragon-type moves
  • If sweeping looks impossible from Team Preview it can function as a good pivot into Pokemon such as Yveltal

Team Options

  • With some prediction, Mega Gengar can trap and remove problematic Pokemon such as Scizor and Klefki that would deter Xerneas from sweeping with Geomancy
  • Stealth Rock support is very useful for whittling Xerneas's checks to within KO range from a +2 boosted attack. For example, Lugia is OHKOed by Moonblast, and Ho-Oh by Thunder or Psyshock after Stealth Rock damage
  • Other sweepers can either soften up teams for a Xerneas sweep or take advantage of the holes Xerneas leaves in teams to finish the game. Mega Blaziken, Tailwind Zekrom, and Extreme Killer Arceus are examples of such Pokemon that synergize decently with Xerneas.

Choice Scarf
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Aromatherapy
move 3: Focus Blast / Thunder
move 4: Grass Knot / Thunder
ability: Fairy Aura
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Modest


  • Megahorn can be used to OHKO Mega Mewtwo Y and boosted Calm Mind Lati@s
  • Rock Slide lures and severely cripples Ho-Oh
  • Sleep Talk lets Xerneas function as a sleep absorber; note that a set of Moonblast / Sleep Talk / Focus Blast / Megahorn lets Xerneas almost always OHKO Darkrai if it chooses to stay in

Set Details

  • A Modest nature maximizes Xerneas's power. A Timid nature can be used but it takes away from the power of Xerneas's unboosted coverage moves and hurts its ability to clean late-game with Moonblast

Usage Tips

  • Can bluff a Geomancy set and net a surprise kill on a Pokemon faster than it
  • If your team is in need of it, it is useful to switch it in agressively on Pokemon it threatens out and utilize the "free turn" to get off an Aromatherapy
  • Be careful with your coverage moves as they can leave Xerneas setup bait for powerful sweepers such as Mega Salamence that can come in freely after Xerneas KOes something

Team Options

  • This set is fairly self-sufficient and does not require much dedicated team support Since it shares similar checks to Geomancy Xerneas, teammates such as Mega Gengar and Yveltal are similarly appreciated

All-Out Attacker
name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Aromatherapy
move 3: Thunder / Rock Slide
move 4: Close Combat / Focus Blast
ability: Fairy Aura
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Mild / Rash


  • Night Slash 3HKOes Aegislash but has absolutely no use outside of that

Set Details
  • A Modest nature should be used if Xerneas ends up not carrying a physical move

Usage Tips

  • Wallbreak by spamming Life Orb-boosted Moonblast and coverage moves, which pack significantly more bite than other sets
  • This set has mediocre bulk, no recovery, and gets whittled down by Life Orb, so don't be too eager in switching it in even on resisted moves such as Yveltal's Dark Pulse and Mega Mewtwo X's Low Kick

Team Options

  • U-turn support to bring it in safely. U-turn Yveltal and Landorus-T are good teammates
  • Sweepers to take advantage of this set's wallbreaking capabilities. Calm Mind Arceus formes such as Ghost or Dark Arceus can clean up weakened teams
  • Stealth Rock support to further pressure switch-ins
  • Healing Wish support to give it a second wind

Physically Defensive
name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Aromatherapy / Roar
move 3: Rest
move 4: Sleep Talk
ability: Fairy Aura
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Bold


  • Aromatherapy provides cleric support, which most teams greatly appreciate
  • Roar works nicely with (Toxic) Spikes support, phazes setup sweepers, and is in general an effective move to have if Xerneas can spare the moveslot because its switch-ins are often highly predictable

Set Details

  • 252 HP and Defense EVs with a Bold nature makes the most of Xerneas's impressive natural physical bulk, letting it function as an excellent soft check to Dragon-types such as Zekrom, Salamence, and Lati@s
  • A specially defensive set of 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD with a Calm nature is viable but not very useful given that Palkia is far less prominent a threat than it was before

Usage Tips

  • This set has far greater bulk than Xerneas's other commonly used sets, which translates to it finding more chances to use Aromatherapy against Pokemon such as defensive Primal Groudon and Gyro Ball Aegislash, which merely 3HKOes with Gyro Ball
  • Do not use Rest indiscriminately as Xerneas is vulnerable during its sleep turns
  • Remember that a sleeping Xerneas wakes up if Sleep Talk selects Aromatherapy
  • Keep in mind how this set differentiates itself from other Fairy-type clerics in Sylveon and Clefable; while it has greater Speed, power and physical bulk, it loses out on Wish (Sylveon) and Unaware (Clefable)

Team Options

  • A Pursuit user to checkmate Mega Gengar is appreciated, making Scizor, Aegislash, and Mega Metagross good partners
  • Entry hazard support is appareciated especially if Roar is used

Other Options
  • Misty Terrain
  • Shed Shell
  • Calm Mind / Moonblast / Rest / Sleep Talk set
  • Pixie Plate
  • Expert Belt

Checks & Counters

(not all)

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Regarding Geo, imo it's worth putting at least 24 EVs in Defense to give Genesect a Special Attack boost, not that Gene would try to revenge kill because it can't, but more for situations where Gene gets in vs unboosted Xern.

With regard to EVing itself, pure Defense investment gives overall more physical bulk than HP (eg with 88 EVs, Xern takes 2% less from Jolly LO Espeed if it has 88 Def), I'm wondering if this is worth making the main spread because it makes Xern harder to RK with priority. General bulk makes Xern better as like a Yveltal check and stuff though so idk how much that factors.

Lastly IMO Sand Drill is a bit too uncommon to make outspeeding it the main spread, I've been using Scarf Gene as a benchmark, which only needs 44 EVs and allows for a ton more bulk but idk.
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I agree with Lemonade. Genesect got a lot better with ORAS because Eons got Soul Dew, it can now OHKO Rayquaza with Ice Beam after it uses Dragon Ascent, and it revenge kills unboosted Mence very easily due to Mence's high Defense. I think Geoxern preparing for it in the best way it can is feasible here.
Change Geomancy to this:

name: Geomancy
move 1: Geomancy
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Thunder
ability: Fairy Aura
item: Power Herb
evs: 200 Def / 252 SpA / 55 Spe
nature: Modest

Sand is REALLY uncommon in this metagame due to the difficulty of keeping it up so there isn't so much need to outrun Excadrill. 56 Speed outruns Scarf Genesect after the boost and really that is as fast as you need to go. The extra Defense gives you a 100% chance of living at full HP:

+1 Return from Adamant Mega Salamence
+2 Extreme Speed from Jolly LO EKiller
+2 Earthquake from Jolly Arceus-Ground (252 Atk)

In addition you take stuff like PBlades/Brave Bird better which is handy since most of Xerneas's checks will be trying to hit it on the physical side. Aroma/Psyshock/HP Fire are all fine to put in Moves. Aroma might be worth a slash since healing off random TWaves + extra utility is helpful in the event you can't quite sweep.

For Choice Scarf I'd just get rid of the Thunder slash. Scarf unSTABed Electric attacks are a terribad idea in this metagame for obvious reasons. I'll comment more on the other sets later.
You only need 44 EVs to outspeed Scarf Genesect after a boost. For the rest of the spread, I've been testing both a Def-focused spread and a spread that offers better mixed bulk. I agree with Lemonade that HP investment does better allow it to switch into Yveltal and other Dark-types. I've been testing a spread of 184 HP / 28 Def/ 252 SpA / 44 Spe. Just enough Def EVs to give Genesect a SpA boost and rest into HP (184 instead of 188 HP to reduce SR damage) to have better mixed bulk. It still allows you to survive the aforementioned boosted physical attacks at full health. Running pure Def instead of HP EVs allows Life Orb Yveltal to 2HKO you with Oblivion Wing (93.4% chance), which does hinder your ability to switch in as this build is slower pre-boost.
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Full defense is probably worth the main spread because there are a lot more physical hits to take, but HP spread definitely can be mentioned in details imo
Another pro of the Def spread is that you have a good chance of living +1 Double Edge from M-Mence at 100% HP, whereas the HP build is KOed more often than not.

+1 252 Atk Aerilate Mega Salamence Double-Edge vs. 0 HP / 212 Def Xerneas: 349-412 (88.8 - 104.8%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO
+1 252 Atk Aerilate Mega Salamence Double-Edge vs. 184 HP / 28 Def Xerneas: 418-493 (95.2 - 112.3%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO
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Slash Thunder before GK on the Scarf set. I'd also like to see Primal Groudon get a mention before Checks & Counters, maybe even in the introduction.
EmblemLord 's spread looks neat to me:
You only need 44 EVs to outspeed Scarf Genesect after a boost. For the rest of the spread, I've been testing both a Def-focused spread and a spread that offers better mixed bulk. I agree with Lemonade that HP investment does better allow it to switch into Yveltal and other Dark-types. I've been testing a spread of 184 HP / 28 Def/ 252 SpA / 44 Spe. Just enough Def EVs to give Genesect a SpA boost and rest into HP (184 instead of 188 HP to reduce SR damage) to have better mixed bulk. It still allows you to survive the aforementioned boosted physical attacks at full health. Running pure Def instead of HP EVs allows Life Orb Yveltal to 2HKO you with Oblivion Wing (93.4% chance), which does hinder your ability to switch in as this build is slower pre-boost.

qc needs to weigh in though, im garb with complex ev spreads as evidenced by the current garb geo spread i came up with '-'
I reckon the 28 Def EVs should go to SpD instead. It lets you survive the 2HKO from LO Oblivion Wing from Ygod at 100%, which is nice. You give Genesect an Attack boost... but you check Yveltal better, which is probably more valuable.
Sub + Endeavour on Geo Set in OO maybe? At the very end of it? At least I didn't suggest Endure..

Also, 2 Geo Spreads
EVs: 84 HP / 88 Def / 56 SpA / 236 SpD / 44 Spe
Modest Nature
>Avoids Rash LO Yveltal 2HKO with Oblivion Wing after SR
>Avoids +2 Jolly LO Ekiller OHKO with Espeed after SR

or more simple
EVs: 84 HP / 144 SpA / 236 SpD / 44 Spe
Modest Nature
>Yveltal calc only.

If anyone comes up with more efficient spreads I'd be amused; also, any idea what KOs I miss out on from running more bulk and less attack power?
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236 HP and 136 SDef hit those benchmarks.
full SAtk has 50% chance to OHKO 168/4 pogre, guaranteed after sr
guaranteed OHKO on 248/252+ dialga
88+ can only OHKO pogre 56.25% after sr
50% on dialga without sr, 87.5% with
idk what else I'm on mobile
On the All-Out Attacker, I've been running 72 Atk / 252 SpA / 184 Spe. It makes you faster than most of the unboosted 252 meta, such as Kyogre-Primal, Dialga, Excadrill, and Ho-Oh. With 72 Atk, you have a really good chance to bluff Geomancy and use Rock Slide to 1hko Ho-Oh.

72 Atk Life Orb Xerneas Rock Slide vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Ho-Oh: 411-489 (99 - 117.8%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO

For this, I also feel that it would be better to list Rock Slide first and Thunder second.
Ok all looks good but I really think the block geomancy rest set is really worth a set by itself as it generally has no counters apart from aegislash and other slow gyro mons plus, healthy groundon and Max attack scizor

The set itself beats things that can threaten like Kefki and other stats mobs by trapping them in setting up and ending up non status at plus 6 which is amazing vs bulkier teams as there's plenty of opportunity to sweep. Also provides a nice supporting roll in checking Mence and Yeltal as the sets generally max defence with whatever speed creep and about 52 evs with spec attack ensuring when groundon is below 80 you can clean sweep.

Broken sets dudes mark my words
Ok all looks good but I really think the block geomancy rest set is really worth a set by itself as it generally has no counters apart from aegislash and other slow gyro mons plus, healthy groundon and Max attack scizor

Uh don't Ho-Oh and anything with Roar beat it too? As far as ik the only thing that set beats over normal Geomancy is Klefki, which is a cool thing to beat but I don't know if that's worth its own set.
Meant to mention hooh phone must have deleted it, really I meant things also like bulky arceus defensive primal groudons with dtail also lose. Bulky status mons who like just picking it off with a thunder wave or toxic also get demolished had a perfect example of a game yesterday where it worked trapping a toxic arceus water. Obvious pokemon with roar I mean vs fat teams it's something which you can leave last mon to avoid getting phased because realistically what's out damaging a defensive xerneas on those type of teams
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