X5D's For the Love of Dragons Trading Thread


FC: 5455-9435-4997
In-game name: Ahmad

Current Order Status: Fulfilling Orders, Waiting Queue for new orders
3DS Online Status: Offline

Time Zone: GMT + 3, available from 10 pm to 12pm (around 2-4 pm New York time) from Sun-Thu, Sat 9 PM to 12 PM (1-4 PM New York), Fridays off.



0) XY Pokemon only.
1) Don't be on the blacklist.
2) Don't be new criminal and scam me, I am offering spitbacks as well as accepting a large range of offers. Breeding is an art, embrace it.
3) Terminology: Perfect: 5 IVs in correct place, Spit Back: 4 IVs or 5 IVs with one of them in the wrong place
4) Gender Rule: Males for male/females, Females for Females only
5) As such, I do not mind if you distribute my pokemon, just tell'em it's an X5-Dragon ;)
6) Perfect for perfect, spitback for spitback
7) The pokemon will most likely be in either quick balls, ultra balls or timer balls, though if interested in details I will report the exact pokeball the mon is in
8) If both parties accept the trade terms, let's continue everything else via PM including online availability and thanks/regards.

10) Trade offer format: Pokemon|Gender|Ability|Nature|Spitback/Perfect


Pokemon for trade:

Shiny Weavile|Adamant|Perfect IVs in Atk/Speed|Safari Caught, bidding in process, 7th of November deadline for offers (Sold!)

Shiny Nosepass|Brave|Safari Caught|Bidding Open! (Sold!)


Sandstorm Vivillion|Caught in Safari|Ultra Rare: Only in Somlia and UAE|Stock Available


Goomey|Hydration, Sap Sipper or Gooey|Modest|Spitbacks available, breeding for Perfect orders atm

Box full of male/female spitbacks
1 Perfect Male Gooey Goomy (reserved for trade offer)
4 Perfect Male Hydration Goomy Available
2 Perfect Male Sap Sipper Goomy Available​


Gible|Sand Veil or Rough Skin|Adamant or Jolly|Outrage as an egg move available per request|31/31/31/xx/31/31 Perfect Spreads with available spitbacks

Box full of Female/Male Spitbacks
2 Perfect Jolly Sand Veil Males
1 Perfect Naive Rough Skin Male
1 Perfect Jolly Sand Veil Female with Outrage
1 Jolly Rough Skin Female with Outrage (Reserved for trade)


Skrelp|Poison Point|Modest|Spitbacks available, breeding for more Perfects

Box full of male/female spitbacks

Items available: Yache Berry (x7), Lum Berry (x7), Chopple Berry (x7), in return for another item attached to your poke.


Working on:

1) Sap Sipper Modest Goomey's (very soon) Now Available
2) Jolly, Adamant Charmanders with DD, Flare Blitz and Outrage
3) Secret #1
4) Secret #2

Special Breeding requests:

1) Can breed you Altarias, Druddigons and Flygons as well as all the other Dragons but it will take time to perfect (approx. a week to process), so make the request with that in mind and offer me something worthwhile

2) Natures you don't see for already offered pokemon can be considered as future product lines, otherwise I will do them as a one time thing request as per point 1 above.


Do Want:

  • Timid/Modest Larvesta
  • Adamant Honedge
  • Adamant Technician Sycther
  • Timid Gastly with Disable
  • Female Dieno
  • Female Axew
  • Female SS Horsea
  • Female Timid Noiverns
  • Male Grimer with Acid Armor
  • Tyranitar (fully evolved) with acceptable IVs (3 Min in the right places) and the 3 elemental fangs.
  • Any Sassy Female Dragon with with Perfect IVs
  • Rotom with Modest or Calm Nature
  • Rock Blast Heracross
  • Shellder with Rock Blast
  • Swinubs with SR, Icicle Spear and Icicle Crash
  • Battle Mansion items
  • Perfect Starmie (will offer more pokemons for Timid Shiny with Max IVs in SpA/Speed)
  • 5IV+ Dittos
  • Foreign Ditto (4+ IV)
  • Foreign Dratini (5+ IV) or Shiny Dratini with perfect Atk/Speed IVs and Adamant/Jolly Nature
  • Foreign Honeedge (5+ IV) or Shiny Honedge with perfect Atk/Def IVs with Brave/Adamant Nature
  • Foreign Gooey Goomy (5+ IV) or Shiny Goomy with perfect HP/SPA IVs
  • Foreign Gastly (5+ IV) or Shiny Gastly with perfect Speed/SPA IVs and Timid nature
  • Foreign Larvesta (5+IV) or Shiny Larvesta with perfect SPA/Speed IVs and Timid/Modest Nature
  • Foreign Horsea (5+ IV) or Shiny Horsea with perfect SPA/SPEED IVS and Modest/Timid nature
  • Battle Mansion items or Lucky Eggs
  • & your offers (subject to approval)


Pending Orders:

TyrionTheMaster: Adamant Larvitar with 31/31/31/x/31/31 with stealth rocks and pursuit for Modest Gooey Goomy (PM Ready)

SerosRDPS: Deino|Male|Hustle|Modest|Spitback 31/x/31/31/x/31 & Torchic|Male|Speed Boost|Jolly|Spitback 31/x/31/x/31/31 for Dratini |Male|Marvel Scale|Adamant|Spitback 4IV one of them atk (PM Ready)

DarkVoid Crew: Disable Timid Gastly 31/x/31/31/31/31 ivs for Adamant Gible (Order in Process: Breeding)

Mc96: adamant drillbur sand rush 31/31/31/x/31/31 for jolly gible rough skin 31/31/31/x/31/31 (Order in Process: Breeding)

Special Requests:


Trade Log:

1. Chase: Female Timid Infiltrator 31/x/31/31/31/31 Noibat for Female Perfect Modest Skrelp (Done)

2. CJorex: Female Sand Storm Vivillion for Male Intimidate Mawile (Done)

3. l2edShift: 5-IV Male Bagon spitback with Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, and Fire Fang for 4 IV Sand Veil Adamant Gible with Perfect Defense IVs and Outrage (Done)

4. Etrian: 4 IV Adamant Sychter for Sand Storm Vivillion (Done)

5. colddy: 31/31/31/x/31/0 brave honedge for Gooey Goomy (Done)

6. 92Drew: 3 undisclosed perfect pokemon for Shiny Adamant Weavile (Done)

7. wowgek7: 2 undisclosed perfect pokemon for Shiny Brave Nosepass (Done)

8. Bedlington: Jolly 31/31/31/x/31/31 Zubat with infiltrator, Defog, Bravebird, and Hypnosis for Jolly Rough Skin Gible (Done)

9. Limited Access: Perfect Modest Deino for Perfect Modest Skrelp (Done)

10. Alex: 2 Sand Storm Vivillions for a Lucky Egg & Shiny Horsea (Done)

11. Jonouchi: Modest Male Infiltrator Noibat for Modest Skrelp (Done)

12. Ender: Bold Eevee for Modest Skrelp (Done)

13. BigBand: Joly Rough Skin Gible for Timid Larvesta (Done)

14. mistertofu: Modest Gooey Goomy and Rough Skin Gible for Pair of Perfect Dratinis (Done)

15. AboveUs: Spit back rough skin pair for spitback Moxie Pinsir Pair (Done)
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I'm aware it's not on your want list, but are you intersted in a 5-IV Male Bagon spitback with Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, and Fire Fang? Looking for a Male Jolly Gabite spitback with 4 IV's (will specify spread if interested, have to check my box for what the female has...).
Would you like a perfect Mawile for a Sandstorm Vivillon? Or just look at what you want on my thread. PM me when you decide.
I'm aware it's not on your want list, but are you intersted in a 5-IV Male Bagon spitback with Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, and Fire Fang? Looking for a Male Jolly Gabite spitback with 4 IV's (will specify spread if interested, have to
check my box for what the female has...).

Sure, check what you have and PM me. Once I'm done hatching the first batch of eggs I'll identify the IV spreads for spitbacks on the OP.

My Disable Timid Gastly for your Adamant gible? Gastly has 31/x/31/31/31/31 ivs

Sounds good, let me breed some and send you a PM.

Would you like a perfect Mawile for a Sandstorm Vivillon? Or just look at what you want on my thread. PM me when you decide.

Let me look at your thread although a Mawile sounds nice.

What is your Gible's nature? Interested in rough skin ones. Do you need 31/31/31/x/31/0 brave honedge?

Yes I do. The natures that I can breed are Adamant, Naive and Jolly.
I think I will trade for the Mawile then CJorex. Alright I'm off for now and will be focusing on getting the pokes the first posters have asked for, but I'll be back at night so feel free to offer trades.
It isn't on your list, but would be interested in Adamant Larvitar with 31/31/31/x/31/31? It has stealth rocks and pursuit. I'd be interested in Goomy with the Gooey ability.
Would you be interested in a Jolly 31/31/31/x/31/31 Zubat with infiltrator, Defog, Bravebird, and Hypnosis for a Jolly Rough Skin Gible?
Hello! I can breed you a brave honedge with
31-31-31-xx-31-0 if you would like.
If so, I would like a modest gooey goomy. Please give me till tommorow, as I have some tests to study for.
Sorry for the delay, I reformatted the entire thread for easier viewing and such, for future orders please user the following format:

Trade offer format: Pokemon|Gender|Ability|Nature|Spitback/Perfect

Also I'm dropping the no females rule since it's more annoying to me then anyone else, instead there is a female for female rule, if you want breeding access it's only fair that I get the same, males can be traded for either gender. The Shiny Weavile is under bidding until Thursday, for the current bidders please post how many pokemon are you willing to trade for it. I am breeding as fast as possible, thanks for being patient. For PM ready deals, I will be available at the listed times today, GL.

I also have a Shiney Mild Skrelp with 3 Perfect IVs (hatched), not sure I'm interested in offering it but I'm open to suggestions.

Edit: Added 3DS Online status indicator, whenever I start my trading availability I will post on, and whenever I log out I will post off in this thread.
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Shitttt I offer one of every poke in my thread. I'll even take up to 2 request from you, cept for rotoms/metagrosses/carbinks, they're exceptionally difficult to breed. Everything else is on the table though. I have access to nearly every poke and if you decide to choose me ill get to it as soon as possible when I wake up later :).

Cept for 5iv brave goomys with sap sipper/curse/brave, ill give you the parents instead :)
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Deino|Male|Hustle|Modest|Spitback 31/x/31/31/x/31
Torchic|Male|Speed Boost|Jolly|Spitback 31/x/31/x/31/31

Dratini |Male|Marvel Scale|Adamant|Spitback 4IV one of them atk.

(edited for formating request)
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^Don't worry it's OK :)

Shitttt I offer one of every poke in my thread. I'll even take up to 2 request from you, cept for rotoms/metagrosses/carbinks, they're exceptionally difficult to breed. Everything else is on the table though. I have access to nearly every poke and if you decide to choose me ill get to it as soon as possible when I wake up later :).

That's a generous offer, I'll take it into consideration for the final decision, thanks!


Noibat|F|Infiltrator|Timid|31/x/31/31/31/31 for a modest skrelp

Good enough.

I have female timid noibats with 5iv in att def spatt spdef and speed for a skrelp

OK since you are offering a 5 IV Spitback (one of them is in the wrong stat) I have a 4 IV Female modest Skrelp in Defense, SpD, SpA and speed for trade, let me know if that's OK.

Deino|Male|Hustle|Modest|Spitback 31/x/31/31/x/31
Torchic|Male|Speed Boost|Jolly|Spitback 31/x/31/x/31/31

Dratini |Male|Marvel Scale|Adamant|Spitback 4IV one of them atk.

(edited for formating request)

I think this is doable if all you want is a Spitback until I get the breeding pair ready, I'll work on it.


As of now I'm online. Please send me your ingame name in the PM and initiate the trade, GL. If I missed someone let me know. Still working on those Gibles as fast as possible, I already have 2 Perfect Sand Veil Jollys for anyone who is interested.

Edit: Check the status of your orders.