Tournament World Cup of 1v1 VIII - Signups [Signups Form Below]

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[art pending]
Hosted by Lumii and Murm

Tournament Information

Format of Tour:
There will be round robin pools of 4-5 players, where each player plays the other 3-4 players of their pool in a series of the specified generation and format of 1v1. The teams who get the most wins of these pools will go into a 4 team playoffs.

Slots Included: After consulting the tournament policy discussion thread, Forum Moderators and Tournament Hosts have decided on the following slots for the tournament. This decision was made as there was no more than one person supporting any other format than the status quo from last year.
SV 1v1 Bo7
SV 1v1 Bo5
SV 1v1 Bo5
SV 1v1 Bo5
SS 1v1 Bo5
SM 1v1 Bo5
ORAS 1v1 Bo5
BW 1v1 Bo5

Teams: There will either be 8 or 10 teams, depending on signups for this year. The hosts (and 1v1 Forum Moderators) will be deciding these teams based on signups. There will be a buffer week between player signups and the start of the pools phase of the tournament for tournament hosts to select regions and managers, and for those managers to decide on and post their rosters in the rosters thread.

Eligibility Requirements

Below are the region maps.

Players who participated in 1v1 World Cup VII

If a player participated in 1v1 World Cup VII, they will be locked onto their team from the previous year, barring the following exceptions:
  • If the team they most recently played for no longer exists, they will be treated as a player eligible for a new team (see below).
  • If a player's region has changed since last 1v1 World Cup VII, they may choose to instead play for the region currently associated with their forum IPs. This is a one-time choice; doing so forfeits their previous eligibility. They will not be able to be grandfathered back onto their previous team in the future, and even if they return to their old region in the future, this eligibility will remain forfeited.

Players who did not participate in 1v1 World Cup VII / players eligible for new teams

Players that are not locked on a team and are not eligible for grandfathering (new players or players whose previous teams no longer exist) may only play for the regions associated with their forum IPs. If a player has IPs to prove that they spend extended periods of time in multiple regions within the past 12 months (e.g. students who attend university in one region and live in another), they can apply to join the team associated with either region. TDs will review this on a case-by-case basis. Eligibility for the rejected team will be forfeited. However, players with significant periods of provable residency prior to the past 12 months may apply to join the team associated with their old IPs. The TD team will consider these applications on a case-by-case basis.

This year we will be doing signups through a form. Click here to sign up!

The deadline for signups is Sunday, November 3rd at 11:59 PM GMT-5.
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