What If? - Alternate Timelines (On Hiatus!)

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So, with a super close vote, we got ourselves a winner in Cheek Pouch!

With that, we shall briefly discuss some defining moves we would like AT Chugg 2 to have that can affect how it's stats all shake out! So I have a couple of questions and in answering them, you may suggest moves you see fit as defining and potentially BSR-penalty inducing.

1) Are there any moves that will potentially constrict our stats in relation to our ability?

2) What moves should be included/required as they will be necessary for the viability of AT Chugg 2?

We will keep this discussion open for 48 hours before moving onto to stats (also a reminder to art peeps that art for AT Maw will need to be submitted prior to stats voting going up!)
Moves mentioned before that I'll bring up again:
  • Stuff Checks (Easy Berry consumption & +2 Defence)
  • Belch (Main Poison STAB, I presume this is partly why people chose my Poison-type sub)
  • Power Trip (Again, another move mentioned)
Moves I think might be worthwhile:
  • Recycle (The most straightforward way to regain our berry and reuse Cheek Pouch; this also may require a HP penalty, depending on your opinion if losing an extra moveslot is worth potentially more recovery & Stuff Cheeks)
  • Switcheroo/Thief (if an opponent potentially has a berry, I don't see why we shouldn't have a method to use it as well)
Moves that might be pro-concept, though I'm not as certain are worthwhile to call them defining:
  • Rock-type coverage (Aside from the Dark-type Knock Off & Thief and Normal-type Covet but you name one mon that actually csrries it, there are three damaging moves that directly involve berries: the Bug-Type Bug Bite & the Flying-type Pluck, both of which allows the opponent to eat our berry, and the Fire-type Incinerate, which specifically destroys berries. The reason why I'm not certain Rock-type coverage should be considered a necessity is because these moves have only 60 BP; Technician Scizor is the most realistic example who might pose a problem, but that's rather a niche counter.)
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tryin art again

Ogreload, the Blackout Pokémon. Loosely based on the nue; a chimeric yokai with a monkey head, tiger legs and a snake for a tail sometimes given electric powers in anime and games, though I ended up blurring and vague-ifying the animal parts a bit. Felt fitting to pull from mythology for the 580 BST mon.
Okay so after this wonderful discussion (s/o to Ayecrusher King for leading the charge solely) I think we got ourselves a small, but effective Defining Moves list so here it is!

Required: Poison STAB (Sludge Bomb/Wave, Poison Jab/Gunk Shot), Dark STAB (Dark Pulse, Knock Off), Stuff Cheeks

Optional: Belch, Power Trip, Recycle

Now onto what everyone has been waiting for: stats! Below is ST Chugg's stat limits:
Stat Limits

PS – 95
SS – 148
PT – 110
ST – 110
Sum of ST + PT – 180
BSR – 590
Nothing optional really needs a penalty so I will let you guys have full freedom for whatever you submit.

Since it is the holiday season, I am gonna give this stage ~a week before we vote just to make sure people can enjoy the holidays but also get their submission in! Happy holidays everyone! <3
First time actually using the BSR calculator, maybe if I get this right I can contribute with actual CAPs.

94 / 82 / 70 / 115 / 80 / 94 (535)
PS 92.7
SS 125.7
PT 84.2
ST 94.5
PT & ST = 178.7
BSR 540.0

Spread utilises Recycle & Belch, Defining Moves include Stuff Cheeks & Knock Off. It is, as you can tell, mixed to a degree. Speed allows us to outspeed most Ground-types such as Landorus-T & Great Tusk which we are weak against. Defenses allow us to take at least one super-effective hit in most cases but don't enable us to stay in for a significant period.

Edit: Thought I missed something, thanks Eris250
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Stat Limits

PS – 95
SS – 148
PT – 110
ST – 110
Sum of ST + PT – 180
BSR – 590
First time actually using the BSR calculator, maybe if I get this right I can contribute with actual CAPs.

96 / 84 / 93 / 115 / 93 / 94 (575)
PS 95
SS 125.7
PT 107.78
ST 108.36
BSR 585.68

Spread utilises Recycle & Belch. It is, as you can tell, mixed to a degree. Speed allows us to outspeed most Ground-types such as Landorus-T & Great Tusk which we are weak against. Defenses allow us to take at least one super-effective hit in most cases but don't enable us to stay in for a significant period.
107.78 + 108.36 = 216,14
That's more than the PT + ST = 180 limit.
80 / 81 / 68 / 125 / 100 / 96 (550)

PS: 94.40
SS: 137.98
PT: 75.20
ST: 104.12
PT + ST: 179.32
BSR: 568.96

Went for a similar mixed approach to Ayecrusher, but leaner heavier on the special side since Power Trip requires more time to have higher power than Belch. Intended to be used with Recycle to stack multiple boosts over time until Power Trip can deal serious damage. I chose a specially defensive spread since we had no way of raising our special defense, but paired it with poor physical bulk to incentivize Stuff Cheeks. Speed allows us to outspeed Gliscor and Colossoil.

Defining Moves: Belch, Power Trip, Stuff Cheeks, Recycle
My goal is also to spam Belch.

97 HP / 43 Atk / 97 Def / 179 SpA / 43 SpD / 79 Spe
533 BST

PS: 47.92
SS: 147.82
PT: 109.64
ST: 58.78
PT + ST: 168.42
BSR: 576.47

Physdef for choice band Dragapult outrage with 4 evs investment, speed to outspeed Dragapult after a Salac Berry with a timid nature. As much SpA as i can unreasonably muster. Defining moves: Belch, Dark Pulse, Stuff Cheeks, hopes and dreams
Okay guys I know it has been a hot minute (way longer than the week I originally gave anyways lol) but it is finally time to vote on AT Chugg 2's stats as well as AT Miasmaw's art!

Here is where you can vote for art! (Your options are Bloopyghost and Ogreload, Scepticskep and Nimbastion, and YamiTheYin and Unisurveil)

Now for stats!
94 / 82 / 70 / 115 / 80 / 94 (535 BST) by Ayecrusher King
80 / 81 / 68 / 125 / 100 / 96 (550 BST) by Scepticskep
97 / 43 / 97 / 179 / 43 / 79 (533 BST) by Iron Crusher

Here are the options without formatting:
Ayecrusher King
Iron Crusher

Voting will end in 48 hours!
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