Weird/Random Dreams you had

Also while its very hard to do apparently there is a way to willingly control your dreams. You lie on your back with your eyes closed and don't move. Apparently your body will send signals to see if your awake such as getting itchy, wanting to move, open your eyes, etc. If you don't respond to any of those signals you will feel a wieght on your chest and you will start dreaming. I have tried it a few times and felt my chest get pulled down but I get to freaked out and open my eyes before I start dreaming because I heard if you open your eyes while your dreaming, you go inti sleep paralysis.

Have done this- article said to try turning on lights in your room to see if you're awake, if not you're sleeping. Tricked the hell out of me when the lights didn't turn on the first 5 times I tried.
Mostly when I was around 7 or 8, was having a fuckton of dreams about falling in circulary stairs in my grandma's house, I was always crying when waking up
There were also the nightmares about me being in a lab with no lights or somerhing and then some fucking creepy creature that looked like an alien started walking really slowly toxards me, and I couldn't move or try to talk because no sound came out, and when the monster came really close to my head I woke up. Tho these dreams strangely stopped when I was 10

Generally I don't have a lot of dreams anymore, but when I do it's generally cool vidya dreams

Also never experienced lucid dreams @_@
Every time I attempt to lucid dream, I end up having "inception" dreams where in the end I dream about waking up and thinking about my dream before, and write it down in a dream journal... in my dream.

After a few of these I gave up, fearing that I was shattering my perception of reality.
For all you dreamers out there, especially the ones that wanna make the jump to lucid, check out Waking Life. Crazy fucking movie, man.

Some tips they give is to read something, look away, and read it again. If it changes, you know it's a dream. Clocks as well. Also, lightswitches supposedly don't work, so try flicking them more often in real life so you'll do it more in dreams. That last one backfired for me. I had an awful nightmare, thought it had to be a nightmare, flipped a lightswitch, and it worked, so I went ape-shit. I've still yet to master this art; might try the not moving thing, but fuck I hate not scratching itches.

To add to the actual topic, grabbed an oldie from #grammar days or something~

[09:09] <&Jellicent> man, i just had the weirdest fuckin dream
[09:09] <&Jellicent> i was on some weird alien planet
[09:09] <&Jellicent> and, like, we met an alien
[09:09] <&Jellicent> and i had to kill it for some reason
[09:09] <&Jellicent> and it just stood there calmly as i beat it in the head with a bat
[09:09] <&Jellicent> until it died
[09:09] <&Jellicent> and then that night, another alien got off in the dead alien's mouth
[09:09] <&Jellicent> and when we woke up, we put the corpse in a trash bag
[09:09] <&Jellicent> and the guy in charge was like "a dead alien with jizz in it's mouth... boys, we could make some money off of this"
[09:10] <&Jellicent> and we just started collecting alien corpses, which would then get mouth fucked by other aliens
[09:10] <&Jellicent> and, i didn't understand it and now i'm awake
For all you dreamers out there, especially the ones that wanna make the jump to lucid, check out Waking Life. Crazy fucking movie, man.

Some tips they give is to read something, look away, and read it again. If it changes, you know it's a dream. Clocks as well. Also, lightswitches supposedly don't work, so try flicking them more often in real life so you'll do it more in dreams. That last one backfired for me. I had an awful nightmare, thought it had to be a nightmare, flipped a lightswitch, and it worked, so I went ape-shit. I've still yet to master this art; might try the not moving thing, but fuck I hate not scratching itches.

To add to the actual topic, grabbed an oldie from #grammar days or something~

[09:09] <&Jellicent> man, i just had the weirdest fuckin dream
[09:09] <&Jellicent> i was on some weird alien planet
[09:09] <&Jellicent> and, like, we met an alien
[09:09] <&Jellicent> and i had to kill it for some reason
[09:09] <&Jellicent> and it just stood there calmly as i beat it in the head with a bat
[09:09] <&Jellicent> until it died
[09:09] <&Jellicent> and then that night, another alien got off in the dead alien's mouth
[09:09] <&Jellicent> and when we woke up, we put the corpse in a trash bag
[09:09] <&Jellicent> and the guy in charge was like "a dead alien with jizz in it's mouth... boys, we could make some money off of this"
[09:10] <&Jellicent> and we just started collecting alien corpses, which would then get mouth fucked by other aliens
[09:10] <&Jellicent> and, i didn't understand it and now i'm awake

Very odd, I woke up at about 2 AM last night and was browsing smogon till about 4 and during this time is where I read your post Jelli.

I fell asleep later on and I had a dream that I was in a shopping centre with two girls from my school (for some reason?) I was aware that I was dreaming and I noticed as we got closer to this shop, one of the girls was wearing different clothes. I wanted to make sure I was dreaming so I was looking for things to read, and lightswitches to flick but I couldn't find anything. A boy from my school came to the shop and I decided to punch him to see whether his reaction would be 'real' or not. When I punched him in the face his appearance changed to that of another kid.

So I realised I was dreaming and I tried to wake up, anticipating that the dream will become scary, but I couldn't wake up and I got tossed in the air in my dream, then I slowly drifted to the ground and woke up. A very unusual experience and I am suprised a good 3-4 hours later I remember it vividly.
I once had a dream that Ed Milliband was eating spoons out of a bowl made of cereal. Does anyone know what this means?
I once had a dream that Ed Milliband was eating spoons out of a bowl made of cereal. Does anyone know what this means?

I better write down this dream before I forget- Context- the reason why Greek godspawn are appearing is cos the new Magic set Theros was/is/has been spoilt
For some random reason, at my house the whole school has come, and everyone is doing homework (yuk). The teachers are all on our backyard doing some random conference. Then, all of a sudden, there are these two massive muscly men in the neighbours backyard, and one of them throws the other over the fence, jumping over the fence afterwards and they start bashing up the teachers. The teachers try getting out of the backyard through a side exit, and most escape the massacre, but a few peopel are stuck behind and running around the backyard like headless chickens. Luckily the musccular men are slow. Then they say something about being born of gods and start lumbering around and trying to bash down the glass separating them from the inside of the house. I try to take a photo of them, but there's flash so they see where i left flyscreen open to take the pic cos it rain started pouring. The guys start lumbering into the hosue to kill everyone in it, then i wake up XD Weird Dream
I've been told one of the easiest reality checks is to try to stick your index finger of one hand into/through the palm of another and that you need to make the habit of trying it in real life so you will do it when you're dreaming. Not that I've ever been able to lucid dream on purpose, I remember almost none of my regular dreams.
I just had a dream about me finding my car in a parking garage. As I went from level to level I noticed that I was in the center of the earth (or pretty darn close), causing the ramps/etc. to appear slightly melted. A few levels later I find the cow god, a giant floating cow head with steaks for feet. After talking to him and noticing that the garage is turning reddish due to the heat, I decide to go up, which is where a bunch of angry cows spawned (apparently), forcing me to go down again. After going down for a few "minutes," I end up in a stone hotel directly connected to the parking garage. A message boomed out in the hot hotel the second I saw a stone with the cow god's head on it: "All glory to your cow overlords!" And then I was chased around the hotel, which just happened to be in the center of my college campus, by one of my friends. After a while, we went out for lemonade, then the dream ended.

tl;dr Cow god, Parking garage, Hotel, Chase scene.
Man I just pretty much replayed the entire jurassic park 3 movie in my dream. Loads of screaming death and people being gobbled up. That spinosaurus is one nasty mofo

I distinctly remember Molk being on the dinosaurs side >:|
I love dreams. I love how they're supposed to be our subconcious talking to us in symbols and metaphors. Also we take in outside stimuli so sleeping with music on or the TV can make some crazy shit go down. The best bit is when you have a completely fucked up the ass dream and try to work out what the hell it means. A few I've had that I remember:

- I was 3-5 and I'm in some industrial place kinda like in James Bond Goldeneye but I don't think it's there. I remember seeing a robot-esq spider thing (like the Replicators from Stargate) but it has this big ass green head and it's chasing around these people in the industrial place.

- I was in a car park talking with my best friend who I've had a semi on and off thing with and we're talking. Next thing I know she's kissing my cheek and licking my ear. Alas I wake up in the middle of the night to find my dog, licking my face.

- I got a job in a small retail place in Melbourne and they wanted me to stand outside the store and attract more customers. To do this I danced and sang "The Bad Touch".

I love dreams. Apparently the warmer your bed is the more chance you'll have a dream you'll remember. Plus I think it's like 50% of dreams are forgotten withing 5 minutes of waking up and 90% within the first 10.
Man I just pretty much replayed the entire jurassic park 3 movie in my dream. Loads of screaming death and people being gobbled up. That spinosaurus is one nasty mofo

I distinctly remember Molk being on the dinosaurs side >:|

LOL. Also have you seen a pic of Molk or something?? Read somewhere that apparently you can't dream create a face? They have to be from someone you've seen even if they're random strangers ?_?
I dunno if you guys are trying to be funny, but if not then you have such fun dreams. I'm jealous.

I don't like dreaming.
LOL. Also have you seen a pic of Molk or something?? Read somewhere that apparently you can't dream create a face? They have to be from someone you've seen even if they're random strangers ?_?

It can use the face of a random stranger, if your brain perceives Molk to look that way.
Nah I definetly didnt create Molks face or anything. It's kind of hard to explain, it was just this feeling that it was Molk even if it just looked like some random guy. Like I had a dream where i was totally convinced I was hanging out with britney spears but she looked like my cousin and was anorexic to boot. Dreams are weird man
I used to ALWAYS know this is a dream without reality tests and stuff and usually the first thing i did was ask someone is this a nightmare or not. And for some reason they were always honest. If it was a nightmare i would just blink very fast and i would wake up for some reason. If it wasn't then i would go crazy all over the place and do all sorts of fun stuff and influencing and stuff.

(Gdi why was i innocent and young back then, I could make nice use of that "power "now teehee)

I also haven't had nightmares in 5 years or so. Which is about the time that I stopped being aware of stuff in my dreams. Maybe this has something to do with eachother?
Falling of a cliff is my usual dream i see it almost every week, but there are some exceptional and rare dreams i have where i somehow manage to control my conscious understand that i am in a dream and control my dream for a short amount of time before my heart bit rises causing me to wake up, what makes me wonder about them is that sometimes if i close my eyes again and sleep the same dream resumes.
I dreamt that I married Kim Kardashian last night, and the dialogue/vibes were actually incredible. The thing is I have no idea what Kim Kardashian looks like/says/does, I just hear the name so much that I dreamt I married a girl. Fucking modern media.
context: i played a dota game where i got destroyed by a bounter hunter (hero that can go invis. he can burst you down pretty quick) before i went to sleep
Okay, so I was at some sort of theme park but at the same time I was playing MapleStory for whatever reason. As in, the world was MapleStory and I was in a theme park inside the game. I had just started a new character but I retained all my memories from a previous life despite starting a new one. I was killing snails when that Bounty Hunter from the DotA game I got destroyed in appeared behind me and killed me. I tried going to different areas to train but no matter where I went it would take 1 - 2 minutes before he'd be behind me and kill me. I started a new character but that didn't matter either because he still would track me down and murder me. Eventually, I woke up in a cold sweat.

It was some weird shit.
I had a random dream where i swept with Timburr lol, Some idiot burnt it, and let it Bulk Up. It was good while it lasted
I dreamt that I got drunk and posted a dumb topic on smogon, and then I posted the same topic again right next to it. Everyone thought I was a dumbass.

I hate dreams where you wake up and it isn't immediately obvious that it was a dream. I woke up feeling real stupid until I realized.

I also had a recurring dream for a while where I could swim in air like it was water - by waving my arms around like I was treading water. I had it so many times that I actually woke up once and thought it was real. But this time I felt real stupid after I realized.