[WATER] A bag of free Subway takeaways at the Athenian Lake


is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Community Contributor Alumnus
Rules and Regulations said:
3v3 Singles
3 Day DQ
Switch = OK
Items =On
Abilities = All
2 Substitutions
Unlimited Recoveries / Chills

Following the directions to the water gym, you reach a small lake surrounded on all sides by grassy hills, darkened into grey-scale by the cloudy skies. As the path finishes, you walk down a small pontoon over the lake, and look over the side to see that it is completely still, reflecting like a mirror the brewing storm above. The only interruptions to the lake are small sheets of ice which spread out like a spider's web, clearly emanating from a hut on the other side which seems to be partially underwater.

You stand still for a moment, watching thunder strike in the distance and feeling the occasional gust of wind begin to pick up. As the ripples clear, you notice the reflection of a man riding a Pokemon out from the old hut across the lake, and looking up you see a grey-haired man dressed all in blue standing proudly atop a Lapras, looking down at you as the Lapras moves silently out.


Welcome, says the trainer. I am Athenodoros, leader of the Water Gym. He rides out further until he can step out onto one of the ice sheets, and motion Lapras to move in front of him as he continues. In this gym we pay homage to the diversity and power of water and Water-type Pokemon. We battle on the lake, using only what you might expect to find in the harsh conditions when water is the only plentiful resource. But don't worry. The ice sheets serve as viable platforms and can support a weight or carry a pulse if need be. We battle three Pokemon against three. So begin! Let us see who will release first!

Pokemon battle on ice sheets. This means that there are no sources of grass, but adequate rock sources exist beneath the lake and clearly water sources are not a problem. It also means that Pokemon with a density (WC/SC) of more than 1 will fall through the ice after a round standing on it, losing HP all the time they are in, which is equal to their weight class. Exceptions to this are Pokemon which can breathe underwater (Dragonite line and Water-types), are Ice-typed, are Flying-typed or levitate through trait, ability or Magnet Rise, or have the abilities to give a water or ice immunity or resistance. This effect is doubled if a seismic move weakens the ice during the round.
The overcast sky cuts the affects of Solarbeam, Synthesis, Moonlight and Morning Sun like Rain, as well as cutting the duration of non-Heat Rock sun to two rounds.
Poseidon the Swampert (M)

Quiet - A 15% decrease (rounded down) in Base Speed and a +5% increase in accuracy on an opponent's attacks. Adds * to Special Attack.​
Water: Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Splash and Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Ground: Immune to all electrical attacks, can Dig through almost any substance, Evasive Digging reduced from 3 per action Energy Cost to 2 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings.​
Torrent: (Innate) When this Pokemon’s HP is lower than 33%, the base damage of any water attack is increased by two (2).
Damp: (Innate) This Pokemon releases a damp mist upon entry into battle that short circuits the opponent’s ability to use Selfdestruct or Explosion.​
HP: 110
Att: ****
Def: ***
SpA: **** (+)
SpD: ***
Spd: 52 (-)
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4​
EC: Fully Evolved
MC: 15
KO: 6
DC: Unlocked​
-Avalanche (*)
-Bide (*)
-Brick Break
-Counter (*)
-Defence Curl
-Double Team
-Earth Power
-Focus Blast
-Focus Punch
-Foresight (*)
-Giga Impact
-Growl (*)
-Hammer Arm
-Hydro Cannon
-Hydro Pump
-Ice Ball
-Ice Beam
-Ice Punch
-Icy Wind
-Iron Tail
-Low Kick
-Mirror Coat (*)
-Mud Sport (*)
-Mud-slap (*)
-Muddy Water
-Natural Gift
-Rain Dance (*)
-Rock Slide
-Rock Tomb
-Sleep Talk
-Sludge Wave
-Stealth Rock
-Stone Edge
-Surf (*)
-Tackle (*)
-Take Down
-Water Gun (*)
-Waterfall (*)
-Wide Guard
Astraea the Starmie (F)

Modest - Increase of Special Attack by *. Subtracts * from Attack.​
Water: Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Splash and Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Psychic: Less susceptible to blinding, more susceptible to sound-based assaults as far as locking on with Psychic attacks, can lift and throw opponents with Psychic attacks regardless of weight difference. Psychic-type attacks are not godlike and cannot be used as a catchall for Disabling, Binding, and redirecting opposing attacks.​
Illuminate: (Can be Activated) When this Pokemon initially goes out into the battlefield, it generates an intense light that blinds opponents, reducing their Accuracy stage by one (1). The accuracy drop is maintained at the end of each round. If an opponent switches in a new Pokemon, Illuminate can be activated again as an Action, and will affect all opponents.
Natural Cure: (Innate) This Pokemon’s body has the ability to heal itself of status afflictions over time, it goes into effect six (6) actions after being inflicted with a status. In switch battles, this Pokemon heals all status effects when switched out.
Analytic: Can be Enabled If this Pokemon attacks second during an action, its attack has +5% (flat) more accuracy do two (2) more damage. However, the opponents attacks have +10% (flat) accuracy.​
HP: 90
Att: ** (-)
Def: ***
SpA: ****
SpD: ***
Spd: 133 (+)
Accuracy Boost: 20.1%
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4​
EC: Fully Evolved
MC: Full Movepool
DC: Unlocked​
-Aurora Beam
-Confuse Ray
-Cosmic Power
-Double Team
-Dream Eater
-Flash Cannon
-Giga Impact
-Grass Knot
-Gyro Ball
-Hidden Power Fight
-Hydro Pump
-Hyper Beam
-Ice Beam
-Icy Wind
-Light Screen
-Magic Coat
-Natural Gift
-Pain Split
-Power Gem
-Psych Up
-Rain Dance
-Rapid Spin
-Reflect Type
-Secret Power
-Signal Beam
-Skill Swap
-Skull Bash
-Sleep Talk
-Take Down
-Thunder Wave
-Tri Attack
-Trick Room
-Water Gun
-Water Pulse
-Wonder Room
-Zap Cannon​
Illuyanka the Kingdra (F)

Mild - Increase of Special Attack by *. Subtracts * from Special Defence.​
Water: Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Splash and Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Dragon: More in touch with legendary or special auras in arenas. Able to use Thrash without losing focus.​
Swift Swim: (Innate) The Pokemon with this ability moves extremely fast is slick, rainy conditions, doubling (x2) its speed in the rain.
Sniper: (Innate) This Pokemon has deadly accuracy and strikes sensitive points, dealing 2 more damage with its critical hits.
Damp: Innate This Pokemon releases a damp mist upon entry into battle that short circuits the opponent’s ability to use Selfdestruct or Explosion.
HP: 100
Att: ***
Def: ***
SpA: **** (+)
SpD: ** (-)
Spd: 85
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
EC: Fully Evolved
MC: 0
DC: Unlocked
-Water Gun
-Focus Energy
-Muddy Water
-Rain Dance
-Dragon Pulse
-Ice Beam
-Dragon Dance
-Double Team
-Hydro Pump
-Razor Wind
-Draco meteor
-Icy wind
-Hidden Power Fire
-Rain Dance
-Flash Cannon
-Sleep Talk

Scylla the Tentacruel (F)

Rash - Increase of Special Attack by *. Subtracts * from Special Defence.
Water: Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Splash and Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Poison: Immunity to Poison/Toxic, see and breath through smog/smokescreens/haze uninhibited. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus. Superior senses in urban settings.
Clear Body: (Innate) This Pokemon’s body structure makes it immune to status lowering moves used by opponents.
Liquid Ooze: (Innate) This Pokemon’s body is covered in a slimy poison that when drained by Leech Seed or another draining move, damages the opposing Pokemon for the amount that would have been healed.
Rain Dish: Innate This Pokemon collects water in the rain and absorbs it into its body, healing two (2) HP/action.
HP: 100
Att: ***
Def: ***
SpA: **** (+)
SpD: **** (-)
Spd: 100
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
EC: Fully Evolved
MC: 4
DC: Unlocked
-Poison Sting
-Water Gun
-Toxic Spikes
-Mirror Coat
-Rapid Spin
-Knock Off
-Ice Beam
-Sludge Wave
-Poison Jab
-Hydro Pump
-Hidden Power Electric [7]
-Giga Drain
-Magic Coat
-Sleep Talk
-Rain Dance
-Double Team
-Sludge Bomb
-Confuse Ray
-Icy Wind

Actaea the Krillowatt (F)

Timid - Speed increases by 15%. Accuracy increases by 17%. Subtracts * from Attack.
Water: Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Splash and Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Electric: 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain. Superior senses in power plant environments.
Trace: (Can be Activated) This Pokemon can copy an ability of the opponent and replace Trace for six (6) actions. Wonder Guard cannot be Traced.
Magic Guard: (Innate) This Pokemon is infused with a powerful psycho-electric energy that makes it immune to damage from Hail, Sandstorm, and damage from Leech Seed, Poisoning, and Burn. It can still attack itself in confusion, but will not absorb any damage from it.
Shell Armour: Innate This Pokemon’s thick, bony outer shell prevents it from taking critical hits.
HP: 125
Att: ** (-)
Def: ***
SpA: ***
SpD: ***
Spd: 121 (+)
Accuracy Boost: 17%
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
EC: Fully Evolved
MC: 12
KO: 5
DC: Unlocked
-Sheer Cold
-Mind Reader
-Rain Dance
-Double Team
-Ice Shard
-Confuse Ray
-Mirror Coat
-Aqua Jet
-Hydro Pump
-Volt Switch
-Follow Me
-Hidden Power Grass [7]
-Muddy Water
-Thunder Wave
-Icy Wind
-Earth Power
-Me First
-Heart Swap
-Shock Wave
-Signal Beam
-Helping Hand
-Ice Beam
-Hyper Beam
-Secret Power
-Natural Gift

Nestor the Slowking (F)

Quiet - Special Attack increases by *. Divides Speed by 1.15. Decreases Evasion by 10%
Water: Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Splash and Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Psychic: Less susceptible to blinding, more susceptible to sound-based assaults as far as locking on with Psychic attacks, can lift and throw opponents with Psychic attacks regardless of weight difference. Psychic-type attacks are not godlike and cannot be used as a catchall for Disabling, Binding, and redirecting opposing attacks.
Oblivious: (Innate) This Pokemon is incapable of being effected by Attract or Cute Charm.
Own Tempo: (Innate) This Pokemon moves at its own pace and cannot be confused by any method.
Regenerator: Innate When this Pokemon is switched out during a switch batttle, it reacts to the energy in the Pokeball and ten (10) HP is restored. When this Pokemon Chills, it restores six (6) HP in addition to its 12 Energy.
HP: 100
Att: ***
Def: ***
SpA: ***** (+)
SpD: ****
Spd: 26 (-)
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
EC: Fully Evolved
MC: Full Movepool
DC: Unlocked
-After You
-Aqua Tail
-Belly Drum
-Body Slam
-Brick Break
-Calm Mind
-Double Team
-Dragon Tail
-Drain Punch
-Dream Eater
-Echoed Voice
-Fire Blast
-Focus Blast
-Focus Punch
-Foul Play
-Fury Cutter
-Future Sight
-Giga Impact
-Grass Knot
-Heal Pulse
-Hidden Power Electric (7)
-Hyper Beam
-Ice Beam
-Ice Punch
-Icy Wind
-Iron Defense
-Iron Tail
-Light Screen
-Magic Coat
-Mega Kick
-Mega Punch
-Me First
-Mud Sport
-Nasty Plot
-Natural Gift
-Pay Day (wtf?)
-Power Gem
-Psych Up
-Rain Dance
-Rock Smash
-Secret Power
-Seismic Toss
-Shadow Ball
-Signal Beam
-Skill Swap
-Skull Bash
-Slack Off
-Sleep Talk
-Sunny Day
-Take Down
-Thunder Wave
-Tri Attack
-Trick Room
-Trump Card
-Water Gun
-Water Pulse
-Wonder Room
-Zap Cannon
-Zen Headbutt
Challenger SubwayJ said:

Fruit Ninja (*) the Krillowatt (M)
Nature: Naive (+Spe, -SpDef)
Type: Electric / Water

Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain. Superior senses in power plant environments.
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious.

(Can be Activated) This Pokemon can copy an ability of the opponent and replace Trace for six (6) actions. Wonder Guard cannot be Traced.
Magic Guard: (Innate) This Pokemon is infused with a powerful psycho-electric energy that makes it immune to damage from Hail, Sandstorm, and damage from Leech Seed, Poisoning, and Burn. It can still attack itself in confusion, but will not absorb any damage from it.
Shell Armor (DW UNLOCKED): (Innate) This Pokemon’s thick, bony outer shell prevents it from taking critical hits.

Stats: (Naive Nature)

HP: 125
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2 (-)
Spe: 121(+) (+17%ACC)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 21

EC: 6/6
MC: 0
DC: 5/5


Bubble (*)
Charge (*)
Tackle (*)
Thundershock (*)
Detect (*)
Zap Cannon
Ice Shard
Confuse Ray
Mirror Coat
Aqua Jet
Heart Swap
Hydro Pump
Muddy Water
Volt Switch

Metronome (*)
Me First (*)
Counter (*)
Sheer Cold
Follow Me
Mind Reader
Mirror Coat

Ice Beam (*)
Thunderbolt (*)
Scald (*)
Hidden Power Grass (7)

Low Kick
Earth Power
Signal Beam
Ice Punch
Aqua Tail
Helping Hand

Total Moves: 44

Angry Birds the Cyclohm (M)
Nature: Modest (+Sp Atk, -Atk)

Type: Electric/Dragon

Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain. Superior senses in power plant environments.
Dragon: Dragon STAB; more in touch with legendary or special auras in arenas. Able to use Thrash without losing focus.


Shield Dust:
(Innate) This pokemon has dust covering the outside of its body that prevents opponents secondary effects from taking place (eg burn from Flamethrower). It does not block direct status moves (such as Thunder Wave.)
Static: (Innate) This pokemon’s body is surrounded by an electric field that has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that use contact moves on this pokemon.
Overcoat (DW-Unlocked): (Innate) This Pokemon has a sturdy exterior that rebuffs the elements, making it immune to damage inflicted by bad weather. If the Pokemon is already immune to at least one (1) kind of weather by typing or a different ability, Overcoat reduces the Base Attack Power of all oncoming attacks by one(1).

Stats: (Modest Nature)

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 1 (-)
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 5 (+)
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

EC 9/9
MC 0
DC 5/5


Dragon Rage
Rain Dance
Slack Off
Weather Ball
Dragon Pulse
Double Hit
Tri Attack
Dragon Tail
Zap Cannon

Heal Bell
Hydro Pump
Power Gem
Magnet Rise
Mud Slap

Volt Switch
Sunny Day
Thunder Wave
Hidden Power Grass (7)
Hyper Beam
Light Screen
Ice Beam
Charge Beam
Fire Blast
Trick Room

Signal Beam
Draco Meteor
Sleep Talk

Total Moves: 57

Plants vs Zombies (PVZ) the Necturna (F)
Nature: Quiet (+Sp Atk, -Speed)

Type: Grass/Ghost

Grass: Grass STAB; immunity to Leech Seed and Worry Seed. 50% reduction in status effect chance of oncoming "powder" attacks. More mobile in areas with strong natural light sources. Superior senses in tall grass and forest areas. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus.
Ghost: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks. Can move through walls for a brief period of time but must remain in motion. Superior senses in low light and inside dark buildings. Have no vision reduction in hazes.


Forewarn: This Pokemon is more adept than usual at sensing and reacting to the opponent's attacks. As a result, it gets a bonus move substitution that must have a condition in the format "If Pokemon X uses move Y", with no further qualifiers or additional clauses allowed. This bonus substitution may go anywhere in the list of substitutions the pokemon makes, but it must be indicated with "Bonus" or "Bonus Sub" or something similar in front of the bonus substitution.(Innate) This Pokemon has the ability to sense the opponents super-effective, OHKO, and explosive attacks, and has a percentage (%) chance to evade equal to one (1) plus (+) double (x2) the move's base attack power. This percentage chance (%) is applied to the attacking move's base accuracy.
Telepathy (DW-UNLOCKED) (Innate) This Pokemon has a mental link with its allies in multiple allies, allowing it to avoid taking damage from attacks that affect the whole field like Earthquake and Surf.

Stats: (Quiet Nature)

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4 (+)
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 70 (-) (-10EVA)
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 23

EC 6/6

Vine Whip
Ominous Wind
Shadow Sneak
Toxic Spikes
Pain Split
Power Whip
Thunder Fang
Poison Fang
Super Fang
Horn Leech
Shadow Ball

Giga Drain
Natural Gift
Leaf Storm
Leaf Blade
Future Sight

Calm Mind
Shadow Claw
Stone Edge
Energy Ball
Grass Knot
Hidden Power (Water 7)
Psych Up
Giga Impact

Skill Swap
Worry Seed

Total Moves: 46

Subs brought a triplet of CAP's most broken ASB-mons, which is pretty normal when you account for the fact that all of the three have well-rounded stats, super-effective typings against Water, and good-sized movepools to back it up. What raises an eyebrow for me, is that Atheno is actually not in a mood to field his Lapras today... I wonder, is that behemoth retiring for good, or is she just chilling out in the deep for this match? In any case, I flip the coin...

RNG Roll (LEAD) [<=5000 ATHENO; >5000 SUBS]: 7892/10000 (SUBS)

As thunder rumbles, Subs draw his deals.

Blind send-outs from both battlers
SubwayJ orders first after blind draw
Athenodoros next
I reff
Last edited:
So, as both battlers flex their fingers, like western cowboys facing each other at noon, (which is odd considering this is the Water Gym's lake arena), an especially bright lightning bolt flashed across the patch of sky right above us. When the afterimage dies down, I find myself looking at... an exact pair. Wow.

Athenodoros’ team: A--
HP: 125
En: 100
Spe: 121 (+17%)
Ranks: 2/3/3/3
Status: N/A
Stats: N/A
Other: N/A

SubwayJ's team: AOO
HP: 125
En: 100
Spe: 121 (+17%)
Ranks: 3/3/3/2
Status: N/A
Stats: N/A
Other: N/A

Arena: Lapras' Maelstrom
Well, this should be interesting. gl&hf to all, and all I'll say is that I'm damn glad that I'm not ordering first here.
Sorry this is late
(Also awful matchup to order first in is extremely awful)

***IF Krilowatt has a substitute up, use Earthquake the first action, Earth Power the second and Earthquake the third
***IF Krilowatt is under the semi-evasive effects of dive, change that action to surf and pushback
This is exactly why I'm so glad I'm not ordering first...

Imprison (Thunderbolt, Discharge, Thunder) ~ Thunderbolt ~ Thunder
Krilowatt-A is Atheno's and Krilowatt-S is Subs', okay?
EDIT: Sorry, made a mistake with the turn order.

Athenodoros’ team: A--
HP: 125
En: 100
Spe: 121 (+17%)
Ranks: 2/3/3/3
Status: N/A
Stats: N/A
Other: N/A

SubwayJ's team: AOO
HP: 125
En: 100
Spe: 121 (+17%)
Ranks: 3/3/3/2
Status: N/A
Stats: N/A
Other: N/A

Arena: Lapras' Maelstrom

I really have no idea which one is Actaea and which one is Fruit Ninja, from this distance. The best I could manage is perhaps a guess, looking at which one's closer to which trainer from this point. All I saw is one of them - Actaea, I think - darting forward, and touching her feelers upon the others, and all electrivity just shorted out - or got Imprisoned inside latter, which the former used to land some Thunderbolts from the skies. Desperately Struggling, the other shrimp flailed and flopped about, managing to tackle his sparking opponent. From the looks of it, it seemed the Lapras goddesses condemn SubwayJ for his blaspheming attempt at the mockery of an Enigma Berry Krilowatt....

RNG Roll (SPEED TIE) [1 ATHENO ; 2 SUBS]: 1, 1, 1 (ATHENO)

Action 1:
Krilowatt-A used Imprison!
Krilowatt-A disabled Krilowatt-S's moves!
Other changes: Imprisoned Thunderbolt Discharge Thunder 6a (Krilowatt-S)
-8 energy
Krilowatt-S used Thunderbolt!
But it failed!

Action 2:
Krilowatt-A used Thunderbolt!
RNG Roll (CRIT) [<=625 CRIT]: 8802/10000 (NO)
RNG Roll (EFFECT) [<=1000 EFFECT]: 7418/10000 (NO)
10+3+(4.5-3) = 14.5 damage (Krilowatt-S)
-6 energy
Krilowatt-S used Struggle!
RNG Roll (CRIT) [<=625 CRIT]: 5019/10000 (NO)
5+(4.5-4.5) = 5 damage (Krilowatt-A) ~ 2 damage (Krilowatt-S)
-5 energy

Action 3:
Krilowatt-A used Thunder!
RNG Roll (HIT) [<=8700 HIT]: 7213/10000 (NO)
RNG Roll (CRIT) [<=625 CRIT]: 2836/10000 (NO)
RNG Roll (EFFECT) [<=1500 EFFECT]: 2765/10000 (NO)
12+3+(4.5-3) = 16.5 damage (Krilowatt-S)
-7 energy
Krilowatt-S used Struggle!
RNG Roll (CRIT) [<=625 CRIT]: 5019/10000 (NO)
5+(4.5-4.5) = 5 damage (Krilowatt-A) ~ 2 damage (Krilowatt-S)
-5 energy

Post Action:
Other changes: Imprisoned Thunderbolt Discharge Thunder 3a (Krilowatt-S)

Post Round:
Krilowatt-A: -10 HP, -21 EN
Krilowatt-S: -35 HP, -10 EN

Athenodoros’ team: A--
HP: 115
En: 79
Spe: 121 (+17%)
Ranks: 2/3/3/3
Status: N/A
Stats: N/A
Other: N/A

SubwayJ's team: AOO
HP: 90
En: 90
Spe: 121 (+17%)
Ranks: 3/3/3/2
Status: N/A
Stats: N/A
Other: Imprisoned Thunderbolt Discharge Thunder 3a

Arena: Lapras' Maelstrom

Atheno rusts
Subs sobs
I reff
So of course, now I have to go first and struggle. Eh.

Earth Power ~ Thunderbolt ~ Earth Power
he uses Imprison over Earthquake and Earth Power, use Earthquake ~ Thunder from the next action on
IF he uses a Damaging Ground Move, use Me First

Jesus Krillowatt's movepool is huge.
Of all the times to be paralyzed, now is not a great one...
(Also, is this not the hardest matchup ever to order in or what?)

Mirror Coat-Metronome(Refresh, Aromatheray, Psycho Shift, Incinerate, Knock Off, Bug Bite, Pluck, Stealth Rock, Dragon Tail, Metal Burst)-Mirror Coat

(Metronome in a gym match? What?)
... Crapola, I fucked up again. Long story short, Electric-typing means you have 50% less chance of getting paralysed by an Electric attack. Thunder goes from 30% to 15%, failling the roll. Given that speed tie rolls last round wouldn't have been affected (Krilowatt-S still moves second), I'm gonna have to ask if you guys are okay with your current orders. Pre-round here.

Athenodoros’ team: A--
HP: 115
En: 79
Spe: 121 (+17%)
Ranks: 2/3/3/3
Status: N/A
Stats: N/A
Other: N/A

SubwayJ's team: AOO
HP: 90
En: 90
Spe: 121 (+17%)
Ranks: 3/3/3/2
Status: N/A
Stats: N/A
Other: Imprisoned Thunderbolt Discharge Thunder 3a

Arena: Lapras' Maelstrom
Well, I will indeed reorder. Although it's a crying shame to stop a Metronome going through. Definitely my favourite move in ASB atm. But still:

Discharge ~ Thunder ~ Discharge
he Imprisons Discharge and Thunder, use Thunderbolt ~ Electroweb from the next action on.
IF he uses Mirror Coat, use Thunder Wave the first time and Focus Punch the second time
Who said you were stopping metronome?

Metronome (Pluck|Bug Bite|Dragon Tail|Circle Throw|Whirlwind|Incinerate|Stealth Rock|Knock Off|Mud Sport|Heal Block)-Electroweb-Thunderpunch
***IF Pluck is selected by Metronome, change A2 to Earthquake and A3 to Earth Power
***IF Bug Bite is selected by Metronome, change A2 to Earthquake and A3 to Earth Power
Athenodoros’ team: A--
HP: 115
En: 79
Spe: 121 (+17%)
Ranks: 2/3/3/3
Status: N/A
Stats: N/A
Other: N/A

SubwayJ's team: AOO
HP: 90
En: 90
Spe: 121 (+17%)
Ranks: 3/3/3/2
Status: N/A
Stats: N/A
Other: Imprisoned Thunderbolt Discharge Thunder 3a

Arena: Lapras' Maelstrom

... I must be imagining things. A Krilowatt, swimming around in circles, until it raised a merry-go-round that tosses off the other one. All those flurry of Thunderpunches, electrical Discharges, Webbings, and even a bolt from the sky didn't break that Whirlwind of water, and all of a sudden Actaea is scared into Atheno's Pokeball. Atheno intends to release another in Acteae's stead, but the whirlpool crashed when there's only one Krilowatt left, which washed over both battlers and soaked them to the toes. Worse still, Atheno's fingers slipped, and instead of Poseidon-Swampert, out came Nestor-Slowking! According to the agreed rules, Atheno must now play with the member he sent out. Subs face is trying in vain to hide the glee, but Atheno's still a crafty battler, whenever he's not forgetful......


Action 1:
Krilowatt-S used Metronome!
Krilowatt-S decided to use Whirlwind!
-14 energy
Krilowatt-A used Discharge!
RNG Roll (CRIT) [<=625 CRIT]: 5124/10000 (NO)
RNG Roll (EFFECT) [<=1500 EFFECT]: 5656/10000 (NO)
8+3+(4.5-3) = 12.5 damage (Krilowatt-S)
-5 energy

Action 2:
Krilowatt-A used Thunder!
RNG Roll (HIT) [<=8700 HIT]: 3044/10000 (NO)
RNG Roll (CRIT) [<=625 CRIT]: 7328/10000 (NO)
RNG Roll (EFFECT) [<=1500 EFFECT]: 6143/10000 (NO)
12+3+(4.5-3) = 16.5 damage (Krilowatt-S)
-7 energy
Krilowatt-S used Electroweb!
RNG Roll (CRIT) [<=625 CRIT]: 8965/10000 (NO)
6+3+(4.5-4.5) = 9 damage (Krilowatt-A)
Krilowatt-A's Speed fell!
Stat changes: {69} -1 Speed (Krilowatt-A)
-4 energy

Action 3:
Krilowatt-S used Thunderpunch!
RNG Roll (CRIT) [<=625 CRIT]: 4939/10000 (NO)
RNG Roll (EFFECT) [<=500 EFFECT]: 5180/10000 (NO)
8+3+(4.5-4.5) = 11 damage (Krilowatt-A)
-5 energy
Krilowatt-A used Discharge!
RNG Roll (CRIT) [<=625 CRIT]: 1066/10000 (NO)
RNG Roll (EFFECT) [<=1500 EFFECT]: 4592/10000 (NO)
8+3+(4.5-3) = 12.5 damage (Krilowatt-S)
-5 energy

Post Action:
Slowking is dragged out into battle!
Other changes: Imprisoned Thunderbolt Discharge Thunder 0a (Krilowatt-S)

Post Round:
Krilowatt-A: -20 HP, -23 EN
Krilowatt-S: -41.5 HP, -17 EN

Athenodoros’ team: SA-

HP: 95 | HP: 100
En: 56 | En: 100
Spe: 121 (+17%) | Spe: 26 (-)
Ranks: 2/3/3/3 | Ranks: 3/3/5/4
Status: N/A | Status: N/A
Stats: N/A | Stats: N/A
Other: N/A | Other: N/A

SubwayJ's team: AOO
HP: 48
En: 73
Spe: 121 (+17%)
Ranks: 3/3/3/2
Status: N/A
Stats: N/A
Other: N/A

Arena: Lapras' Maelstrom​

Atheno equips Slowking
Subs waters on Switch
Atheno sloshes along
I reff
Well that's somewhat less than optimal. Slowking can jsut have one of my ever-present Enigma Berry's.


But I'm sure you'll still have plenty of fun going first against this guy.
Sorry this is late :/

Krilowatt: Zap Cannon-ThunderPunch-Thunder
***IF Incinerate is used and you are faster and trick room is not in effect, use Me First that action and push actions back. Only do this once.
***IF Slowking is under the effects of a protective/evasive action, Chill that action
Have I ever told you all how much I dislike Zap Cannon? It's quite a lot. The bane of ordering second.

Evasive Teleport ~ Counter ~ Psychic
Please refer to previous post for pre-round stats and the pastebin link for calcs. If there's anything wrong, PM me or find me on IRC.

Atheno's Bench:
Krilowatt, 95 HP / 26 EN, Enigma Berry x2

Determined to punch a hole in his Majesty Nestor-Slowking, FN-Krilowatt couldn't resist taking a break and Chill when the former Teleported straight up to her and ask her to do so. Then comes a wrestling bout as Nestor-Slowking Counters a valiant Thunderpunch from the commoner shrimp - how dare he, a mere plebian! Munching on Enigma Berry, Nestor-Slowking raised him and threw him above water with his slow, onerous Psychic, while Thunder struck down from above to nearly knock off his crown, courtesy of FN-Krilowatt - again!


Athenodoros’ team: OA-​
HP: 81​
En: 75​
Spe: 26 (-)​
Ranks: 3/3/5/4​
Status: N/A​
Stats: N/A​
Other: N/A​
SubwayJ's team: AOO​
HP: 8​
En: 73​
Spe: 121 (+17%)​
Ranks: 3/3/3/2​
Status: N/A​
Stats: N/A​
Other: N/A​
Arena: Lapras' Maelstrom​

Atheno quips underwater Switching
Subs submerges deep
I reff
Right, not interested in Slowking going first here. So:

Switching to Actaea the Krillowatt the Krilowatt!

Discharge ~ Thunderbolt ~ Discharge
IF he uses Imprison over Discharge and Thunderbolt, use Signal Beam ~ Shock Wave ~ Signal Beam
IF he uses a protective/evasive move, Chill and move actions/subs along.
Half my posts haven't been going through apparently -_-, extremely sorry this is so late. (I'm not doing so well anyways :()

Eat Berry-Eat Berry-Aqua Jet+Surf
***IF Eat Berry would consume the entire berry A1, then change A2 to Aqua Jet+Surf
***IF Eat Berry would be considered an illegal action, then change A1 to Aqua Jet+Surf
Allowing the "Eat Berry" actions, though as Pluck would consume an entire berry regardless of it's use, "Eat Berry" consumes all the Enigma Berry at A1, and with the combo disallowed, the whole queue turns into Eat > Aqua Jet > Surf.

Athenodoros’ bench: AB-

HP: 81
En: 75
Spe: 26 (-)
Ranks: 3/3/5/4
Status: N/A

Athenodoros’ team: OA-
HP: 95
En: 56
Spe: 121 (+17%)
Ranks: 2/3/3/3
Status: N/A
Stats: N/A
Other: N/A

SubwayJ's team: AOO
HP: 8
En: 73
Spe: 121 (+17%)
Ranks: 3/3/3/2
Status: N/A
Stats: N/A
Other: N/A

Arena: Lapras' Maelstrom​

And here we see, finally, the first knockout of the match! Actaea simply Discharges electricity while diving into the water, and Fruit Ninja twitches spasmodically, it's Enigma Berry held in it's pincer that was barely touching it's mouth. Unfortunately so, Subway's daring plan failed due to one small factor - the chance of speed. But in the long terms, the money is still hanging upon the picket fence, given Nestor-Slowking upon Atheno's left hand - which game will Subs play next?


Action 1:
Krilowatt-A used Discharge!
RNG Roll (CRIT) [<=625 CRIT]: 3448/10000 (NO)
RNG Roll (EFFECT) [<=1500 EFFECT]: 8634/10000 (NO)
8+3+(4.5-3) = 12.5 damage (Krilowatt-S)
Krilowatt-S is KO'ed!
-5 energy

Post Round:
Krilowatt-A: -5 EN
Krilowatt-S: -12.5 HP, KO'ed

Athenodoros’ team: OA-
HP: 95
En: 51
Spe: 121 (+17%)
Ranks: 2/3/3/3
Status: N/A
Stats: N/A
Other: N/A

SubwayJ's team: XOO
En: 73
Spe: 121 (+17%)
Ranks: 3/3/3/2
Status: N/A
Stats: N/A
Other: N/A

Arena: Lapras' Maelstrom​

Subs replaces Krilowatt with Item and orders above the ice
Atheno takes to the deep
I take off the binoculars
I've gone so far over DQ far too much, and I find this very unfair to Atheno (I'm sorry).
Because of my incompetence and how completely unfair it'd be if I somehow won this I'm forfeiting
Again, I apologize :(
Treating this as a 4v4 Singles for purposes of compensation. Also, I'm ruling out giving free counters to Atheno's whoever-it-be third team member, until I am overruled. Thanks for reading!

Compensation Bank said:
Athenodoros: 2+7(Slowking) = 9 CC
Krilowatt: 3 MC, 1 KOC

ZhengTann: 9 UC