Volcarona (Analysis)

I run a variation of the Offensive (@Focus Sash, Flame Dance, HP Electric) and have it as my lead. It does a pretty phenomenal job, easily getting off a Dance (or more) and then sweeping. Totally negates the SR problem. Politoed's a bit of an issue, but that's unavoidable.

After the Dancing is done, Flame Dance can give it the extra boost or two to run through whole teams.

Maybe worth a mention as an anti-lead, but prolly not its own set.
I run a variation of the Offensive (@Focus Sash, Flame Dance, HP Electric) and have it as my lead. It does a pretty phenomenal job, easily getting off a Dance (or more) and then sweeping. Totally negates the SR problem. Politoed's a bit of an issue, but that's unavoidable.

After the Dancing is done, Flame Dance can give it the extra boost or two to run through whole teams.

Maybe worth a mention as an anti-lead, but prolly not its own set.

This is hardly an anti lead since it doesn't prevent rocks or anything. I know Urugamosu at least spot can sometimes throw some opponents totally off-guard and even sweep 6-0, but that strategy usually only works against weaker players. Usually you'll be forced out early by a counter and then focus sash might be rendered useless by weather or entry hazards.
This isn't how you use the Prefix. There is a "box" behind the title one when you edit the OP. Choose "Copyediting" there.

<p>The fifth generation introduced yet another moth pokemon, but unlike most of it's brethren (Its refers to belonging to something/someone while it's is short for 'it is'.), this one doesn't suck! Urugamosu sports excellent stats for a special sweeper, one of the best and most exclusive boosting moves in Butterfly Dance as well as unique typing in Fire / Bug that offers resistance to most popular priority attacks including Mach Punch and Bullet Punch. Unfortunately his unique typing also brings a nasty 4x Stealth Rock weakness to the table, greatly limiting number of times Urugamosu can switch in aswell as making Rapid Spin support pretty much necessary. ButDespite this, Urugamosu is well worth the support it(Stick with either referring to Urugamosu as he or it, do not keep changing.) requires to function well, being one of the most dangerous special sweepers in the current OU metagame.</p>

name: Offensive Butterfly Dancer
move 1: Butterfly Dance
move 2: Fire Blast / Flame Dance
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Hidden Power Rock / Hidden Power Ground
nature: Timid
item: Life Orb / Lum Berry
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

<p>Urugamosu's stats spread just calls for a special sweeper set, and this is exactly what this set aims for. Butterfly Dance is obviously a boosting move of choice, not only boosting Urugamosu's offensive stats, but also his Special Defense which greatly helps when setting up on special attackers. As said, special attackers should be prime set up bait, but it is also possible to set up on weaker physical attackers whose moves Urugamosu resists (Nattorei comes to mind). After a boost from Butterfly Dance Urugamosu hits 553 Special Attack, which makes STAB Fire Blasts (Moves cannot be pluralized.) absurdly strong. Flame Dance is an alternative if you prefer accuracy over power and it can also further boost Urugamosu's Special Attack. Bug Buzz is your his other STAB move, forming decent coverage with Fire Blast. Despite the potency of Urugamosu's STAB attacks, there's a number of pokemon in OU that resist the combination. Final The final moveslot is thus filled by a coverage move of choice. Hidden Power Rock offers best great neutral coverage as well as hitting most Fire and Flying-types who resist your Urugamosu's STABs attacks for super-effective damage. However he fails to hit Terakion,which is this set's number one counter, for even neutral damage. Hidden Power Ground can demolishes Heatran, who is otherwise a pain for Urugamosu, while still hitting most other fire types as well as Tentacruel and Terakion for super-effective damage. Those pokemon often carry Balloon though, making Hidden Power Ground a lesser option.</p>

<p>The EVs are straightforward, maximizing Urugamosu's sweeping potential. Timid is a nature of choice, as without it, Urugamosu misses out on highly contested base 100 speed tier, and can be revenge killed by many choice scarf users even after the speed boost. Modest gives more power, but is not recommended. Life Orb is used to get as much power as possible out of Urugamosu's attacks, but Lum Berry is a nice alternative, preventing status, in particular paralysis from mischievous heart users, from ruining your sweep.</p> (This section belongs in the additional comments section.)

<p>Psychic is an interesting option for coverage move, hitting Terakion and Tentacruel Super-effective damage. Other Hidden Power types can be used in the last slot to hit specific threats. Hidden Power Electric can be used to combat bulky waters better, especially Burungeru and Tentacruel who resist both Urugamosu's STAB attacks.</p>

Will do the rest later.
Just FYI, Urugamosu/Ulgamoth's english name is Volcorona.

Glad to see the defensive set is finally getting some well-deserved notice and praise... I checked out the PO statistic's link that Lee posted and saw some other interesting defensive spreads aside from the 252/252 standard or the one mentioned in the analysis. Has anyone else had any success using various other defensive spreads for specific purposes? just curious..
Amateur GP check.
Deletions in RED
Additions in BLACK
Comments and English names in GREEN

<p>The fifth generation introduced yet another moth pokemon, but unlike most of it's brethren, this one doesn't suck! Urugamosu sports excellent stats for a special sweeper, one of the best and most exclusive boosting moves in Butterfly Dance as well as unique typing in Fire / Bug that offers resistance to most popular priority attacks including Mach Punch and Bullet Punch. Unfortunately his unique typing also brings a nasty 4x Stealth Rock weakness to the table, greatly limiting number of times Urugamosu can switch in aswell as well "as well" is two words as making Rapid Spin support pretty much necessary. But despite that this flaw, Urugamosu is well worth the support it requires to function well, being one of the most dangerous special sweepers in the current OU metagame.</p>

name: Offensive Butterfly Dancer
move 1: Butterfly Dance
move 2: Fire Blast / Flame Dance
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Hidden Power Rock / Hidden Power Ground
nature: Timid
item: Life Orb / Lum Berry
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

<p>Urugamosu's stats spread just calls for a screamsspecial sweeper, and this is exactly what this set aims for to do. Butterfly Dance is obviously a the boosting move of choice, not only boosting Urugamosu's offensive stats, but also his Special Defense which greatly helps when setting up on special attackers. As said, special attackers should be prime set up bait, but it is also possible to set up on weaker physical attackers whose moves Urugamosu resists (Nattorei comes to mind). After a boost from Butterfly Dance Urugamosu hits 553 Special Attack, which makes STAB Fire Blasts absurdly strong. Flame Dance is alternative if you prefer accuracy over power and it can also further boost Special Attack. Bug Buzz is your other STAB move, forming decent coverage with Fire Blast. Despite the potency of Urugamosu's STAB attacks, there's a number of pokemon in OU that resist the combination. The Final final moveslot is thus filled by a coverage move of choice. Hidden Power Rock offers the best neutral coverage as well as hitting most fire and flying types who resist your STABs for super-effective damage. However it fails to hit Terakion, this set's number one counter, for even neutral damage. Hidden Power Ground can demolish Heatran, who is otherwise a pain for Urugamosu, while still hitting most other fire types as well as Tentacruel and Terakion for super-effective damage. Those pokemon often carry Balloon though, making Hidden Power Ground a lesser option.</p>

<p>The EVs are straightforward, maximizing Urugamosu's sweeping potential. Timid is a nature of choice, as without it, Urugamosu misses out on tying with the highly contested base 100 speed tier Pokémon, and can be prevents it from being revenge killed by many choice scarf users even after the speed boost. Modest gives more power, but is not recommended. Life Orb is used to get as much power as possible out of Urugamosu's attacks, but Lum Berry is a nice alternative, preventing status, in particular paralysis from mischievous heart users, - paralysis in particular - from ruining your sweep.</p>

<p>Psychic is an interesting option for the coverage move, hitting Terakion and Tentacruel for Super super-effective damage. Other Hidden Power types can be used in the last slot to hit specific threats. Electric can be used to combat bulky waters better, especially Burungeru and Tentacruel who resist both your STABs.</p>

<p>Thanks to it's typing Urugamosu resists most common priority moves (Mach Punch, Bullet Punch, Ice Shard) but it is weak to Aqua Jet. Choice Band Azumarill is particulary threatening, as it can use it's decent bulk to switch into even boosted fire attacks and OHKO with Aqua Jet. Urugamosu also has trouble getting through some pokemon depending on it's choice of coverage move, however most of them are primarily using special attacks and cannot do much to Urugamosu in return. Also, no matter what coverage move it uses, Blissey and pre-evolution stone Chansey wall this set with ease.</p>

<p>As Like pretty much every other sweeper, this set appreciates entry hazard support to aid in killing it's targets, more importantly however, Urugamosu extremenly appreciates entry hazards (in particual the crippling Stealth Rock) being removed from his side of the field. Starmie is excellent choice for a spinner, as it can take water attacks for Urugamosu, while it can switch into and setup on grass and bug attacks aimed at Starmie. Tentacruel is also a fine choice, as it can not only spin away hazards, but also set up Toxic Spikes, greatly hindering Blissey and bulky waters that trouble Urugamosu. Foretress Forretress doesn't resist water, but is otherwise in the same boat as Tentacruel, while also being able to setup every other type of entry hazard. Pokemon that can set up both Reflect and Light Screen(space)― like Deoxys-s, Azelf, and Uxie ―(space)are great Pokemon to pair this set with, as the screens can play a positive role prolonging Urugamosu's durability and therefore its sweep. Ninetales's sun support is not mandatory, but is helpful, as it not only increases the power of fire moves, but it also remedies Urugamosu's water weakness, very helpful especially against aforementioned Aqua Jet users.</p>

name: Bulky Butterfly Dancer
move 1: Butterfly Dance
move 2: Flame Dance / Fire Blast
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Morning Sun / Hidden Power Rock
nature: Modest / Timid
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe

<p>This set exchanges the raw power of the previous one set for more bulk, aiming to obtain multiple Butterfly Dance boosts, after which the power loss will be irrelevant. It will also throw many opponents who expected a frail sweeper off guard. Flame Dance is primary option for the fire STAB on this set, as it attempts to boost multiple times. Urugamosu's Flame Body ability does wonders here, as even powerful physical attackers who could break Urugamosu's defenses risk a burn. Morning sun Sun works very well on this set, allowing Urugamosu to heal off the damage sustained while setting up. It also allows the moth to set up alongside Calm Mind sweepers, even the ones that would force previous set out (like Suicune) and prevail in the end. Without sun support however, Morning sun Sun becomes unreliable, so if you are not using this set on a Drought team, the last moveslot can should be filled by with a coverage move.</p>

<p>Contrary to the previous set, all EVs are invested into bulk. Physical Defense is maxed, since Urugamosu will be boosing his Special Defense with Butterfly Dance anyway. Another option is to use 252 HP / 96 Def / 160 Spe spread with Timid, which allows Urugamosu to outspeed Doryuuzu in the sand and Kingdra in the rain after 2 Butterfly Dance, taking away the option of other weather teams to consecutively switch to change weather and checkmate Urugamosu with speedy sweepers. Due to the greater physical bulk, leftovers are an is the item of choice.</p>

<p>Much like the previous set, a number of different Hidden Power types or Psychic can be used in the last slot. If you're not running this set on drought team or simply dislike Morning sun, Rest in combination with Chesto Berry in the item slot can be used as one-time full heal that can also cure status. Due to the increase in bulk, priority moves will hardly dent Urugamosu, even Aqua Jet will be doing pitiful damage. In fact, most neutral physical moves will hardly ever even 2HKO (and risk a burn from Flame Body). Any decently powerful rock type move however will still OHKO, and since this Urugamosu is initally quite slow due to lack of investment in Speed, fast pokemon packing a rock type attack are your best bet of stopping this set, Terakion in particular is a good choice as it can switch into Urugamosu's STAB moves without taking much damage. Blissey and Chansey still wall this set, however without Toxic they won't be able to defeat Urugamosu as he can just keep dancing.</p>

<p>Even more than the previous set, this set greatly appreciates Ninetales's sun support, powering up moth's fire STAB and allowing him to easily take on bulky waters. As always, spinning away Stealth Rock is extremenly helpful for Urugamosu, however since both Starmie and Tentacruel aren't very fond of the sunny weather, Donphan might be a better choice. Tentacruel is still useful for removing Toxic Spikes that truly annoy this set, but in the sun Venusaur can do the same while also being excellent offensive partner for Urugamosu.</p>

[Team Options]
<p>As was mentioned several times in the set analysis, there's two things Urugamosu greatly appreciates: Rapid Spin support to remove Stealth Rock and Sun support from Ninetales (though latter is not mandatory). If you do not want to use a spinner or if you want additional means of preventing Stealth Rock you can team up Urugamosu with Espeon or Xatu, who can block and reflect entry hazards with their Magic Mirror ability.</p>

<p>Urugamosu is weak to Rock-, Flying- and Water type moves. Empoleon is the only pokemon that resists all of Urugamosu's weaknesses, although Nattorei works well too, as it resists Rock and Water and although he is neutral to flying, his great bulk enables him to take these attacks easily. On the other hand, Urugamosu resists fighting type moves that those two fear. The Aforementioned aforementioned pokemon are also best counters to Kingdra, who can outspeed and OHKO Urugamosu in the rain. While not as commonly seen in higher tiers, Storm Drain Gastrodon and Water Absorb Quagsire both benefit from switching into Water-type attacks that Urugamosu attracts while whilst also resisting Rock-type attacks. Donphan resists rock and can check Doryuzuu, who outspeeds and OHKOes Urugamosu in the sand. Hippowdon can do the same, but his weather starting ability will often prove harmful for Urugamosu. Roobushin is also nice teammate as it resists rock, checks Doryuzuu and other fast threats with priority Mach Punch and it can threatens threaten Blissey and Chansey.</p>

[Optional Changes]
<p>Urugamosu does have several other offensive options, but most are rather unreliable. Silver Wind could be used in place of Bug Buzz, with a chance to raise all of Urugamosu's stats, but is significantly less powerful and has less PP. Hurricane is 120 BP Flying-type move, but it's 70% accuracy is only improved in rain, which is not a favourite weather for Urugamosu. Solarbeam does provide useful coverage by hitting Rock- and Water- types super-effectively and works well in the sun, but if weather changer switches in it will trap and possibly KO Urugamosu. Urugamosu also learns a number of support moves, notably Will-O-Wisp, Toxic and Light Screen along with recovery move in Morning Sun, but his criplling crippling weakness to Stealth Rock makes defensive sets not worth it viable.

<p>Charti berry might be of use on bulky sets to survive rock type attacks, but the Offensive Dancer will probably get OHKOed despite it, but it. However, Volcarona could use Passho berry to help it get past Water-Type counters. Leftovers are an option even on the offensive set to help with setting up as well as preserve preserving special bulk after the setup, but Urugamosu will lose a few potential OHKOes and it's still susceptible to status stopping his sweep. Choice items might seem like a good idea since Urugamosu gains STAB on U-Turn, but it cannot switch in and out much at all due to his Stealth Rock weakness, making such sets inferior.</p>

<p>By now you've probably noticed how much Urugamosu hates Stealth Rock, so making sure it's always on the opponent's side of the field is your best defense against the moth. The Bulky Dancer set also hates Toxic Spikes that will effectively put him on a timer. Since Urugamosu will always be boosting Special Defense alongside Special Attack and Speed, it is generally best not to counter it with special attacks. As far as Urugamosu's STABs go, there's suprisingly large number of pokemon in OU that resist both of them: Heatran, Terakion, Gyarados, Dragonite, Salamence, Burungeru, Tentacruel, Shandera are just a few examples. Add Blissey and Chansey to that, as although they don't resist any of Urugamosu's moves, their huge HP and Special Defense allow them to wall the moth. Note however that not all of this these pokemon can easily counter Urugamosu, some can be picked off by the coverage move of choice, while others, particulary the ones that use special attacks won't be able to do enough damage to prevent Urugamosu from setting up on them, thus, they should rather attempt to phaze or use a status move (paralysis for Offensive Dancer, toxic for Bulky Dancer). Phazing is generally a great tactic against teams packing Urugamosu as if Stealth Rock is on the field, it will take off half of it's HP should it get dragged out. Aqua Jet users make fine checks to offensive Dancer set (Azumarill being the best choice among them) but aren't effective against bulky sets or in the sunny weather. Tyranitar and Politoed are not true counters, but they can both switch on Fire-type moves, change weather and threaten Urugamosu with their STAB moves. Tyranitar is weak to Bug Buzz though and will take massive damage from it while Politoed might struggle to do enough damage against bulky sets.</p>

[Dream World]
<p>Urugamosu's Dream World ability is Swarm. While Whilst a boost to Bug Buzz in a pinch is sometimes useful in a KO or be KOed situation, Flame Body is usually better as Urugamosu is primarily targeted by physical attacks.</p>

This is a great analysis with amazing grammar.
One thing to point out though: You need to change the names to the new English versions. You can copy them off the 5th gen analysis index. Just to start you off, Volcarona is Urugamosu's English name. Keep up the good work!
GP check coming after dinner.

Edit: well, i just spent a while using the "diff" app to do this check (using this for the first time), and hitting "diff" button left the first everything after the first sentence of the original article formatted as red and crossed out. so, i guess all i have is my changed version.

<p>The fifth generation introduced yet another moth pokemon Pokemon, but unlike most of it's brethren, this one doesn't suck! Urugamosu Volcarona sports excellent stats for a special sweeper, one of the best and most exclusive boosting moves in Butterfly Dance as well as , and unique typing in Fire / Bug that offers resistances to popular priority attacks including Mach Punch and Bullet Punch. Unfortunately, his its unique typing also brings a nasty 4x Stealth Rock weakness to the table, greatly limiting the number of times Urugamosu Volcarona can switch in aswell asand making Rapid Spin support pretty much necessary. But despite that flaw, Despite this flaw, Urugamosu Volcarona is well worth the support it requires, being one of the most dangerous special sweepers in the current OU metagame.</p>

name: Offensive Butterfly Dancer
move 1: Butterfly Dance
move 2: Fire Blast / Flame Dance
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Hidden Power Rock / Hidden Power Ground
nature: Timid
item: Life Orb / Lum Berry
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

<p>Urugamosu Volcarona's stats spread calls for a special sweeper, and this is exactly what this set aims for accomplishes. Butterfly Dance is obviously a the boosting move of choice, not only boosting Urugamosu Volcarona's offensive stats, but also his its Special Defense which greatly helps when setting up on special attackers. As said, special attackers should be prime set up bait, but it is also possible to set up on weaker physical attackers whose moves Urugamosu Volcarona resists (Nattorei comes to mind) such as Nattorei. After a boost from Butterfly Dance, Urugamosu Volcarona hits 553 Special Attack, which makes making STAB Fire Blasts absurdly strong. Flame Dance is an alternative if you prefer accuracy over power and it can also further also has the chance to boost Special Attack further. Bug Buzz is your other STAB move, forming decent coverage with Fire Blast. Despite the potency of Urugamosu Volcarona's STAB attacks, there's a number of pokemon Pokemon in OU that resist the combination. F The final moveslot is thus filled by a coverage move of choice. Hidden Power Rock offers the best neutral coverage as well as hitting most fire and flying types resisting who resist your STABs for super-effective super effective damage. However it fails to hit Terrakion, this set's number one counter, for even neutral damage. Hidden Power Ground can demolish Heatran, who is otherwise a pain for Urugamosu Volcarona, while still hitting most other fire types as well as Tentacruel and Terrakion for super-effective super effective damage. Those pokemon Pokemon often carry Balloon though, making Hidden Power Ground a lesser option.</p>

<p>The EVs are straightforward, maximizing Urugamosu Volcarona's sweeping potential. Timid is a nature of choice, as without it, Urugamosu Volcarona misses out on loses out in the highly contested base 100 speed tier, and can be revenge killed by many cChoice sScarf users even after the a speed boost. Modest gives more power, but is not recommended. Life Orb is used to get as much power as possible out of Urugamosu Volcarona's attacks, but Lum Berry is a nice alternative, preventing status, as it prevents status, in particular paralysis from mischievous heart users, from ruining your sweep.</p>

<p>Psychic is an interesting option for a coverage move, hitting Terrakion and Tentacruel for Super-effective super effective damage. Other Hidden Power types can be used in the last slot to hit specific threats your team struggles with. Hidden Power Electric can be used to combat bulky waters better, especially Burungeru Jellicent and Tentacruel who resist both your STABs.</p>

<p>Thanks to it's typing, Urugamosu Volcarona resists most common priority moves (Mach Punch, Bullet Punch, and Ice Shard) but is weak to Aqua Jet. Choice Band Azumarill is particulary particularly threatening, as it can use it's decent bulk to switch into boosted fire attacks and OHKO with Aqua Jet. Urugamosu Volcarona also has trouble getting through some pokemon Pokemon depending on it's choice of coverage move, however most of them these counters are primarily using use special attacks and cannot do much to Urugamosu Volcarona in return. Also, no matter what coverage move it uses, No matter what coverage move is used Blissey and pre-evolution stone Pre-Evolution Stone Chansey wall this set.</p>

<p>As pretty much every other sweeper, t This set appreciates entry hazard support to aid in killing it's targets, m. More importantly however, Urugamosu Volcarona extremenly appreciates entry hazards (in particual the crippling Stealth Rock) (in particular, Stealth Rock) being removed from his its side of the field. Starmie is an excellent choice for a spinner, as it can take water attacks for Urugamosu Volcarona, while it can switch into and setup on grass and bug attacks who in return switches into and sets up on Grass- and Bug-type attacks aimed at Starmie. Tentacruel is also a fine choice, as it can not only spin away hazards, but also and set up Toxic Spikes, greatly hindering Blissey and bulky waters that trouble Urugamosu Volcarona. Foretress doesn't resist water, but is otherwise in the same boat as Tentacruel, while also being able to setup every other type of entry hazard. Pokemon that can set up both Reflect and Light Screen―like Deoxys-s, Azelf, and Uxie―are great Pokemon to pair this set with, as the screens can play a positive role in prolonging Urugamosu Volcarona's durability and therefore its sweep. Ninetales's sun support is not mandatory, but is helpful, as it not only increases the power of fire moves, but it also remedies Urugamosu Volcarona's water weakness, very helpful. This is especially helpful against aforementioned Aqua Jet users.</p>

name: Bulky Butterfly Dancer
move 1: Butterfly Dance
move 2: Flame Dance / Fire Blast
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Morning Sun / Hidden Power Rock
nature: Modest / Timid
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe

<p>This set exchanges the raw power of the previous one set for bulk, aiming to obtain multiple Butterfly Dance boosts thus making the original power loss irrelevant. , after which power loss will be irrelevant.It will also throw many opponents who expected a frail sweeper off guard. Flame Dance is the primary option for the a Fire-type STAB on this set, as it attempts to boost multiple times. , as it can net boosts while attacking. Urugamosu Volcarona's Flame Body ability does wonders here, as even powerful physical attackers who could break Urugamosu Volcarona's defenses risk obtaining a burn. Morning sSun works very well on this set, allowing Urugamosu Volcarona to heal off the damage sustained while setting up. It also allows the moth to set up alongside Calm Mind sweepers, even the ones that would force the previous set out (like Suicine) and prevail in the end. Without sun support however, Morning sSun becomes unreliable, so if you are not using this set on a Drought team, the last moveslot should be filled by a coverage move.</p>

<p>Contrary to the previous set, all EVs are invested into bulk. Physical Defense is maxed, since Urugamosu Volcarona will be boosting his its Special Defense with Butterfly Dance anyway. Another option is to use 252 HP / 96 Def / 160 Spe spread with Timid, which allows allowing for Urugamosu Volcarona to outspeed Doryuzuu Excadrill in the sand and Kingdra in the rain after 2 Butterfly Dance two boosts from Butterfly Dance, taking . This takes away the option of other weather teams to consecutively switch to change weather and checkmate Urugamosu Volcarona with speedy sweepers. Due to greater physical bulk, leftovers are an item of choice.</p>

<p>Much like the previous set, a number of different Hidden Power types or Psychic can be used in the last slot. If you're not running this set on a Drought team or simply dislike Morning sSun, Rest in combination with Chesto Berry in the item slot can be used as a one-time full heal that can also cure status. Due to the increase in bulk, priority moves will hardly dent Urugamosu Volcarona,even Aqua Jet will be doing pitiful damage. In fact, most neutral physical moves will hardly ever even net a 2HKO (and risk a burn from Flame Body). Any decently powerful rock type move however Rock-type move will still OHKO, and since this Urugamosu is Volcarona however, and since this set is initally quite slow due to lack of investment in Speed, fast pokemon Pokemon packing a rock type attack are your best bet of stopping this set, Rock-type attack are major threats. Terrakion in particular is a major threat, as it can switch into Urugamosu Volcarona's STAB moves. Blissey and Chansey still wall this set, however without Toxic they won't be able to defeat Urugamosu Volcaronaas he can just keep dancing., who can dance all the while.</p>

<p>Even more than the previous set, This set greatly appreciates Ninetales's sun support, powering up the moth's Fire-type STAB and allowsing him to easily take on bulky waters. As always, spinning away Stealth Rock is extremely helpful for Urugamosu Volcarona, however since both Starmie and Tentacruel aren't very fond of the sunny weather, Donphan might be a better choice. Tentacruel is still useful for removing Toxic Spikes that truly annoy this set, but in the sun Venusaur can do the same while also being excellent offensive partner for Urugamosu. does the same job while also complimenting the team as an excellent offensive partner for Volcarona.</p>

[Team Options]
<p>As was mentioned several times in the set analysis, there's are two things Urugamosu Volcarona greatly appreciates: Rapid Spin support to remove Stealth Rock and Sun Drought support from Ninetales (though latter is not mandatory), though the latter is not necessary. If you do not want to use a spinner or if you want additional means of preventing Stealth Rock you can team up Urugamosu with Espeon or Xatu, who can block and reflect entry hazards with their Magic Mirror ability. Additionally, you can team Volcarona with Espeon or Xatu to block and reflect entry hazards with their Magic Mirror ability.</p>

<p>Urugamosu Volcarona is weak to Rock-, Flying- and Water type Water-type moves. Empoleon is the only pokemon Pokemon that resists all of Urugamosu Volcarona's weaknesses, although Nattorei works well too, as it resists Rock and Water and is neutral to flying, his great bulk enables him to take these attacks easily.. Ferrothorn works well too, as it resists Rock- and Water-type attacks and is neutral to Flying-type attacks. Furthermore, his its great bulk enables him to take all of these attacks easily. On the other hand, In the same vein, Urugamosu Volcarona resists fighting type moves that those two fear. Aforementioned pokemon are also best Empoleon and Nattorei are also good counters to Kingdra, who can outspeed and OHKO Urugamosu Volcarona in the rain. While not as commonly seen in higher tiers commonly seen in OU, Storm Drain Gastrodon and Water Absorb Quagsire both benefit from switching into Water-type attacks that Urugamosu Volcarona attracts while also resisting Rock-type attacks. Donphan resists rock and can check Doryuzuu Excadrill, who outspeeds and OHKOes Urugamosu Volcarona in the sand. Hippowdon can do the same, but his weather starting ability will often prove harmful for Urugamosu Volcarona. Roobushin Conkeldurr is also nice teammate as it resists rock also a nice teammate choice as it resists Rock-type attacks, checks Doryuzuu Excadrill and other fast threats with priority Mach Punch, and threatens Blissey and Chansey.</p>

[Optional Changes]
<p>Urugamosu Volcarona does have several other offensive options, but most are rather unreliable. Silver Wind could be used in place of Bug Buzz, with for a chance to raise all of Urugamosu Volcarona's stats, but is significantly less powerful and has less PP. Hurricane is a 120 BP Flying-type move, but it's 70% accuracy is only improved in rain, which is not a favourite beneficial weather for Urugamosu Volcarona. Solarbeam does provide useful coverage by hitting Rock- and Water- types super-effectively-types for super effective damage and works well in the sun, but if a weather-changer switches in it will tap and possibly KO Urugamosu Volcarona will be trapped mid-move and risk being KOed. Urugamosu Volcarona also learns a number of support moves, notably Will-O-Wisp, Toxic and Light Screen along with —notably Will-O-Wisp, Toxic, and Light Screen—along with a recovery move in Morning Sun, but his criplling weakness to Stealth Rock makes defensive sets not worth it. However, its crippling weakness to Stealth Rock makes defensive sets implausible.

<p>Charti berry might be of use on bulky sets to survive rock type Rock-type attacks but Offensive Dancer will probably get OHKOed despite it, but it could use Passho berry. More reasonably, it could use a Passho berry to help it get past Water-type counters. Leftovers are an option even on an offensive set to help with setting up as well as to preserve special bulk after the setup, but Urugamosu will lose . This would come at the cost of losing a few potential OHKOes and it's still susceptible to status stopping his sweepstill being susceptible to status, which stops Volcarona's sweep. Choice items might seem like a good idea since Urugamosu Volcarona gains STAB on U-Turn, but it cannot afford to switch in and out much at all due to his its Stealth Rock weakness, making such sets inferior.</p>

<p>By now you've probably noticed how much Urugamosu Volcarona hates Stealth Rock, so making sure it's always on the opponent's side of the field is your best defense against the moth. The Bulky Dancer set also hates Toxic Spikes that will effectively put him on a timer. Since Urugamosu Volcarona will always be boosting Special Defense alongside Special Attack and Speed, Special Attack, and Speed, it is generally best not to counter it with special attacks. As far as Urugamosu Volcarona's STABs go, there's a suprisingly surprisingly large number of pokemon in OU that resist both of them: Heatran, Terrakion, Gyarados, Dragonite, Salamence, Burungeru Jellicent, Tentacruel, and Shandera Chandelure are just a few examples. Add Blissey and Chansey to that, as although they don't resist any of Urugamosu's moves, Blissey and Chansey don't resist any of Volcarona's moves but their huge HP and Special Defense allow them to effectively wall the moth. Note, however, that not all of this pokemon can easily counter Urugamosu, these aforementioned Pokemon can counter Volcarona 100% of the time, as some can be picked off by its coverage move of choice, while others, particulary the ones that use special attacks . The ones that use special attacks and resist Volcarona's selected coverage move generally won't be able to do enough damage to prevent Urugamosu Volcarona from setting up on them, thus. Thus, they should rather instead attempt to phaze or use status move status Volcarona (paralysis for Offensive Dancer, tToxic for Bulky Dancer). Phazing is generally a great tactic against teams packing Urugamosu Volcarona as if Stealth Rock is on the field, it will take off half of it's HP should it get dragged out , especially if Stealth Rock is on the field. Aqua Jet users make fine checks to offensive the Offensive Dancer set(Azumarill being the best choice among them)but aren't as effective against bulky sets or in the sunny weather. Tyranitar and Politoed are not true counters, but they can both switch on Fire-type moves, change weather and threaten Urugamosu with their STAB moves. Tyranitar is weak to Bug Buzz though and will take massive damage from it while Politoed might struggle to do enough damage against bulky sets Tyranitar and Politoed can both switch into Fire-type moves, change weather, and threaten Volcarona with their STAB moves. However, they should not be considered true counters as Tyranitar takes massive super effective damage from Bug Buzz and Politoed struggles to do substantial damage against bulky sets.</p>

[Dream World]
<p>Urugamosu Volcarona's Dream World ability is Swarm. While a boost to Bug Buzz in a pinch is sometimes useful in a KO or be KOed situation, Flame Body is usually better since Volcarona is primarily targeted by physical attacks.</p>
Some of the language in the article was changed to flow a lot more smoothly, though grammatical errors were fixed first and foremost. I also tried to reduce redundancy and fixed minor errors such as "super-effective" to "super effective" and "r/Rock type moves" to "Rock-type moves" throughout. Also changed the names to the English versions.
This was approved far, far too hastily. I have quite a few changes to make. This shouldn't be marked as done yet.
This was approved far, far too hastily. I have quite a few changes to make. This shouldn't be marked as done yet.

I really don't mean to be rude, but I feel that you should probably elaborate on the changes you would like to see before you undermine the work done so far. Especially after two GP checks. Don't hurt me. :c

I personally thought this analysis was pretty detailed. I personally prefer the Defensive Dancer to the Offensive kind, due to its reliable sweeping capabilities and much vaster selection of opponents it can set up on easily (thank god for defensive boosts). However, I feel that the only debatable "flaws" in these sets are the Fire Blast vs. Flame Dance debate (both sides of which should be clearly described), and choices of Hidden Power typing.

However, I will agree that the metagame has settled down a little more since this analysis' creation, and Volcarona's threats are now more definite.

Sorry, but there are quiet a few flaws in the sets. I want to discuss with Bloo first, but please don't mark this as done, because it isn't by any means. I don't want to go berserk with changes if nobody agrees with me.

EDIT: Okay, after discussing with Jibaku, here are the changes I have decided upon:

- Make Flame Dance the main slash on the first set. The power Volcarona (which, by the way, is the Pokemon's name -- replace all mentions of Urugamosa with Volcarona.) gains over the match by using Flame Dance is preferable to the immediate power of Fire Blast. However, you still need a part emphasizing the perks of Fire Blast (such as OHKOing Blaziken at +1, more power to start with, etc)
- What is going on with Bulky Dancer? Remove Modest and make the spread 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe Timid. This lets you out speed max speed Adamant +1 Blaziken after a Butterfly Dance, and Scarf Terakion after 2. Modest on the bulky set...? Secondly, completely remove HP Rock. It's supposed to be bulky. Lastly, make Flame Dance the only Fire STAB (remove Fire Blast). Bulky Volcarona is meant to stay in a while, and the potential miss / not boosting enough could ruin it.
- You need a ChestoRest set, placed preferably before Bulky Dancer and after Offensive. The set should look like:

Ulgamoth (Urugamosu) (M) @ Chesto Berry
Trait: Flame Body
EVs: 160 HP / 248 SAtk / 100 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Butterfly Dance
- Fire Blast / Flame Dance
- Rest
- Bug Buzz

EVs for Blaziken speed-wise, as well as pumping out as much raw power as possible (600 after a boost!). This works like Kingdra of Gen 4. BD up as much as possible, and when they think they've got you in a corner, Rest off all of the damage and sweep at +2 or +3.

and mention a spread of 160 HP / 180 SAtk / 160 Spe Timid to beat Jolly Excadrill in sand after two Dances.

Make these changes, please.
Sorry, but there are quiet a few flaws in the sets. I want to discuss with Bloo first, but please don't mark this as done, because it isn't by any means. I don't want to go berserk with changes if nobody agrees with me.

EDIT: Okay, after discussing with Jibaku, here are the changes I have decided upon:

- Make Flame Dance the main slash on the first set. The power Volcarona (which, by the way, is the Pokemon's name -- replace all mentions of Urugamosa with Volcarona.) gains over the match by using Flame Dance is preferable to the immediate power of Fire Blast. However, you still need a part emphasizing the perks of Fire Blast (such as OHKOing Blaziken at +1, more power to start with, etc)
- What is going on with Bulky Dancer? Remove Modest and make the spread 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe Timid. This lets you out speed max speed Adamant +1 Blaziken after a Butterfly Dance, and Scarf Terakion after 2. Modest on the bulky set...? Secondly, completely remove HP Rock. It's supposed to be bulky. Lastly, make Flame Dance the only Fire STAB (remove Fire Blast). Bulky Volcarona is meant to stay in a while, and the potential miss / not boosting enough could ruin it.
- You need a ChestoRest set, placed preferably before Bulky Dancer and after Offensive. The set should look like:

Ulgamoth (Urugamosu) (M) @ Chesto Berry
Trait: Flame Body
EVs: 160 HP / 248 SAtk / 100 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Butterfly Dance
- Fire Blast / Flame Dance
- Rest
- Bug Buzz

EVs for Blaziken speed-wise, as well as pumping out as much raw power as possible (600 after a boost!). This works like Kingdra of Gen 4. BD up as much as possible, and when they think they've got you in a corner, Rest off all of the damage and sweep at +2 or +3.

and mention a spread of 160 HP / 180 SAtk / 160 Spe Timid to beat Jolly Excadrill in sand after two Dances.

Make these changes, please.
He has already mentioned that Volcarona outspeeds Excadrill in the sand after two BD boosts with 160 EVs invested in Speed.
i mean for chesto rest
well I assume that 160 EVs in one set would do the same amount of outspeeding in another

though I suppose people aren't going to read the entire analysis most of the time, they'll just look at the set they want to run and maybe its comments.
However, I feel that the only debatable "flaws" in these sets are the Fire Blast vs. Flame Dance debate (both sides of which should be clearly described), and choices of Hidden Power typing.

- Make Flame Dance the main slash on the first set. The power Volcarona (which, by the way, is the Pokemon's name -- replace all mentions of Urugamosa with Volcarona.) gains over the match by using Flame Dance is preferable to the immediate power of Fire Blast. However, you still need a part emphasizing the perks of Fire Blast (such as OHKOing Blaziken at +1, more power to start with, etc)

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the Flame Dance vs. Fire Blast and hidden power debates were settled, or at least touched upon to the point where people could decide for themselves in an educated fashion on the first page of this thread...

Secondly, completely remove HP Rock.

Um, why?
He means HP Rock on the Bulky Dancer set because that set is meant to be offensive. If you wanted to attack with HP Rock, it'd be more effective to use the offensive set instead.
He means HP Rock on the Bulky Dancer set because that set is meant to be offensive. If you wanted to attack with HP Rock, it'd be more effective to use the offensive set instead.

Personally, I think it should stay for coverage and a safe option. I mean, with the fear of opposing Sandstorm teams, you're wasting a whole moveslot.

Sure, it's meant to be bulky and all, but I've found that Leftovers go far enough to get me to +2 or 3 on a lot of dudes. I find that I'm either better off spamming Butterfly Dance, or switching out, rather than using Morning Sun (I mean, most switch-ins wield a Rock-type attack of some sort... I've found Morning Sun to only have merit once those enemies are removed, in which case Butterfly Dance can more easily be spammed without the need for Morning Sun, anyways). It IS the preferred choice, and I have witnessed its benefits, but I've missed Hidden Power Rock many a time since I've switched to Morning Sun on my Volcarona.

I like Modest on mine too, considering it's a lot of potential Special Attack for an extra thrust of damage (considering the lack of EVs and its massive base Special Attack). I've found Choice Band Azumarill to be a wonderful team mate for that reason. But I'd be content if Modest was a pushed down to Optional Changes, mentioning the conflicts with Terrakion and Blaziken.

My only quarrels. 0:


P.S. I love this guy. It's a FUCKING MOTH THAT SPITS FIRE. It'll fuck with the clothes in my closet more than any moth I know of.
248 HP on bulky set please, with 252 HP you will reach 374 that this even number and make you can't switch in S-rock.

I Hope he will get Ancient Power on Tutor in 3rd game or any remake, that will make him not bother HP Rock.
248 HP on bulky set please, with 252 HP you will reach 374 that this even number and make you can't switch in S-rock.

I Hope he will get Ancient Power on Tutor in 3rd game or any remake, that will make him not bother HP Rock.

Ancientpower is still inferior to HP Rock with 10 less Base Power. :/

And the 10% chance for a boost in all stats is negligible when you have a move that boosts 3/5 boostable stats anyway...
I don't understand why people champion Morning Sun on this guy. You'd only ever use it on a bulky set which you're going to just boost the shit out of anyway to the point where any non-rock attack is going to do microscopic damage that will be recovered off by leftovers.

Volcarona NEEDS that coverage provided by HP Rock. Morning Sun is a shitty move with crap PP and over-reliance on sun which does not jive with Volcarona, a pretty cool guy that doesn't need no stinkin sun to sweep your ass and doesn't afraid of anybody.

If you really want good healing at the cost of coverage (coverage which gives all the boosting meaning/purpose) I'd use that Chestorest set. Although my two cents on that is a different story, the gist of it is that its still a piss-poor choice that robs you of an itemslot and a moveslot which Volcarona desperately needs.

tl;dr non-Leftovers healing on Volcarona is complete crap.
Volcarona's name was confirmed by Official Nintendo Magazine.

BTW, AncientPower would allow 31 EVs in Special Attack and Speed, and would also allow 0 Attack EVs for VSing Foul Play just for the heck of it. But this sort of discussion doesn't belong in the analyses' threads.
Remove HP Rock because it's the BULKY set. The Offensive set needs the coverage. The bulky set needs to heal to be able to counter things like Scizor and reliably set up on Jellicent / Heatran / etc.

Flame Dance is so superior on the bulky set that Fire Blast is not necessary. Your aim is boosting as high as you can using your bulk. Fire Blast kind of defeats the point.
Remove HP Rock because it's the BULKY set. The Offensive set needs the coverage. The bulky set needs to heal to be able to counter things like Scizor and reliably set up on Jellicent / Heatran / etc.

Flame Dance is so superior on the bulky set that Fire Blast is not necessary. Your aim is boosting as high as you can using your bulk. Fire Blast kind of defeats the point.

Dude, I made the bulky set for the most part. Its still an offensive set, and therefore needs coverage. You don't need healing to set up on Jellicent or Heatran. The whole point of having bulk and boosting multiple times is to make the Fire/Bug/Rock coverage unstoppable, not to get a fucking 4 or 5HKO on Heatran with Bug Buzz. You think he needs to play like a wall or tank. He's still a sweeper ergo he needs coverage.

Edit: oh yeah, and since when does a mon that resists every one of Scizor's most commonly used moves need healing to counter it? Especially when its a (hurrdurr) Fire type?
Firstly, you didn't make it. Someone used it before you. Secondly, it's not an offensive set. It's a set made to abuse the good natural bulk of Volcarona to set up multiple BDs, healing off the damage it takes as it goes. The whole point of having bulk is being able to get up to +6 on things like Heatran. Who cares if you 4-5HKO Heatran when you are OHKOing everything else and have nearly untouchable defensive stats? He doesn't need to play like a wall, but a bulky booster. I assume you think that CM / Rest Suicune should be using Ice Beam / Surf / HP Fire these days?

And it needs a healing move because of U-turn + Sandstorm, Stealth Rock, etc.
Also, I wanted to suggest a Chesto Berry + Rest + Butterfly Dance set with Maximum HP and Special Attack. Apparently, lots of people have been having a lot of success with similar sets in Uncharted Territory, and it plays almost like a ChestoRest Kingdra. Would this be an option on Bulky Butterfly Dance?

Yeah, somebody used it against me and it was really difficult to stop with a stall x) I'm actually trying it out but I can't find the right EV spread... Will try yours so.