Tournament VGC Swiss Tour - Round 3 (Accepting Subs at 0-2)

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Calling act (again) on my opp. Said we would fight yesterday, and never said anything, only reacting to my message 4 hours later.
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Based on who's been online since the tour started, Pikachu Bagels , TheGamingMammoth , Heika , Benditokpo , mako76 , Indi01 , probrn , Kiyo , and trace get the win.

washy drops, so nicolas rainier gets the win.

Act win given to dunscy .

Missed LegacyVGC's act call, so I will fix that.
I called act last night. I messaged my opponent on Monday and they never responded nor was online all week. I’ve been active all week
ToastNoButter Eeveon7 may I know why my good friend Drud was flipped despite making visible scheduling contact on their opponent's wall and not getting any response from IWill who never log on during the round?

My good friend Drud even approached one of you today to ask to reverse the call, which shouldn't be an issue given it is only monday and Drud followed the guideline to the letter. I know that hosting is a thankless job as I have hosted multiple tournaments on this website, however this is not an excuse to justify being lazy and doing half your job. I'm quite baffled to read the discussion you had with my good friend Drud, as I would expect a forum moderator to be level headed and not act entitled when shown being wrong.

Hopefully, you will fix your mistake and let my good friend Drud advance to 2-1, so we can move on from this silly situation.
Alright, I'll flip the call and deal with any other mistakes I made with activity calls like with bdov since I'm already working on fixing the bracket for the next round. I appreciate the necessary ego check, but I don't think it's entitled to think that players in the tour should care enough to call for activity.

Drud please call activity next time if this happens again.
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