Tournament VGC Summer Seasonal - Round 1

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is a Community Leader
VGC Leader
VGC 2023 Summer Seasonal



  • This is a standard VGC Regulation D tournament
  • This tournament will be Double Elimination. You will be removed from the tournament after you have lost twice.
  • Rounds will be Best of Three. You may not switch teams in between battles of the same set.
  • Matches must be played with Open Team Sheets
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown! (main server only due to SmogTours timer rules)
  • To encourage the development of the metagame, and so that everyone is on an even playing field, replays are required for all matches. If neither player posts replays of the match, both players will suffer an automatic game loss. (If you were in losers' when you played, you are both out. If you were in winners', the winner is in losers' and the loser is out.) REPLAYS ARE MANDATORY REPLAYS ARE REQUIRED POST REPLAYS OR I WONT COUNT YOUR WIN.
  • Do not cheat. Cheating will result in a disqualification. Additional punishments may be applied as necessary. Cheating includes, but is not limited to:
    • Signing up with more than one account
    • Ghosting or being ghosted by another player (e.g. while playing a set, asking for advice about what team to bring or what plays to make)
    • Manipulating match outcomes (e.g. throwing a match in exchange for Smogon likes)
  • Do not harass or insult your opponents. I reserve the right to disqualify anyone breaking this rule. Additional punishments may be applied as necessary.
Standard Rules and Clauses
  • Team Lock Clause: Players must use the same team for all games of a given round. You can switch teams in between rounds, however.
  • Item Clause: Players cannot have two of the same item on the same team.
  • Species Clause: Players cannot have two Pokémon with the same Pokédex number on the same team.
  • VGC 2023 Regulation D is a non-restricted format. This means players can use all Pokemon available in Scarlet/Violet besides the following:
    • Mewtwo, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Palkia, Dialga, Giratina, Zekrom, Reshiram, Kyurem, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Cosmog, Cosmoem, Lunala, Solgaleo, Necrozma, Zacian, Zamazenta, Eternatus, Koraidon, Miraidon
  • Mythical Pokemon are banned. These include:
    • Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Victini, Keldeo, Genesect, Diancie, Volcanion, Zeraora, Magearna, and Zarude
  • Matches will be played at level 50.
  • The format used for challenges is VGC 2023 Regulation D
Your match result will not be considered valid if:
  • You change teams (if only one player changes teams, they will be given a game loss for each game they do not bring their game 1 team to)
  • You do not post replays
  • You play Regulation C. This is a Regulation D tournament!
What are we playing for?
This tournament will award points towards the 2023 VGC Circuit, which awards a prize banner and custom avatar to the winner of the entire circuit. If you win the seasonal itself, you will also get the "Seasonal Winner" role in the official Smogon VGC Discord!



You may find that your opponent will not respond to your attempts to schedule the game. If this happens, make sure these rules happen before calling activity:
  • It's at least halfway through the week. Don't be the person trying to call activity Tuesday morning, be reasonable! Try to wait until at least Friday to call one
  • If it's later in the week, that you've been without a response for 24 hours
  • You should be scheduling on each other's Smogon wall, but if you're scheduling using Smogon PMs, Discord DMs, or Twitter DMs, please either post the scheduling conversation or send it to a host privately.
  • Extensions may be granted in the case that both players are active in scheduling but cannot find a time to play in the week.


Mareeoh8  vs  Ryum
Brede  vs  Ucaba
sempra  vs  Fluore
Mvic1ous  vs  tyo
Tony  vs  BIG WILL
DreamPrince  vs  baaaaaat
probrn  vs  udhhfd12345
Eve  vs  DragonPhoenix333
Robbie35646  vs  Psycho782
Gigalodon  vs  Mr.Bossaru
ck49  vs  Devious flamigo
Darts  vs  Ciqarettan
Dighel_37  vs  UserOmega
Orangex  vs  Flipsicle
Ikarcc  vs  Achlys
Clipperz  vs  TrainerPla
AlyssaVGC  vs  Spooky77
txitxas  vs  NecasInTrouble
trace  vs  ScottBeardsley
SpaceSpeakers  vs  Grandmas Cookin
Kaiuser  vs  Daviron
SrTorch13  vs  luisin
bage1  vs  yokoisop
IsaacGR2006  vs  Lunala
Sole Survivor  vs  afaraday35
giove97  vs  SacredSandstorm
p4bloL  vs  JMOdri
Tabu_24  vs  Licenciado Pan
FosterB  vs  false
Oriol Plaza  vs  glowbrogang
emma  vs  noiceVGC
duckpond  vs  Comedier
ikerdds  vs  The_AG
Jay is decent  vs SvenVGC
izzy22x  vs charismaacheck
Ado!  vs IcebergVGC
CarriFran vs Chris32156
Borghi vs winteredsoul
Kikopililo vs blckkkkkk
ChrisVG vs z0mOG
LawrenceVGC vs Finabas
ZardiCharVGC vs Ninj0sh
JonoTv vs Yoppo
Opelucid vs Makima
leo-bloodysweet vs Herv
Lucky-Sama vs Regis Regis
jonago vs zee
Poin_Tea vs Concept Everything
Cao Jie vs Ann
DanMNC vs Pyreon
Giokio vs Bertigo04
bdogplatinum vs ChrystalFalchion
lemonstre1 vs dot224
Bless vs Medeia
Aldrich  vs  Bye 1
Chromate  vs  Bye 2
Weredude08  vs  Bye 3
Helios of Sun  vs  Bye 4
EggTime  vs  Bye 5
kungfupanda  vs  Bye 6
Miyoko  vs  Bye 7
∞Espada∞  vs  Bye 8
Lukitax  vs  Bye 9
Beforethe6ix  vs  Bye 10

ROUND DEADLINE: JUNE 11 @ 11:59 PM GMT-4 (Eastern US Time)
Also this is my 100th post yay!
Mareeoh8  vs  Ryum
Brede vs  Ucaba
sempra vs  Fluore
Mvic1ous  vs  tyo
Tony  vs  BIG WILL
DreamPrince  vs  baaaaaat
probrn  vs  udhhfd12345
Eve  vs  DragonPhoenix333
Robbie35646  vs  Psycho782
Gigalodon  vs  Mr.Bossaru
ck49  vs  Devious flamigo
Darts  vs  Ciqarettan
Dighel_37  vs  UserOmega
Orangex  vs  Flipsicle
Ikarcc  vs  Achlys
Clipperz  vs  TrainerPla
AlyssaVGC  vs  Spooky77
txitxas  vs  NecasInTrouble
trace  vs  ScottBeardsley
SpaceSpeakers  vs  Grandmas Cookin
Kaiuser  vs  Daviron
SrTorch13  vs  luisin
bage1  vs  yokoisop
IsaacGR2006  vs  Lunala
Sole Survivor  vs  afaraday35
giove97  vs  SacredSandstorm
p4bloL  vs  JMOdri
Tabu_24  vs  Licenciado Pan
FosterB  vs  false
Oriol Plaza  vs  glowbrogang
emma  vs  noiceVGC
duckpond  vs  Comedier
ikerdds  vs  The_AG
Jay is decent  vs  SvenVGC
izzy22x  vs  charismaacheck
Ado!  vs  IcebergVGC
CarriFran vs Chris32156
Borghi vs winteredsoul
Kikopililo vs blckkkkkk
ChrisVG vs z0mOG
LawrenceVGC vs. Finabas
ZardiCharVGC vs. Ninj0sh
JonoTv vs Yoppo
Opelucid vs Makima
Cao Jie  vs  Bye 1
Chromate  vs  Bye 2
ChrystalFalchion  vs  Bye 3
Helios of Sun  vs  Bye 4
EggTime  vs  Bye 5
Pyreon  vs  Bye 6
Miyoko  vs  Bye 7
∞Espada∞  vs  Bye 8
Herv  vs  Bye 9
dot224  vs  Bye 10
Beforethe6ix  vs  Bye 11
Medeia  vs  Bye 12
Concept Everything  vs  Bye 13
Weredude08  vs  Bye 14
zee  vs  Bye 15
Giokio  vs  Bye 16
Aldrich  vs  Bye 17
Regis Regis  vs  Bye 18
kungfupanda  vs  Bye 19
Lukitax  vs  Bye 20
CarriFran vs Chris32156
Borghi vs winteredsoul
Kikopililo vs blckkkkkk
ChrisVG vs z0mOG
LawrenceVGC vs Finabas
ZardiCharVGC vs Ninj0sh
JonoTv vs Yoppo
Opelucid vs Makima
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