It was probably there to accurately put the team from in-game to showdown/pokepaste form, as it is based off of an in-game team.Is there any reason for the oddly specific Atk/SpAtk IVs on this team here?
It's got things like "29 SpAtk on Annihilape (who doesn't even have SpAtk moves)" and "14 Atk on Iron Bundle." Is this a meme? Or am I missing something deeper? I'd assume you'd want minimum attack on a Special Attacker like Iron Bundle to reduce confusion and Foul Play damage.
Sorry for late response but smogonvgc has both viability rankings and sample sets in the smogondex for resources, and the victory road website and vgcpastes on twitter are also worth looking into for sure. Also Wolfey, Cybertron (theyre also good youtubers to watch to help improve at vgc) and Unreality have created a resources for newer vgc players (btw pls dm me if you have any further questions idm)hi besties!
since Gen 8 i've been trying to get into VGC but i was simply too uninterested in the way that d-max was almost a wincon that it really off-putting, now that SV has rolled around and has started I'm wondering what are the best resources?
I'm aware of Pikalytics, as well as the HOME update - but is there any like.. base resources - dos and donts of VGC and such? I used to be pretty into competitive back in Gen 5 (Smogon Meta) so I know the climate is different but I'm just wondering if there's anything I should know prior to team-building and so on. The way damage is calculated? Things to include on each team (Hazards being pretty mandatory for 6v6 singles but not impactful enough in VGC due to shorter lengths/doubles/not as much switching etc, things like that)
(I'm essentially treating myself as complete beginner to make sure I have all resources I need)
ty in advance!!
In pokemon home you can see the players on top ladder, but getting #1 wont get you rewards outside of some twitter likes and YouTube team features. The main focus is just the irl tournament circuit. Hitting master ball does give you some rewards that help you make teams at the end of the season, but they are not that useful.Hi, I am new to Pokémon (well, last time I played it on my Gameboy color). With Purpur/Karmesin I started playing again and have a lot of fun in VGC ranked battles. There I climbed now really high in the ladder. So here is my questions: Is there a Plattform where I see the current ladder with names of the players? And what is the "use" of getting rank 1 appart of being the very best ;)? Is there a reward?
I just downloaded Pokémon home. But I cannot find the ladder. Where should it be?In pokemon home you can see the players on top ladder, but getting #1 wont get you rewards outside of some twitter likes and YouTube team features. The main focus is just the irl tournament circuit. Hitting master ball does give you some rewards that help you make teams at the end of the season, but they are not that useful.
The weird button at the bottom of the screen with 3 lines and then "battle data" Edit: Think it automizes to singles so put it on doubles and yeah its supposed to be dominated by Japan lmaoI just downloaded Pokémon home. But I cannot find the ladder. Where should it be?
Cool, thank you. Pretty much only Asians at the top :D I guess I was the best German player for a while xDThe weird button at the bottom of the screen with 3 lines and then "battle data" Edit: Think it automizes to singles so put it on doubles and yeah its supposed to be dominated by Japan lmao
The best Hard Trick Room teams were PsySpam (Indeedee + Armarouge) but this took a very big hit with the introduction of Ting-Lu and Chi-Yu to the point where Hard TR isnt very relevant anymore so honestly im not sure.I'd like to build a hard Trick Room team for regulation C. What would be some good Pokemon to use on such teams?
Bumping this clovreSorry for late response but smogonvgc has both viability rankings and sample sets in the smogondex for resources, and the victory road website and vgcpastes on twitter are also worth looking into for sure. Also Wolfey, Cybertron (theyre also good youtubers to watch to help improve at vgc) and Unreality have created a resources for newer vgc players (btw pls dm me if you have any further questions idm)
I've recently caught a shiny room! What rotom forme is the best for vgc at the moment and what set would you recommend? I'd guess a bulky rotom h to check flutter mane but I'm not sure
In game ladder also doesn't have OTS, this is important for the IC this weekend btw, which is BO1 CTS and can reward more than half of a worlds invite. Besides, from polls it is clear that the majority of the playerbase is casual and likes CTS. Top players also dont want their teams getting stolen because they have very high Elo/Gxe.Why is CTS even a thing in the first place? If the ladder is using the VGC ruleset then OTS should be used by default.
Resurrecting my old account from a decade ago to ask this question because I cannot get a clear answer.
Can a showdown mod/admin/dev, in no uncertain terms, tell me why they're yet to implement an OTS mandatory ladder on showdown? Between the players only going for ICs or players running gimmick teams for lols, it's INCREDIBLY annoying to waste my time and the time of other players that actually go to irl tournaments with trying to look for an ots game on ladder to get actual practice. Thus far the answers I've seen make no sense for this. Splitting the player base on the ladders would not be an issue, and it's not fair to us that we can't choose to make ots mandatory on our end. If I wanted cts, I can just reject all day every day, but if I want ots, I'm at the whim of whatever the other player wants. It's infuriating and a waste of time to have to wade through that stuff. PLAYERS WANT OPEN TEAM SHEETS ON LADDER. It's a very small minority that only want cts.
Please address this. I'm begging you.
Watching streams of tournaments like on is a good way to get familiar with the metagame and the commentary can give some insight as to what the teams are doing or why the players make the decisions they would i start to get into VGC? ive played smogon singles my entire life and the entire meta and whatnot is extremely overwhelming. where would a good place to start/learn be?
epic random ivs momentIs there any reason for the oddly specific Atk/SpAtk IVs on this team here?
It's got things like "29 SpAtk on Annihilape (who doesn't even have SpAtk moves)" and "14 Atk on Iron Bundle." Is this a meme? Or am I missing something deeper? I'd assume you'd want minimum attack on a Special Attacker like Iron Bundle to reduce confusion and Foul Play damage.
Heatran can find a slot on the Cresselia Ursaluna Hands Amoonguss core, that has a very strong TR mode but can also be used w/o TR, though its not a staple there. On something like Indeedee Armarouge Ursaluna its never justifying a slotIs Heatran viable in trick room teams (in regulation D)? If yes, why is it useful in trick room teams, and what's a good moveset? If no, why not?
Why is Heatran better on the first core than the second one?Heatran can find a slot on the Cresselia Ursaluna Hands Amoonguss core, that has a very strong TR mode but can also be used w/o TR, though its not a staple there. On something like Indeedee Armarouge Ursaluna its never justifying a slot