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Incineroar isnt viable in VGC'17.

Incineroar is viable, it just isn't a top pick. Fake Out is still valuable despite the addition of Psychic Terrain, secondary Dark typing makes it a better check to Lele and Marowak than the other Fire-types, and it has some unique utility options in Taunt and slow bulky U-turn. Arcanine or Marowak is a better choice for most teams, but Incineroar falls solidly into the category of "viable but niche".
What is the role of substitute in doubles? What kinds of Pokemon benefit from it/should consider using it?

It's good for multiple reasons:
- if the pokemon is fast and wants to protect itself but you don't want to risk double protects
- if the pokemon can threaten your opponent enough that they'll just want to protect, letting you get up a free sub
- if the pokemon can put itself in a position where your opponent doesn't have a way to hit it hard with either of their pokemon, due to things like a good defensive typing
- if the pokemon is weak to status moves
- if the pokemon has a free moveslot

In return, it costs you 1/4 of your HP, takes up a moveslot, and can result in a waste of a turn if your opponent knocks down your pokemon to less than 25% health before yours can use substitute
What are some TR-compatible Pokémon other than Araquinid and Alolan Muk that would go well with Porygon-2 and a Kartana / Tapu Koko / Arcanine core?
What are some TR-compatible Pokémon other than Araquinid and Alolan Muk that would go well with Porygon-2 and a Kartana / Tapu Koko / Arcanine core?

Mudsdale is great against Muk which could be annoying for that core. Curse Snorlax can go with nearly any team imo. Gigalith helps with opposing Arcanine and for strong neutral damage--the most common mons that can comfortably take Gigalith's Rock-types attacks are hit by Porygon2's BoltBeam coverage (Garchomp, Tapu Fini) or Arcanine's Flare Blitz (Kartana, Celesteela).
Hi! What are some great teammates to the weather core formed by Drizzle Pelipper+Z-move Swift Swim Golduck?

Well Tommy Cooleen has now top cut two internationals using double duck + Tapu Koko, Muk, and Porygon2, so that's probably a good bet. Other than those mons, Kartana and Vikavolt also seem like solid partners. Both are strong against opposing Water-types which wall your rain offense, and Vikavolt is a fairly good check to opposing Kartana. Togedemaru could also be interesting to redirect Electric attacks and provide Fake Out.
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Hi guys! is it possible to use a traded japanese celesteela in the vgc events? I got it through gts and traded it for my celesteela.
Hi guys! is it possible to use a traded japanese celesteela in the vgc events? I got it through gts and traded it for my celesteela.

Yes it is. As long as it passes hack check (if you can use it on Battle Spot, it passes) then you can use it.
Heyho, saw 2 pretty interesting Splits for Drifblim:
Timid 4 HP / 132 Def / 204 SpA / 4 SpD / 164 Spe ( Trainertower)
Timid 12 HP / 236 Def / 12 SpA / 236 SpD / 12 Spe (Smogon)

Which one of these is better in general, even if they both have advantages and disadvantages?
Heyho, saw 2 pretty interesting Splits for Drifblim:
Timid 4 HP / 132 Def / 204 SpA / 4 SpD / 164 Spe ( Trainertower)
Timid 12 HP / 236 Def / 12 SpA / 236 SpD / 12 Spe (Smogon)

Which one of these is better in general, even if they both have advantages and disadvantages?
The first spread or similar is usually going to be better. Drifblim relies a lot on being faster than your opponents--the second spread will outspeed unboosted mons, but the first can also outspeed most scarf mons (up through kartana). Being able to burn scarf kartana before it can hit your partner, not worry about scarf garchomp getting a rock slide flinch to stop your tailwind, etc is very nice. The high special attack is also really important to keep drifblim from being dead weight after it sets tailwind. A lot of the time you really want drifblim to get KOd quickly after it sets tailwind, get a free switch into a strong attacker, and use the rest of tailwind to tear up the other team. Your opponent might recognize this and focus on dealing with its partner first, waiting to KO it until tailwind is about to expire. If drifblim has a lot of offensive investment though, it can deal enough damage with shadow ball that your opponent can't afford to ignore it for too long.
Hi, anyone knows if Prankster Tailwind from Whimsicott works in psychic Terrain or is it blocked?


It works. Moves are only blocked if they are targeted at an enemy--moves like Tailwind, Sunny Day, or Stealth Rock work because they aren't targeted, Follow Me will work because it's self-targeted, and targeting an ally with Helping Hand (or Water Shuriken in Palossand strats) will also work.