I looked through the CP list for Pokemon post-Incineroar. Adamant Zoorak's post about CP got me thinking about it. I was hesitant to suggest Pokemon to add to the D ranks so that it would not be overcrowded, but I found this helpful in refining my what I would suggest.
I noticed that Hariyama was sitting at a pathetic 124 CP (equal 151st). Multiple garbage Pokemon have more CP than it including Mega Houndoom. The next of the lowest D ranks are for comparison Hawlucha (209) and Primarina (264). Hawlucha is an overal worse Drilfbim, Primarina has use but a very specific niche. Both I feel have specific niche. Meanwhile Hariyama's niche of being a hard hitting Fighting-type that gels well with TR has just not shown, with Low Kick Incineroar doing the job (and even Low Kick is dropping in usage). Given all this, I would unrank Hariyama entirely from the viability list.
I propose to add the following to D rank:
I also feel Togekiss should move down from B- to C+. I haven't been seeing top cuts recently from Togekiess, and its CP of 1426 compared to Clefairy 4482 suggests that there should be a bigger difference between the two Follow Me Fairy-type users, let alone 1426 being more in line with other C+ Pokemon.
- Alolan Marowak, which was removed from C- not long ago. It's has 611 CP, has top cut in the post Incineroar metagame, and it has distinct niches that it isn't in direct competition with other Pokemon though (Lightning Rod user that fits well with TR teams and provides good offensive pressure with good offensive typing to back it up and some useful resists)
- Virizion. This had top cut multiple times in the post-Incineroar metagame and also has CP to back it up (649). Fast Grass-type with Fighting-type STAB and Close Combat. Definitely no higher than D rank, as it faces major competition from Kartana who has much better attack, a better secondary typing, and Sacred Sword which deals around 80% that of Virizon's Close Combat. However Virizion boosts the niche of far better special bulk, without the need to resort to both AV and lowering Speed, or Focus Sash. This is handy against Water-types except for Pelipper and +1 Fini (it needs +1 to OHKO with Moonblast), and it fairs better against Fire-type in general. That bulk helps for Heatran and it can survive a Heat Wave, and Stone Edge can be chosen as the 4th slot for Zard Y. Incineroar is beating both Virizion and Kartana, but it takes more from CC. Also Virizion can actually survive Inferno Overdrive when it uses Protect.
Y'know, I noticed that too and entirely forgot last week. I was actually going to remove it the same day I made D tier but entirely forgot! The following changes will be Implemented because obvious and deserving:
