Tournament UWC III - Post Tour Team / Set Dump

Hello, playing gen 7 ubers again after what must've been at least 5 years was fun. I'll post the teams I built myself, as also a few were passed to be by my manager. I'd add a description on why and how, but honestly I forgot for most of it, all I know is that week 1 I wanted a waterceus that beat ferro.
That's all, please consider me for uwc :blobthumbsup:
So I'm not gonna lie, this was a very disappointing tour for me results wise. However, I enjoyed building and having input on a lot of the teams brought by US West this tour, even if this metagame has been far from perfect to play. For each team I brought myself, I will try to give a detailed description of both the team / teambuilding process and the game. For teams built for my teammates, I will just provide a description of the team.

:koraidon: :arceus: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :kyogre: :gliscor: :zacian-crowned: W1 vs Aberforth (W)
Starting off this tour with one of the worst opponents I could have ran into. Aberforth knew all my takes on the meta and how I liked to build my teams. So the plan going into this week was to load mons that I had explicitly said I didn't like using, mostly Ekiller. I have to say I absolutely HATE Ekiller and despise using this Pokemon, so it made perfect sense to load it versus Aberforth. Since I was loading an Arceus form without defensive utility, the team had to be very sound defensively. Kyogre, NDM, and Gliscor made a very good defensive core, covering everything I thought Aberforth would bring. Notably, this team has a very bad Miraidon match up, but I was willing to play around that. Zac-C added a Fairy and another breaker for Ekiller, while Koraidon added more consistent speed control. NDM also served as a late game cleaner if needed. The game went about as well as I could have hoped, with him loading almost 0 Zacian answers. I feel like I played the rest of the game well, putting a lot of pressure on Aberforth's team with Zacian. In the end, Ekiller cleaned up, completing my 1 required Ekiller loaded for this tour.

So Aberforth and I build most of our teams together in call, and usually help another one of our friends build her team as well. So one night all 3 of us are in call, building her team, when I suggest we build a webs team. They go silent, and let me list out the mons I would put on the team as she builds... Ribombee, Basculegion, Rayquaza, Koraidon, Arceus-Ground, NDM... and then Aberforth starts laughing. Turns out I had accidently built the team Aberforth was planning on bringing versus me in call with him.... this was also my plan for the week at the time. In the end, we both agreed to not load the webs team, and build new teams. Both of us almost loaded it anyways.

:ribombee: :koraidon: :arceus-ground: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :basculegion: :miraidon: W2 vs Skyiew (L)
My plan this week was to abuse broken webs with Basculegion that people were not prepping for at all. This was actually built the week before, and is actually pretty basic. Ribombee sets webs, and the combo of Pounce + Bug Buzz allows you to beat Deoyxs-Speed lead. Koraidon is a more standard Scale Shot set that everyone runs on HO. The Arceus-Ground set is admittedly pretty bad. There was no reason to run either Extreme Speed or SD over Taunt and DD. Tera Ghost was because "I Hate Ekiller." NDM just nukes the entire tier at +1 with LO Adamant, and provides necessary defensive utility against Zacian. Basculegion was the star of the team. Last Respects is so broken that you don't even need other moves. Agility allows you to outspeed the entire tier at +2 after webs, while Tera Ground and Sub allows it chances to set up. Miraidon wasn't originally on the team, but after testing, it was just better than Rayquaza. Taunt + CM allows it to pretend to break, while boots provides a good match up into opposing HO. Tera Ghost because "I Hate Ekiller." The game went about as poorly as I could have hoped, as I queued into Giratina-Origin. The bad Groundceus set actually ends up costing me the game due to not have Taunt for the Defog. The game was still winnable thanks to Basculegion being incredibly broken, but I misplayed by Tera'ing my Basculegion and not sacking my NDM prior to Legion hitting the field, turning the OHKO into a roll to OHKO with Last Respects on the Adamant Koraidon. Overall, with a few minor changes this team could have been a lot better, and my play could have been much better in game after the webs got defogged.

:koraidon: :great-tusk: :kyogre: :arceus-fairy: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :ting-lu: W3 vs Taka (L)
This week I wanted to build around Scarf Kyogre as I noticed most people's teams were very weak to a fast Water Spout or Origin Pulse later in games. The problem with Scarf Kyogre was its weakness to hazards and general lack of defensive utility, so naturally I went looking for things that could help there. Great Tusk was the best option available that "checked" Koraidon and provided some semblance of hazard control with spin. Bulldoze + 44 Speed made sure that it wasn't set up fodder for NDM if it was on the field, and could assist in slowing down one that got out of hand. Without the need for Scarf Koraidon's speed control, it opened up the door for a SD + Scale Shot set on this team. I probably should have been Blitz > Temper Flare here, but this team was weak to Fairyceus in testing, so that is my shitty justification. Fairyceus, NDM, and Ting-Lu round out the defensive core on this team, with both NDM and Fairyceus providing potential late game clean up options. In the game, I ran into "the brokens" and unfortunately that included a Kyogre that this team wasn't really prepared to handle. I feel like I played well to get into a winning position, but choked at the end by not sacrificing Fairyceus to the Koraidon's Flare Blitz. Definitely one of the better games I played in this tour.

:miraidon: :koraidon: :arceus-ground: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :kyogre: :ho-oh: W4 vs LouisIX (L)
After the previous 2 week's losses, I decided to load something a bit more standard akin to "the brokens" that I loaded into the week before. I was getting owned by Agility LO Miraidon on ladder, so I decided to try it out. Tera Grass Solar Beam deleted all the Ground types in the tier and hopefully the LO boost on the other two stabs would be enough to break a massive hole in most teams. The rest of this team is pretty standard. Scarf Koraidon for speed control, this time with Tera Ghost because "I hate Ekiller." Sp.Def CM Groundceus to help deal with Miraidon and provide some offensive pressure at the same time, with enough speed to outrun Glimmora. Usually, I wouldn't go this fast, but playing against someone who spams HO, this seemed reasonable. Defensive DD NDM with Photon EQ since I have no hazards and didn't believe I'd get the chance to set them. Modest Spout Kyogre to put on some offensive pressure and help out Miraidon while still being able to take Koraidon Scale Shot. Finally Ho-oh just because I needed some extra insurance vs potential bullshit. The game was an absolute disaster from my end. I played horribly around the screens and was very bailed by a crit on the WP Miraidon (although I did have outs before the crit). Crucially, I misplayed heavily around the Deo-A, letting my Groundceus take a +2 Ice Beam instead of sacking NDM or Ho-oh, which opened the door for BU Ekiller to win the game. This team was very solid, but my play was not... such is the story of this whole tour for me.

:ribombee: :zacian-crowned: :koraidon: :miraidon: :kingambit: :basculegion: W5 vs US South (2W - 1L)
At this point, we were out of the tour, so our we decided to have some fun. The plan was for all of the SV slots to load the same team, but unfortunately MAHOH didn't follow the plan. I wasn't supposed to play this week, so I posted my builder in general and let BFM pick the team he thought was the most broken. Naturally, he settled on the one with Basculegion after seeing everyone complain about it. The idea behind this team was to have 2 insane endgame HO mons that didn't need all 5 mons dead to win. Basculegion was my standard Tera Ground Agility set that I used earlier in the tour. Kingambit is a bit more of an unusual pick for webs though, since it doesn't really benefit from the speed drops at all. At least that's what I thought initially. With Jolly Gambit, it's actually faster than DD NDMs that outspeed the bikes at +2 so you avoid Sucker vs Kowtow mindgames, as well as being faster than most Arcs after webs. Tera Dark and Dread Plate provide much needed power boosts to make up for the damage Jolly lacks. The rest of the team is pretty standard. I opted for Tera Flying Zacian to dodge Ground moves, but it realistically could be something different. Scarf Bee makes sure webs go up t1, and surprisingly this mon ended up being the MVP of a few games claiming multiple kills. Originally, I wasn't supposed to play this week and only got subbed in at the last minute while still attending Genesis X. I actually had to go to the building next door and play on mobile to get the game done, so needless to say, it did not go well. I lost the game t1 by not tricking my Scarf onto the Glimmora and had no chance from there. Oh well, at least Lepton and Skier won their games with the team.

:gliscor: :eternatus: :iron-treads: :arceus-water: :koraidon: :necrozma-dusk-mane: W6 vs Micciu (W)
Another week of already being eliminated, so I decided to bring something I wanted to have fun with. In this case, it was Taunt SD Gliscor since I had been building a lot with Taunt Gliscor and had yet to bring it. This set causes massive problems for most teams, as it gets around common ways of beating Gliscor, and prevents it from being set up fodder for NDMs. I had enough speed to outspeed max speed base 90s (and anything creeping them) and enough attack to guarantee the 2HKO at +2 on DD NDM with EQ. Knock Off was for Ho-oh (since I actually brought hazards on this team), and making things weaker to the TSpikes it was paired with. The rest of this team had to be bulkier to make up for the lack of defensive utility this Gliscor was bringing to the table. Etern was a great partner since it provided a Kyogre switch in, and set TSpikes for Gliscor to abuse to break Arc. Waterceus was for Koraidon and NDM, as well as being a nice emergency check to Kyogre. Koraidon for speed control, and NDM for Zacian and late game cleaning. Iron Treads was chosen because it was the least passive of all the grounds that could check Miraidon. I probably could have been Ice Spinner to improve the opposing Gliscor match up, but I felt that was fine already. In the game, things went about as well as I could have hoped for aside from a few paras on Etern. TSpikes went down early vs no removal. Waterceus burned everything that was immune to TSpikes. Eventually the combination of TSpikes, NDM, and Gliscor was enough to break open Micciu's team and win with Gliscor cleaning up. I probably shouldn't have taken a Toxic t1 with my Waterceus, but in the end, it didn't end up mattering. It felt nice to get a win after losing 4 straight games.

:grimmsnarl: :arceus-ice: :miraidon: :orthworm: :koraidon: :mewtwo: W7 vs Seroo (W)
With both teams being out for this week, I decided to meme a bit. Double Dance Arceus-Ice seemed like a funny mon to load because, in theory, it had good matchups into common teams since nothing really appreciated STAB Ice moves. Earth Power was chosen to hit Steels that would try to take Judgement. It has enough speed to outrun the entire tier at +2. In order for this to work, I needed Screens and Shed Tail, so Grimmsnarl and Orthworm were added next. WP Miraidon works very well with this combo too, as the last thing you need to deal with is a Miraidon getting extra boosts behind screens. I don't think I can explain the Koraidon if I tried (I was very drunk when I built this), but I will try. Flame Charge is an unblockable speed boosts while still being STAB. CC for damage. WC for Kyogre and Ho-oh in one slot, although this probably should have been Iron Head. Enough speed to outspeed Adamant Arc and the rest in bulk to set up easier. Lastly, Mewtwo was chosen because I needed a Taunt mon that wasn't Deo-A, so I didn't get immediately owned by Ting-Lu and Ho-oh. Tera Fighting Focus Blast breaks through NDM and Ting-Lu at +2, but really, Mewtwo's only job was to click Taunt. In the actual game, Seroo bring Rufflet, so lol. Miraidon ends up winning before Arceus-Ice can hit the field sadly. It was a funny way to end off the season at least... Skier also brought this team and lost, but I'm choosing to ignore that.

Other teams I built for my teammates that were brought this tour with a small description:
:arceus-fairy: :miraidon: :ho-oh: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :gliscor: :kyogre: - Scarf Miraidon (L)
Very Fake team. Scarf Miraidon is extremely fake, as is Sp.Def Gliscor. Kyogre for damage, NDM for cleaning. Other mons to round out the problems with this team. Definitely not a great team, but I was requested to build with these 6, so I did.
:arceus-dark: :gliscor: :koraidon: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :ting-lu: :kyogre: - Darkceus TSpikes (W)
Fairly standard Darkceus Team with Taunt Toxic TSpikes Gliscor. TSpikes work amazing with Darkceus chipping things down. Covert NDM is a nice way to ensure decent set up, but it probably should have been Photon EQ since I removed rocks. The rest of this team is very standard.
:ribombee: :ogerpon-hearthflame: :koraidon: :miraidon: :zacian-crowned: :arceus: - Ogerpon-H Webs (L)
This team was also very bad. Was made for meme week, just for fun. Probably could have fixed a lot of the issues with it by adding Legion > Zacian, but that's lazy. Ogerpon should have been Rock Tomb instead of Play Rough to hit Ho-oh. Don't use this.
:ribombee: :basculegion: :miraidon: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :koraidon: :arceus-ground: - Modified Basc Webs (W)
My week 2 team with the edits I felt were necessary to make it better. Smudge won with it at least...

Others I built for this and didn't use with no description or promises of quality:
:chien-pao: :koraidon: :arceus-fairy: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :gliscor: :kyogre: - Tera Ghost Chien-Pao
:chien-pao: :miraidon: :arceus-ground: :alomomola: :koraidon: :zacian-crowned: - Specs Miraidon + Chien-Pao
:miraidon: :zacian-crowned: :arceus-ground: :ho-oh: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :koraidon: - Specs Miraidon + CM Ground
:kyogre: :arceus-fairy: :ting-lu: :flutter-mane: :miraidon: :ho-oh:- Paraspam
:necrozma-dusk-mane: :miraidon: :kyogre: :arceus-ground: :koraidon: :gliscor: - Tera Psychic Cloak NDM
:necrozma-dusk-mane: :miraidon: :kyogre: :arceus-ground: :koraidon: :gliscor: - Tera Dark Cloak NDM
:miraidon: :iron-bundle: :arceus-ground: :kyogre: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :zacian-crowned: - Iron Bundle
:hatterene: :arceus: :basculegion: :calyrex-ice: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :miraidon: - Full Trick Room
:chien-pao: :miraidon: :arceus-fairy: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :gliscor: :koraidon: - Chien-Pao + Bulldoze Gliscor

Lastly, I want to say thanks to Aberforth, Nyx, and Celestiial for helping with most of my teams and letting me bounce ideas off of them. Massive shoutout to Stallion for helping with building every team here, but also testing against every single one multiple times over the course of the tour; I genuinely could not have done this without you. Decided to drop all my teams for this since hopefully the meta will be changing drastically in the next few weeks. Hopefully US West comes back strong next year. Please never run this format again...
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well, all my games are done. uwc was a cool ride, leaving my teams here and dropping shoutouts for anyone interested

im gonna be pretty busy so i wont be leaving too many words, dm me or something if you wanna ask about anything
:Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: :Arceus-Fairy: :Ting-Lu: :Kyogre: :Koraidon: :Ho-Oh: vs Raptor (w)
still getting used to dlc2 in week 1, plan here was to use a solid squad and abuse cm ogre
:deoxys-speed: :chien-pao: :koraidon: :miraidon: :arceus-ground: :necrozma-dusk-mane: vs Joya (w)
I really, really wanted to HO this week. The structure given to me was korai+mirai+groundy+ndm and mix and match a lead and a flex 6th; I liked chien-pao so that's my 6th. Deos is benched for something (hooh probably)
:Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: :Arceus-Fairy: :Ting-Lu: :gliscor: :Koraidon: :miraidon: vs Amukamara (l)
plan this week was "miraidon". still not the biggest fan of piloting it, I also epicly choked vs ndm this week and then threw the chance for a 50/50 to win
[subbed out this week]
:ribombee: :koraidon: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :arceus-ground: :calyrex-ice: :miraidon:
subbed out this week, this is what I passed. Agility caly-i has potential imo, instead of having to switch between hooh and ndm for 4 turns under tr its now 8 glacial lances, not to mention if you get an sd glacial lance can just 2hko ndm. Caly-i with an agility outspeeds a zacian-c under webs
:necrozma-dusk-mane: :arceus-water: :ting-lu: :landorus-therian: :koraidon: :kyogre: vs TPP (l)
plan this week was to use dd ndm, waterceus looked good into their scout as well. After miraidon didnt feel comfortable to pilot, I went back to ogre to act as the main breaker. In game, in a complete reversal from week 3 (where I was too patient and didnt try hard enough to win) I got too impatient and gave up turns for free to let my opp back into the game
:glimmora: :zacian-crowned: :koraidon: :miraidon: :arceus-ground: :necrozma-dusk-mane: vs Terracotta (l)
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tilted going into this week, so I looked back at what I won with so far: HO. I had some interesting ideas this week, but none of them worked in tests and I respect Europe a lot, scrapped everything and just loaded big 4+glimm+zacian-c, wanted to see if I could get a tera fly sub on something and get kills I shouldn't. Truthfully the moment I was done losing to TR, I closed my laptop and never opened this replay ever. It might be doable if I get a spike up and don't let basc in under tr but realistically I'd have to pray for a hard choke. Not 100% sure though
:ribombee: :rayquaza: :koraidon: :arceus-ground: :zacian-crowned: :miraidon: vs GeniusFromHoenn (l)
If I was tilted heading into last week, this week I would have been 90 degrees in the soil. The one saving grace is that Hoenn is one of my closest friends, and that was all that kept me motivated to actually try something decent this week instead of reusing some lazy HO and calling it a day. I had no idea what he was gonna load, could be something fat or something really offensive, which is why I wanted to load ray webs to cover both. Pivot Miraidon is an idea from last week, this team really likes to abuse Ting-Lu if it can't ww. zacian>ndm is my half-ditched attempt to patch the mu into scale korai, which is why there is no ndm this week. Loaded into stall and I wasn't ready mentally, or to plan against it, nor in the builder. Talked over it post game, I had some chances but I wasn't able to take them.
^originally made this for week 6, then scrapped it. w7 team is based mostly off this
ting-lu is like a suicide lead, lives scarf korai and non specs ogre, the only relevant things that ohko you are band korai specs oger and band pao (25% of the time; not including miss/crit odds). tbh sash may have just been more optimal; max speed taunt/spikes/ww last can be rocks/eq/stone edge or something like that. Idea was that I wanted to HO but have it not be that recognisable at preview which is why the 6 looks like that.
earlier versions of the w7 team, band korai (surprised i didnt make a webs version now that I look back at it) and the aforementioned ray is what I wanted to bring, banded korai ultimately just wasn't reliable enough for my comfort.

other builds loaded by my teammates weren't mine, you're gonna have to ask them for the teams

I am, really, really, bad at expressing myself; below is the 4th draft because I end up repeating myself a lot and most of it doesn't make sense (somehow). I sincerely apologise to everyone because I'm gonna leave this part pretty brief, mb. To Eledyr GeniusFromHoenn I have so much more to say than what I can come up with right now, perhaps one day I can properly express my gratitude to you.

Manaphy yo, ty for carrying our asses in sv, i really appreciate all the time that you took to respond to every ping (mb lmao) to get me off the ground. Im sorry that I ended 2-4, not really reflective of how much time and effort you put into my slot.
TMM sapphiree 0.5Mirror y'all are incredible gamers, the tests we had together really made me think hard about every move, every little choice in the builder. love to see you around again soon!
to our sv: i gotta collectively thank yall for helping me thru my nerves, my logs from w1-w2 are some of the most... interesting things I've ever said, thanks for always keeping me calm ^_^
Flatemo despite the record, I think you're an amazing player and I hope my tests actually contributed lol.
Fluore big thanks to you for letting me on the team, you're a great manager and hopefully you get to play tiers better than adv ubers in future tours!
Ainzcrad s/o to you too thanks for the additional imput in teambuilding!

to my support from the dms,

ox04 , 1) please never get banned again 2) you're a great person to go to, thank you very much. I think it's fair to say that you have the single biggest impact on my mental state/motivation for this tour, you're the big reason why I kept pushing foward and trying hard after that loss in w5. Thank you very much for talking to me, cya soon xd

entrocefalo , you're like an elder to me, with the difference in experience and all. Appreciate all the help, especially in tests in the early weeks. thanks for always being nitpicky with the pastes I send you, it reminds me to always check every small detail. hopefully one day we'll have better matching schedules so I dont have to test at 2am :c

OreoSpeedruns we're both young by age and by time on this website looool, you're the guy I hit up when I got the worst ideas and half the time I actually manage to not lose in 20 turns, I appreciate all the time we spent throwing random stuff at each other to see what sticks LOL

uwc was one incredible journey, thank you to everyone who helped made it happen, as well as who made my experience better! Rooting for GeniusFromHoenn to take it all, gl
Team dump for benelux sv, w the amount of teams i dont really remember what the thought process was and given mirai is gonna be banned soon might asw post em as promised:

Week 1
:zekrom::koraidon::gliscor::necrozma_dusk_mane::zacian_crowned::arceus_fairy: -> DD Zekrom+WC Zac-C
:arceus::zacian_crowned::gliscor::necrozma_dusk_mane::clodsire::miraidon: -> Bulk up Lefties Arceus+SD Necrozma
:palkia_origin::necrozma_dusk_mane::ting_lu::gliscor::kyogre::koraidon: -> Palkia Origin BO (if u want to use this just use hdb on ogre+ting lu)
:deoxys_speed::necrozma_dusk_mane::grimmsnarl::arceus::miraidon::koraidon: -> Mental Herb Deo-S HO

Week 2
:chien_pao::arceus_fairy::ting_lu::ho_oh::necrozma_dusk_mane::koraidon: -> Dual SD (ndm+chien)
:Ogerpon_wellspring::giratina_origin::ting_lu::arceus_fairy::necrozma_dusk_mane::miraidon: -> Ogerpon wellspring Balance
:miraidon::gliscor::arceus_water::necrozma_dusk_mane::eternatus::koraidon: -> TSpikes Glisc w Beam Etern
:hatterene::walking_wake::ho_oh::koraidon::arceus_ground::zacian_crowned: -> Hat Sun Offense

Week 3
:miraidon::koraidon::flutter_mane::gliscor::arceus_water::necrozma_dusk_mane: -> HDB SolarBeam Mirai+Flutter
:zacian_crowned::miraidon::ting_lu::gliscor::necrozma_dusk_mane::arceus_water: -> SD TFire Zac-C
:kyogre::necrozma_dusk_mane::ho_oh::koraidon::ting_lu::zacian_crowned: -> SD TWater Zac-C+Ogre
:kyogre::necrozma_dusk_mane::arceus_fairy::koraidon::ho_oh::gliscor: -> 3 Attacks Ogre

Week 4
:ribombee::orthworm::basculegion::koraidon::necrozma_dusk_mane::arceus_ground: -> Orthworm Webs
:koraidon::miraidon::landorus_therian::ting_lu::necrozma_dusk_mane::arceus_fairy: -> Scale Korai Balance w Scarf Lando
:koraidon::flutter_mane::gliscor::ho_oh::arceus_water::ting_lu: -> Dual CM FM+Arc-W
:arceus::kyogre::koraidon::ho_oh::necrozma_dusk_mane::ting_lu: -> Bulk up Arc V2 w TDragon NDM

Week 5
:orthworm::calyrex_ice::koraidon::necrozma_dusk_mane::eternatus::arceus: -> Orthworm HO V2
:glimmora::calyrex_ice::miraidon::arceus_ground::necrozma_dusk_mane::kyogre: -> Glimm HO W Scarf Ogre
:kyurem_black::clodsire::miraidon::koraidon::necrozma_dusk_mane::arceus_fairy: -> Kyub Balance
:ho_oh::arceus::koraidon::necrozma_dusk_mane::eternatus::ting_lu: -> DD Dark NDM Balance

Week 6
:grimmsnarl::lunala::koraidon::necrozma_dusk_mane::glimmora::miraidon: -> Lunala Screens HO
:calyrex_ice::necrozma_dusk_mane::giratina_origin::arceus_fairy::clodsire::miraidon: -> Calyrex_ice + DD Dark NDM
:flutter_mane::necrozma_dusk_mane::koraidon::arceus_water::clodsire::ho_oh: -> 4 Attacks Stellar Flutter Balance
:ho_oh::necrozma_dusk_mane::kyogre::koraidon::arceus_fairy::ting_lu: -> TWave Spam Balance
:iron_bundle::miraidon::landorus_therian::ting_lu::arceus_water::necrozma_dusk_mane: -> Iron Bundle Balance w Gknot Lando

Week 7+Mix
:zacian_crowned::necrozma_dusk_mane::gliscor::giratina_origin::ting_lu::arceus_water: -> Sub SD TElec Zac-C
:deoxys_speed::kingambit::miraidon::koraidon::necrozma_dusk_mane::arceus_ground:-> CM Mirai+Gambit HO
:ting_lu::miraidon::ho_oh::koraidon::kingambit::necrozma_dusk_mane::arceus_ground: -> Tera Bug Mirai+Gambit
:iron_treads::arceus::necrozma_dusk_mane::ho_oh::flutter_mane::koraidon: -> Treads+Flutter Balance
:miraidon::great_tusk::koraidon::ting_lu::arceus_fairy::ho_oh: -> GT Defensive Balance
:ribombee::great_tusk::koraidon::necrozma_dusk_mane::miraidon::arceus: -> GT Webs HO
w1 vs robjr L etern MU
specs mirai balance vs justdrew W scaleshot 6-0
day one screen vs Avarice (SS) L bad luck
Blocktrap+phydef dd ndm

w2 vs micciu L last turn choke
screen shedtail HO vs richardmilleplain L early choke
causal webs etern balance breaker version vs beleth L
another webs + trapper flutter mane vs inder (ss) L inder outplayed
ndm-less paraspam vs royal (oras) L insanely bad luck
iron pass

w3 vs Luispeikou L choke
orthworm BO vs Joya W scarf speedtie/entrocefalo W clean vs Ann(EU)
Futuresight BO vs ina fable W last mon tactics
Last mon Groudceus HO vs dasmer (ss) W sleeptalk owns
double scarf orgevish vs Wamr L bad team
random offense

w4 entrocafelo W ndm clicked vs TPP (USS)
Band Koraidon voltturn -Fardin arceus verson vs Frito W Frito talked about it already
screen shedtail HO + BUArceus vs Mahoh W last mon tactics again + surprise sash
double speed con+last mon groundceus vs Waterfals W specs mirai went wild
S/O RichardMillePlain
screens HO ( vs lepton L A critical hit!
Dual electric webs + last mon bu arceus vs polt(ss) W read calryex and won
Hazard stack/setup spam mix

w5 Fever vs A plague doc L forgetting moldbreaker
webs+SD exca+lastmon ID fairy vs wssi W winning speedtie and tera guess after t1 crit
Screen+ditto anti-HO HO vs skyview L choked at endgame
Band Koraidon voltturn - Bu arceus version vs zeeLitum (ss) W won at t1
ndmless sun offense

w6 Post Fever vs Amukamara W adamant koraidon click and won
webs, ek bascu/scale turn korai+solar mirai/filler ground zacian vs Fc (ss) L choked clicking SD
endeavor-bait scoli HO (minor adjustment not shown in the paste)

w7 Vs trade W -_-
Focus sash spam meme vs truenora W haxy won
Maranga Zygarde Sun ndmless offense
since canada is out, ive been meaning to do a major team dump. i hate seeing keys gate keep the good teams in this tier so i figured i would post a few of mines incase anyone likes them. i think they are mostly all consistent but there is a few thats a bit out there and require some crackhead plays to function, but it works for me generally.

this is actually a tape team he gave me like 3-4 years ago, hopefully he wont get mad at it .---.

super consistent ditto mdia balance, basically 6-0ing every ho in the tier with good plays, and u have more than enuf offensive threats to take care of balance/stall. overall 9/10

The mega scizor latios ID water ceus team i built for byron last year uwc's semi tie breaker. super proud of this team, and it handles a lot of the common structures in this tier. yve and latios are basically all the fire power u need here, and the rest rounds out the team defensively to support the 2. 9/10

the first team i ever built in this tier back in 2021, and it ended up being an extremely consistent one. yve + deo as the offensive structure, with a very decent defensive one with some unique techs like iron defense salamence for the ekiller/pdons, and wisp ground ceus. 9/10

not sure who built it, but keys passed it to me for uwc finals vs garay and it got me a nice win. very consistent stall with double scarf and perish trap gar for anything that might 6-0 it. 9/10

this is one of those that looks a bit out there, but in actuality very consistent. luc targets perfectly the recent meta changes, and heatran perfectly exploits people running everything BUT focus blast on xern. its also an excellent latios check which has become way more common. the game i used it in vs freezai, i clicked extremely hard and threw, but the mu was very doable 8/10

solid stall with mega ttar as the focal point. it lives a focus blast from mgar, and with rest + pursuit + storm damage, it functions as an excellent breaker vs opposing stalls too. scarf hooh and stall2 rounds out the team to not allow brainless set up users to win. 8/10

one of my favorite stalls, but it has 1 glaring flaw of having a pretty tough mu vs a well played cloyster. its still doable ofc but not the best situation to be in. any other mu, and this shit just 6-0s 7/10

this is one of those that require some crack head/unique sequences to actually function. i dont recommend this to anyone who just wants to pick up a random team and click. the exca lead beats virtually evert other lead in the tier, avoiding rocks in the process, and setting up ur own with ground ceus or exca if it can. if i had to give a general line with this, try to break as much as possible with erupt don and taunt mmx, and try to set up the entire game for a xern sweep, cause max def geo ingrain is OP af. 6/10

an old ag team which i converted to uber. ended up doing pretty well tho i havent got the chance to use it a lot in tours. defo something i wouldnt be against to bring tho 6/10

not sure who built it, but its a very solid band yve + dbond mgar core with sd steel ceus to round it out 7/10


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since canada is out, ive been meaning to do a major team dump. i hate seeing keys gate keep the good teams in this tier so i figured i would post a few of mines incase anyone likes them. i think they are mostly all consistent but there is a few thats a bit out there and require some crackhead plays to function, but it works for me generally.
View attachment 616696
this is actually a tape team he gave me like 3-4 years ago, hopefully he wont get mad at it .---.

super consistent ditto mdia balance, basically 6-0ing every ho in the tier with good plays, and u have more than enuf offensive threats to take care of balance/stall. overall 9/10
View attachment 616699
The mega scizor latios ID water ceus team i built for byron last year uwc's semi tie breaker. super proud of this team, and it handles a lot of the common structures in this tier. yve and latios are basically all the fire power u need here, and the rest rounds out the team defensively to support the 2. 9/10
View attachment 616700

the first team i ever built in this tier back in 2021, and it ended up being an extremely consistent one. yve + deo as the offensive structure, with a very decent defensive one with some unique techs like iron defense salamence for the ekiller/pdons, and wisp ground ceus. 9/10
View attachment 616701

not sure who built it, but keys passed it to me for uwc finals vs garay and it got me a nice win. very consistent stall with double scarf and perish trap gar for anything that might 6-0 it. 9/10
View attachment 616702

this is one of those that looks a bit out there, but in actuality very consistent. luc targets perfectly the recent meta changes, and heatran perfectly exploits people running everything BUT focus blast on xern. its also an excellent latios check which has become way more common. the game i used it in vs freezai, i clicked extremely hard and threw, but the mu was very doable 8/10
View attachment 616704

solid stall with mega ttar as the focal point. it lives a focus blast from mgar, and with rest + pursuit + storm damage, it functions as an excellent breaker vs opposing stalls too. scarf hooh and stall2 rounds out the team to not allow brainless set up users to win. 8/10
View attachment 616705

one of my favorite stalls, but it has 1 glaring flaw of having a pretty tough mu vs a well played cloyster. its still doable ofc but not the best situation to be in. any other mu, and this shit just 6-0s 7/10
View attachment 616706

this is one of those that require some crack head/unique sequences to actually function. i dont recommend this to anyone who just wants to pick up a random team and click. the exca lead beats virtually evert other lead in the tier, avoiding rocks in the process, and setting up ur own with ground ceus or exca if it can. if i had to give a general line with this, try to break as much as possible with erupt don and taunt mmx, and try to set up the entire game for a xern sweep, cause max def geo ingrain is OP af. 6/10
View attachment 616707

an old ag team which i converted to uber. ended up doing pretty well tho i havent got the chance to use it a lot in tours. defo something i wouldnt be against to bring tho 6/10
View attachment 616708

not sure who built it, but its a very solid band yve + dbond mgar core with sd steel ceus to round it out 7/10
bro made a teamdump of other peoples teams
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Hello, been meaning to do a team dump. So sorry to my team for my performance in the second half of that tour, and thanks for the fun experience. Thanks for all the hard work you guys put in, specifically skimmythegod and Gareeb for the insane amount of time you invested. Here are the teams I built that were used by my team:

my slot:

w1 vs Entrocefalo (W) - Double Prio Chien-Pao BO
:pmd/miraidon: :pmd/skeledirge: :pmd/zacian-crowned: :pmd/chien-pao: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/arceus-ground:
w2 vs Dark Shion (W) - SD Groudon Alomomola Balance
:pmd/koraidon: :pmd/necrozma-dusk-mane: :pmd/alomomola: :pmd/groudon: :pmd/arceus-fairy: :pmd/clodsire:
w3 vs Frito (W) - CM Spam Sub Miraidon BO
:pmd/arceus-ground: :pmd/ho-oh: :pmd/miraidon: :pmd/necrozma-dusk-mane: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/kyogre:
w4 vs Amukamara (L) - Scarf Basculegion Webs HO
:pmd/ribombee: :pmd/basculegion: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/arceus-ground: :pmd/zacian-crowned: :pmd/miraidon:
w5 v Ivar57 (L) - SD Flame Charge Koraidon Balance
:pmd/arceus-water: :pmd/gliscor: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/necrozma-dusk-mane: :pmd/miraidon: :pmd/ho-oh:
w6 v 7u9i2 (W) - Edgequake Ekiller BO
:pmd/koraidon: :pmd/miraidon: :pmd/arceus: :pmd/ting-lu: :pmd/ho-oh: :pmd/kyogre:
w7 v Manaphy TMM (L) - Scarf Ho-Oh Flutter Mane Glimm HO
:pmd/glimmora: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/arceus: :pmd/flutter-mane: :pmd/ho-oh: :pmd/necrozma-dusk-mane:
semis v A Plague Doc (W) - Eternatus Spikestack Balance
:pmd/eternatus: :pmd/necrozma-dusk-mane: :pmd/ting-lu: :pmd/miraidon: :pmd/ho-oh: :pmd/koraidon:
finals v Trade (L) - Double TR Bulk Up Koraidon Glimm HO
:pmd/glimmora: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/zacian-crowned: :pmd/miraidon: :pmd/calyrex-ice: :pmd/necrozma-dusk-mane:

myjava's slot:

w1 v Nyx (W) - DD Groundceus BO
:pmd/ho-oh: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/necrozma-dusk-mane: :pmd/miraidon: :pmd/arceus-ground: :pmd/zacian-crowned:
w2 v Ann (W) - Sub SD Koraidon Webs HO
:pmd/ribombee: :pmd/arceus-ground: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/necrozma-dusk-mane: :pmd/zacian-crowned: :pmd/miraidon:
w3 v MAHOH (L) - TR Lunala Deo-A HO
:pmd/calyrex-ice: :pmd/lunala: :pmd/arceus-ground: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/miraidon: :pmd/deoxys-attack:
w4 v 3d (W) - SD Necrozma-DM Gira Balance
:pmd/giratina-origin: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/arceus-fairy: :pmd/gliscor: :pmd/necrozma-dusk-mane: :pmd/kyogre:
w5 v Quinn (W) - Cresselia SD Spam Offense
:pmd/koraidon: :pmd/arceus: :pmd/cresselia: :pmd/gliscor: :pmd/miraidon: :pmd/necrozma-dusk-mane:
w6 v PrimalKyogre (W) - Ice Spam HO
:pmd/chien-pao: :pmd/miraidon: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/necrozma-dusk-mane: :pmd/calyrex-ice: :pmd/glimmora:
semis v JojenReed (W) - Double Agility Solar Beam Mirai BO
:pmd/eternatus: :pmd/miraidon: :pmd/arceus-ground: :pmd/zacian-crowned: :pmd/ho-oh: :pmd/koraidon:

skimmy's slot:

w2 v Raptor (L) - Double Agility Webs HO
:pmd/ribombee: :pmd/koraidon: :pmd/miraidon: :pmd/necrozma-dusk-mane: :pmd/arceus-ground: :pmd/eternatus:

hoenn's slot:

w7 v realaccountami (W) - Thief Skarmory Wallceus Stall
:pmd/ho-oh: :pmd/blissey: :pmd/skeledirge: :pmd/clodsire: :pmd/skarmory: :pmd/arceus:

for anyone interested in the variants / squads i didn't bring, here is my full team dump of stuff I built during UWC:

gz to oceania and looking forward to UPL.
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