UUWC 2024 Pools (Tiebreak @ Post 165)

SV UU #1:
Moutemoute vs ThatOneApple
Moutemoute vs Lily
vs Jatios
ThatOneApple vs Lily
vs Jatios
Lily vs Jatios

SV UU #2:
Tidal vs Piyu
vs Raahel
Tidal vs meru
vs Raahel
Piyu vs meru
Raahel vs meru

SV UU #3:
KimerCat vs Tree69420
KimerCat vs Gondra
KimerCat vs Raj.Shoot
Tree69420 vs Gondra
Tree69420 vs Raj.Shoot
vs Raj.Shoot

SV UU #4:
DripLegend vs Mada
DripLegend vs Feliburn
DripLegend vs frankjosh
vs Feliburn
Mada vs frankjosh
Feliburn vs frankjosh

SV UU #5:
Confide vs Rasche
Confide vs Colin
Confide vs vivalospride
Rasche vs Colin
Rasche vs vivalospride
Colin vs vivalospride

SV UU #6:
Micciu vs Fc
Micciu vs JustFranco
vs Gallinova
Fc vs JustFranco
vs Gallinova
JustFranco vs Gallinova

SV UU #7:
Mimilucha vs Queen of Bean
Mimilucha vs Esta
Mimilucha vs Mister McLovin
Queen of Bean vs Esta
Queen of Bean
vs Mister McLovin
Esta vs Mister McLovin

SV UU #8:
Coffy vs lax
Coffy vs JesusGP
Coffy vs starbitstorm
vs JesusGP
lax vs starbitstorm
JesusGP vs starbitstorm

SV UU #9:
RedEmption vs Askov
RedEmption vs Kate
RedEmption vs shiloh
vs Kate
Askov vs shiloh
Kate vs shiloh

SV UU #10:
Tuthur vs Seraphz
Tuthur vs Drud
Tuthur vs Cynde
Seraphz vs Drud
Seraphz vs Cynde
vs Cynde

SV UU #11:
Baddy vs Punny
Baddy vs Dj Breeloominati
Baddy vs hellom
vs Dj Breeloominati
Punny vs hellom
Dj Breeloominati vs hellom

SV UU #12:
Lpz vs Feen
Lpz vs tsky
Lpz vs km
vs tsky
Feen vs km
tsky vs km

SV UU #13:
Sinnabyss vs Azick
Sinnabyss vs corperate n
Sinnabyss vs IamLowTier
vs corperate n
Azick vs IamLowTier
corperate n vs IamLowTier

SV UU #14:
Sabella vs Mossy
Sabella vs myjava
Sabella vs bigfatmantis
Mossy vs myjava
Mossy vs bigfatmantis
myjava vs bigfatmantis

SV UU #15:
TMM vs Killintime
TMM vs Don eduoardo
vs Cosmo
Killintime vs Don eduoardo
vs Cosmo
Don eduoardo vs Cosmo

SS UU #1:
dunoks vs Violet river
dunoks vs Dugza
vs The Strap
Violet river vs Dugza
Violet river vs The Strap
vs The Strap

SS UU #2:
Luigi vs avarice
Luigi vs Lizzie
vs Caesarr
avarice vs Lizzie
avarice vs Caesarr
Lizzie vs Caesarr

SS UU #3:
robjr vs Leni
vs haxlolo
robjr vs pokeslice
Leni vs haxlolo
Leni vs pokeslice
haxlolo vs pokeslice

SM UU #1:
basaninho vs IcyPenguin2
basaninho vs Empo
basaninho vs shiba
IcyPenguin2 vs Empo
IcyPenguin2 vs shiba
vs shiba

SM UU #2:
Rewer vs Lycans
Rewer vs NoName
vs Juseth Sepulveda
Lycans vs NoName
Lycans vs Juseth Sepulveda
NoName vs Juseth Sepulveda

SM UU #3:
Devin vs Accel
Devin vs Liam
Devin vs pdt
Accel vs Liam
Accel vs pdt
Liam vs pdt

Ren-chon vs Kaif
Ren-chon vs Hydronics
Ren-chon vs Real FV13
Kaif vs Hydronics
Kaif vs Real FV13
Hydronics vs Real FV13

Sacri' vs Pak
Sacri' vs dingbat
vs J0RIS
Pak vs dingbat
vs J0RIS
dingbat vs J0RIS

MrAldo vs Zelph
MrAldo vs Xrn
MrAldo vs rufflespro
Zelph vs Xrn
Zelph vs rufflespro
vs rufflespro
52.8% of the predicts ended up being correct, the monkey has been beaten!
Pools Tiebreaker For 8th Place

Winner will enter playoffs as the 8th seed and face off against US Northeast next week!


Europe (2) vs (0) Brazil
SV UU: Punny vs LpZ
SV UU: Don Eduardo vs Coffy
SS UU: Lily vs Luigi

Teams will have until Sunday December 29th at 11:59pm ET to complete their matches.
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I like doing shoutouts and you guys defo deserve the recognition especially for fighting back after the rough start

avarice Thanks for letting me step up to help in management, hope we can link up again in next years edition:pip:
Tree69420 0-3 is defo not your value to the team. You stepped up very well for building our teams and helping out.
Killintime good work in SV, I’m glad you got to show your son how to play uu /s
DripLegend Keep your head up man. It sucks to lose, especially in the way that it was, with that much pressure on yourself. You’re a good player and you were very receptive in the chat.
Confide You did well, another one where your record doesn’t match your value. The crackhead magic room was just super unlucky
Azick Actzick. Again you are still a good asset to Midwest, good to have you here as well.
IcyPenguin2 I’m so glad that you were in this. You’re a great guy to hang around with, good luck especially in RBTT.
Pak Cade Cunningham. Glad you got back on track this tour, especially after last year.
hex PrinceOfAllTacos Bouff thank you for being valuable assets on the bench :blobuwu:

I hope to be back for UUPL hope to see you all then o/