Manager name:
Co-manager name (if applicable):
Team name: Precipice Moles
Team preference 1: D
Team preference 2: F
Managing experience : Mind has managed a various number of french teams tours while I'm currently managing for RBEL (random battle extension league) wich had ~350 sign ups. Our team is currently 2nd while mind has had some success with his teams as well.
Why would we make good managers : Mind has been in the UU community for quite a while now meaning he knows the best and the raw diamonds of this tier. While my interest in UU only started this scl. I follow the uu tours as a spectator (from last years uupl, uufl to the soon to begin uu swiss so I know who are rising players in the past year notably. If we're taken, we'll be very invested in making a strong team with a good atmosphere.
Have a good day !