UUPL V - Week 1

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good work tennis
Alright so as the Manager of the Battlegirls I feel like I need to weigh in on what happened. I was on break at work, so I managed to catch the battle.

I'll be the first to admit that 10 seconds before the timer died, I straight up told ADVANTAGE to take the win. I wasn't going to let one of my players be bullied into an immediate "high-pressure" rematch or a redo after a victory, regardless of how cringe it is. My reasoning for this also lies in the fact that if we decided to redo the match, it would be decided after the fact; however, I want there to be no confusion that as of right now, we retain the win.

All that being said, I'm faced with a conflict, because it did seem as if GULLY was facing some pretty unforeseen circumstances and I'm not insensitive to that. Just so everyone is on the same page, this is the shape of events as I see it, as agreed on by myself and hogg (more or less):

"Gully approached Tennis to play. Gully said brb and then two minutes later Tennis turned on the timer. Gully was away for all 7 minutes (300 for timer + 2 minutes prior)."

[9:37 PM] King UU: So we have a problem here hoggles.
[9:38 PM] King UU: On one end, I think it's a slimy victory
[9:38 PM] King UU: On the other, Gully fucked up.

In the end, I feel as if there's a lot of pressure on me and my team to cave to a rematch. It's either I act as a cold-hearted winner and support my team 100%, or being a sap and putting Gully ahead of my team. I'll be honest, Gully has never given me a reason to have his back, however, I don't think that our history should have any affect on my decision... so... here's what I am taking into account:

(1) I cannot ignore the implications of the fact that this is a competitive game and a game was not played, yet decided on technicalities. Obviously not a good way to start UUPL V.

(2) I also recognize that Gully isn't extremely experienced in the tour scene and likely acted in good faith when he said "brb", expecting Advantage to cooperate.

(3) I cannot force my player to redo a match that he has won based on the rules - as my team's manager, I have an obligation to my team first before anything else, even that of integrity.

Therefore, what I will allow is the opportunity for ADVANTAGE to decide whether or not he wants to redo. I have already spoken to Advantage and have made it perfectly clear that my wants or desires have no place in his decision making process, and if he feels inclined to fight Gully then he should follow that inclination and get the redo done. I will leave it to Gully and Hogg to convince Advantage to a rematch, as I will not put myself in a position to ask one of my players to put his/her team in a worse position. Regardless of what you may think of Advantage, he made a team-oriented decision, as did I when I told him to originally take the win. Moving forward, deciding in whether or not this game gets a rematch will be handled by the players, however, I do give my blessing for there to be a rematch if Advantage wants it. I ultimately stand by my teammates.

To Hogg, I hope you can appreciate that I dealt with this as appropriately as I saw fit from both a manager's perspective and as your comrade. I hope the remainder of this week is as fair as fair can be, may the best team win.
i'm not playing this shit game again m8. GG.

Real shit game, all three turns of it. I can see how you'd be exhausted after a game like that, especially with all the mental calisthenics required to figure out that you could slap a crappy Soundproof 'mon on a team in hopes of blocking Copycat Roar. I'm especially impressed that despite how proud you are of yourself for that masterful cteam, you still decided against playing in favor of the easy route of turning a timer on without your opponent knowing and timing him out when he went to go handle family stuff. But it's cool, I get it. Wouldn't want to tax yourself this early in the season. And hell, with a win right off the bat, you're only one victory away from matching your SPL record this season!

FWIW I'm not mad at King UU—he's a manager, it's a manager's job to be slimy for his team. And I'm not actually mad at ADVANTAGE either, truth be told (but I'm definitely going to give him shit for this). I didn't realize we were getting that serious down here in week 1, but if that's how it is, that's how it is.

For all of ADVANTAGE's opponents for future rounds: hit me up. I've got some real fucking scummy BW teams that I'd be happy to share with you.

For GULLY and the rest of the Socialites, love you all and crush it for the rest of the week.
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